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18. Forcing the Palace Zhao Gou

Lin'an City suddenly became lively again this day.

On the street, countless people were walking towards the north gate with their faces hidden. You could even see people's tears falling on the ground, making the road wet.

People who didn't know it thought it was someone who had made great contributions to the people who died. In fact, it was not the case. It was the current crown prince Zhao Shen who was going to the front line to fight against the gold thieves himself.

Zhao Shen's car drove slowly out of the north gate of Lin'an City, but the women, children, old and young who followed still insisted on seeing him off. Even Zhao Shen's car was driven by these people.

"There is no need to see me off!"

"Everyone go back!"

"I, the Crown Prince of the Song Dynasty, Zhao Shen, promise you that if I cannot defeat the golden thief this time, I will rather die on the battlefield than live up to your expectations of me!"

Zhao Shen was already moved by the people's actions.

"Since Emperor Renzong, we common people have not encountered such a wise king and holy lord as you, Your Highness, for many years!"

"Now, Your Highness, you are going to the front line to fight against the golden thieves. We only hope that after you go to the front line, you must take good care of yourself. We in the Song Dynasty will not be able to live without a wise king like you in the future!"


"Back then, Emperor Zhenzong was forced by his courtiers to go to the front line to fight against the Liao Dynasty, but now, Your Highness, you have volunteered to go to the front line to defend us, the people of the Song Dynasty, from the golden thieves!"

"We will never forget your heroic deed of being so desperate and sacrificing yourself to protect the safety of our people in the Song Dynasty. I will always remember it in my heart!"


"Your Highness, we will always remember you!"

Naturally, all the people were moved by Zhao Shen's actions of not being afraid of the powerful enemy Jin and resolutely going to the front line to fight against the Jin.

"Everyone, stop saying these depressing words!"

"Everyone, stop talking!"

"Although the golden thieves are extremely powerful this time, we, the army and the people of the Song Dynasty, are united as one. As long as everyone supports my anti-gold cause, I will definitely defeat the golden thieves' invasion, regain the mountains and rivers of the Central Plains, and give everyone a perfect Answered!"

In fact, Zhao Shen didn't have much confidence in personally conquering the Golden Thieves this time. After all, the disparity in strength between Song and Jin was too great, but now he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to the front line.

At the same time, Shaoxing Prefecture welcomed an important figure that day, the current emperor Zhao Gou.

After Zhao Gou arrived in Shaoxing, because it happened to be the anniversary of the death of his mother, Empress Dowager Wei, three years later, he stayed in Shaoxing to prepare sacrifices for his mother, Empress Dowager Wei.

When it got dark, Zhao Gou was in his bedroom in the Shaoxing Imperial Palace, preparing to fall asleep when he suddenly heard the sounds of fighting outside.

"Someone is coming!"

"How is this going?"

"Why is there the sound of fighting outside?"

At this time, Zhao Gou quickly called someone to inquire.

"Your Majesty, someone is causing trouble outside the palace!"

"Now we are surrounded by people both inside and outside the palace!"

After a while, a eunuch ran to Zhao Gou in panic.


"Who is so bold as to dare to cause trouble?"

"Where are the forbidden troops in Shaoxing City?"

"Where are the troops accompanying me on my southern tour?"

"Can't we take down this mere bandit who is causing trouble?"

Zhao Gou looked in disbelief at this time.

"Return to the Holy Spirit!"

"This... most of these bandits are the soldiers who followed you on your southern tour, as well as the original forbidden army in Shaoxing City!"

"It...they have completely surrounded our palace!"

"Still...still insulting you, the Holy One, outside!"

The eunuch looked horrified.

"Insulting me?"

"What did they insult me ​​for?"

"Report it truthfully!"

Although Zhao Gou was frightened, he still had a sense of calmness after going through countless storms.

"They...they insulted you, the Holy One...you are the emperor who is running away!"

"And... I also said that Your Majesty... you are no longer worthy of being the emperor of the Song Dynasty!"

"Let...let you abdicate the throne as soon as possible and make way for the crown prince!"

The eunuch didn't dare to raise his lowered head at this moment.

"It's really the opposite!"


"Could it be that my prince wants to force me to marry him?"

"But my prince, Zhao Shen, has always been benevolent and filial, how could he do such a treasonous thing?"

"Where is Zhu Zhuo now? Summon him quickly!"

Of course, Zhao Gou knew Zhao Shen, who had been raised by himself, very well. At this time, Zhao Gou was in a hurry and thought of Zhu Zhuo first.

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten?"

"Zhu Zhuo is currently recovering in his hometown in Fuzhou due to old age and illness, and has not returned to Shaoxing with you!"

The eunuch explained to Zhao Gou.

"Oh, I was so anxious for the moment that I almost forgot that Zhu Zhuo sent me to see me sick before I left!"

"What about Zhang Zihou?"

"Where is it now? Call it quickly!"

After all, the two people Zhao Gou trusted most at this time, besides Zhu Zhuo, were Zhang Zihou who was responsible for protecting his safety.

After a while, Zhang Zihou came to Zhao Gou out of breath.

"what happened?"

"Why didn't you report it to me immediately when someone made trouble?"

Zhao Gou started to question Zhang Zihou with an angry look.

"I...I woke up from my sleep, and I just learned that someone...is causing trouble!"

"I...I, for the sake of your safety...I went to defend against the traitors first!"

"So...that's why I didn't have time to report the details to you, Your Majesty!"

Zhang Zihou looked timid at this time.

"You...you are really far behind your father Zhang Jun!"

"It's really in vain that I trust you so much!"

"Report to me quickly, who is instigating the rebellion?"

Zhao Gou seemed to have completely calmed down at this time.

"Yes...it was Xu Xian, the Minister of War and Pingzhang's political official, who encouraged others to cause rebellion!"

Zhang Zihou responded.


"Then Xu Xian actually dares to cause trouble?"

"Is this Xu Xian going to stage the Sand Dune Change that King Zhao Wuling had back then?"

"This... what should we do? What should we do?"

"Where is my prince?"

"Where is the emperor Zhao Shen?"

"Shen'er, where are you?"

"Why don't you come to save me?"

When Zhao Gou heard that the person instigating the rebellion was Empress Xu Xian, he instantly became panicked.

After all, in Zhao Gou's mind, Xu Xian had disrespected and insulted him in Fuzhou, and this time he led troops to surround him. Can you imagine what this person can't do?

"Escape the Emperor!"

"Escape the Emperor!"

"Quickly step aside and make way for someone more worthy!"

"Step aside and give way to someone more worthy!"


Outside the gate of the Shaoxing Imperial Palace, a man was sitting on a tall horse. He was leading countless soldiers, holding torches and weapons, and kept shouting into the palace. This man was none other than Xu Xian.

"Prime Minister Xu!"

"We are sieging but not attacking, forcing the emperor to abdicate and make way for someone worthy of his throne!"

"If it is really willing to step down and give way to someone more powerful, how should we act?"

"Do we really want to treat the emperor like how Gongzi Cheng and Li Dui treated King Zhao Wuling?"

"But if you do such a thing, you will be reviled by the world after all!"

Yue Lin couldn't help but feel guilty at this time.

"I'm not afraid of Xu Xian, so what are you afraid of?"

"Although your father Yue Fei died unjustly back then, he still served the country with his life!"

"For the sake of the Song Dynasty, I, Xu Xian, will be reviled by the world in the future, but what will it mean?"

"If the Song Dynasty is still such a greedy and fearless emperor as the emperor in the future, then can I, the great Song Dynasty, be saved in the future?"

Xu Xian still remembers Han Xiang'er's words to remind him: risk your life and survive.
This chapter has been completed!
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