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Chapter 77 Flea Forum

Freaks in this era can be roughly divided into two categories.

One type is the monsters wandering in the wild. Most of them are bloodthirsty and extremely dangerous.

It is not impossible to tame them, but it requires more energy.

The other category is armed freaks who have been or have been tamed by the Night Watch.

Because he once fought alongside the Night Watchmen.

Such monsters are tainted with the breath of human biological force fields. Even if the Night Watchers die or voluntarily abandon them, they still retain the mark of being tamed.

Just like Ningxue back then, it was because she still retained her attachment to her original owner.

That's why I was reluctant to leave the villa.

This type of monster is easier to tame by the Night Watch than purely wild monsters.

The materials that Xue Yun urgently needs now are exactly this kind of armed freaks who have lost their original owners.

Only such monsters with taming marks remaining in their bodies can be used as modification materials to be properly integrated with the main armed monsters.

"Masterless armed freak?"

After thinking about it, An Ruxuan said: "There are quite a few people selling this kind of thing on the forum on the official website of the Night Watch Alliance Association, but they are all aimed at pure novices who have just awakened to the biological force field and are in urgent need of taming monsters.



The corner of his mouth twitched for a moment, and Xue Yun said in surprise: "Is there such a thing on the official website?"

"Master Killer, you don't even know this!"

Lengxintong said in surprise: "It's not just armed monsters, there are intelligence, news, monster equipment and even information on the habits of various wild monsters. There are many weird things for sale on the forum!"

Stunned in place, Xue Yun felt that he was too out!

With the information blocked to this extent, there is no one left...

Walking to the sofa, Xue Yun said to Zhao Lihua: "Lend me your computer!"

"You can do whatever you want, I'm too lazy to fight with these keyboard warriors anymore..."

Moving to the side, Xue Yun immediately sat in front of the computer.

Skilled in logging into the official website of the Night Watch Alliance Association, under the guidance of An Ruxuan, he directly entered the official website forum interface as the "Loli Killer".

The forum is divided into several large sections.

There is a communication area for exorcism tasks, a gossip information exchange area, and even more ridiculously, there is a dating corner for men and women...

Your grandfather's.

The functions are quite complete!

Eat, drink, whore, bet, and have one-stop service!

The world of the Night Watch is indeed a big dye vat...

Clicking on a section called "Flea Market", Xue Yun was dazzled by a screen full of sales and acquisition information.

I casually browsed through these posts.

Most of it is spam!

There are many small advertisements about asking for a child with huge sums of money, online marriage proposals, and second-hand car transactions.

It was not easy to find dozens of posts about selling ownerless monsters, the quality of which was not even as good as the Purple Jade Piranha in the system space.

The gold content is too low!

Seeing Xue Yun shaking his head, An Ruxuan asked: "What's wrong? It doesn't meet your requirements?"

"The grade is too low, they are all rubbish!" Xue Yun responded.

Curious, Lengxintong came over and asked, "Master Killer, what level do you need?"

"At least reach the brutality level lv4!"

Xue Yun added: "Or the potential evaluation is above S level, or..."

"Ah? Just pretend I didn't ask..."

Leng Xintong couldn't help but stick out his tongue, and Leng Xintong felt a chill in his heart.

Her own armed monster is only at the level of a potential ordinary level lv2.

This is a scarce resource that the small family behind her obtained through the use of personal connections.

Just this, it can't even get into Xue Yun's eyes...

The level of potential evaluation is sometimes more important than the level.

The level of the armed freak can grow and become stronger slowly as it experiences more and more battles with its master.

However, potential evaluation is an established fact that cannot be changed.

Just like human beings' biological force field talent.

The future growth potential of a freak is determined from the beginning.

Freaks with high potential evaluations are usually extremely talented and have all kinds of incredible abilities!

This type of freak is a rare commodity regardless of its level.

An ordinary night watchman can tame an armed monster with A potential, which is already considered a great achievement.

Armed monsters with S potential and above are usually scarce resources that major forces compete for.

There's obviously no way anyone on the forum is selling this level of weirdo!

With a wry smile, An Ruxuan said: "Your requirements are really high. I suggest you post a post on the forum. If you are lucky, you might meet a suitable seller."

Xue Yun nodded, feeling that this method was feasible.

After thinking about it again, I felt something was wrong.

When posting this kind of acquisition post, be sure to leave your contact information.

Previously, as the "Loli Killer", he completed the demon-elimination mission of the "Steel Meat Grinder" by himself.

It can be said that he has long been the target of public criticism.

If there is such a thoughtful person who relies on the information in the post to investigate the identity of his divine martial body, wouldn't he be asking for trouble!

After thinking for a while, Xue Yun smiled awkwardly and said: "Ruxuan, would you like to use your ID to help me publish the acquisition information? I don't want to attract too much attention because of these things..."


The little beauty smiled, immediately logged in with her ID, and quickly posted an acquisition message as a "cat slave".

That wasn't the end of it, she simply paid 10,000 Daxia coins online to have the post directly pinned to the first page of the forum!


After pressing the OK button, An Ruxuan clapped her hands playfully.

Feeling a little touched in his heart, Xue Yun quickly thanked him.

Zhao Lihua coughed twice inappropriately due to her busy schedule, and joked.

"Alas... the dignified eldest lady of the Longdu An family is actually willing to be your personal assistant. No one will believe it if you tell me!"

An Ruxuan's face turned slightly red, but she suddenly felt that it was no big deal.

She has always flaunted the supremacy of freedom in her family, and daring to love and hate is also a kind of freedom.

There is nothing to be ashamed of!

"Whatever it is, I just want it!"

After saying that, she simply took Xue Yun's arm, without expressing her deep affection.

Xue Yun froze in place, not daring to move.

Fuck your sister!

What does this girl mean?

Don't bring something so deceptive...

Seeing the legendary divine martial body sitting on pins and needles, everyone looked at each other and smiled.

We are all young people and keep everything in mind.

At the critical moment, the armored vehicle suddenly jerked violently, and An Ruxuan crashed into Xue Yun's arms.

The two of them separated in a hurry.

Closing the book in his hand, Zhao Tian said expressionlessly: "Fengdu has arrived."

Everyone quickly looked out of the car window.

The thick concrete alloy city wall has no end as far as the eye can see.

As one of the twelve fortress cities in Daxia, Fengdu's defenses are obviously a hundred times stronger than the small town of Kangding!

"Very good!"

Zhao Lihua said happily: "I heard that Fengdu is known as the city that never sleeps. It's rare to come here. We must experience it!"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted unanimous agreement from the other two girls.

Through the car window, Xue Yun noticed that there was a long motorcade lined up in front of him, and they were being inspected at the city gate checkpoints one after another.

Fengdu is truly a city that never sleeps.

This is the most sensual entertainment venue in the Daxia Empire.

Bars, nightclubs, casinos and even places for various fireworks...

As long as you are willing to spend money, Fengdu will definitely make you linger!

However, this city also has another title, and that is - the City of Sin!

[The author has something to say]

First update!

This chapter has been completed!
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