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Chapter 809 Target, sewage discharge well!

"Brother, don't worry..."

A big hand slowly fell on Zhou Xianling's trembling shoulder.

He was suddenly startled.

Zhou Xianling turned around and saw Xue Yun narrowing his eyes and smiling towards him.

"Aren't we still here this time?" Xue Yun comforted.

Take a look.

Wang Defa was stroking his bald head and making an exaggerated grimace with a wink.

He reached out and rubbed the little boy Zhou Xianquan's head.

Ivanov smoked a cigarette and grinned, his strong figure filled with an inexplicable sense of security.

As for Sun Xiaolong in the corner, there was a slightly expectant smile on his lips.

The red murderous intent in his eyes exuded like the setting sun.

It's like waking up from a big dream.

Zhou Xianling couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Compared to today five years ago, he is no longer struggling to support himself alone.

At the very least, I have a group of truly trustworthy partners.

"Okay, everyone clean up!"

He patted Zhou Xianling's shoulder again.

Xue Yun observed the dilapidated wooden house and suggested: "This wooden house is really not suitable for staying any longer. We have to find a suitable shelter as soon as possible before the 'Sabbath' officially arrives..."

He glanced at the four pitiful children.

Xue Yun said solemnly: "After all, there are still weak children in the team. Once they are settled, we can free our hands and feet to deal with the crisis!"

"But the problem is..."

He took a puff of cigarette silently.

Ivanov couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Is there any place in the lower town of York that is absolutely safe?!"

Very different from the uptown area.

The lower town of York City is a chaotic and lawless place.

The wealthy people in the upper town have enough resources and financial resources to build their residences into strong fortresses to resist the invasion of outsiders on Sabbath night.

Besides, the mob organization that night would never be foolish enough to attack the homes of uptown dignitaries.

As the saying goes, pick the softest persimmon!

These bloodthirsty beasts usually only target weak and poor people like Zhou Xianling.

Not only will the risks you face be much smaller, but you also don’t have to worry about laying hidden dangers for yourself in the future.

So theoretically speaking.

In the lower town of York, almost no place is absolutely safe.

If nothing unexpected happens——

On the night of the Sabbath two days later, the streets and alleys of the entire lower city will instantly turn into a hell of Shura killing each other.

Thought for a moment.

Zhou Xianling gritted his teeth and said: "Maybe... that's the only place where there is still a glimmer of hope!"

"Damn it!"

He stood up impatiently.

Wang Defa couldn't help but cursed and said: "If you have a solution, just tell me quickly. You are hesitating, can you please be more cheerful!?"

"The sewage drainage well in Xiacheng District..."

He looked at everyone submissively.

As a mud-legged person who has been hanging out in Xiacheng for many years, Zhou Xianling knows the layout and structure of this ghost place very well.

According to what he said.

Three kilometers away from the area where everyone is located to the south, there is an underground drainage facility specially used to store sewage in the upper city.

Because it is close to the underground coastline of the fortress city.

Therefore, when the federal government built it there, it used a large amount of reinforced concrete materials, which were also mixed with a lot of high-strength alloy extracts.

"Although the environment of that ghost place is unbearably smelly, the defense is strong enough and the internal structure is extremely complex, thus forming a natural barrier that is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Even the most insane thugs may not be willing to set foot in it easily.


Take a long sigh.

Zhou Xianling slowly shook his head and said: "It's just that I may have to wrong a few brothers and have to make do with that smelly place for one night. I really..."

"Then it's settled!"


Yangshou snapped his fingers.

Suddenly interrupting Zhou Xianling who was hesitant to speak, Xue Yun raised his head and asked: "Move to the sewage drainage well and use it as a new temporary base. Doesn't everyone have any objections?"

Busy puffing away the clouds.

Ivanov smiled and said: "Can it be worse than the prison cell of the Ocean Federation? Of course it is no problem!"

"I don't care, as long as it doesn't delay my hunting..."

Sitting alone by the broken window.

Still staring out the window at the dark street.

Sun Xiaolong responded gloomily: "The Sabbath carnival night... To be honest, I'm looking forward to it."

"Okay, let's do this!"

I stood up and stretched my stiff joints.

Wang Defa couldn't wait to say: "Just settle these four little guys quickly..."

There was a pause.

He slapped his forehead suddenly.

Wang Defa smiled bitterly and said: "By the way, there is also the girl Kutsu Kiyumi. She hasn't woken up yet. There is probably something wrong with the center of consciousness. We have to make arrangements, otherwise, she will really become a burden to us!"

Hear the words.

Xue Yun quickly came to Muyumi.

But he saw that the female warrior in front of her had her eyes closed tightly, and there was nothing strange about her appearance.


Xue Yun reached out to the girl's forehead, and the breath of the biological force field burst out instantly.

The next moment——

Dark Loli's slim body rose from the void, her long black hair moved automatically without wind, she picked up the soul-slaying scythe and stood beside Xue Yun.

"'Super level'..."

Keenly sensing the difference in Guren, Ivanov couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

While stunned.

Wang Defa was speechless for a long time, and couldn't help complaining: "Good guy, this kid is growing up too fast. It's so irritating that people are so different from each other!"

He glanced at the humanoid monster behind Xue Yun.

A rare hint of surprise flashed through Sun Xiaolong's eyes. After a while, he returned to his usual indifference and remained silent.

"Red Lotus, activate the Eyes of Purgatory!"

With a thought in his mind, Xue Yun restrained his breath.

With a certain degree of propriety, he probed into Kiyomi's consciousness center based on his mental strength.

The red pupils bloomed with flame-like luster.

The transparent ripples followed Xue Yun's fingers and swept towards Kiyumi's forehead!

Shared the view with Guren.

Xue Yun's consciousness instantly penetrated into the spiritual world of the female warrior.

The strange scene in front of him immediately stunned Xue Yun, and he almost uttered a curse word on the spot!

This chapter has been completed!
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