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36. Huaixi confrontation

Anqing Mansion, the administrative seat of Huaixi in the Song Dynasty, is also the front line of the battlefield in the Song and Jin Dynasties.

"Those monks in front!"


"Open the box in your car, we want to search it!"

A group of Jin soldiers stopped several monks who were pushing a cart.


"This box belongs to the Imperial Master!"

"You dare to check?"

One of the monks seemed not to take these Jin soldiers seriously at all.


"You mean the Imperial Master?"

"When did our Great Jin Kingdom have a national master?"

"You are just a bald donkey, but you still have such a loud tone?"

At this time, a leader of the golden soldiers walked up to the monk.

"How dare you make us look like bald donkeys?"

"Don't you know that our master, Monk Fahai, has just become the national master of your Dajin Kingdom?"

"This box belongs to my master. If you dare to search it, just wait and see!"

The monk is still very arrogant.

"I don't care whether you are Monk Fa Hai or Monk Fa Shui. I will smash your boxes today!"

"I wonder what you can do to me?"

The general Jin Bing was naturally angered by the monk's actions. After speaking, he ordered his men to draw their swords and prepare to chop at the box.

"Bold, who told you to touch the treasures of the Imperial Master?"

"If you ruin the national master's important affairs, none of you will survive!"

Just when the golden swords were about to land on the box, someone suddenly shouted from not far away.

It turned out that another Jin general came here on horseback followed by a large group of soldiers.

"Young man, see Wanyan Shangshu!"

When the leader of the Jin soldiers saw the Jin general, he immediately put down his sword and quickly began to salute.

"The National Preceptor has asked General Ben to come and help him personally escort this treasure. Just follow me!"

This general of the Jin Kingdom is Wanyan Yuanyi, the current Minister of War of the Jin Kingdom.

So these monks pulled the cart and followed Wanyan Yuanyi.

Xu Xian also officially came to Anqing City to conduct inspections on this day.

However, Xu Xian ostensibly came here for inspection, but in fact he wanted to inquire about Xiao Qing's whereabouts.

"Have you ever seen someone carrying a big green snake passing through Anqing City today?"

"Perhaps I saw some suspicious person heading in the direction of the golden man!"

As Xu Xian walked, he asked the surrounding soldiers and generals.

"Return to the Prime Minister!"

"We haven't seen any big green snakes in Anqing City!"

"And I haven't seen any suspicious people passing by here in the past few days!"

A general immediately responded to Xu Xian.

Could it be that the people who arrested Xiaoqing didn't pass through Anqing City?

But that’s not right!

According to the current situation, the only road leading to the Tatars is Anqing Prefecture. If they don't go through Anqing City, where else can they go?

Xu Xian naturally came here after getting the news.

So Xu Xian continued to ask some people who were still in the city and had not escaped.

After asking a group of people, no one had seen a big green snake, let alone anyone suspicious.

Just as Xu Xian was about to leave the city to ask people around him, a soldier suddenly sent him another letter.

So Xu Xian quickly opened the letter and took a look and found that it said:

Xiaoqing has been taken to Jinying, twenty miles north of Anqing Mansion, and is about to be sent to Bianjing.

In fact, Xu Xian never knew who was the person who sent him the letter and what his intentions were. But after all, it was a matter of life and death for Xiaoqing, so of course Xu Xian had no choice but to find a way to save her.

"Generals, how many troops do the Jin people have stationed here now?"

After learning that Xiaoqing had been sent to the Jin camp, Xu Xian quickly summoned the generals to find out about the strength of the Jin soldiers here.

"Return to the Prime Minister!"

"Now the Tatars have 200,000 troops stationed in Huaixi, which corresponds to the 200,000 troops in Huaidong!"

"Their greatest commander is the current Tatar Emperor Wanyan Liang, followed by his Minister of War Wanyan Yuanyi!"

"This Wanyan Yuanyi was once a famous general of the Liao Kingdom. He was very brave and good at fighting. He is not an easy master to deal with!"

Yu Yunwen introduced it to Xu Xian at this time.

"You said the Tatars have 200,000 troops stationed here?"

"Then how many troops do we have?"

Xu Xian was a little surprised when he heard about the 200,000 troops.

"Yes, the Tatars have always coveted the city of Anqing, so after several reinforcements, they have reached the current number!"

"And our army has less than 100,000 troops here!"

Yu Yunwen explained to Xu Xian.

"Since the Tatars have gathered 200,000 troops here, why haven't they attacked our army for so long?"

Of course Xu Xian also wanted to know the specific situation.

"The Tatars have already attacked our city of Anqing once, but they were defeated by us and suffered a big loss!"

"So now the Tatars no longer dare to attack our city of Anqing rashly!"

Yu Yunwen responded.

"The truth is, it's not that the Tatars don't want to attack Anqing, but they are planning other bigger plots!"

"Instead of being passive defensive this time, why not take the initiative and attack?"

Of course Xu Xian also wanted to have a confrontation with Wanyan Yuanyi.

After all, Xiao Qing must have been captured by Wanyan Yuanyi. Whether it was for the Song Dynasty or to save Xiao Qing, he had to fight against Wanyan Yuanyi.

"Take the initiative?"

"But our strength is really far behind the Tatars!"

"If we attack rashly, we may lose our troops and generals!"

Yu Yunwen immediately came out to object.

"The truth only says that we need to take the initiative, not that we have to attack rashly!"

"When two armies are at war, how can they win if they are afraid of the enemy everywhere?"

Of course Xu Xian also knew a lot about military affairs, otherwise how could he dare to be the Minister of War and hold the power of military affairs.

"Then since the Prime Minister wants to take the initiative!"

"Then Prime Minister, you must be fully confident, right?"

Yu Yunwen couldn't help but have some distrust of Xu Xian.


"Where is Li Xianzhong under your control?"

Xu Xian already knew about Li Xianzhong before coming to Anqing.

"General Li Xianzhong is setting up trenches on the front line to prevent the Tatars from invading again!"

Yu Yunwen responded.

"Okay, let's take the truth to see Li Tongzhi first!"

Xu Xian then asked Yu Yunwen to take him to see Li Xianzhong.

"National Division!"

"Thank you for coming all the way!"

Wanyan Yuanyi was outside his tent at this time, personally greeting the newly arrived monk Fahai.


"I have heard about General Yuanyi's name for a long time. When I saw him today, he looked really extraordinary!"

Fahai was also flattered.

"Master, are you here to deal with Xu Xian, the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty who came to Anqing for inspection?"

Wanyan Yuanyi naturally already knew Fahai's intention.


"Otherwise, why would a poor monk have to travel such a long distance?"

"This time the poor monk will definitely let Xu Xian know how powerful the poor monk is!"

Monk Fahai seemed confident.


"Then to deal with Xu Xian this time, we will all rely on the Imperial Master!"

"National Master, please come inside!"

"I have already prepared wine and food for you, and you are ready to wash away the dust!"

After Wanyan Yuanyi finished speaking, he personally welcomed Fahai into his tent.
This chapter has been completed!
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