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1. I became Xu Xian

Qin Yuzhu woke up and opened his eyes, only to find that he was lying under the scorching sun, with a tall tower in front of him.

"Xu Xian, are you awake?"

At this time, a monk with a golden bowl in his left hand and a golden staff in his right hand came to Qin Yuzhu.

Xu Xian?

Xu Xian and Bai Niangzi are a legendary couple.

But is the White Snake actually as tall as a fairy as in the legend?

If the white lady is really a white snake, she will be so scary!

Qin Yuzhu had always been afraid of snakes. Thinking that now that he had become Xu Xian, he would see the White Snake and have sex with a big white snake in the future, he was naturally a little worried.

Didn’t Feng Menglong promise to give me a fairy-like wife first?

But I was given a white snake wife at the beginning. I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to do it. I want to go back and change it and change it to a new plot.

Qin Yuzhu muttered reluctantly in his heart.

Because Qin Yuzhu was originally the illegitimate son of Zhu Yizhu, the king of Qin in the Ming Dynasty. In order to avoid the trouble of interfering with the king, he fled to the south of the Yangtze River. He met Feng Menglong by chance and was taken in by him and lived in the Feng family.

Until Feng Menglong recalled the book he had written one day, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful. After Qin Yuzhu learned about it, in order to repay his kindness, he promised Feng Menglong to help him complete the regrets in the book.

At this point, Qin Yuzhu began to enter the plot of the first script in Feng Menglong's book (The White Snake Forever Guards Leifeng Pagoda).

"Stinky monk!"

"Let my sister go now, or don't blame me for being rude!"

At this moment, a woman in green clothes suddenly appeared not far away, holding blue silk in one hand. She looked very pure and pleasant, but her brows were furrowed and her face was filled with anger.

"If you want to save your sister, you must first pass the level of Fahai!"

It turns out that this fat-headed and big-eared monk is Fa Hai.

While talking, the two began to fight.

Qin Yuzhu, no!

I am Xu Xian now.

Xu Xian stood up at this time, patted the dust on his body, and looked at the woman in green who was fighting with the monk Fahai just now.

The woman in green was attacking fiercely at this time. A piece of green silk in her hand seemed to turn into a blue silkworm cocoon, surrounding Monk Fahai. The green silkworm cocoon was shrinking smaller and smaller, and it was about to bind Fahai inside.

But the expression of the monk Fahai was very calm. He waved his Zen staff twice and gently broke open the green silkworm cocoon.

Xu Xian also guessed that the woman in green must be the White Snake's sister Xiao Qing. With Monk Fahai's magical power, Xiao Qing was definitely no match for her.

Looking at the situation in the field, it is obvious that Monk Fahai seems to have been showing mercy to Xiaoqing.

Xu Xian was too lazy to pay attention to the fight between the two at this time. After all, Xu Xian was most concerned about White Snake.

So Xu Xian stood up and turned his attention back to the tower.

I found a sign standing in front of the tower with the three characters "Leifeng Pagoda" engraved on it.

Leifeng Pagoda?

Could it be that White Snake is locked inside?

Is the White Snake a big white snake or a fairy-like beauty?

No, the white lady is my Xu Xian's wife now, and she will definitely not be a white snake.

Didn't King Zhou also have an intimate relationship with the vixen Su Daji?

What happened to me, Xu Xian, having an intimate relationship with White Snake?

White Snake, I, Xu Xian, am here, I am here!

Xu Xian thought silently in his mind and started running towards Leifeng Pagoda.

But when Xu Xian arrived at the Leifeng Pagoda, he found that there was a large iron door under the tower, and the door had been locked.

The tower door is still locked, how to open it?

Xu Xian had an idea and saw a big stone next to him. He lifted the stone hard and tried to break the door lock. Unexpectedly, when the big stone was hit, the door lock did not move at all.

Xu Xian then raised the stone to hit the lock again, and then smashed it down again. The door lock was still not damaged, but the stone broke into several pieces.

"Mr. Sir, there is no need to waste your efforts. This door lock has been cast by monk Fahai. You, a mortal, cannot open it!"

"Perhaps our destined fate has come to an end. You should go back!"

When Xu Xian picked up the gravel again and was about to break the door lock, suddenly a gentle female voice came from inside.

"Madam, is it you?"

"Are you talking?"

When Xu Xian heard this voice, he felt a sense of intimacy inexplicably.

"it's me!"

"it's me!"

"Ms. sir, it's me!"

There was a response from inside.

"Madam, I'm here to save you!"

"Save you!"

"How can I unlock this door and get you out?"

Xu Xian was of course very excited at this time.

"Ms. sir, you can't open the lock on this door!"

"I know you still have the desire to save me, so I'm very satisfied!"

"Let's go!"

"Go quickly!"

"Just pretend we've never met!"

The voices inside seemed to be getting a little louder.

"How can I, a grown man like Xu Xiandang, watch my wife being imprisoned in this tower and remain indifferent?"

"If I don't rescue you today, I won't leave!"

Xu Xian spoke very firmly.

"Xu Xian, you don't have to be so pretentious!"

"It wasn't you who conspired with that stinky monk to get my sister drunk, which caused her to lose all her power. My sister wouldn't have been imprisoned in the Leifeng Pagoda by this stinky monk!"

"If you really want to save my sister, come and work with me to snatch the golden bowl from this stinky monk!"

"Without this golden bowl, the gate of Leifeng Pagoda cannot be opened!"

The voice of the woman in green came from not far away.

No wonder the White Snake in the Tower is so heartless towards me. It turns out that the White Snake was harmed by that Xu Xian and was imprisoned in the Leifeng Pagoda.

It seems that if I, Xu Xian, want to win back White Snake’s heart, I must find a way to rescue her in order to atone for my sins.

The golden bowl is the only key to open the Leifeng Pagoda, but how can I snatch the golden bowl from the hands of the powerful monk Fa Hai?

Now that I, Xu Xian, am powerless and an ordinary mortal, what should I do?

Doesn’t Monk Fahai value his reputation very much? Since it is not afraid of ordinary robbery, can’t I use other methods?

By the way, I'll sue the government. If the government convicts this monk Fahai, won't my wife be saved?

I don't believe that this old monk Fahai dares to go against the government and ruin his reputation.

Xu Xian made up his mind and left Leifeng Temple directly to prepare the documents for prosecution.

Lin'an Prefecture is now the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty. Of course, public security has always been the strictest.

After Xu Xian left Leifeng Temple, he found that a person was making a loud noise not far away, and the people passing by were gathered around to watch.

"do you know?"

"The Jin soldiers are going south again soon!"

"I heard that the Jin soldiers came out in full force this time, and the leading coach is Wan Yanliang, the current emperor of the Jin Kingdom!"

"So if you don't want to follow in the footsteps of the two emperors of Huiqin, run away now, run away!"

At this moment, a man with a long beard and dreadlocks was standing in the middle of the crowd, and the words were just coming out of his mouth.


"What happened?"

So Xu Xian quickly got in front of the man with dirty braids and asked.

"Brother, you don't know, do you?"

"Now the Emperor of the Jin Kingdom is leading a million-strong army to invade south. I'm afraid he will soon cross the river and attack our Lin'an City!"

"Everyone is preparing to escape!"

"The emperor and officials are now preparing to evacuate Lin'an City. Why don't you go back, pack up and leave?"

"Have you forgotten the tragic situation that took place when Emperor Huiqin and the people of Bianliang were captured by the Jin army in the north?"

"We can't follow in their footsteps!"

"Those Jin people are bad!"

"I'm leaving first, taking one step first!"

The young man said this, took the baggage in his hand, got into the crowd, and disappeared.


The Emperor of Jin actually invaded the south again?

Could it be that I, Xu Xian, encountered Wanyan Liang, King of Jin Hailing, and invaded the south?

The Kingdom of Jin has always been cruel and unkind to the people of Song Dynasty. What should I do if my white lady, who is rumored to be like a fairy, falls into the hands of the Jin people?

Since the Jin soldiers invaded the south, could it be possible that the emperor, a group of officials, the prefect and others had already escaped, right?

If all the prefects have escaped, then where can I, Xu Xian, redress my grievances, and how can my wife be rescued?

Xu Xian was stunned for a moment.
This chapter has been completed!
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