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Chapter 81 Judgment of the Apostles

The middle-aged man in front of me has a standard Chinese character face.

A pair of sword-shaped eyebrows are as thick as paint, and the broad chest hints at an invincible majesty that is difficult to defeat.

He was Chen Jingshan, the head of the Chen family who had power over half of Fengdu, and was then the director of the Fengdu War Preparedness Department!

"I've already sent away those brats!" Yan Ye said calmly.

The atmosphere in the room became extremely solemn.

A slow wave of heat radiated from Chen Jingshan's body.

The surfaces of tables, chairs and benches are inexplicably covered with a layer of fine gravel...

Seeing this, Director Shen quickly warned: "Minister Chen, we have something to discuss, so be sure to stay calm!"

"Shut up! You have no business talking here!"

With a sullen face, Chen Jingshan angrily rebuked: "Those bastards extracted Ying'er's memory and left her alone in the wilderness. If I hadn't sent people to search outside the city in time, Ying'er would have been killed by the freaks in the wild. Let’s share the food!”

"They are trying to take my Ying'er's life under the guise of a freak! Their heart is so cruel!"

"I have already said that I will never let these bastards go!"

Trembling with annoyance, Chen Jingshan roared: "Old man! If you let them go, you are openly becoming an enemy of my Chen family!"

At this moment, Chen Jingshan has completely lost his rationality.

He is just a father who wants to seek justice for his daughter!


He was so violent that he started to slap the case. Yan Ye said with a displeased face: "Do you know who the other party is? Xiao Shen! Tell him!"

Taking a step forward with a wry smile, Director Shen lowered his head and said.

"Longdu Anjia, An Gufeng's granddaughter..."

Hearing this, Chen Jingshan also froze on the spot, at a loss for a moment.

As a long-established night watchman family in the Great Xia Empire, the An family is also a powerful and powerful family in Longdu.

An Gufeng has been in Longdu for decades, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

This is like a flood that washed away the Dragon King Temple!

"Got it!"

Narrowing his eyes, Yan Ye scolded: "If Xiao Shen hadn't accidentally learned their details and informed me in time, the gang of bastards under you would have started fighting with them! By then, the An family How can this old man just give up!?"


He punched the table hard, and countless small gravels flew into the air in the room.

"Are you going to let my Ying'er be humiliated by her like this!?" Chen Jingshan gritted his teeth, his tone full of unwillingness.

"Chen Jingshan, Chen Jingshan, you are so confused!"

Yan Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't you know what the nature of your precious daughter is?"

"Arrogant and extravagant, arrogant and unreasonable..."

Shaking his head, Yan Ye continued: "With a arrogant character like hers, sooner or later she will run into a tough fight, and it's not uncommon to die on the spot!"

Looking up and sighing, Chen Jingshan had nothing to say.

Chen Ying's temper was entirely due to his pampering. Who allowed him to have such a sweetheart when he was nearly forty years old?

"Go back and discipline your girl!"

Yan Ye said bluntly: "The days are long, no matter how strong you are, how many times can you wipe her butt?"

Slowly calming down, Chen Jingshan had a wry smile on his face.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly asked: "And the boy with the divine martial body, should we let him go?"

In the memory of Chen Ying being retrieved, the image of Xue Yun alone controlling two armed monsters is still vivid in his mind.

The divine martial body is an existence worthy of great attention for any force.

Chen Jingshan originally wanted to take this opportunity to place Xue Yun under house arrest!

While he is not fully grown up, impress his spirit.

If he tries to use coercion and inducement, he can be used by the Chen family in the future!

"That boy can get so close to the daughter of the An family, I'm afraid he has already surrendered to Longdu!"

Yan Ye shook his head and sighed: "Although the divine martial body is good, considering the unity of the Great Xia Empire, we'd better not quarrel with our friends for these personal interests. Otherwise, no one in the Imperial Coordination Office can give

Give a satisfactory explanation..."

"Longdu An Gufeng, God of War Beigong Mu!"

The veins on his forehead collapsed, and Chen Jingshan muttered silently: "These guys are so lucky to have discovered such outstanding talents!"

Whether it is Longdu or Fengdu, they are all subjects of the Daxia Empire.

Although there is competition internally, they have always shared the same hatred externally.

Seeing that the Shenwu Ti might have been recruited by Anjia, the Fengdu War Preparedness Department had no choice but to give up!

"After all, we are all the people of Daxia, so you should stop being jealous of others..."

Sighing with a wry smile, Yan Ye suddenly changed the topic: "Compared to these trivial matters, I think you should pay more attention to the bombshell news that the Intelligence Department has just received!"

Raising his head alertly, Chen Jingshan asked: "What's the news?"

Director Shen on the side quickly stepped forward and explained: "It's like this. After a rigorous investigation, the Intelligence Department found that the frequent incidents of monster beasts running amok in Fengdu during this period are probably caused by humans.


"Is there such a thing?!" Chen Jingshan's face was filled with shock.

Nodding, Director Shen continued: "Three days ago, the crisis of water supply interruption in Kangding Town was completely lifted. I sent someone to investigate the incident..."

As he spoke, he took out a large number of photos from his arms and handed them to Chen Jingshan.

"We found a body on the tidal flats of the underground river cave. After repeated checks, we finally determined his identity..."

Director Shen solemnly said: "Nicholas Joseph, one of the former special service members of the Principality of Isa in the northern polar region, was wanted by the Global Night Watch Alliance Association after betraying the Principality of Isa. Reliable intelligence shows that he should have already joined.

Judge the apostles!”

"you mean....."

Looking through the photos in his hand, Chen Jingshan said in shock: "The initiator behind all this is the Apostle of Judgment!?"

Nodding, Director Shen responded: "The possibility is very high."

The judgment of the apostles does not refer to a specific person.

Rather, it is an extreme criminal organization that includes many exiled Night Watchmen from all over the world!

It took this organization just twenty years to become famous in the apocalyptic wasteland world.

Their business scope is very broad.

Assassination, mercenaries and even provoking disputes between countries!

As long as there is a profit, they will spare no effort to complete the task.

The boss of the organization is a mysterious master called "Captain".

No one knows his appearance or age, everyone only knows that he is very powerful.

It is no exaggeration to say that wherever the "Apostle of Judgment" has been in the past few years, there will be a wave of bloodshed without exception.

Therefore, the attitude of countries around the world towards them is also very clear.

Once traces are discovered, they will be killed without mercy!

[The author has something to say]

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