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Chapter 821 Disgusting sewage treatment plant

Under the guidance of the ghost beasts in the sky.

Xue Yun walked straight towards the direction where everyone was.

There were no more pursuers behind him, and the speeding motorcycle passed through seven or eight narrow and crowded alleys in an instant.

A moment of effort.

Xue Yun was racing all the way, driving a heavily equipped motorcycle crashing out of the streets.

Dong dong dong——

There was a heavy crashing sound next to my ears.

Looking up and taking a closer look, Xue Yun found the scene in front of him truly shocking.

The huge building runs directly down from the upper city and is just connected with the streets of the lower city.

Dozens of pipes shaped like giant snakes squirmed slowly, emitting a continuous roar.

These gadgets are constantly transporting the wastewater discharged from the upper city to the factories in the lower city.

Huge metal chimneys stood in mid-air, continuously emitting thick black smoke into the downtown streets.

Good guy...

Do you really think this place is a garbage dump?!

Accelerating and approaching the sewage treatment plant in front of me, an unusually pungent rancid smell hit my face instantly.

His brows furrowed slightly.

Xue Yun quickly stopped the motorcycle, raised his hands to cover his face, and cautiously walked forward to look forward.

On the side of the factory, a dirty river was flowing rapidly.

Countless black foam floated on the dark green water, mixed with a lot of feces and animal carcasses.

These messy things are mixed together.

After simple treatment, it is directly discharged into the deep sea through this artificial river.

"Damn, what a crime..."

Shaked his head.

Xue Yun resisted the urge to vomit, covered his mouth and nose tightly, turned around and came to the gate of the sewage treatment plant.

Tall concrete buildings soar into the sky.

The circular metal arch atrium is wide open and there are no defensive measures at all.

It’s not difficult to understand if you think about it carefully.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the air quality and living environment in this damn place are poisonous.

Normal people would never come here to be abused.

Wandered around for a while.

Xue Yun saw at a glance two familiar heavy-duty locomotives parked in front of the factory gate.

Looking towards the dark factory building.

Xue Yunqing raised his eyebrows, expecting that Zhou Xianling and the others had probably sneaked into the internal area of ​​the sewage treatment plant.

Just when I was about to enter the factory to look for someone, a smell that was even more decayed and dilapidated than before hit my face.

The smell was like old manure mixed with rotten fruit.

The level above is even worse than before!

"Fuck...I can't bear it!"

I rolled my eyes silently, unable to bear the pungent smell.

Simply taking out a gas mask from the system space, Xue Yun raised his hand and put it on his head.

"Damn Zhou Xianling, he really knows how to pick places..."

Grit your teeth and muster up your courage.

Tiptoeing into the dark factory building.

Xue Yun endured the sticky feeling under the soles of his feet and staggered along the aisle that looked like a sewer.

"Normal people will definitely not come here to be abused in this place where birds don't poop. No wonder that guy swore that he would be absolutely safe hiding here..."

With the faint light from the gas mask, Xue Yun staggered inside to explore.

During this period, I almost fell down several times. My hands were on the wall in the corridor, and they were immediately covered with an inexplicable stinking liquid.

"Damn it!"

His face was full of disgust and he was at a loss for words.

Xue Yun secretly exclaimed: "Kill ten thousand enemies and damage yourself eight thousand... Even if the thugs are not killed by the thugs on the Sabbath night, they will still be suffocated to death by the stench here.


Calm down slowly.

Faced with such a harsh environment, Xue Yun felt mixed feelings in his heart.

In order to survive, the civilians living in Xiacheng District are really unable to take care of even the last trace of dignity.

You can only use this self-mutilation method to save yourself.

Think about it from another angle——

Isn’t this another kind of morbid sadness?

He raised his head and let out a long breath.

Xue Yun tried hard to adjust his mood and was about to continue searching for the whereabouts of several people.

Suddenly, a rapid roar came from the aisle not far away!


A strange howling sound like a wild animal came from not far away.

Immediately afterwards.

The roar of standard machine guns and miserable screams came loudly, echoing back and forth in the empty corridor.

"What's going on?!"

He was suddenly startled.

Xue Yun was startled and immediately raised his hand to summon Xiaowanzi.

Regardless of the filth and corruption in the sewage treatment plant, he directly manipulated Xuantian Longnu to reveal Zhulong's true form!

"Little Maruko..."

He jumped onto the back of the black dragon.

Xue Yun lowered his figure and shouted in a low voice: "Go and have a look in front!"


He raised his head and released a dragon roar.

Even though Xuantian Zhulong had seen many big scenes with Xue Yun, he still looked disgusted in such a harsh environment.

Even so.

The giant black dragon finally curved its body and suddenly shot up like a slingshot, turning into a swift black light that swept across the long corridor in an instant.


The smelly sewage was lined up and splashed to the left and right!

He took Xue Yun and ran all the way.

Xiaowanzi tried his best to blast away the filth in front of him, and arrived at the scene of the incident in the blink of an eye.

The end of the dirty corridor.

Dozens of ragged men, women and children were gathered together, already in a desperate situation.


Three huge black monsters trapped them in the middle.

The teeth as sharp as razor blades squirmed silently, and the huge tail swayed crazily in mid-air.

The monster in front of me looks like an oversized lizard.

I spit out poisonous apricots.

The thick limbs kept rubbing slowly on the muddy ground, and while assuming an attack posture, it was clear that he wanted to hunt everyone on the spot!

[The exclusive skill "Encyclopedia of Freaks" is passively triggered...]

[Freak name: Abyss Gecko]

[Affiliation: Wild]

[Potential evaluation: c]

[Level: Cruel Level lv4]

[Freak Category: Biological Order, Change System]

[Freak equipment: none...]

[Basic abilities: Possess sharp teeth and claws, have certain physical close combat capabilities, and have hard armor that can withstand some heavy blows...]

[Special ability: Amphibious scuba: The abyss gecko's lungs have a special structure and can spit out water elements for medium and long-range attacks. Water element bullets contain highly corrosive acidic substances...]

[Special ability: Bloodthirsty Fury: After the abyss gecko loses its health, it will fall into a violent state. It will usually cut off one of its tails to forcibly increase its individual combat effectiveness. After entering this state, its overall combat effectiveness will increase by 5%...]

[Introduction to Freaks: Low-level monsters living deep in swamps, amphibious creatures, usually living on carrion and dead corpses. They like to live in groups and have very limited combat power. They are often captured alive by the human civilization in the apocalyptic wasteland in the early stages of the cataclysm.

Use it as an anatomy test object to study the structure of monsters...]

"Wild freak?!"

Raising his eyebrows in surprise, Xue Yun couldn't help but feel stunned.

It's not that these low-level freaks are so powerful, but because this place belongs to the lower city area of ​​York City.

Even if the environment is bad, no one cares about it.

How could there be wild monsters living in this majestic fortress city?

This chapter has been completed!
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