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136. Battle of Xiangyang

"Yue Lin!"

"Come and take a look!"

“Is this the word ‘Liang Shu’?”

Xu Xian looked at the somewhat blurry logo in front of him and asked Yue Zhen.

"It's Liang Shu!"

"This is exactly the manuscript of "Liang Shu" compiled by Yao Cha and his son!"

"It looks like a real masterpiece!"

"Sure enough, it is the authentic work of Yao and his son!"

But unexpectedly, there was a sound from behind, and then a man took out a book from the wall cage with "Liang Shu" engraved on it, and he recognized it with surprise.

In the third year of Emperor Yuan's reign, Jin led Wei into the city. Emperor Yuan disappeared without a trace. Wei plundered the imperial city, burned the palaces and buildings, and restored the old site of Jin to Liang.

Xu Xian also saw a piece of content in the book.

"Wasn't it rumored that Emperor Liang Yuan set himself on fire?"

"How come the record in this manuscript has disappeared?"

"Moreover, it is recorded here that the ones who burned the Liang Palace were the Wei troops who entered the city and looted it. Later, Xiao Jin built the palace on the same site. It seems that after the Wei troops entered Jiangling, nothing was left for Xiao Jin who led the wolf into the house?"

"It seems that there are rumors in the world that Emperor Liang Yuan became a monk. It is really possible!"

"There is no record in it that Emperor Liang Yuan burned those countless ancient books!"

"I just wonder if all the books collected by Emperor Liang Yuan would have been burned by the Wei army?"

"After all, this manuscript is from the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and it happens to be buried in the mausoleum of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. There is no way it can be forged!"

"Lu Qing!"

"Help me look for it, I want to know the records of Emperor Liang Yuan's collection of books!"

Xu Xian is of course most interested in ancient books.

After all, it has been recorded that Emperor Yuan of Liang burned 100,000 volumes of books, causing countless regrets for later generations. Naturally, Xu Xian and other scholars felt extremely regretful about this.


"In fact, after seeing this manuscript of "Liang Shu", I also hope to have the opportunity to see with my own eyes those rare ancient books that were rumored to have been burned by Emperor Yuan of Liang!"

Lu You couldn't help but also said.

As a result, the two of them kept reading other manuscripts in the wall cage of Liang Shu.

'General Yuwen ordered the soldiers to enter the palace, capture Emperor Liang, and return to Chang'an. However, the Wei soldiers entered the palace without hearing from the emperor, and there was no Liang Dynasty's Mo Dian. The Wei soldiers were angry and burned the palace. They were burned by Emperor Liang.

It’s his own, but Emperor Liang cherished books as much as his life, so how could he be willing to burn them!'

Finally, Lu You found a few words in a shabby manuscript.

"Does this mean that when General Yu Wentai of the Western Wei Dynasty ordered the army to enter the Liang Palace in Jiangling, he wanted to capture Emperor Liang Yuan, then obtain the books and classics collected by Emperor Liang Yuan, and transport them all back to Chang'an!"

"As a result, after these Wei troops entered the palace, they did not see Emperor Liang Yuan, nor did they see any classics!"

"In the end, these Wei soldiers burned down Emperor Liang Yuan's palace in anger, and then recorded this as Emperor Liang Yuan himself burning the classics he had collected, and finally self-immolating?"

Only then did Xu Xian understand clearly.


"In this way, Emperor Liang Yuan's burning of books was a forgery by the Western Wei army. We have a chance to recover those ancient books that are rumored to have been burned by Emperor Liang Yuan!"

After Lu You suddenly learned about this eternal mystery, he was also excited.

"Since Emperor Liang Yuan's collection of books has not been destroyed, maybe we can find them in this library!"

"Lu Qing, let's look for it together, look for it!"

Xu Xian said and started looking everywhere.

Xu Xian and Lu You were suddenly immersed in ancient books, and they didn't know that one day in the cave meant a thousand years in the world.

At this time, on the bank of the Han River, there is Xiangyang City.

I, Fahai, was originally a man of righteousness, slaying demons and upholding justice, but why am I now running into obstacles, losing everything, and finally ending up with a bad reputation?

Didn’t I, Fahai, do all this for fame and fortune, to gain respect from people all over the world, and to achieve righteous cultivation?

But what did I, Fahai, do wrong?

What did I do wrong again?

What has happened now?

It's all Xu Xian's fault!

It’s all Xu Xian, Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing’s fault!

They are the ones who forced me, Fahai, to become what I am today!

Why should I accept God’s arrangements for everything?

Why should I cultivate to achieve the right fruit, and what is the use of me cultivating to the positive fruit?

Since God is unkind, don't blame me, Fahai, for being unjust!

From today on, I, Fahai, will no longer be the Fahai I once was, I will change back to myself, and I will take revenge from now on!

I want everyone in the world to know that I, Fahai, am the one who dominates everything!

Xu Xian, Bai Suzhen, Xiaoqing, including Long Nu, I want to make sure that none of you will have a good time, not even one of you will have a good time!

While Fa Hai was resting, he suddenly remembered that he went to Yanjing because he was unwilling to be appointed by Wanyan Gou, and left decisively after suffering the humiliation of the Jin people. He had figured out everything during this period.

After all, it was because Fahai had figured this out that he returned to the so-called Wanyan Gou, returned to his position as national advisor, and invited himself to Xiangyang, a strategically important place, to supervise the war.

When Fa Hai first arrived at the Yamen, he saw a group of people already waiting for him.

"National Division!"

"The thieves on the north bank are moving frequently today and have built a large number of boats to cross the river. It seems they want to attack our Xiangyang City!"

Xiangyang garrison Xu Zheng reported to Fahai.

"You people are so inefficient!"

"The national division asked you to recruit troops, but after so long, you only recruited less than 10,000 troops!"

"Now we don't have enough troops to take the initiative. Instead, the enemy has become stronger and wants to attack us!"

"You people have really let down our country's division, so disappointed!"

Fahai looked angry.

"National Division!"

"Now is not the time to blame anyone!"

"Our top priority is how to resist the bandits' attack!"

Zhou Ding suggested from the side.


"It's useless to pursue those!"

"You guys should discuss carefully how to deal with this attack by the bandit army!"

Fahai's mind is still very clear.

"Since the bandits have built so many ships in a short period of time, they want to attack us!"

"It seems that the bandit army has already made a plan!"

"In this case, the most important thing for us is to find a way to destroy these pirate ships so that they cannot cross the river!"

Xu Zheng suggested first.


"We must find a way to destroy their ships. They will not have enough strength to cross the river!"

Zhou Ding also followed the suggestion.

"Since you all agree to destroy the enemy's ships, do you have a plan on how to destroy them?"

Fahai asked for advice.

"Returning to the country!"

"After all, this ship is made of wood. According to the Five Elements Theory, fire burns wood, so we should find a way to use fire to burn the enemy ship!"

Zhou Ding suggested first.

"How can it be so easy to burn a ship?"

"After all, the rebels are very cunning, and they won't be like Cao Mengde who used iron cables and boats, stretched across several miles, and sent them to Zhuge Liang's door to burn!"

Xu Zheng first raised questions.


"When Zhuge Liang burned Cao's ships in the Battle of Chibi, he relied on the east wind!"

"Jiangling is a plain land along the river. There is nothing wrong with borrowing the east wind. There are mountains to the east and southwest of Xiangyang. How can we borrow the east wind?"

"So now that there is no east wind to borrow, and there are no iron ropes or ships to use as targets for us, what can we do to burn the enemy ships?"

Zhang Dun also raised doubts.

"Although there is no east wind in Xiangyang, there are northwest and southwest winds blowing from the northwest and the Jingxiang Ancient Road in the south!"

"It's midsummer now, when the southwest wind is coming, and we are in the limelight, why can't we take advantage of the southwest wind?"

Zhou Ding continued to speak.

"What Governor Zhou said seems to be right!"

"Now we are on the cusp of the southwesterly wind. Although the wind from our place is not strong, it can blow to Fancheng!"

"This is a beneficial move for us, we must make good use of it!"

Fa Hai felt that it seemed reasonable.

"The Imperial Master is still insightful!"

"Since the bandits are building ships to attack us, crossing the river must be against the wind!"

"So we don't need to take the initiative to attack the pirate ships. We only need to wait until they come over and take advantage of the wind to attack them with fire!"

Zhou Ding seemed very confident.

"Prefect Zhou, don't think so simple!"

"Although Xiangyang is experiencing southwesterly winds now, the wind does not come every day!"

"The thieves are not fools either. Wouldn't they choose a windless day to attack us?"

"So I, Xu Zheng, think that as long as I want to take advantage of the wind, I might as well find a way to mobilize enough ships from Ezhou, Jingzhou and other directions as soon as possible!"

"When the time comes, we will have a naval battle with the rebels. With our many years of experience in naval battles, why should we be afraid of the rebels?"

Xu Zheng seemed to disagree with Zhou Ding's countermeasures.

"General Xu, you think too simply!"

"If there were enough warships in Jingzhou and Ezhou, they would have been transferred to Xiangyang long ago!"

"Don't you know that in order to fight against Wanyan Liang's southern invasion, warships from Jingzhou, Ezhou and other places have already been transferred to Jiankang?"

"Besides, Jiankang is also in a hurry now. They are short of warships. Compared with Xiangyang, Jiankang is close to the capital and is much more important than us. So are there any ships that can be transferred to Xiangyang?"

Zhou Ding refuted Xu Zheng.

"Since you know that there is a shortage of warships, why don't you, the prefect, order someone to supervise the construction of warships and strengthen defense during this period of withdrawal from Xiangyang City?"

"Instead, you sit here all day long, imagining that the enemy troops can withdraw on their own?"

"As an official of the imperial court, it is important to protect the safety of a party, but you are not practical and make preparations. How can you be worthy of such a big responsibility?"

Zhang Dun was already very angry about the recent conscription, but he did not dare to offend the national master Fahai, so he could only vent his anger on Zhou Ding.

"What's wrong?"

"If you, General Zhang, had really succeeded in recruiting troops and captured enough young men for the Imperial Army, we would have launched a counterattack and taken back Fancheng long ago!"

"Why are you still discussing how to defend Xiangyang?"

Although Zhou Ding had reconciled with Xu Zheng and Zhang Dun before, he did so out of Fahai's reputation. Now he is being accused again, how can he bear it?


"It's really my fault, Zhang Dun, for my recruitment failure!"

"But I, Zhang Dun, would like to ask, since Wanyan Liang invaded the south, until now, in less than two years, our Song Dynasty has already recruited troops more than four times!"

"Now that even children who have just turned ten are being drafted into the army, there are still so many strong men who can go to the front line!"

"Do you want me, Zhang Dun, to capture those women and children and force them to fight on the front line?"

Zhang Dun couldn't help it anymore.


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