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113. Escorting Li Xianzhong

"Prime Minister Zhang is here!"

Suddenly there was a sound not far away.

"Prime Minister Zhang?"

"What is Prime Minister Zhang doing at the front line?"

Shao Hongyuan was stunned for a moment.

Then, an official riding a tall horse came to Shao Hongyuan.

"Shao Hongyuan, Chief of Staff of the Central Route Army and Acting Commander-in-Chief, pays homage to Prime Minister Zhang!"

After Shao Hongyuan saw the visitor, he quickly stepped forward to salute.

"Master Shao!"

"The truth is that this time I came to the Central Plains to pay homage to the late Emperor's mausoleum on behalf of His Majesty. I happened to hear that our troops are on the front line, so I wanted to come to the Central Plains to reward the Holy One and the soldiers!"

"Come here, bring me the wine given by the Holy Spirit!"

At this time, a group of bullock carts, pulling a large number of wine jars, arrived not far behind Zhang Jun.

"Are these the wines given by the Holy Spirit to our frontline soldiers?"

As Shao Hongyuan spoke, he first ran to an ox cart and opened one of the wine jars. A strong aroma of wine immediately emitted from it.

“Good wine!”

“What a great wine!”

"Thank you, Prime Minister Zhang, for your reward!"

After Shao Hongwei tasted it himself, he said happily.

"These wines!"

"Actually, part of it was originally intended to be used to worship the late emperor. Unfortunately, the former emperor's mausoleum is now in a mess!"

"It turns out that worshiping them is of little use, so I just use them all to reward the frontline soldiers!"

"Now that the reward wine has been delivered!"

"It's time for me to go back to Lin'an!"

"Back to Lin'an!"

As Zhang Jun spoke, he rode his horse and whipped his whip, and made a gesture of leaving.

"Prime Minister Zhang!"

"Walk slowly!"

"Please walk slowly!"

Shao Hongyuan quickly stopped Zhang Jun.


"Could it be that Commander Shao has other things to do and wants me to report to the Holy Emperor on your behalf?"

Zhang Jun temporarily held the horse's rope.


"Nothing else!"

"I have a prisoner here!"

"I want...I want you, Prime Minister Zhang, to take it back to Lin'an!"

Shao Hongyuan said, pointing to the prison car beside him.




"It's just on your way, I can take it back to Lin'an for you!"


Zhang Jun looked at the prison car and didn't seem to care at all.


"Then leave everything to Prime Minister Zhang!"

"Please, Prime Minister Zhang!"

Shao Hongyuan looked grateful.

"You're so polite...you're so polite!"

"Military Shao, we are all ministers of the Song Dynasty. We are helping you take a prisoner back to Lin'an. What can we be grateful for?"

"When the time comes that you have won and returned to the army, will you still have to trouble Military Advisor Shao to say more good things about me in front of the Holy Master?"

Zhang Jun responded.

"Prime Minister Zhang, you are really embarrassing me!"

"But Prime Minister Zhang is no ordinary prisoner. You must be careful during the escort!"

Shao Hongyuan said, reminding Zhang Jun.


"You don't believe the truth?"

"Since you don't believe the truth, why should I take this burden back?"

"The true identity is gone!"

"No more!"

After Zhang Jun finished speaking, he looked like he was about to leave again.

"Prime Minister Zhang, don't...!"

"Don't be angry!"

"I did not mean that!"


Shao Hongyuan quickly explained.

"All right!"

"All right……!"

"Looking at your sincerity, I will help you with this!"

"Here you go!"

"Someone is coming!"

"Bring this prison van!"

"Get on the road, let's go back to Lin'an!"

Zhang Jun said, and then ordered someone to take the prison car and leave.

"Where are you now?"

After walking more than twenty miles eastward, Zhang Jun stopped his horse and asked the people accompanying him.

"Return to the Prime Minister!"

“It’s not far ahead, and then you’ll reach Luyang Pass to the south!”

The person accompanying me will reply immediately.

"That's it!"

"I am also tired today!"

"Just rest here for the night and leave again tomorrow!"

Zhang Jun said.

"Prime Minister!"

"Are we going to rest here?"

The person accompanying me wanted to confirm.


"What's wrong?"

"Isn't it appropriate to rest here?"

Zhang Jun asked.


"Nothing inappropriate!"

"It's just that there are mountains and forests nearby, so I'm afraid there will be bandits and wild beasts at night that might scare you, Prime Minister!"

Followers reply.

"There are hundreds of people in our group, do we still need to be afraid of bandits and wild beasts?"

"Tell me to go down and camp here for one night!"

Zhang Jun ordered.

In a blink of an eye, it's almost dark.

Zhang Jun arrived not far from the prison van. He originally wanted to get closer and take a look, but was stopped by several soldiers guarding the prison van.


"Your military advisor asked me to help him take a prisoner back. Now I want to see if the prisoner is okay, but you won't let me see him?"

Zhang Jun was a little unhappy at this time.


"It's because the prisoner looks so ferocious that we're afraid of scaring you, Prime Minister!"

The general responsible for escorting the prisoners came over quickly to explain.


"How can a prisoner, not a beast, be as scary as the legend says?"

"You say it's ferocious, but the truth is that I'm more interested!"

Zhang Jun seemed determined to see the prisoner.

"Prime Minister!"

"You can't!"

"You can't go!"

The general came over to stop him again.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you people take the truth seriously?"

"If you stop me again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Zhang Jun looked angry at this time.

"Prime Minister!"

"The prisoner is really invisible!"

"I can't see you!"

"And Commander Shao gave us orders!"

The general quickly explained.


"Shao Hongyuan ordered you not to allow me to see the prisoner?"

"Shao Hongyuan is so brave!"

"Since you won't let me see the prisoner, then don't follow me from today on. You can take your prisoner and I will go back to Lin'an by myself!"

Zhang Jun said angrily.

"Prime Minister!"

"Don't be angry!"

"After we make arrangements, we will take you to see the prisoner right away!"

"Take you to see the prisoner!"

The general quickly explained.


"The truth is waiting here!"

Zhang Jun now started to wait with a straight face.

"Prime Minister!"

"We can go see the prisoners!"

After a while, the general just came over.

So Zhang Jun followed the general to where the prison car was.

Although it was already dark, a man in ragged clothes was being locked up in the prison car. His face was obviously very haggard.

"This...is this the felon you want to escort back?"

Zhang Jun asked after taking a look at the people in the prison car.


"Prime Minister!"

The general responded.

"Who is this prisoner?"

"Why do you have to escort it back to Lin'an?"

Zhang Jun asked again.

"This...this prisoner is a general who has committed the crime of collaborating with the enemy!"

"The military advisor said that he will be taken back to the Criminal Department for trial!"

The general continued to respond.

"That's it!"

"Since he is an official who is going back to the Ministry of Punishment for trial, can the truth be understood first on behalf of the officials from the Ministry of Punishment to avoid an unjust case?"

Zhang Jun tried.

"This...I'm afraid this is inconvenient!"

"Not convenient!"

Of course, the general was afraid that Zhang Jun would know the identity of the person in the prison car.

This chapter has been completed!
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