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Chapter 729 1V1 Life and Death Duel

[Warning to the host: Because the opponent's mental power fluctuation is too strong, the defensive skill "Light of Mental Power" is judged to be invalid, and the host is about to be affected by an unfamiliar mental power skill...]

Dog system...

Every time when it comes to a critical moment, he will drop his fucking chain!

Xue Yun complained crazily in his heart.

Looking up at the sky, I saw a thick black fog quickly covering everyone like the top of Mount Tai.

"Everyone, be careful!!"

The devil's wings suddenly spread out.

Xue Yun tiptoed and flew back close to the ground with lightning speed.


Black smoke fell into the ruined forest.

As if a drop of pitch-black ink suddenly dissolved into the clear water, the boundless darkness spread in all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everyone's view was completely blocked.

Apart from the deafening buzzing, there was no more unnecessary sound in my ears.

"Damn, this is trouble!"

In the darkness where you can't even see your hands.

Apart from the paralysis of his sight and hearing, Xue Yun did not feel any other discomfort.

It's obvious.

The enemy's intention was to trap them, and the thick black smoke in front of them did no real harm.

Narrowed his eyes.

Xue Yun tried his best to sense the breath of other people.

When encountering such an extreme situation, the first thing to determine is the specific location of yourself and your companions.


He waved his hands violently.

A dense ghostly aura rose up, and black and white wings spread out in the sky.

The Shutun Ghost King was so aggressive that he picked up the huge gourd and took a hearty sip.

In an instant.

The monster's purple skin bloomed with a dazzling light, and the strong smell of wine filled everywhere.

Grinning his lips.

The drunkard carried the gourd behind his back, his strong muscles showing ferocious veins.

Pick up the soul-slaying scythe.

Xue Yun ordered in a deep voice: "Blast away this damn black fog for me!"


He raised his head and shouted loudly.

The Shutun Ghost King stretched out his arms, and the surrounding wind elements went berserk on the spot.

The fierce wind howled and wrapped around the drunkard's fists.

The black and white feathers all over the sky rotated crazily with the strong wind, and the sharp wind blades condensed on the fist, causing ripples in the space visible to the naked eye!

Infinite yin and yang, strong wind and strong grass——

Euler Euler Euler Euler~~~

The fist shadow mixed with the wind element aimed at the void and delivered a crazy continuous output.

Every time Shuten Ghost King swings his fist, it will cause ripples all over the sky.

The wind and the remaining clouds are rolling, and the space is exploding!

The thick black fog in front of me suddenly collapsed and scattered.

It was as fragile as paper and was easily torn open by Xue Yun.

"Break open!"

Accompanied by Xue Yun's roar.

The Shutun Ghost King charged up his fists, locked onto the only bright gap in the darkness, and tried his best to attack and kill.

Qiankun Ghost Realm——Drunken Boxing Kill!


The black fog that blocked the sky suddenly dissipated.

The extremely powerful punch had the potential to create something new, leaving a black and white silhouette in the air.

A dazzling light came into view.

The dark environment in front of him suddenly became clear, and the buzzing in his ears suddenly stopped.

Raise your hands to block the strong light.

After slowly adapting, Xue Yun took a closer look.

I was shocked by the scene in front of me on the spot, so stunned that I was at a loss what to do.

It is surrounded by green peaks and green mountains, with towering hills on both sides.

Where Xue Yun is now, there is still a ruined forest that was covered in scorched earth just now.

It is clearly the top of a steep cliff!

"I'm going to see a ghost..."

He looked around with a confused look on his face and saw no sign of the other five people at all.

Xue Yun stood alone on the top of the mountain, his mind went blank, and he said with a twitching smile: "This is an illusion, yes... it must be an illusion caused by mental power!"

He was obviously staying in the forest with everyone just now.

In the blink of an eye, I arrived at this extremely weird mountain peak inexplicably.

All this is really unreasonable!

"There is no clear boundary between the so-called reality and illusion. Everything just depends on people's subjective feelings. Why are you so obsessed with truth and falsehood..."

A soft whisper suddenly sounded from behind.

Xue Yun was startled.

Without any hesitation, he looked back and pointed towards the opponent from a distance!


Roar again!

The ferocious Shuten Ghost King unfolded his wings behind him, flew up, raised his huge iron fist, and struck hard at the unknown enemy!


The grass and trees turned to ashes and debris danced wildly.

The whistling wind element is like a sharp blade, instantly strangling the space in front of you until it breaks into pieces.

A force that was as light as weight suddenly rebounded.

Although the Shuten Ghost King has evolved into a suit freak, he is still affected by this strange power.

The strong body staggered.

He flew backwards and retreated in embarrassment, until he was in front of Xue Yun and barely managed to steady his body.

"The fusion of black and white, the yin and yang of ghosts?"

Sitting cross-legged on the lawn.

The man in front of him was wearing a black robe and his short blond hair looked neat and crisp.

"This freak is interesting..."

He looked at the drunkard with interest.

Half of the face of the man in black robes was covered with horrible wrinkles, as lifeless as dry tree bark.

"It's obviously a ghost, but it has the energy of yin and yang..."

Narrowing his eyes slightly.

Raising his hand to his chin, the man in black robe whispered: "Moreover, there seems to be a special power that has been hidden in the core of its consciousness center..."

There was a pause.

The man in black robe smiled coldly: "After killing you, I will stay and study this monster carefully. It may give me a deeper understanding of the operation of the biological force field."

"Who are you?"

Frowning slightly.

Look at the simple wooden house behind the man in black robe.

Xue Yun asked in a deep voice: "Where is this place? Where have my companions gone?!"

The icy cold wind blew across the top of the mountain.

Under the darkness of night, the vegetation on the cliff swayed gently in the wind.

There was at least a hundred meters between the two.

However, the auras of the biological force fields on both sides have already begun to secretly collide and rub against each other.

"Introduce yourself..."

He never got up.

The man in black robe smiled coldly: "My name is Taylor. I once served in the CA Special Service Team of the Federal Republic of Oceania, with the rank of captain..."

Fuck your brother-in-law!

Is he really a subordinate of Logan!?

Keep an eye on the enemy a hundred meters away.

Xue Yun remained calm on the surface, but secretly began to carefully observe the surrounding terrain.

He calmly adjusted his sleeves.

Black-robed Taylor explained calmly.

"The place where you are now is on a cliff on the top of the mountain surrounding Brooker Town."

As expected.

Xue Yun took a glance and saw that the town complex under the cliff was exactly the target of their mission - Brooke Town!

"As for your teammates..."

Get up slowly.

Wearing a black robe without any wind, Taylor smiled calmly.

"They have already been teleported to other places in the ring mountain range by me."

Thick black smoke slowly rose from behind the opponent.

In the midst of the smoke, a black blurry figure was already floating behind Taylor.

"Don't worry, this is a fair duel..."

Standing majestically in front of the wooden house.

Raising the corners of his mouth slightly.

Taylor sneered and said: "You and my comrades are on different battlefields, but the same is a 1v1 life and death duel."

Hear the words.

Xue Yun felt his scalp numb, and heavy pressure could not help but surge into his heart.

At the same moment——

Sun Xiaolong, Wang Defa, Allen, as well as Ivanov and Kutsuki Yumi.

All of them are in different environments, but inexplicable powerful enemies appear in front of them at the same time!

This chapter has been completed!
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