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Chapter 193: Chief of the Rebel Army

Chapter 193 The leader of the rebel army

"Fan Wencheng, go back and tell Dorgon that it is absolutely impossible for me, Zhang Xianzhong, to form an alliance with the Tatars. Tell him to give up!"

Zhang Xianzhong stared at Fan Wencheng and said coldly, then looked at Niu Jinxing.

"Niu Jinxing, you go back and tell Li Zicheng that it's okay if you want me to send troops to rescue him, but in addition to Hanzhong, he has to write a letter to me personally and appoint me as the leader of the rebel army. Otherwise, everyone will fight on their own."

Originally, Fan Wencheng and Niu Jinxing felt their hearts tremble after hearing Zhang Xianzhong's first words, but what they said next made them heave a sigh of relief.

It doesn't matter whether they form an alliance or not, as long as they don't surrender to the Ming court and send troops to assist the Chuang army.

As for Chuang Wang writing a lowly letter and acknowledging him as the eldest brother, it would not have much impact on the overall situation. It depends on Chuang Wang himself.

However, both of them had reached this point, and Zhang Xianzhong still wanted to be the leader of the rebel army and wanted to overpower Wang Chuang, which was extremely speechless.

Little did the two of them know that Zhang Xianzhong was always worried about Li Zicheng, a rising star in the rebel army, who had overpowered him and wanted to get rid of him.

After all, when Zhang Xianzhong launched his rebellion, Li Zicheng was still at the inn. When the thirty-six families met to form an alliance, Zhang Xianzhong was also one of the core leaders.

And Li Zicheng was just a general under the command of Gao Yingxiang, the king of Chuang, and his status was not on the same level as Zhang Xianzhong.

After Gao Yingxiang, the third general leader of the rebel army, was captured in Lingchi, the capital, Zhang Xianzhong believed that it was his turn to be the general leader.

But later, Li Zicheng didn't follow any rules at all. Taking advantage of his large number of troops, he not only killed Luo Rucai and other rebel leaders, but also wanted to kill him too. It was extremely despicable and shameless.

Therefore, after deciding not to completely surrender to the Ming court, Zhang Xianzhong wanted to make up for his original regrets, and at the same time, he wanted Li Zicheng to bow to him and vent his anger on Luo Rucai and other old brothers.

Niu Jinxing and Fan Wencheng didn't say much, and immediately left and returned to Chang'an.

Back in Chang'an, Li Zicheng saw that Zhang Xianzhong even wanted to humiliate Li Zicheng, and he was furious.

However, under the strong persuasion of Niu Jinxing and Song Xiance, they finally gritted their teeth and wrote a letter, calling themselves younger brother, calling Zhang Xianzhong Big Brother Zhang, supporting him as the leader of the rebel army, and asking Niu Jinxing to make another trip.

After reading the letter from King Chuang, Zhang Xianzhong laughed heartily and felt so happy that he did not hesitate any longer.

Let Sun Kewang take Liu Wenxiu and Ai Nengqi to lead an army of 200,000 to station in Hanzhong first, and begin to mobilize grain and grass to Hanzhong.

Li Dingguo led the remaining 100,000 troops to station in Sichuan to guard against Qin Lihua and Li Dakai in Shizhu.

Obviously, this time the Great Western Army was also desperate. Instead of taking the opportunity to capture Shizhu, Yunnan and Guizhou, it sent 70% of its troops to the Northwest United Army to attack Henan and Shanxi together.

Because both Zhang Xianzhong and Sun Kewang understood that if the Chuang Army and Jiannu were defeated, even if they captured the entire southwest, they would still be trapped beasts still fighting.

Li Dingguo also agreed with this. Neither Yunnan nor Guizhou could shake the foundation of the Ming Dynasty. Although Huguang could shake it, there were still hundreds of thousands of troops in Jiangnan who could support Huguang at any time.

The Red Lady is always paying attention to every move in the southwest, northwest and northeast, and the Jin Yiwei also continuously transmits intelligence from the three places back to the capital.

"Sister, the Imperial Concubine, this time the Jurchen Tatars are coming in force, and they are threatening to kill all my people. Our Tumote tribe alone cannot resist them. You can't just die without saving them."

Ever since the Qing Dynasty issued a proclamation, the Tumote Ministry sent envoys to the capital to ask for help. Bu Shitu died last year, and her husband was away, so Duo'er was anxious to beg the Red Lady every day.

"Sister Duo'er, don't worry. The imperial court will never ignore death. What's more, the army of slave builders is still gathering. It's still early."

The red lady waved her hands, but she was also very annoyed by her.

In fact, from the bottom of her heart, the Red Lady did not want to rescue the Tumote tribe. If she wanted to rescue them, she would only do it for a show, instead of transferring all the elite troops to the north of the Great Wall to fight the decisive battle with the Tatars.

Because it is not cost-effective to go out to the Great Wall to fight the Tatars at this time. It does not mean that we cannot win, but it is not yet time. After all, we must first settle down the enemy.

It's okay if you win, but if you lose, the situation will be out of control at worst, and at the worst it will delay the unification of the southwest and northwest.

Therefore, the wise approach is to rely on the defense of the Great Wall, let the Jiannu and Tumote troops fight to the death, concentrate the army, capture Chang'an with thunder and sweep the holes, destroy the Chuang army, and then take advantage of the situation to conquer the southwest.

As long as the two major rebel kings are eliminated, even if the Jiannu annihilate the Tumote tribe and reunite Mongolia, the Ming army can concentrate all its strength and fight decisively with them. Likewise, the Ming army will always remain invincible and securely

firmly control the initiative in the war.

However, Lady Hong knew that the little emperor valued the Tumut Ministry very much, and that his love for Duo'er was not an act, so she did not dare to make the decision without permission. She could only report the situation to Zhu Cihong and wait for a response.

Anyway, they can afford to wait a year or two.

At this time, the army of Jiannu had also gathered in the area north of Jinzhou and west of the Liao River, and cavalry from various tribes in Mobei who came to join the alliance were also arriving in a steady stream.

The establishment of slaves this time was indeed a nationwide effort, because Dorgun knew that if he missed this opportunity, the Qing Dynasty would no longer be able to take over the Central Plains, defeat the Ming army, or even be wiped out by the Ming army in the end.

Therefore, only 5,000 Eight Banners cavalry and 20,000 Han soldiers were left in Korea, leaving Duduo to stay behind. The other Han soldiers and cavalry were transferred back to the northeast.

After nearly two years of offensive and conquest, coupled with a series of operations by Hong Chengchou, North Korea has now been completely pacified. Except for the navy who fled to Jeju Island, Jiannu has no way to do anything for the time being, and all other resistance forces have been wiped out.

Two years of bloody massacres wiped out most of the gentry and landlords in North Korea, and the rest were all cartilage. They obediently chose to shave their hair and change clothes to serve as lackey slaves for the Manchus, assisting the Manchus in managing various places.

In the management of North Korea, the Manchu Qing Dynasty adopted the principle of bannermen as the chief officials of a locality. The surrendered North Korean landlord officials were responsible for assisting the chief officials in handling civil affairs. The garrisons in various places were mainly Han people, and some Korean soldiers were recruited to assist.

The Ming Dynasty also adopted the guard field system. The Han people were divided into fields and women, who served as officers at all levels. Korean soldiers were the same as the Ming Dynasty military households, 60% of the grain was turned over and 40% belonged to individuals.

So now the Han people in Korea are completely devoted to the Manchus and are loyal to the Manchus, even more loyal than the Mongols. On the contrary, the real Eight Banners warriors have become extremely corrupted. They spend their days drinking and drinking, having beautiful women in their arms, and are so happy. Wherever there is rebellion, the Han people

If the soldiers go to suppress it, in a few years I might not be able to draw a bow or ride a horse.

Both Dorgon and Duduo were worried about this, but they had no choice but to rely more on the Han and Mongols.

This is also the reason why Dorgon only left five thousand true Eight Banners warriors in the huge North Korea.

Seeing that the Ming army had not moved yet, Dorgon did not dare to rush westward. Instead, he chose to wait for the Ming army to make a decision before advancing.

After all, if he rashly leads his army to attack the Tumote tribe, the Ming army will wait for them to cross Xuanfu, and then suddenly rush out from Xuanfu to cut off the army's retreat. Even if the Tumote tribe is destroyed, they will still have to suffer.

Keep walking.

(End of chapter)

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