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Chapter 717 Real villains and hypocrites...

The pain that burned his consciousness lasted for dozens of seconds.

But for Xue Yun and the others, these tens of seconds were as difficult as decades.

As the light faded, everyone in the cabin was finally relieved.

"I'm going..."

Open your mouth and let out a breath of air.

Xue Yun's clothes were soaked with sweat in a short period of time.

He didn't want to experience the painful feeling that penetrated his bones just now, even to death, again.

He raised his head and looked at the other two people.

Sun Xiaolong still looked as normal, and seemed to enjoy this feeling.

As for the cute girl Kutsuki Yumi, she was also sweating profusely.

His expression was so painful that he was almost crying...

"Good guy!"

The collar was loosened a bit.

Xue Yun smiled bitterly with lingering fear: "Which bastard came up with this defense mechanism? It's really perverted!"

After experiencing all this.

Xue Yun immediately understood the working principle of this "y-type thermal focus ray".


This thing simulates a high-temperature environment through thermal radiation, thereby directly stimulating the consciousness center of living creatures.

Whether it's a freak or a night watchman.

The center of consciousness is a hotbed of biological force fields. Once stimulated by high-temperature rays, a self-protection mechanism will almost immediately develop.

This is just like when the temperature is too high, people will sweat.

Usually it is not a reaction that can be controlled by subjective consciousness, everything is an instinctive result.

Ocean Federation's coastline defense measures take advantage of this.

If there are wild freaks or unauthorized night watchmen entering the territory.

Without any psychological preparation, if this special radiation suddenly sweeps through the body, no matter who it is, a chain reaction will occur almost immediately.

This way.

York City's automatic defense mechanism will be activated instantly, thus blocking all intruders from the city's periphery!

I have to say.

This set of very humane and highly mobile defense methods is indeed much more advanced than the city wall defense methods of the fortress cities of the Daxia Empire.

"Founded by science and technology, advocating freedom and equality..."

Look at the city with tall buildings below.

Sun Xiaolong said with an indifferent expression: "This has always been the slogan of the Ocean Federal Republic's external propaganda, so they are happy to try these biotech achievements purchased at high prices from the Zhongshan Group."

Zhongshan Group...is this guy Yoshichi Nakayama’s masterpiece again?!

Hearing this, Xue Yun remained silent.

When he thought of this weird richest man in the world, he felt a little strange inexplicably.

He shook his head disdainfully.

Sun Xiaolong raised the corners of his mouth and said with disdain.

"However, these slogans are actually just a gimmick to deceive the lower-level labor force. The top leaders of the Ocean Federation are no different from other forces. In this apocalyptic wasteland world, these people still have to rely on squeezing ordinary people to get what they want.


Xue Yun frowned slightly, a little confused.

Just as he was about to ask why, the transparent Dark Knight dived into the city filled with tall buildings.

The high-speed spaceship made a dull roar, flew past and plunged into the depths of the street.

The bustling scene in front of me suddenly disappeared.

Instead, there are dark underground passages and dark alleys filled with stench!

Xue Yun's eyes widened and he stood up slowly with disbelief on his face.

No one thought of it.

On the surface, the bustling city is full of technology, but on the inside it is a completely hollow structure!?

It is very different from the peaceful and prosperous times on the ground.

The depths of York City are filled with dirty, shabby streets and houses.

Everywhere you look, people in ragged clothes gather together doing nothing.

In the passages that look like mouse holes, simple casinos, drug dens and fireworks venues abound.

There are no hospitals, schools or law enforcement here.

Foul-smelling sewage and excrement can be seen everywhere.

Everyone's faces were filled with greedy and lewd expressions.

Various violent crimes and vicious incidents occur almost all the time on the streets.

The people living here are simply hopeless zombies.

Like wild animals, they struggled to survive in this underground forest made of reinforced concrete.

What makes people feel even more desperate is.

These people seemed to be used to it and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Pain, ignorance, ignorance and never-ending greed are their only motivation to survive.


The corner of his mouth twitched inexplicably.

Xue Yun gasped repeatedly: "This ghost place is worse than the slums of Longdu..."

"This is the Ocean Federation, the so-called free country."

Shrugging his shoulders.

Sun Xiaolong smiled nonchalantly and said: "This place is like a huge three-dimensional beehive. The closer you get to the underground city, the more disordered and chaotic it becomes. On the contrary, the quality of life in the area on the surface will be very high...


"Especially the city in the sky suspended in the sky..."

He raised his hand and stretched out his index finger, making a gesture in the direction of the sky.

Sun Xiaolong joked: "People here call it the 'Island of Olympus'. It is a paradise that only the real elites deserve to live in!"

Hear the words.

Xue Yun couldn't help but laugh.

He had heard about it before while hanging out in the Longdu slums.

Some local punks will charge exorbitant fees.

Then, through some special means, the population of the slums was taken out of the Bactrian Empire and headed to the Ocean Federation, a country of prosperity, equality and freedom.

At that time, many people were eager to do this!

I have to scrape together enough money to sell iron, and I want to go to a foreign country and start a happy and free life again.

Now it seems that all this is just a lie!

This sad apocalyptic wasteland world.

If there is no corresponding strength as a backing, where can there be such nonsense as freedom and equality?

If you have to compare.

At most, it’s the difference between a “real villain” and a “hypocrite”.


Accompanied by a deafening roar.

The Dark Knight immediately released its bionic stealth mode, and the surrounding metal walls slowly returned from their transparent state.

"Attention everyone, the set target location has been reached..."

"Please keep your entourage ready to disembark at any time. I wish you a pleasant journey and a safe journey..."

The notification voice of artificial intelligence echoed in my ears.

A bang——

The huge spaceship crashed into a dark passage, and the cabin shook violently. The lights in the cabin flickered on and off, as if something was stuck in the hull of the ship.

"Let's go, get off the boat..."

I stood up and straightened my clothes.

Sun Xiaolong let out a long sigh of relief, nodded and said: "This place is the secret stronghold prepared by the Alliance Association for us."

This chapter has been completed!
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