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Chapter 893 Human Trafficking Warehouse!

On a street somewhere in the lower city.

The Sac cavalry team passed straight through the streets and alleys full of water and fire.

As if to deceive others, Jonathan and his men turned off the lights of the jet skis the entire time.

In the pitch-black darkness, I traveled between the dilapidated ruins entirely relying on my memory.

The oncoming wind was biting.

In my ears, there was only the roar of the engine.

So much so that Ivanov, such a rough and strong man, felt a little frightened.

"I said, where on earth are you taking us..."

He gritted his teeth and squinted his eyes, looking into the darkness around him.

Ivanov patted Jonathan on the back, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Why do I feel like I'm on a pirate ship? Don't play tricks, you bastard!"

"Don't worry, we'll reach our destination soon!"

Still driving the jet ski on the water-filled streets.

Without turning his head, Jonathan responded silently: "If I really wanted to trick you, I could have taken advantage of the chaos just now. There is no need to wait until now. Can there be a little bit of basic trust between people?!"

He raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes.

Ivanov was immediately speechless. It was really not a wise choice to talk about mutual trust with a bunch of local gangsters.

But in this situation, they no longer have any choice but to hesitate too much.

I can only stay with Jonathan for the time being, and then make other plans after going all the way!


A dull thunder suddenly came from high in the sky.

Everyone who was racing along couldn't help but look up at the sky.

In the dark clouds that filled the sky, a shrill thunder flashed past. In the dark, it seemed that two familiar figures were chasing and fighting back and forth. A terrifying aura instantly filled the air, making everyone on the spot feel lingering fear.

"Mr. Xue..."

Perched on the back of another jet ski.

Kutsuki Yumi's face was filled with astonishment, and she felt a particularly familiar power of dragon power in the aura coming from the sky.

Besides Xue Yun, who else could it be?!

"Good guy..."

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, he looked up at the sky with dumbfounded eyes.

Ivanov shook his head and said dumbfounded: "No wonder there is no trace anywhere. The boy who has been making trouble for a long time has already started fighting with the "Federal Star", and the fight has reached the top..."

He also glanced at the thunderclouds high in the sky.

Jonathan gritted his teeth and remained silent. He couldn't help but increase the accelerator to the fastest speed, leading his men to fly across the street quickly, causing brilliant water splashes all over the sky.

It doesn't take a while.

On the dark high ground ahead, bright firelight shone.

It's like seeing a lighthouse guiding the way in the vast sea.

The men and horses of the Sark cavalry moved forward one after another, and went upstream to approach the target. Only then did Ivanov and the others clearly see the huge building standing in front of them.

The lonely highland is already surrounded by the sea.

A low-rise building made entirely of reinforced concrete appears in front of everyone like a fortress.

There are sentries guarding the building on all four sides.

With the power supply completely lost, a few dazzling torches looked particularly eye-catching.

"We're here..."

He led his men to the shore.

Jonathan got out of the car, turned around and introduced to everyone: "This was originally a warehouse where my brothers and I used to store goods. After the 'Sabbath' carnival night started, I slightly renovated this place and turned it into a warehouse for the people in the lower city.

Temporary stronghold..."

"Hoarding goods?!"

Then jump out of the car together.

Ivanov raised his eyebrows, looked at Jonathan suspiciously, and asked, "What is the cargo you are talking about?!"

Turning his head away, Jonathan did not respond.

On the contrary, Zhou Xianling, who was on tiptoe at the side, quickly stepped forward, leaned over the big man's ear, and reminded him softly.

"Well...it's actually a smuggling business that sells people from Xiacheng District. The goods, of course, refer to the trafficked women and children..."

Startled violently.

Ivanov and Kiyumi immediately looked at Jonathan, their brows once again filled with unknown shock.

"He's right..."

Jonathan raised his head and sighed, and said helplessly: "This was indeed a transit station used to detain smuggled people. Because of this, it would not arouse the suspicion of other forces..."

On the surface, they open casinos, but secretly they conduct human trafficking.

This is one of the main means used by the "Sark Cavalry" to make money in the lower city.

In fact, it's not just them, the other two major forces are also keen on this.

Abducting and coaxing mud-legged people from the lower city, and then transporting them to the upper city or even overseas as slaves, is definitely a good business with huge profits.

In the past, a large number of women and children would go missing every year in Xiacheng District. Everyone was tacitly aware of this, and over time it became a very common thing.

"I can't change the past..."

He waved his hand, indicating that the sentry in front of him had withdrawn its alert.

Jonathan put his arms behind his back and said bluntly: "If you still have doubts about my sincerity, you can pick a few of the jet skis on the shore and drive away. If you want to leave, I will never stop you...


Scattered backwards with his men.

Jonathan stared into everyone's eyes and said with a helpless smile: "This time, I will give it to you, so there is no need to snatch it away."

This chapter has been completed!
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