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138. Yang Polu Invites Wang Ke

Why am I so stupid, so stupid?

Why should I give gold and horses to someone I just met?

This gold is Zhao Wanjiu's only asset. I am waiting to rely on this ingot of gold to go to the southwest and become a tea merchant to make a fortune?

How could I do such a stupid thing, giving everything to it just because I believed it was a master!

It's good now, I, Zhao Wanjiu, have nothing, nothing.

After Wang Ke rode away on his horse, Zhao Wanjiu suddenly regretted it.

But Zhao Wanjiu knew that there was no point in regretting it now, so he had no choice but to go back and take the fish trap that he promised to buy with gold, and hit the road.

After arriving in Dengzhou City, Zhao Wanjiu opened the fish cage and wanted to sell all the fish in it to get some money and continue on his journey.

But unexpectedly, Zhao Wanjiu opened the fish cage and poured out the fish. When he wanted to sell it at a stall in the city, he discovered that an ingot of gold was poured out of it.

Zhao Wanjiu was overjoyed. He immediately picked up the gold and inspected it carefully. He found that it was indeed the ingot of gold that he had given to the weirdo Wang Ke.

Looking not far behind him, he saw that the horse he was riding was also back, and there seemed to be a letter in the saddle.

"If you want to be rich, start in the Western Regions and then the East!"

Zhao Wanjiu opened the letter and read it, and it was written inside.

Zhao Wanjiu, of course, understood the meaning of the letter. He was telling himself that if he wanted to make money, he had to go to the Western Regions first, and then to the East.

So Zhao Wanjiu followed Wang Ke's wishes and rode his horse directly to the Western Regions instead of going south.

Of course Yang Polu saw everything that happened to Zhao Wanjiu.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Wang Ke is really no ordinary person. He is really talented!"

Yang Polu looked at Zhao Wanjiu's leaving figure and couldn't help but said.


"Back then, Fan Li was not only able to assist King Gou Jian of Yue to destroy the powerful state of Wu, but he also used his business talents to make Taoyi rich at that time. You can only imagine his talent!"

The general following Yang Polu also sighed with emotion.

"No wonder His Majesty said that Xiangyang must be conquered by the king!"

"Let's not talk any more!"

"Hurry up and invite Mr. Wang!"

At this time, Yang Polu also completely believed in Wang Ke's ability.

So Yang Polu and his party came to Wang Ke's residence again.

"Mr. Wang!"

"Mr. Wang, can you be at home?"

Yang Polu personally came to the courtyard and knocked on the door.

"Why are you here again?"

"My Kerr went out and hasn't come back yet?"

Naturally, the Queen Mother has known Yang Polu and others for a long time.

"Aunt Wang!"

"We are really urgent and want to see Mr. Wang!"

"It's urgent!"

Yang Polu begged the Queen Mother.

"I know you are in great need of help, so I wanted to ask my son to fight for you, but my son is unwilling to go!"

"As a mother, there is nothing I can do!"

"There is no way!"

The Queen Mother had a helpless expression.

"But we have to see Mr. Wang today!"

"Otherwise we won't leave!"

"I'm not leaving...!"

As Yang Polu said, he took a group of accompanying people and all sat on the ground, as if they would not leave without seeing Wang Ke.


"You people!"

The Queen Mother had no choice but to return home.

But after a while, the Queen Mother suddenly came out with bundles and luggage.

"Aunt Wang!"

"Are you going out?"

Yang Polu saw this and quickly stopped him.


"You are all staying at my house, and my son is unwilling to participate in any disputes. I can't dissuade him!"

"In order not to embarrass him, and not to embarrass you either!"

"I had to leave by myself!"

The Queen Mother explained.


"Aunt Wang, if you leave now!"

"I'm afraid Mr. Wang will never come out to help us in his lifetime!"

"So you can't go, you can't go!"

Of course Yang Polu knew what it meant when the Queen Mother left.

"You...you people are too domineering!"

"They have taken over my old woman's home and don't let her go out!"

"You are really going too far...you are going too far!"

The Queen Mother burst into tears instantly.

"Aunt Wang!"

"Don't do this!"

"Don't do this!"

"There is nothing we can do if we ask Mr. Wang to help!"

"After all, the world is in chaos, the Song Dynasty is incompetent, and the people are living in dire straits. Our Majesty can only occupy these broken rivers and mountains of the Central Plains in order to fight against the Tartars!"

"Unfortunately, Song Ting sent troops to attack, and our Majesty can only fight back!"

"Now the battle in Xiangyang is related to the overall situation of our Ming Dynasty's anti-golden regime in the future!"

"If we cannot capture Xiangyang, Song Ting will always attack us from behind, making it impossible for our Majesty to go north to fight against the Jin!"

"If we take Xiangyang and defeat the Song Dynasty, they will not dare to send troops for sneak attacks, then our Majesty can go north to regain Hedong, Hebei, and even Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures and other Central Plains homelands without any scruples!"

Yang Polu had no choice but to talk about the righteousness of resisting the Jin Dynasty in front of the Queen Mother.

"I can't understand what you're saying, old woman!"

"I also know that you are all good people!"

"But old lady, I understand that resisting the Jin Dynasty and regaining our homeland in the Central Plains and the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun are the goals of all Han people in the Central Plains!"

"As for the Song Dynasty, we Han people who once lived under the rule of the Jin people have long had no illusions about them!"

The Queen Mother responded.

"That's right!"

"Aunt Wang, please be careful and take care of yourself!"

"Aunt Wang, you understand this. Why can't you help us persuade your son, Mr. Wang Ke?"

Yang Polu then helped the Queen Mother up.


"Why can't you just trust me, old woman?"

"I have already advised my son!"

"I persuaded Ker!"

"It doesn't listen!"

The Queen Mother sighed again.

"In this case!"

"never mind!"

"let's go!"

"It's better not to disturb the lives of Aunt Wang and Mr. Wang, mother and son!"

“From now on, let’s just leave everything to fate as the world’s general trend will turn out!”

Yang Polu couldn't help but say a few words at this time.

Afterwards, he took a group of people and prepared to leave.

"I heard everything you just said!"

"But the time has not yet come to take Xiangyang City!"

"Even if I, Wang Ke, go, it won't help!"

Unexpectedly, not long after everyone left the courtyard, there was a sudden sound.

When Yang Polu saw Wang Ke actually walking out of the house, he immediately turned around and ran towards where Wang Ke was.

"Mr. Wang, you have finally come out to see us!"

"It's figured out!"

Yang Polu was very excited at this time.

"If I don't come out, I'm afraid you'll torture my mother to death!"

"You must be General Yang Polu Yang, the leader of Xu Ming's Forbidden Army!"

"go in!"

"I have something to talk to you alone!"

Wang Ke invited Yang Polu into his room.

"General Yang!"

"Although your superficial strength is stronger than the Song Army in Xiangyang City!"

"But as far as I know, the Song Army has a national advisor named Fahai who has arrived in Xiangyang in person to take command!"

After Wang Ke sat down, he spoke first without waiting for Yang Polu to speak.

"I didn't expect Mr. Wang to know so many important things without going out. I really admire Yang!"

"I also know something about the national master Fahai. Although he is a monk and has no ability to lead an army in battle, he is deeply favored by Wanyan Gou and has some evil skills. He is not an easy person to deal with!"

Yang Polu responded.

"Since Fahai is difficult to deal with, and Xiangyang City is extremely strong, it is not that easy to capture it easily!"

"So according to my suggestion, you must not start a war rashly recently. The most important thing is to wait for the opportunity!"

Wang Ke said.

"But now the Song Army in Xiangyang City is recruiting troops aggressively. If we keep delaying, it will always be detrimental to our army!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't keep bothering you, Mr. Wang!"

Yang Polu expressed his worries.

"Of course I know what you're talking about!"

"But when two armies are fighting, the most important thing is to see who can keep calm, and who will be the final winner!"

"If you rashly send troops to attack Xiangyang, and the Song army seizes the opportunity to counterattack, resulting in great losses in strength, then Fancheng will be lost, and Tang and Deng will be in danger, wouldn't this return to the situation before the battle of Guangcheng Pass?


"So when leading troops in a big battle, remember to be steady, accurate and ruthless!"

"Don't think too much about anything else so far!"

"Think about what situation Cao Mengde faced during the Battle of Guandu?"

"In the battle of Xie'an Feishui, what kind of powerful enemy did we face?"

Wang Ke expressed his opinion.

"Mr. Wang's wise words have really taught me, Yang!"

"No wonder His Majesty values ​​you so much, Mr. Wang!"

Yang Polu behaved very humbly.

"I have always admired your Majesty, your Majesty's courage, and your Majesty's talent!"

"It's a pity that we never had the chance to meet, no chance!"

Of course Wang Ke admired Xu Xian very much in his heart.

"By the time!"

"His Majesty has returned to Luoyang, you will definitely have a chance to see our Majesty!"

"Our Majesty is a very affectionate, righteous, tolerant and generous king!"

So Yang Polu and Wang Ke continued to talk freely.

Fuzhou City.

"The imperial court has orders, and the national preceptor has orders!"

"All men aged ten and below sixty-five must be sent to the army!"

"Otherwise, we will punish you with the law!"

A general read out a document in Fuzhou City.


"Ten-year-olds are going to fight on the front lines?"

"This...this is too much!"

"is not that right?"

"It's not just a ten-year-old child, but a sixty-five-year-old man actually wants to go to the front line to fight!"

“This doesn’t allow us people to live!”

"Can you give us a way to survive?"

"no way!"

"This is an order from the Imperial Preceptor and Zhou Jiezhi!"

"What Imperial Master?"

"I think he is an evil monk!"

"Evil monk!"

"Only such an evil monk would come up with such a bad idea to harm us common people!"

"is not that right?"

"Have you not heard before that many children under the age of ten were arrested and sent to the army?"

"And those officers and soldiers even let the children kill each other to train the children to kill the enemy?"

"In the end, thanks to the help of a female Bodhisattva, those poor children were able to escape!"

"Now the government has issued such an order again!"

"It seems that those children still cannot escape the fate of going to the battlefield and dying!"

"I didn't expect that the government's behavior could be so despicable and cruel!"

"We, the common people of the Song Dynasty!"

"The common people are so miserable!"

"It's so bitter!"

A group of Fuzhou people showed great disappointment after seeing this announcement.

"Who is spreading rumors?"

"Who is spreading rumors?"

At this time, a group of officers and soldiers immediately surrounded the announcement office.

"Who was spreading rumors and causing trouble just now?"

"who is it?"

After a while, an official came out.

"This...could this be the Xiangyang magistrate Zhonglu Army Zhou Jiezhi?"

"He is the prefect Zhou who falsely reported the news to the court!"

"I heard that this man is worse than that monk Fahai!"

"He's a big bad guy!"

At this time, some people were still whispering secretly.

This chapter has been completed!
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