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Chapter 101 Rectifying the inner court

Chapter 101 Reorganizing the Inner Court

Zhu Cixiang not only planned to restore the west factory, he also planned to open up the inner factory as well.

From now on, the West Factory will be responsible for monitoring the East Factory, Jin Yiwei and the Fourth Military Supervisor, while the Inner Factory will be responsible for monitoring the various yamen of the inner court.

In the next few days, Zhu Cihong also began drastic reforms and rectification of the inner court.

The twenty-four yamen of the inner court were either split, reorganized, or abolished, and the intensity of rectification was unprecedented.

The Supervisor of Ceremonies is responsible for approving red seals and in charge of various seals.

The Internal Affairs Supervisor is responsible for the personnel and personnel recruitment and training of the inner court.

The Internal Affairs Supervisor is responsible for the miscellaneous affairs and logistics in the palace, such as the Food Supervisor, the Salary Management Department, the Bell and Drum Department, the Clothing and Clothing Bureau, the Scarf and Hat Bureau, the Taiyuan Hospital, etc., all of which are placed under the Internal Affairs Supervisor.

Purchasing Supervisor, from now on, the Purchasing Supervisor will be responsible for the unified procurement of all items and food in the palace.

The Financial Supervisor is responsible for managing the palace's finances and disbursing salaries.

The Audit Supervisor is responsible for auditing the financial affairs of each yamen.

The Penal Prison was responsible for judging and executing the criminals in the palace. In the future, no one was allowed to use lynching. The death penalty must be reported to the emperor for approval before it can be executed.

Commercial Supervisor, responsible for royal stores and other businesses.

The manufacturing supervisor has jurisdiction over the Banknote Department, Banking Bureau, Needlework Bureau, Dyeing and Weaving Bureau, etc.

Then there are the four military supervisors. Except for the royal horse supervisor and the ordnance supervisor, the other two supervisors only have a framework. In the future, the four supervisors will definitely become independent.

The Ordnance Supervisor will be fully responsible for the manufacturing of weapons, firearms, armor and uniforms for each army in the future.

It consists of more than ten departments including the Gunpowder Bureau, Artillery Bureau, Fire Gun Bureau, Swords and Guns Department, Military Uniforms Department, Archery Department, Armor Department, etc. The scale is unprecedentedly large.

Whether they are the former craftsmen of the Imperial War Bureau or the blacksmiths and carpenters selected from the refugees, a total of 200,000 people and their families have been assigned to the Ordnance Supervision. They are temporarily manufactured in the imperial city and will definitely be moved out in the future.


Including Dongchang, Xichang, Neichang and Jinyiwei, the inner court after reorganization has a total of seventeen yamen.

The Royal Forest Army was directly responsible to the emperor, and consisted of ten battalions, each with a commander. One of the battalions was a female battalion, responsible for guarding the harem, and the remaining nine battalions were responsible for guarding the imperial city.

With so many departments, it was impossible not to have a general manager of the inner court. After much deliberation, Zhu Cixiang finally appointed Liu Xinlan as the general manager of the inner court to coordinate and coordinate the affairs between various yamen.

Of course, with three factories and one sanitary department, these four yamen operate independently in principle, and the four military supervisors will do the same in the future.

"Xinlan, all departments must adapt as soon as possible and get up and running quickly, especially the Commercial Supervision and Ordnance Supervision.

Within three months, Huangdian's branches will be spread throughout Beizhili, and within a year they will be spread throughout the north. Each county will have to establish a branch, and then spread to the south.

The Ordnance Supervisor must also hurry up and build standard weapons, armor, bows and arrows, and military uniforms, and the firearms can be put on hold for the time being."

He could no longer tolerate the current equipment and uniforms of the armies.

The dignified soldiers of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty wore all kinds of clothes, just like beggars. Most of them were still wearing the clothes of the rebels in the past. They could not even compare with the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty. It was really outrageous.

Not to mention the equipment, the armors are also various and tattered, most of them are not there yet, even the Mongols can't compare.

He also knows that it is difficult now, so his requirements are not high. For the time being, each person can get a set of standard cotton-padded clothes and new military uniforms, and armor and other things will be built slowly.

As for weapons, he only plans to build four types of arms for the time being, sword and shield soldiers, spearmen, archers and cavalry.

So for now, we only need to make standard swords, bucklers, spears, bows and arrows, and sabers.

As for firearms, we will not consider them for the time being. We will wait until hundreds of thousands of troops have put on new military uniforms and new swords and guns.

Because of this battle, many soldiers' weapons were damaged, and the swords and guns held by more than half of the soldiers had chips or curled blades.

"It's Your Majesty."

Liu Xinlan, the newly appointed eunuch of the Ordnance Supervisor, and the chief female officer of the Commercial Supervisor all responded quickly.

All three of them felt tremendous pressure.

Especially Liu Xinlan, although the power of the inner court manager is huge, she actually doesn't really want to do it.

Because she knew that after becoming the general manager, she would probably have to wait until His Majesty canonize her as a concubine.

But she also knew that His Majesty had no one he could trust now, especially not among the eunuchs and maids in the inner court.

The chief steward of the inner court was extremely important at first glance, so she could only do her best to keep an eye on these yamen for His Majesty.

After sending everyone away, Zhu Cihong gave Liu Xinlan some instructions alone, then asked her to go about her business, and then called Wu Xiang over again.

"Wu Aiqing, I plan to set up a yamen, which will be responsible for the security, theft prevention, fire prevention, cleaning and other matters in the outer city from now on. Let's call it the Public Security Department. I plan to let you be responsible for setting up and managing this department. Are you sure you can do it well?


"Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty. I will never give up even if I die!"

Wu Xiang replied quickly, feeling really excited. Although the Secretary of Public Security did not sound like a serious government official at first glance, he could not resist the fact that he was so powerful.

This is simply the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division.

"Okay, I still believe in Aiqing's ability. I will allocate a group of people from the Jinyi Weidong Factory to you, and you will recruit some more yourself, and divide the outer city into streets..."

Zhu Cixiang nodded and explained to him the functions and regulations of the Public Security Department.

In fact, the Public Security Department is a hodgepodge department that integrates the police station, traffic police, sanitation, and urban management.

Although it is temporarily under the management of the inner court, it is not considered an inner court yamen.

The Five Cities Military and Horse Division will be responsible for guarding the city gates from now on.

"You have to restrain your subordinates and don't let me do anything to oppress and exploit people's merchants. Once discovered, I will only ask you, and the mess in the outer city will also be rectified vigorously!"

"Your Majesty, I will definitely bring order to the outer city."

After Wu Xiang left the palace, he first received 3,000 eliminated people from the Jinyi Weidong Factory. Almost all of them were local ruffians.

You can imagine the pressure.

Wu Xiang also knows that he is now a member of the Wu family's holy family.

One son was granted the title of Marquis, promoted to a general, and commanded an army.

The other son was also conferred the title of uncle and served as the general soldier under the imperial concubine. Now he is given an important position by your majesty.

But if the wood is as beautiful as the forest, the wind will destroy it. At this time, he knows that he must be more careful. I am afraid that countless people are watching his Wu family, waiting for something to happen to the Wu family, and then they will write a letter of impeachment and ask for credit from His Majesty.

Therefore, after the Public Security Department was established and put into operation, almost every day he would work from early in the morning to late at night in person to inspect and supervise the outer city.

In just a few days, hundreds of people were punished and eliminated, and the environment in the outer city began to improve, but Wu Xiang still did not dare to relax at all.

However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. No matter how cautious the Wu family is, trouble still finds its way.

I don't know when, there was a rumor among the upper class people in the city that Wu Hou's concubine Chen Yuanyuan was so beautiful that she was so beautiful that even His Majesty praised her for her beauty that would captivate the country and the city.

On that day, when His Majesty went out of the city to resolve the supply dispute, he was also the first to go to the Wu Mansion and summoned Chen Yuanyuan. This shows how beautiful Chen Yuanyuan is.

Fortunately, Chen Yan, the former chief assistant who spread rumors about His Majesty a few days ago, has been publicly cut into pieces at Caishikou and executed late.

Otherwise, I don’t know how this matter will be spread.

(It may have to wait until 12 noon to be put on the shelves. Some book friends are used to reading it in the morning. I think I will post another chapter. I hope everyone will subscribe after it is put on the shelves tomorrow. Thank you.)

(End of chapter)

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