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Chapter 168

Chapter 168 If there is the Eunuch Party, there will be no Donglin Party

Zhang Yan's head was buzzing as she listened to Zhu Cixiang's domineering words, and she was completely confused.

Although I feel that these words really should not come from the mouth of the Holy Lord, but after careful consideration, I found that as long as Xinger is unreasonable and does not care about his reputation, he can really do whatever he wants. If he wants to change the chief assistant, he can change the chief assistant. If he wants to kill him, he can

Civil servants will kill civil servants, and there is no need to engage in imperial checks and balances.

"Okay, then, although Ma Shiying's character is not good, his ability is still outstanding, but as long as Xun'er knows what he is doing, he should not say anything to others in the future!"

Zhang Yan took a deep breath, nodded finally, and gave another instruction.

It would be very heartbreaking if civil servants heard this.

Zhu Cixiang smiled, saying this was just to share his inner sense of accomplishment with Zhang Yan. He would never say it to anyone else. After all, he still had to wear the cloak of a wise and wise minister on the surface.

Just like Jiajing Wanli Tianqi and the ministers all knew what was going on, but in order to take care of their respective faces, they would not tell the truth.

Now, in order to take into account the face of the civil servants, he will not directly say that you are all pigs raised by me.

The next day, during the imperial court, almost all the civil servants in Nanjing came. There were more than two thousand people inside and outside the palace, nearly half of whom were new scholars.

With such a big battle, almost all civil servants knew that something big must be announced today.

The Shenwu Emperor, who never saw the dragon's head or tail, shouldn't be absent today!

But what surprised everyone was that the dragon chair was empty as usual, with Zhang Yan still sitting beside it.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

"Hail, Queen Mother!"

The ministers could only continue to kowtow into the air with a depressed look on their faces, shouting "Long Live Long Live" three times, and then turned around to salute Zhang Yan again, with disappointment on their faces.

Fortunately, those new scholars had met the emperor once during the imperial examination, but other officials had not seen the emperor's true face for so long.

Everyone is tired of facing the Queen Mother Zhang Yan every day, no matter how good-looking she is.

"Everyone is safe!"

"His Majesty is not in good health today, so the Ai family will host the court meeting on his behalf."

Zhang Yan didn't know that everyone was already annoying her, so her opening remarks were as usual.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Queen Mother."

The ministers also stood up to express their gratitude as usual and stood in their respective positions.

Zhang Yan now seems to have been influenced by Zhu Cixiang. She likes to be straightforward and does not like to be verbose with civil servants anymore, so she directly read the edict with Lu Jiude in mind.

"The emperor is destined to be transported by heaven, and the edict says..."

As Lu Jiude began to read out the imperial edict, all the ministers pricked up their ears and became more and more surprised as they listened.

They thought His Majesty would announce a new land policy today. After all, it had been brewing for more than a month, and now even a three-year-old child knows about it.

But everyone did not expect that the content of the imperial edict was to include civil servants as officials. Not only would they be granted grades, but they would also be promoted continuously, making them almost the same as civil servants, which was far beyond everyone's expectations.

Of course, what is even more shocking is that His Majesty increased the salaries of officials several times in one breath, which almost shocked everyone's jaws.

When did the emperor of the Lao Zhu family become so generous?

This salary is almost as good as the salary of civil servants in the Song Dynasty. I don't know how much the bonus is every year. If it is the same as Yanglian Yin, it will exceed the salary of the Song Dynasty, and it is the highest salary for civil servants in all dynasties.

If there was no such thing as an official, everyone would definitely bow down and worship, shouting "Sage King Ming King".

After the imperial edict was read out, Ma Shiying was so excited that his whole body trembled. He and the officials who were attached to him immediately knelt down and praised His Majesty's new policy for benefiting the country and the people, and they began to praise the situation.

But all the Donglin Party officials headed by Gao Hongtu frowned and felt cold in their hearts.

They are not opposed to including civil servants into the official system, because in the future, civil servants will be uniformly assessed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and only scholars can participate. They also belong to the literati class and will have little impact on the imperial examination. On the contrary, it will be easier for literati to become officials in the future.

Therefore, this matter is beneficial and harmless to the literati and gentry class.

What they objected to was that His Majesty actually left all this matter to Ma Shiying, an eunuch, who was completely responsible for presiding over it, completely excluding officials from the Donglin Party.

Your Majesty did not leave any room, which means that it will be difficult for the Donglin Party to gain a foothold in the court in the future.

Thinking of this, everyone also knew that either Ma Shiying was out of class today or they were withdrawing from the court.

Then his face showed determination, and Gao Hongtu took the lead in bowing: "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother, I will impeach Ma Shiying for corruption, perverting the law, and forming cliques for personal gain."

"Your Majesty, the Queen Mother, I am going to impeach Ma Shiying for engaging in malpractice for personal gain and nepotism..."

For a time, dozens of Donglin Party officials opened fire on Ma Shiying, completely calling him a heinous villain and traitor, and even revealed all the old scores from the Tianqi Dynasty.

Although Ma Shiying was so angry that his face was livid and his beard stood up, he did not defend himself. He knew that His Majesty actually chose to give him full authority to preside over the matter, and he would not let Gao Hongtu and others spout excrement.

The officials who relied on Ma Shiying also understood this, so they did not refute, and there was no need to refute.

But more officials chose to sit on the sidelines. If Ma Shiying is finished, they will join the Donglin Party. If Gao Hongtu is finished, they will join the Eunuch Party.

Because looking at this situation, it is obvious that His Majesty no longer wants to engage in party strife and checks and balances.

Everyone understands this. After all, His Majesty now directly controls the military and has no shortage of money and food for business. It is entirely up to the Emperor to decide how he wants to play.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yan also sighed. In fact, she values ​​the noble Gao Hongtu more than Ma Shiying, a eunuch with bad morals. However, this matter is not up to her.

So I had to say in a deep voice: "Gao Aiqing, don't mention the past things anymore. Now that your majesty wants to implement a new policy and revive the Ming Dynasty, all the beloved ministers should work together to assist the sage. Gao Aiqing, as the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs in Nanjing, should be more

We will do our best to supervise the administrative implementation and check for any omissions!”

Gao Hongtu naturally understood the meaning of Zhang Yan's words, which was to ask him to take a step back and not be tough. Although His Majesty chose Ma Shiying, if Ma Shiying failed, his chance would come.

But Gao Hongtu was unwilling to give in, because everyone understood that although His Majesty's new land policy infringed on the interests of the gentry and literati, it was a good policy that truly benefited the country and the people, but no one had dared to propose it before.

Once the implementation is successful, the Ming Dynasty will definitely prosper like never before, and judging from His Majesty's current arrangements and determination, the possibility of success is very high.

The civil official who is responsible for presiding over will definitely become a famous minister and will be remembered forever. How can Ma Shiying, a despicable villain and a shameless person who grovels before eunuchs, be qualified to preside over the New Deal?

His Majesty spared himself, a loyal and patriotic gentleman like himself, and chose to use Ma Shiying, a despicable villain, so the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became.

She actually ignored Zhang Yan's kind reminder and worshiped again: "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother insists on ignoring the loyal words and shielding the treacherous officials. I am willing to resign from my official position, but I am ashamed to build a temple with such treacherous villains and shameless people.


"I am ashamed to serve as an official in the same court as such treacherous officials, so I am willing to resign and return home."

All civil servants of the Donglin Party also took off their black gauze hats and expressed their attitude.

They don't expect His Majesty to really remove Ma Shiying and let Gao Hongtu take charge, but at least Gao Hongtu must assist him as a cabinet minister, right?

Zhang Yan was very angry when she saw that they didn't know anything about them. She originally wanted to save them and supervise Ma Shiying, but now she also got angry and stood up directly and said: "It turns out that all of you, my beloved ministers, ignore the overall situation and are unwilling to serve the country. Then, then

Just do it yourself!"

"Dismiss the court!" After saying that, he turned around and walked away.

"Farewell to the Queen Mother."

Ma Shiying and a group of civil servants who were attached to him were so happy when they saw these guys driving away the Queen Mother in anger.

Gao Hongtu and dozens of other Donglin Party officials slumped on the ground with expressions of despair.

Other neutral officials also gathered around to congratulate Ma Shiying, and for a while the whole hall was filled with praise.

Just as Ma Shiying was about to step forward and ridicule Gao Hongtu and others to express his anger, a eunuch came over and asked him to enter the palace to meet the emperor.

Ma Shiying was not surprised and immediately followed the eunuch.

When Gao Hongtu saw this scene, he finally despaired. He was also ashamed to stand in the court hall anymore. He took off his official uniform and put it in order, and then left the Fengtian Hall in despair.

Other officials had no choice but to follow suit, and only a dozen Donglin Party members resigned and left.

Obviously there are not many Donglin Party members who are truly upright, most of them are utilitarian villains who can bend and stretch.

Inside the royal study.

"Ma Shiying, the deputy minister of the cabinet, bows to my emperor. Long live my emperor!"

"Ma Aiqing doesn't need to be so polite, she's even!"

"Someone come and give me a seat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After Ma Shiying thanked him excitedly, he carefully sat down on the low stool. Even though he had been through the world for a long time, he could not calm down at this moment.

"Ma Aiqing, what do you think about the inclusion of civil servants as officials, the granting of grades, and the increase in the overall salary of officials?"

"Your Majesty, officials have always been a cancer that harms local people, but officials cannot do without their assistance when they take office. Now that your Majesty wants to standardize management, it is a good idea to restrict them.

As the saying goes, if you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools. The New Deal involves a lot, and once it is implemented, it will be full of dangers.

As for the effectiveness of the New Deal, officials in various places will play a vital role. They must not only show kindness, but also use force.

I suggest punishing a group of officials who have committed heinous crimes to deter them, and then let the Ministry of Personnel re-select and assess a group of talented people with excellent conduct to join the yamen in various places. This will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

The little emperor trusted him so much that Ma Shiying had no worries. Moreover, this new policy was also related to his reputation, wealth and life, so he expressed his thoughts.

(End of chapter)

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