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Chapter 126 Falling Into Chaos

Chapter 126 Falling into Chaos

Nanjing Jingying is worse than Beijing Jingying.

Not only are the mid-level and high-level generals held by the nobles' sons, but even the low-level generals and a large number of ordinary soldiers are the vassals and servants of the nobles, earning free wages.

After more than two hundred years, there has been no war for a long time, and in the pink land of Nanjing, it can no longer be described as rotten. It is simply worse than the guardsmen.

Otherwise, dozens of Japanese pirates would not have been able to kill them at the gates of Nanjing City, show off their power, and then leave.

That is to say, in the past few years, the world has been in chaos, and the rebels once killed Fengyang, Luzhou, and Jiangxi. Coupled with the civil unrest in Zhejiang, Wei Guogong and other nobles also felt a sense of crisis, so they recruited some new soldiers, so that now

The Beijing camp finally had 50,000 to 60,000 people who could barely be called soldiers.

However, at the beginning, I received regular military pay for a month or two and had enough food for a month or two. As time went by, the military pay continued to decrease, the food continued to get worse, and finally I went back to the old ways.

Well, in the past few months, there was the issue of establishing a new king, so some military pay was given and some meals were given.

At this moment, at the Beijing camp campus outside the city, looking at the sudden attack of nearly 10,000 troops, the 50,000 to 60,000 soldiers in the Beijing camp immediately panicked and picked up their swords and guns one after another at the greetings of the officers.

"General Li, what do you mean?"

A group of distinguished disciples, wearing armor, came to the gate of the camp, looked at Li Dakai and the murderous army behind him, and asked nervously.

The leader was none other than the crown prince of Wei State and the deputy general of the Beijing camp.

"This general has been ordered to take over the capital camp. If he encounters any obstruction, he will be killed without mercy!" Li Dakai held high the imperial edict.

"I have been ordered to take over the capital camp. If you encounter any obstruction, I will kill you without mercy!"

The tens of thousands of troops behind them also waved their weapons and shouted in unison. The overwhelming murderous intent scared all the noble disciples and subconsciously took a few steps back.

The tens of thousands of soldiers in the camp even had their legs trembling, and the timid weapons almost lost their grip and fell to the ground.

"General Li, the Nanjing Camp also belongs to the emperor's personal army. We and other nobles who stayed behind have always served as generals. I wonder whose order you are following?"

The Crown Prince of Wei strongly supported.

Obviously he is unwilling to hand over military power at all. In this special period, once the capital camp is handed over, it will be a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Of course it is the order of His Majesty and the Imperial Concubine."

"General Li, unless the imperial concubine comes in person, or your Majesty revokes the edict of the Nanjing camp, I will not let you in."

"Kill me. Anyone who does not lay down his weapon and surrender will be killed without mercy!"

When Li Dakai saw this, he also knew that it was impossible to accept it peacefully, and he also did not want to delay any longer. He casually put the imperial edict on his waist, drew out his long sword, and shouted loudly.


Immediately, 10,000 Chinese soldiers rushed forward impatiently.

"Quick, stop them..."

All the distinguished disciples were so frightened that they backed away and shouted at the same time.

No one expected that Li Dakai would actually dare to take action. At the same time, he also understood that His Majesty might not be able to tolerate them anymore, so he could only give it a try now.

After all, who knows if the imperial edict in Li Dakai's hand is true?

There were still some servants around the noble disciples, and the equipment was also good. After listening to their master's order, they subconsciously went up to kill them.

But where is the opponent for the Chinese soldiers who are like wolves and tigers?

After three strikes, five divided by two, they were cut down to the ground. As for the ordinary soldiers, they were even worse. They were hacked to death and injured hundreds of people, and then they all dropped their weapons and knelt down to surrender. A group of noble disciples were also tied up with five flowers.

Li Dakai led 10,000 people to easily capture the army of 50,000 to 60,000 horses.

But at this time, the team in charge of ransacking homes in the city did not go very smoothly. Seeing the teams of soldiers hurriedly running through the streets, the whole city of Nanjing was shocked.

Almost everyone knew something serious was going on.

"My dear friends, look quickly, these soldiers and horses seem to be heading towards the Duke of Wei's mansion."

"No way? Could it be that the noble concubine wants to touch Duke Wei?"

Seeing the soldiers running past on the street, the soldiers upstairs looked at each other, and then they woke up, with shock on their faces.

"It's very possible. Let's go and have a look."

A scholar with extraordinary bearing rushed out immediately, with excitement on his face.

"Brother Mi, wait for me..." Everyone else also reacted and rushed downstairs.

These scholars are not unknown people, but Chen Zhenhui, Hou Fangyu, Fang Yizhi, Mao Bijiang and others, who are known as the Four Young Masters of Jinling.

As the news spread, more and more scholars and common people rushed to watch the excitement. Even some brothel girls couldn't help but rush over after receiving the news.

There was no way, the news was too shocking, all the noble residences in Nanjing were surrounded by soldiers and horses brought by the imperial concubine.

Obviously these nobles are not welcomed in the city of Nanjing. Normally, everyone dares to be angry but dare not speak out. Now the imperial concubine is very likely to eradicate all these nobles. How can everyone not be excited about this?

At this moment, at the gate of Duke Wei's mansion, Xu Lan personally led a hundred female soldiers and a thousand soldiers to knock on the door.

But no matter how hard they knocked or threatened, the people inside would not open the door and began to block the door. It was obvious that these noble servants were used to being arrogant and now they did not even take the imperial decree into consideration.

"You are so brave. You demolished my house, knocked on the door, and dared to resist. Anyone who dared to resist will be killed on the spot!"

When Xu Lan, a female general, saw that she had taken out the emperor's edict but it didn't work, and saw that more and more people were watching, she was so angry that she immediately gave the order to attack.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way..."

"Mom, what are you doing here? Have you never seen a house raid?"

Seeing the soldiers charging at them with swords, the people on the street were so frightened that they backed away, but no one left.

Obviously, they don't want to miss the usual scenes of the noble ladies and ladies being kidnapped.

"Brother Mi, this, the Duke of Wei's Mansion is really going to be taken over." Mao Bijiang watched the soldiers tear down a pillar and really started to hit the gate of the Duke of Wei's Mansion. His jaw almost dropped in shock.

"Tsk, tsk, this noble concubine is really crazy. She is indeed a strange woman who cooked and ate King Fu."

Fang Yizhi pricked his mouth with a look of gloating on his face.

"Brother Mi, be careful what you say. Prince Fu was cooked because of thieves. What does it have to do with the noble concubine?"

"Yes, yes, I made a mistake."

Fang Yizhi hurriedly smiled and said.

That day in the court, Lady Hong made the news about Prince Fu stepping on his father and jumping over the wall to escape. In just two days, everyone knew about it.

When King Fu learned about it, he was not to be outdone. On the way to the capital, he spread rumors that his father had been cooked and eaten by the red lady.

It turns out there are people who believe it.


With a bang, the door of Wei Guogong's mansion was finally knocked open. The soldiers went straight in without Xu Lan's orders. Anyone who held a weapon and did not kneel down was killed.

There were constant screams and wails for a while.

"This...this is really killing!"

"Let's go!"

When the onlookers saw the people using knives to kill people, they finally ran away screaming in fear of being harmed.

"Brother Hou, Brother Fang, come on, stop watching the excitement and find a place to hide. Not only the Duke of Wei, but all the nobles have been confiscated. The whole city is about to turn into a mess."

A scholar hurried over and reported the news to Fang Yizhi and others out of breath.


Everyone exclaimed again.

Then they all hid in the nearby buildings, no longer daring to stay on the street.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before I saw groups of big men with sharp blades coming towards us along the streets.

They were all gangs of various sizes in Nanjing.

The backers behind these large and small gangs are the nobles. After receiving the news, they rushed here with people. The gangs totaled tens of thousands, and each of them was extremely bold.

For a time, the people in the city were so frightened that they fled and fell into chaos. Countless ruffians also came out and started to take advantage of the situation.

At the same time, inside Fengtian Hall.

Hearing the shouts and howls coming from the city, all the officials were running around in panic.

Zhang Yan, who was sitting in the main seat, couldn't sit still when she saw such a big commotion. Only the red lady remained expressionless, as if she hadn't heard the commotion in the city.

"Mother, I warned you a long time ago, but you didn't listen. It's okay now. Judging from this movement, I'm afraid the whole city is in chaos."

"Alas! What should we do?"

Everyone complained.

"Ying'er..." Zhang Yan also looked at the red lady with a worried look.

"Auntie, don't worry. This situation has been expected by my nephew and wife. It happened to be that all the monsters and monsters in the city came out and they were dealt with in one fell swoop to avoid future trouble. I have ordered Li Dakai to lead troops into the city to put an end to the chaos."

The red lady came to her side and whispered.

"But how many innocent people will be hurt by such turmoil?" Zhang Yan said sadly, obviously blaming the red lady for her chaos.

"Auntie, tens of millions of people have died in the north, aren't they innocent? There are not even one out of ten people in Henan, so do 90% of them deserve to die?

Why can the gentlemen and ladies from the south of the Yangtze River live in fine clothes, live in fine clothes, sing, dance and have fun all day long, while the people in the north are so hungry that they can eat each other's children?"

The red lady said bitterly.

Obviously, he deeply hates these rich people in Jiangnan.

If she is still a rebel now, she must kill them all.

Zhang Yan had not seen the tragic situation in Henan like the Red Lady, so naturally she could not understand her mentality, so she could only keep a straight face and said nothing.

Outside the city, after Li Dakai left 5,000 men to guard the capital camp, he led the remaining 5,000 men into the city and began to quell the chaos.

As for the 10,000 people in the city, except for the 2,000 who blocked the city gates and piers, and the 2,000 who guarded the palace, the remaining 6,000 people arrested people in the mansions of nobles, and then killed the gangsters who came over.

There is no chaos in the city.

Although the city fell into chaos and Li Dakai arrived with his troops in just half an hour, the entire city of Nanjing was still in a state of chaos.

Countless hooligans and disbanded gang members frantically smashed, smashed, and looted during this half hour, and they were the first to suffer the brunt of the crime.

Many large households suffered disasters and were rushed in by local gangsters.

"Kill! Anyone who steals something or cheats money will be killed!"

After Li Dakai entered the city, he saw the people making trouble on the streets and started to kill them.

(End of chapter)

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