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Chapter 798 The little tadpole is looking for her mother!

The sea and the sky are just one line apart, and the strong wind blows against your face.

Zhou Xianling closed her eyes tightly and couldn't help but shudder. It looked like she was chilled by the cold wind coming towards her.

"Uh...where is this?!"

Suddenly woke up.

Opening his eyes with a splitting headache, Zhou Xianling rubbed his temples and raised his head with a blank expression.

"You kid, you finally woke up..." Xue Yun muttered.

"What...what's going on...oh my god!"

He shook his head hard.

Zhou Xianling took a closer look, his face turned green on the spot, and he was so speechless that he was speechless.

At this moment——

He was crawling on the body of a wooden monster, flying through the air closely behind Xue Yun.

Under your eyes is the endless sea.

What is even more unacceptable is that.

A huge monster whale was riding the wind and waves behind them.

The terrifying-looking Umibozhu frowned and cast a greedy and bloodthirsty look at the two of them every time he came out of the sea.


Swallowing his saliva, Zhou Xianling said dumbly: "I'll go, this... where can this fun come from?!"

"Calm down, it's just a small scene..."

Narrowed his eyes.

The devil's wings suddenly adjusted their angles.

Xue Yun swept sideways, feeling the strong wind blowing in the sky, and still kept flying at high speed.

"Have you heard the story about the tadpole looking for its mother?"

He raised his eyebrows lightly.

Looking back at the confused Zhou Xianling, Xue Yun grinned and said, "Isn't this thing behind us just a weird version of a tadpole?"

The corners of his mouth twitched silently.

Zhou Xianling's forehead was covered with black lines and he was completely speechless.

The two of them were silent along the way. After a while, the vague outline of tall buildings appeared on the sea level not far ahead.

The city of York in the Ocean Federation is so close, it’s finally here!

"Do you still have the key to unlocking the restraint collar?" Xue Yun suddenly asked.

Startled slightly.

He took out a black electronic key from his pocket, which was as small as an ordinary razor.

"Here it is!"

Spreading his palms, Zhou Xianling asked suspiciously: "Is this thing still useful if I keep it?"

"Put it away..."

Take a look.

Xue Yun nodded and said: "When we arrive at the execution ground later, I will be responsible for attracting the firepower of the federal defenders. You should seize the opportunity and take advantage of the chaos to remove the restraint collars from the necks of my comrades!"

"What...what, Brother Xue...you, you want to rob the execution ground!?" Zhou Xianling's face was filled with astonishment.

"That's right!"

A look of determination burst out from his red pupils.

Taking a deep breath, Xue Yun continued: "Don't worry, I promise you that after the matter is completed, I will take you and your brothers and sisters back to live in Longdu in the Great Xia Empire..."

"I will arrange a stable job and a large enough residence for you. Your younger brothers and sisters will no longer have to live in the open. I can even allow them to attend the most professional private schools. After graduation, they will have at least one skill to support themselves.


Stunned on the spot.

Zhou Xianling's heart was filled with inexplicable excitement.

Since the death of his parents, his brothers and sisters in a foreign country have been living a miserable and precarious life dependent on others.

Zhou Xianling does not seek to be rich and powerful, he only hopes that his younger brothers and sisters can make a difference.

One day.

Their lives must not be as chaotic and unsightly as mine.

Being able to do this, Zhou Xianling was very satisfied.

"Brother Xue..."

His lips trembled slightly.

Zhou Xianling's eyes widened and he gritted his teeth and asked: "You...can you really do what you just said?!"

"One word and nine cauldrons..."

Raise your hand and extend your thumb.

Xue Yun grinned and said: "Unless I die on the battlefield, even if you die, I will definitely fulfill my promise to you!"

Hear the words.

Zhou Xianling tightly grasped the electronic key in his hand, his eyes filled with hope.

"Okay... I believe you, brother!!"

He put the electronic key back into his pocket with his backhand.

Zhou Xianling was no longer so timid that he was trembling, and gritted his teeth and said: "When you arrive at the port of York City, you can feel free to go for a big fight and just put me quietly in the crowd of onlookers. As long as you see the opportunity correctly, my brother will definitely do it for you.

Unchain your teammates!"


Xue Yun smiled slightly and said nothing.

Facing the tightly defended execution ground in York City, he needed a suitable comrade to support him at any time around the execution ground.

Although Zhou Xianling is weak in combat power, he is also timid.

But this kind of cheating and taking advantage of the chaos is what he is best at.

Next, what Xue Yun has to do will be much simpler and rougher.

That is - simply attracting firepower!

York City's port execution ground must be heavily guarded now.

Regardless of the real purpose of the Oceanic Federal Government's choice of public execution, it is impossible for the other side to arrange such a Hongmen Banquet-style grand scene without arranging heavy guarding.

I remembered what the great monk said before.

Xue Yun suddenly felt an inexplicable pressure.

Who knows how many experts the Oceanic Federal Government will arrange to ambush near the execution ground.

Even an idiot can see that these bastards are waiting for someone to take the bait and prepare to stage a wonderful show of hugging grass and beating rabbits...

Yaya, bah!

It’s still a bit hard to sing alone!

He complained secretly.

Xue Yunming knew it was a trap, but he had to take the initiative to get into it.

Unfortunately, he was weak on his side. Apart from himself, the only one left was Zhou Xianling, an expert at picking locks.


Silently rolled his eyes.

Xue Yun muttered to himself: "It would be great if the friends from the Dawn Walker team were here!"

Familiar faces flashed through my mind.

Xue Yun suddenly missed his relatives and friends in Longdu of the Daxia Empire.

Even Zhao Tianyi, who was always expressionless and extremely venomous, is enough to make people miss him immensely at this moment.


A deafening roar came from behind.

Frowning tightly, Xue Yun looked back impatiently.

But they saw the giant whale above the sea suddenly leaping high, and its huge body fell hard to the sea. The water almost jumped up into the sky and hit the two of them solidly.

Master Umibo's eyes were as bright as a torch.

Even though they had already left the distant sea, they still had no intention of giving up chasing them.

It seems that he is determined to have a fight with Xue Yun!

"The old immortal freak..."

I cursed my mother secretly.

Xue Yun squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then suddenly his eyes lit up and he couldn't help but whisper: "Just in time, I'll use this piece of shit like you to attract the firepower of York City!"

The strategic policy has just been set.

The system prompt sounded suddenly in my ears.

[Warning host: Your "Absolute Armament. Six Paths Form" has been activated for one hour and forty minutes, and is about to reach the upper limit of the critical value...]

[Warning to the host: Your "Absolute Armament. Six Paths Form" can still be maintained for twenty minutes. When the critical value reaches the standard, your combat status will be automatically lifted and you can only use it again after twenty-four hours...]

[Warning host: Please pay attention to the rhythm of the battle and arrange the next time in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary losses...]

Fuck your brother-in-law...

Twenty minutes...if it's quick, I'm afraid that's enough!

Unknowingly, Xue Yun had been flying over the sea for nearly an hour.

Seeing that it was approaching noon, the teammates of the "" team were about to be publicly executed.

There is not much time left for Xue Yun...

[The author has something to say]

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, I wish you all another happy New Year.

Yesterday was the first day of junior high school and I had a lot of chores to do, so I took a day off.

As a hard-working uncle with an older brother and a younger brother, Lao Guo really can’t help himself, so please try your best to understand!

Thank you again for your support!

This chapter has been completed!
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