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67. Occupy Bianjing

Due to the calls from a group of palace officials in front of the door, the news that Emperor Wan Yanliang of the Jin Kingdom was killed instantly reached the ears of these people.

So these people rushed to the palace gate one after another and began to ask the guards to open the city gate in order to confirm whether Emperor Wan Yanliang had really been murdered.

Seeing this, Wanyan Yuanyi had no choice but to lead his men in person and first killed several people who took the lead in breaking into the palace, hoping to force back these agitated people.

But unexpectedly, Wanyan Yuanyi's actions angered the people in the city even more. Some people even started to rush to the city gates, wanting to open the city gates to welcome their relatives outside the city.

Seeing that these people could no longer control themselves, Wanyan Yuanyi had no choice but to order people to forcibly kill these people, which also caused greater chaos in the city.

After Xu Xian and Pu San Zhongyi saw the chaos in the city, they knew that this was the best time to attack the city, so they ordered the attack to begin.

So the two armies, Zhongyi and Zhongyi attacked the south gate, and Xu Xian led the Song army to attack the east gate.

The defenders of Bianjing City had to face the rioting people in the city, and the attacks of two large armies outside the city. It was difficult to take care of the end.

In the end, under the command of Xu Xian, the east gate was first breached, and then the south gate was also breached by the loyal soldiers.

After the two armies entered Bianliang City, they cooperated with the rioting people in the city and began to massacre Wanyan Yuanyi's tribe.

Finally, after a day and night of fierce fighting, with corpses everywhere in the city, Bianjing finally returned to peace.

At this moment, the people in Bianjing City, under the arrangements of Xu Xian and Pu San Zhongyi, have all been rescued outside the city, and the treasury in the city has already been taken over by Xu Xian.

At this time, Xu Xian, together with Pu San Zhongyi, arrived at the gate of the Royal Palace in Bianjing City.

"Shuai Xu!"

"The thieves outside the palace have been eliminated!"

"As for Wanyan Yuanyi, he has already fled to the palace and hid. There is no need for Commander Xu to worry about arresting him. Let me take care of him!"

Pu San Zhongyi seemed to want to get into the palace first.

"We destroyed this city together. Since we have to clean up Wanyan Yuanyi, of course we must do it together!"

"If Wan Yanliang is still alive, wouldn't our Song Army be able to deal with it for the general?"

"Instead of trying to use Wanyan to command the princes, General, why not choose a younger and weaker prince, wouldn't it be easier to control?"

The more Xu Xian said, the softer his voice became. After all, other people could not hear these words.

"You're right!"

"If that Hunjun is still alive, it's really not that easy to control!"

"Then I'll leave it to Marshal Xu!"

"I'm going to capture Wanyan Yuanyi, and then I'll look for that stupid prince!"

Pu San Zhongyi felt that what Xu Xian said was reasonable, so he agreed.

After all, Pu San Zhongyi is not sure about Wan Yan Liang's life or death now. If Wan Yan Liang is still alive, he is indeed difficult to control. Pu San Zhong Yi also thinks that he is not as experienced as Wan Yan Yuanyi.

Afterwards, Xu Xian led thousands of elite soldiers to the direction of Wanyan Liang's palace first, while Pu San Zhongyi led his men to head towards Wan Yanliang's harem.

"Wan Yanliang, come out quickly and surrender!"

"Otherwise I, Xu Xian, will kill you!"

After Wanyan Liang's palace was surrounded by people, Xu Xian first shouted twice inside.

After seeing no response inside, Xu Xian personally took Yue Lin, Yang Polu and ten soldiers with high martial arts skills and rushed open the door of his palace with a knife.

"The day of our revenge has finally come!"

"Wan Yanliang, give me your life!"

"Emperor of the Tatars, today is your day of death!"

"We want to avenge thousands of Song people!"

"We want to avenge the Song people who sacrificed their lives in the disgrace of Jingkang!"

"We want revenge!"


There were bursts of shouts.

At this time, Xu Xian angrily led a few people and rushed to Wan Yanliang's huge bed and chopped him randomly.

After everyone finished cutting, they found that there was no blood on the knife edge.

Everyone suddenly felt something was wrong.

So Yue Lin opened Wan Yanliang's quilt, only to find that there was only a piece of mummy inside. Although Wan Yanliang's head looked like a normal person, it was only through cinnabar paste that it could barely retain its original appearance.


"The Tatar Emperor has actually become like this?"

"Is it true that the Tatar emperor was murdered by Wanyan Yuanyi a long time ago?"

At this time, Xu Xian and others finally confirmed that Wan Yanliang had been dead for many days, and had even been treated like this.

After confirming that Wanyan Liang had died long ago, Xu Xian immediately sent someone to notify Pu San Zhongyi. By the way, Xu Xian also took Yue Lin and Yang Polu to search for the treasure in Wanyan Liang's palace.



"Here's a box!"

"Hurry up and take a look!"

Yang Polu seemed to have discovered something at this moment.

Xu Xian immediately walked towards where Yang Polu was, and then he discovered that there was a lacquer box under Yang Polu's feet. It seemed to be a few years old. There seemed to be some dust marks where the lid and the body of the box met. The box Was locked.

So Xu Xian quickly squatted down and tried to pick up the box, but found that the box was actually embedded in the ground and could not be lifted at all.

So Xu Xian signaled Yang Polu to cut open the box with a knife.

Yang Polu stabbed it down, only to find that only some of the paint on the box had been cut off, but the inside was not moving at all.

When Yang Polu turned to slash at the copper lock of the lacquer box, he found that the lock could not be cut, and there was even a gap in the knife in Yang Polu's hand.

Xu Xian then quickly signaled Yang Polu to stop the knife in his hand. He took a closer look at the box and discovered that the box was made of thousand-year-old golden nanmu. Even the lock was made of cold iron and was plated with a layer of copper. It looks like a copper lock.

At this moment, Xu Xian felt more and more that this wooden box might not be simple.

Just at this time, Pu San Zhongyi arrived, and Xu Xian and others had no choice but to ignore the box for the time being and go to negotiate with Pu San Zhongyi about Wan Yanliang.

When Pu San Zhongyi saw that Wan Yanliang had become like this, he naturally pretended to cry bitterly.

After his mood stabilized, Xu Xian asked Pu San Zhongyi about his gains in the harem.

After Pu San Zhongyi's narration, Xu Xian learned that Wanyan Yuanyi had hanged himself in the back garden of the palace, and that Wanyan Guangying, the crown prince of the Jin Kingdom, was not in Bianjing at all and had long since disappeared.


"Can't you find your crown prince?"

"Then what are you going to do?"

Xu Xian also didn't expect that the crown prince of the Jin Kingdom was no longer in Bianjing.

Originally, Xu Xian had already expected that Wanyan Liang might be dead. Now that he had entered Bianjing, he wanted Pu San Zhongyi to kidnap Wanyan Guangying and fight against Wanyan Yong on his own.

Unexpectedly, Wan Yanliang did die, but Prince Jin ran away, so Xu Xian's plan will not work now.

"Now that Wan Yanyong has established himself in Yanjing, if I want to fight against him, I must find the crown prince!"

"And the Crown Prince will definitely not go to Yanjing to join Wan Yanyong at this time. If I don't expect it, the Crown Prince will definitely try his best to find Tu Dan Hexi, because this is his only choice now!"

"Whether it is to avoid the upcoming fight between me and Tu Dan Hexi, or to control the crown prince, I must take the initiative to meet Tu Dan Hexi for a while!"

"This Bianjing will be left to you, Marshal Xu, for the time being!"

“I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future!”

After Pu San Zhongyi finished speaking, he took a group of palace beauties and withdrew from Bianjing City.
This chapter has been completed!
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