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69. Chuan Guo Yuxi



"I pried this box out, pried it out!"

Suddenly, Yang Polu ran towards Xu Xian in high spirits.

"You...why are you in here again?"

"It really scared me!"

Xu Xian also didn't expect Yang Polu to be in this palace.

"Didn't I know that Marshal, you wanted to see what was in this box?"

"So I've been trying to figure out how to help you, Marshal, get this box out!"

"Commander, look, haven't I pried this box out now?"

Yang Polu showed off the box in front of Xu Xian.

"Since you can pry this box out, why not open the lock and let the commander take a look inside? What kind of treasure is there?"

Yue Lin reminded Yang Polu.

"Okay, then I'll show you the lock-picking skills I just learned!"

As Yang Polu said, he suddenly took out a copper needle from his arms and pried a few times on the copper lock. Sure enough, the copper lock was opened.

So Yang Polu immediately opened the wooden box in front of Xu Xian. Inside the wooden box appeared a brocade package inlaid with gold threads. There seemed to be another box inside the package.



"This...this brocade has a dragon tattooed with gold threads?"

Yue Lin was also shocked when he saw what was in the box.

"Since this is Wan Yanliang's hidden treasure, there's no need to make a fuss about the golden dragon!"

"Let's see what's inside!"

Xu Xian was very calm.

Later, Yang Polu opened the golden dragon silk and satin. Unexpectedly, when the three of them saw what was inside, they were all surprised.

"This... this is not a box, this... this is a huge seal ribbon!"

"This seal jade is not only crystal clear, but also has its own afterglow. It is truly the best in the world, not to mention it is inlaid with an exquisitely crafted golden dragon!"

"It seems that this seal is anything but ordinary!"

When Yue Lin first saw the giant seal in front of him, his eyes almost popped out of his head. After all, he followed Xu Xian and saw many treasures, but he had never seen such a precious Golden Dragon and Jade Seal.

"This jade seal looks really nice, but it's a pity that it's not perfect!"

"What a shame!"

Yang Polu said suddenly from the side.

"You actually say that this kind of the best thing that is rare in the world is not perfect enough. So what do you think is perfect, Polu?"

After hearing what Yang Polu said, Yue Lin was a little confused.

"I'm not looking down on this baby!"

"Didn't you see that there is a corner under this seal that seems to have been broken and then repaired with gold inlay?"

"Isn't this kind of thing just like patching the pants we wear? It's obviously a shabby thing. How can we say it is the perfect match in the world?"

"I don't think it's better than this!"

"Anyway, this seal ribbon is only a fragment, but this golden dragon is really a real treasure!"

"How about I help the commander cut down the golden dragon on top?"

Yang Polu said and stood up, ready to draw his sword.


"Stop it now...!"

"Do you know what kind of treasure this is?"

"Just want to destroy it?"

Xu Xian immediately stopped Yang Polu.

"Commander, why are you so nervous?"

"What kind of treasure could it be?"

Yang Polu quickly took back the knife.

"Commander, what kind of treasure is this?"

"What baby?"

Yue Lin, who was standing by, saw Xu Xian's expression suddenly turned so serious, and was also curious.

"As...as I expected, this...this is the national...jade...seal engraved with (mandated by heaven, longevity and longevity)!"

As Xu Xian spoke, his hands began to shake nervously.


"Is this... is this the legendary jade seal of the country?"

"Shouldn't this imperial seal be in the Lin'an Palace?"

"How could it be here?"

"I do not believe!"

"This...this...this is really engraved with (Ordered by Heaven, and longevity will be long)!"

"This... is the real jade seal passed down from the country, the real jade seal passed down from the country!"

As Yue Lin spoke, he picked up the seal ribbon and glanced at the writing at the bottom, and his eyes widened.

"But how did this national jade seal get a corner broken, and how did it end up in the hands of the Tatar Emperor Wan Yanliang?"

Yang Polu also became curious at this time. After all, he had heard of the Chuanguo Jade Seal, but he had never heard of what it looked like. Today he had seen it.

"Look... look, there seems to be something wrapped in this silk satin!"

Xu Xian said as he pulled away the satin wrapping the jade seal.

At this time, several pieces of gold slips fell out of the silk satin, and the gold slips were densely engraved with some writings.

"In the third year of the Qing Dynasty, Shi Jingtang colluded with the Khitan and plotted against us in the Central Plains. Although I fought hard, I was unable to return due to internal and external troubles. I didn't want to be a prisoner of the captives, and I didn't want my seal to fall into the hands of the captives, so I surrendered my seal to Luo

River, burn yourself to the wall and end up!"

Xu Xian quickly picked up one of the gold slips and started reading it.

"Isn't this the reign title of Emperor Li Congke of the Later Tang Dynasty in the third year of the Qing Dynasty?"

"Could it be that this golden slip was written by Li Congke, and Li Congke didn't want the imperial seal to fall into the hands of the Khitan people at that time, so he threw the jade seal into the Luo River before self-immolation?"

After Yue Lin listened, he analyzed it.


"Li Congke is worthy of being the most courageous monarch of his generation. It's a pity that he was born at the wrong time!"

"Even if Shi Jingtang betrayed the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun and colluded with the Khitan to attack the Central Plains, the people of the Central Plains would not have suffered the scourge of the Tartars in the past two hundred years!"

Xu Xian certainly still remembers Shi Jingtang's betrayal of the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun.


"It's all Shi Jingtang's fault!"

Yue Lin also echoed angrily.


"Although Shi Jingtang is hateful, it is still because we Han people in the Central Plains are not united enough and enjoy too much!"

"Look at the people in the Song Dynasty court who are in intrigues all day long, and you will understand that these people can never be counted on!"

Xu Xian couldn't help but sigh again.


"Now that the Song Dynasty court is hopelessly corrupt, it is simply impossible to expect them to support us in regaining the Central Plains!"

"And it might be them who will hinder us from regaining the Central Plains in the end!"

"So we must guard against them from now on!"

Yue Lin immediately took the call.

"It's hard to guard against house thieves if you guard against them day and night!"

"Since you, Marshal, have now obtained the Imperial Seal, aren't you the real Mr. Right?"

"I heard there is a saying from ancient times: He who can spread the jade seal of the country will win the world!"

"And Marshal, now that you have the imperial seal, you are the legitimate heir to the emperor!"

Yang Polu suddenly said.


"Don't talk nonsense!"

"Nowadays, our strength is not enough to call ourselves a country, and Bianjing is the place where the Fourth War was fought, and it is not suitable for us to stay for a long time!"

"Didn't Sun Jian get the imperial seal once, but didn't he get a good death in the end?"

"And although Wanyan Liang secretly hid the imperial seal, his invasion of the Song Dynasty from the south failed, and he died tragically at the hands of his own ministers!"

"So today we get this national jade seal, which is actually a blessing and a disaster!"

"Don't reveal the fact that we obtained the Imperial Seal for now!"

Of course Xu Xian understood the situation before him and could not help but have any delusional thoughts.
This chapter has been completed!
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