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89. The White Snake Goes to Prison


"I can let it go!"

"I hope you can fulfill your promise not to hurt my life!"

When Bai Suzhen saw so many golden soldiers here, she knew that she might not be able to escape. Even killing Zhang Hao would be of no use, and she had already accomplished what she wanted to do this time.

So after Bai Niangzi let Zhang Hao go, she was immediately kidnapped and taken away by Wanyanyong's men Wuhuada.

Two days later, in Daming Mansion, a negotiation was going on in a secret room.

"Soup Messenger!"

"Isn't your request going too far?"

At this time, Jin Prime Minister Zhang Hao was looking at the Song envoy Tang Situi in front of him with a displeased face.

"My request is authorized by our Holy God!"

"Isn't the agreement you reached with us, the Song Dynasty, based on the Yellow River as the boundary?"

"Furthermore, your Kingdom of Jin has not fulfilled its promise and sent troops to attack those thieves. Why do you still want us, the Song Dynasty, to use the central line of the Huaihe River as the boundary with you?"

Tang Sihui also became very tough at this moment.

"Mr. Tang, what do you mean?"

"The contract we made with you Song people was to jointly defeat Wanyan Liang, and now Wanyan Liang has been executed!"

"As for the crusade against the Ming thief, we, the Great Jin Kingdom, have not promised you anything!"

"And when you came as envoys to talk to us, the Great Jin Kingdom, you already agreed to jointly send troops to defeat the Ming thieves!"

"Furthermore, you Song people have not sent troops to attack the Ming thief so far. Instead, your Song emperor has given the Ming thief Xu Xian the title of King Xu!"

"We, the Great Jin Kingdom, have been at war with the Ming thieves since they took over Bianjing. Until now, our Great Jin Kingdom has lost Luoyang and the entire Guanzhong area!"

"If it weren't for you, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, who tolerated the traitors, how could the Ming thieves become so big now?"

"So you Song people must take responsibility for this!"

Zhang Hao even stood up as he spoke.

"You Jin people can't defend Luoyang, you can't defend Guanzhong, and now you blame us, the Song Dynasty?"

"What's the point?"

"Our Holy Lord made Xu Xian, the leader of the Ming thief, king. Actually, we hope that Xu Xian can change his mind and turn around!"

"It's a pity that Xu Xian still persists in his obsession. He even ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, openly rebelling against the Song Dynasty. Do you think this is what our Holy Lord wants to see?"

"If your Jin army can move south as soon as possible, how can the Ming thief Xu Xian become our biggest threat to the Song and Jin countries today?"

"So there is no one between us Song and Jin who should be responsible for whom. Instead, you, the Jin Kingdom, must immediately send troops to help our Song Dynasty quell the rebellion of the Ming Dynasty, and then continue to fulfill the treaty with the Yellow River as the boundary!"

Tang Situi also stood up immediately, not falling behind at all.


"I'll tell you one last time!"

"We, the Jin Kingdom, and you, the Song people, must use the Huai River as the boundary, and you, the Song people, must have paid tribute to us, the Jin Kingdom!"

"Otherwise this cooperation will be cancelled!"

Zhang Hao began to threaten Tang Si and then retreated.

“Cancel, cancel!”

"Then let's not talk about it!"

After Tang Situi finished speaking, he went out angrily.

At night, in Daming Mansion Prison.

"Miss Bai!"

"I have followed your instructions and messed up the Song-Jin cooperation!"

"Is it time for you to give me the antidote?"

At this time, Tang Sihui quietly came to the prison where White Snake was being held.


"You won't lie to me, will you?"

At this time, the white lady, who was covered in chains, had a look of disbelief.

"How dare I lie to you, Miss Bai!"

"In three days, the Kingdom of Jin will definitely make an announcement!"

"I have to leave quickly during these three days, otherwise these Jin Tatars will not let me go!"

"Please Miss Bai, please give me the medicine as soon as possible!"

Tang Sihui quickly explained.

"I am now a death row prisoner, and everything on my body has been searched long ago. How can I give you the antidote?"

"Unless you can rescue me, I can find the antidote for you!"

The white lady responded.

"you you!"

"You...you woman, dare to act like an official?"

"Didn't you agree that if I helped you destroy the Song-Jin cooperation, you would give me the antidote immediately?"

Tang Sihui was a little angry at this time.

"I promised to give you the antidote!"

"But now that I'm locked up in this prison, how can I give you the antidote?"

The white lady explained.


"Can't you tell me where the antidote is and I can go get it myself?"

Tang Sihui asked again.

"No one can get this antidote except me!"

"What's the point of telling you?"

"That's why I asked you to rescue me, and I helped you find the antidote!"

"Otherwise, if you wait another seven days and the snake venom on your legs cannot be removed, your whole body will fester and die!"

The white lady continued to respond.


"You are trying to kill me, Tang Situi!"

"You are trying to kill me!"

Tang Si lost his temper and left the prison directly.


Could it be that I, Tang Situi, am really going to die in this Daming Mansion?

Do I really want to save that woman?

But if I don’t save it, I’m afraid the poison will spread and I’ll die!

But what if I go to rescue her and get caught by the Tatars?

Those Tatars are inherently cruel and violent, and I broke up with them at the negotiating table. The consequences would be disastrous!

The next day after returning to his residence, Tang Sidui opened his wound and found that the snake venom had begun to spread on his leg.

Should I save her or not?

Saving her means saving myself!

For the sake of my little life, I risked my life. I, Tang Situi, will risk my life today.

After Tang Situi hesitated for a while, he decided to save White Snake.

So Tang Si retreated to the prison again in the dead of night.

"what happened?"

"Why are there so many people in prison today?"

Seeing that there were suddenly more guards at this time, Tang Situi quickly asked a cell leader.

"Today, the Holy One just issued an order that the assassin White Snake inside must be closely guarded, so the guards have been increased!"

"And early tomorrow morning, this white lady will be escorted back to Yanjing!"

The prison boss responded.

"Be escorted back to Yanjing tomorrow?"

"Why do you, Your Majesty, want to escort her to Yanjing?"

When Tang Situi heard the news, he was naturally anxious.

"How do we, the people, know about the things of the Holy One?"

"Mr. Tang, I think you shouldn't go in today!"

"Otherwise, if something happens to that assassin, we can't afford it!"

The cell leader reminded Tang Sihui.

"Then give me more patience, wouldn't it be enough to be more considerate?"

Tang Sidui immediately took out two ingots of silver from his sleeves and quietly placed them in the hands of the cell leader.

"After all, this is a repeat offence!"

"We can't bear it!"

"Mr. Tang, it's better to go back!"

"Unless you can find our Prime Minister Zhang, no one will be able to enter this prison tonight!"

The prison boss pushed back the silver in his hand.

I also want to go in and discuss with the white lady how to save her?

This prison doesn't even let me in now. What should I do?

What should I do?

I'm going to find Zhang Hao. Can Zhang Hao give me face?

After all, I was the one who failed to negotiate this Song-Jin collaboration!

How about this? For the time being, I will lie to the Prime Minister Zhang Hao and say that our Holy One has agreed to his request. Then... won't he be able to see me now?

This is very good, so be it!

Tang Si Tui thought of this and had an idea, so he went to find Zhang Hao, the Prime Minister of Jin.

This chapter has been completed!
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