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Chapter 884 He Comes From Hell (Part 2)

In full view of everyone.

The bloody corpse of the freak lay in the middle of the hall.

Sun Xiaolong was also very sensible. He only stopped outside to ask for herbs and did not actually enter the hall.

Slightly startled, Sun Jiyuan could not help but narrow his eyes.

His expression also changed from extremely disgusted at the beginning to slightly interested.

Lift your chin.

Glancing at the guards beside him, Sun Jiyuan winked quietly.

The latter nodded knowingly.

He quickly stepped forward to the freak's body and carefully inspected it from front to back and left to right.

"no problem......"

The guard in front of him responded respectfully: "This is indeed the body of the Disaster Unicorn."

Hearing this, there was an uproar in the hall.

Everyone looked at the thin young man outside the hall in shock, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"The promised medicinal materials..."

The messy hair on his head was stained with filth, and the tangled bangs blocked the boy's fiercely gleaming pupils.

Still maintaining the gesture of reaching out.

Sun Xiaolong repeated word for word: "Give me..."

Squint your eyes tightly.

Sun Jiyuan's face was gloomy, and he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Immediately, several strong servants worked together to carry out a huge linen package from the back of the hall.


The heavy package hit the ground hard, and its weight was probably several times greater than the unicorn's corpse.

"The medicinal materials you want are all here..."

A proud smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The aloof Sun Jiyuan waved his hand and said noncommittally: "If you can take it, take them all!"

In an instant——

The entire hall became silent, and all the servants and maids held their breath.

Faced with a package of medicinal materials that requires several strong men to carry.

Almost no one believed that the young man in front of him could successfully carry him away by himself.

Sitting on a high seat in the hall.

Sun Jiyuan had a sneer on his face and also chose to wait and see what would happen.

His intention was naturally to make things difficult for the other party, so that Sun Xiaolong could retreat.

The next moment——

The young man in front of me stepped in.

Sun Xiaolong remained silent, tearing off his tattered coat in full view of everyone.

The chest and back were covered with hideous wounds.

There was even a bloody scratch on his abdomen, which is still oozing blood.

Take a breath of cold air.

Everyone in the hall couldn't bear to watch.

They all turned their heads in unison, and even those guards who had experienced many battles couldn't help but frown.

Only Sun Jiyuan remained indifferent, with a biting coldness in his eyes.

I don't care about other people's opinions at all.

Take a step forward slowly.

Sun Xiaolong completely ignored his injuries and suddenly spread his arms to pick up the heavy package of medicinal materials in front of him.


The monster-like strength makes people shudder.

Sun Xiaolong in front of him walked with heavy steps. Every step he took would break the floor under his feet and send up debris and smoke all over the sky.

He picked up the package, turned around and walked out of the silent hall.

Everyone looked at the young man's thin but stubborn back and were speechless for a long time.

"Humph, this little beast!"

He slapped the armrest hard.

Sun Jiyuan sat on the main seat and said with an evil look on his face: "One day, I will drive him and that bitch out of the house, so as not to let these two rat droppings ruin the reputation of my Sun family!"

The hall echoed with the roar of the head of the Sun family.

Including the direct descendants of the Sun family, everyone looked at their noses and hearts, and unanimously chose to remain silent.


In a remote corner of the Sun family compound.

A dilapidated wooden house stood beside a deserted firewood pile, looking extremely lonely.

Judging from the appearance alone, the wooden house in front of us is already crumbling.

The roof is full of patch marks, and even the windows used to keep out wind and rain are filled with scrap fabrics.

Such an extremely harsh environment.

Even the rooms for the servants of the Sun family are inferior and not a place for people to live at all.

A thud~

He threw the heavy package on his back to the ground.

Sun Xiaolong immediately opened the package.

After choosing dozens of medicinal materials from a large number of medicinal materials, he turned around and set up the stove outside the wooden house, and skillfully began to brew the decoction.

It doesn't take a while.

The strong medicinal scent spread quickly.

Carefully controlling the heat, Sun Xiaolong's expression was delicate and gentle, but there was no hint of a violent and capricious beast.


There was a sudden noise in the wooden house behind him.

Suddenly startled!

Sun Xiaolong quickly stood up, turned around and ran towards the house.

Inside the dilapidated wooden house, the light was dim and there was a pungent musty smell.

In a room with air leakage everywhere, there are all kinds of pots and pans piled up in a mess.

On a simple bed made of hay and wooden boards, a middle-aged woman with a haggard face was trying hard to get up.


After calling softly, Sun Xiaolong looked at the woman nervously.

The fragments of the porcelain bowl on the ground were clearly visible, and an obvious pool of water created ripples.

Take a long breath.

He quickly stepped forward and helped the woman up.

Turning around and picking up a broken bowl again, Sun Xiaolong carefully poured water into it and gently handed it to the woman's mouth.

He took a sip of water slowly.

The woman in front of her had messy hair, and her face was sallow and frail. She was obviously suffering from a serious illness.

By the faint light.

Only then did she notice the injuries on Sun Xiaolong's body. The middle-aged woman gritted her teeth and asked quickly: "Xiaolong... you, are you out of the city again!?"

His eyes gradually dimmed.

He nodded silently.

Sun Xiaolong admitted: "I ran out of medicinal materials at home, so I asked the old man for help. He made a condition. As long as he can bring back the complete body of the Disaster Unicorn outside the city, he will provide us with the medicinal materials we need for half a year, so.


The words are not finished yet.

The bony arm suddenly stretched out, and raised his hand to wrap around Sun Xiaolong's neck.

"Xiaolong...it's no use to my mother..."

The foreheads of mother and son were pressed tightly together.

The middle-aged woman shed tears, shook her head and cried: "For so many years, mom has never been able to heal your body, and in the end, you still need to take care of me..."

Choked for a moment.

Gentlely stroking Sun Xiaolong's head, the middle-aged woman gritted her teeth and said, "It's mom... I'm sorry for you..."

His eyes widened with a dull expression.

Sun Xiaolong froze on the spot with his whole body stiff, recalling many unbearable past events as if they were all vividly in his mind.

Born into a medical family in Yaoxian Town.

As the legitimate son and eldest grandson, Sun Xiaolong was supposed to inherit the family business and be admired by all the stars.

It's a pity that God played a joke on him.

From the moment he was born, Sun Xiaolong has demonstrated his natural supernatural power, and his behavior pattern is as unpredictable as that of a wild beast.

Unlike other normal children, he was unable to communicate normally with others at the age of three.

Apart from roaring through gritted teeth, he didn't even know how to speak.

In terms of diet, he eats his hair and drinks his blood.

His favorite food is actually the flesh, blood and bones of other creatures. He usually moves on all fours, as unruly as a freak and wild beast, and he doesn't look like a human being at all.

The Sun family, the dignified medical king, unexpectedly gave birth to a violent and bloodthirsty monster.

The entire Yaoxian Town was in an uproar over this——

Everyone was talking a lot and believed from hearsay that Sun Xiaolong was an evil ghost from hell.

One day, it will bring disaster to Shuxian Town!

As the contemporary head of the family, Sun Jiyuan became angry due to shame.

Without any regard for the feelings of his blood relatives, he drove the young Sun Xiaolong out of his home and abandoned him in the wilderness outside the satellite town, leaving him to fend for himself.

They are clearly ordinary human beings who can be born with monster-like strength without relying on controlling monsters.

In the eyes of everyone in Yaoxian Town, this is undoubtedly a terrible deformed disease.

Human fear often comes from the unknown and the difficulty of controlling it.

And fear will breed stronger hatred!

The whole world is full of inexplicable malice towards Sun Xiaolong.

Even though he didn't hurt anyone at a young age, he was still spurned and hated by everyone.

Except for the person who brought him into this world during his ten-month pregnancy...

This chapter has been completed!
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