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9. Give up your life to persuade Zhao Gou

Due to the relocation of the Song Dynasty to the south, Fuzhou City, which was originally not a very prosperous city, has now become a prosperous place comparable to Quanzhou, the shipping capital, especially because of the arrival of Emperor Zhao Gou.

Xu Xian led a group of people forward while asking people to inquire about the emperor's current location.

After asking around, Xu Xian found out that Emperor Zhao Gou did not live in Fuzhou City, but lived in a wealthy family not far outside the city with the surname Liu.

Xu Xian then led a group of people out of the city and arrived outside Liu's mansion.

"Are you here to see the Holy One?"

At this time, an official seemed to have been waiting for Xu Xian and others.

"We are envoys sent by King Jian, and we want to see the Holy One!"

Xu Xian began to inform the officials.

"I guess you must be that Yushi Xu, right?"

"Please come in quickly!"

"The Holy One has been waiting inside for a long time!"

The official began to invite Xu Xian and others into the Liu Mansion.

Xu Xian then took Xiaoqing and Liu Jiejie into Liu's mansion.

After some conversation, Xu Xian found out that this official was Liu Xun, Fuzhou's transit envoy.

After going around several gardens and bamboo groves, Liu Xun and the other three were led to a pavilion.

"You guys should take a rest in the attic first. I'm going to report to the Holy Spirit now!"

After Liu Xun took Xu Xian and others to the attic to rest, he went to report it himself.

But this wait made Xu Xian and others wait from noon to dark, but they never waited for the emperor's summons, and even Liu Xun never came back.

"what happened?"

"Then why hasn't Liu Xun replied yet?"

At this time, Xu Xian naturally felt that something was wrong, so he anxiously took the maid who was pouring tea to ask.

"Reply to my lord!"

"This slave really doesn't know, I don't know anything!"

The maid was suddenly frightened.

Xu Xian thought for a moment, maybe this maid really didn't know what was going on, and there was no need to embarrass her, so she let her go.

"Xu Yushi!"

"Maybe the Holy One is busy with things and doesn't have time to see us for a while!"

"How about we wait a little longer?"

Li Jiejie naturally saw Xu Xian's anxiety.

Could it be that the emperor Zhao Gou already knew the purpose of our visit and deliberately avoided seeing me?

I couldn't find anyone when I went to Fuzhou City, and they tricked me into coming to the Liu Mansion!

You, the running away emperor, do you think you can avoid me by hiding like this?

Do you think that if you avoid me like this, you can really avoid the Jin soldiers' invasion of the south?

Let me tell you, Xu Xian today is not a fool, and he will not be played by you like this.

"No need to wait!"

"I don't expect the Holy One to be in Liu's Mansion. Instead, we are being monitored all the time here!"

"Let's go, let's leave here and continue to inquire about the whereabouts of the Holy One!"

Xu Xian seemed to have understood that the emperor was obviously avoiding him.

So Xu Xian and his party left the Liu Mansion and found a farmer's house outside, avoiding the government's eyes and ears, and continued to inquire about the emperor's whereabouts.

Xu Xian also did not expect that the man from the farmhouse where he lived was a hunting hunter who happened to see the emperor's guard of honor passing outside the east gate of Fuzhou City and heading towards the dock during the day.

After Xu Xian and others got the news, they were naturally afraid that the emperor would go to sea by boat and they would not be able to find him, so they rushed to the dock at night.

After looking at the brightly lit pier, singing and dancing, and the magnificent scene in front of him, Xu Xian's troubled heart finally calmed down.

After all, besides the current emperor, who else could have such a party?

"Xu Xian, the envoy of King Jian, pays homage to His Majesty!"

Xu Xian knew that his group would definitely be blocked if they tried to go forward by force, so he borrowed a small boat nearby and rowed to the side of the big ship where the emperor was.

"Why did I hear someone making a noise?"

Zhao Gou was wearing a golden crown, a dragon robe, and a jade dragon cup in his hand. He was enjoying the dance music in front of him when he suddenly heard a noise and naturally became a little curious.

"Return to the Holy Spirit!"

"It's that Xu Xian who came here!"

A eunuch nearby came over immediately to report.


"Then Xu Xian came here?"

"Didn't Liu Xun just report to me before that Xu Xian has been placed?"

"How did it find itself here?"

Emperor Zhao Gou was also surprised.

"This... this slave doesn't even know!"

The eunuch quickly explained to Zhao Gou.


"What a disappointment!"

"Now that it's found here, you can bring it to see me!"

Zhao Gou signaled to the dancers to stop temporarily.

Xu Xian then boarded the ship under the guidance of the eunuchs, and finally met the Emperor of the Song Dynasty who had been looking for him for many days.

"I envoy Xu Xian to pay homage to His Majesty!"

After Xu Xian saw Zhao Gou, he also started to salute first.

"No need to be polite!"

"I already know that you are sent by the emperor!"

"Why do you want to see me, Your Majesty?"

Of course, Zhao Gou already knew Xu Xian's intention.

"Now that the Jin Kingdom is aggressively invading the south, our country, the Song Dynasty, is in danger!"

"His Royal Highness King Jian has specially asked me, Xu Xian, to come and request Your Majesty to return to the capital as soon as possible, organize an army, resist the Jin soldiers, and protect our country of the Song Dynasty!"

What Xu Xian said was plausible.


"How come I haven't heard of this news?"

"We, the Song Dynasty and the Kingdom of Jin, have signed a Song-Jin peace agreement twenty years ago, and I am the emperor of the Song Dynasty who was personally conferred by the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin. How could the Kingdom of Jin easily lead its troops to invade us?

Where is Da Song?"

Zhao Gou seemed to be unaware.

"Your Majesty, when we signed the Song-Jin Agreement with you, the Emperor of the Jin Kingdom who canonized you was Wanyan Dan. Now Wanyan Dan has been killed by Wanyan Liang, and the current emperor is already Wanyan Liang!"

"As the saying goes, one dynasty is an emperor and one is a courtier. Emperor Wanyan Liang of the Jin Kingdom now only wants to destroy the Song Dynasty. He has long since disowned you, the minister he made at the beginning. What does the peace agreement between the Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty mean?"

Of course Xu Xian couldn't be fooled by Emperor Zhao Gou like this.

"The Song-Jin peace agreement that I signed with Emperor Wanyan Dan of the Jin Kingdom is still kept in the palace. If the Jin people really invade the south, let my emperor send someone to bring the agreement to the Jin people.

If we prove it, won’t they naturally withdraw their troops?”

"What's there to worry about?"

"So you should go back and report to the emperor, just say that I want to go out to sea for some fun recently, and I will definitely go back to Lin'an in a few days, so the emperor doesn't have to worry!"

Zhao Gou still looked like nothing happened.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

"How come you can still sit back and relax so much at this time?"

"Even if you forget the shame of Jingkang, you can't ignore the safety of the entire people of the Song Dynasty!"

Xu Xian couldn't bear it any longer.

"Be bold!"

"How dare you be rude to the Holy One?"

At this time, suddenly a group of officers and soldiers came and surrounded Xu Xian.

"If Your Majesty, you really can't bear to see Lin'an be captured by the Jin soldiers and the entire Song Dynasty fall into the hands of the Jin people, just kill me, Xu Xian, and take refuge in the sea!"

"Although I, Xu Xian, died without regrets, Your Majesty, do you think you will be safe if you escape to the sea?"

"Let me tell you, after the Jin soldiers occupy the entire Song Dynasty, sooner or later they will send ships to the sea to search for you. I am afraid that the sea will no longer be your refuge by then!"

The more Xu Xian talked, the more angry he became.
This chapter has been completed!
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