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Chapter 277 The Han people are invincible as soon as they rise

Chapter 277 The Han people will be invincible once they rise

"Bang the drum!"

As Huang Degong slowly pulled out the long knife from his waist, dozens of drums were hammered to life.

Under the rumbling drums, the blood of more than 20,000 soldiers of the Ming Army surged up with excitement, their eyes were like bloodthirsty beasts, and they clenched the weapons in their hands.

Most of the more than 20,000 Ming troops were no more than twenty-five years old. They were in their prime of life. Coupled with the usual rigorous training, good food, and ideological education every night, their minds were filled with killing the enemy and serving the country.

Kill the enemy and achieve meritorious service.

At this moment, the strong fighting spirit that erupted far exceeded that of the Qin and Han armies of the past. Instead of having any fear of war and killing, there was an incomparable desire in their hearts.

This is a group of determined, well-trained, well-equipped killing machines that are always ready for war.

"The chariot rushes into battle!"

With the command flag waving, 300 light and medium-sized three-wheeled chariots, driven by their charioteers, immediately rushed forward. The tall wheels spun rapidly, rolling over the grass and splashing dirt and grass clippings.


Under the chariot's umbrella, a famous halberdier holding a nearly two-foot-long halberd was ready to harvest.

There is only one halberdier on the light chariot, and one on the left and right on the medium chariot. All chariots are filled with sharp blades, like hedgehogs.

300 chariots were lined up in a row, divided into two columns, staggered from each other, and started running at high speed in a short time.

"Warriors, let these Han people know who is the king of the grassland and kill them!"


Agula also pulled out the scimitar from his waist, let out a fierce scream, and rushed forward with more than 30,000 tribesmen. Each one of them was also stimulated, their blood boiled, and they screamed strangely.

However, Agula also knew that these chariots were not easy to mess with, and a head-on confrontation would definitely result in heavy losses, so the cavalry team was quickly divided into three, with 10,000 people fighting the chariots in front, and the remaining 20,000 fighting on the left and right.

Detour from both sides, preparing to attack the Han infantry phalanx and cavalry.


The 10,000 cavalrymen of Tu Xie Tu's troops in the front were the first to collide with the chariot. For a moment, they were knocked over and screamed in agony.

The cavalry battalion of the Ming Army, with six thousand cavalry, quickly followed up and charged forward. When the cavalry of the Tuxie Tubu were disrupted by chariots, they rampaged and wildly harvested the Mongolian cavalry.

The frontal battlefield fell into a huge melee, and the left and right wings were also about to engage in battle. Battelle led 10,000 tribesmen, bypassed the frontal battlefield, and launched a charge towards the Ming army's infantry battalion.

The remaining more than 10,000 tribesmen bypassed from the right and went directly towards Huang Degong's command banner.

Huang Degong's position was surrounded by only 300 four-wheeled heavy tanks, more than 300 soldiers, and more than 200 command and communication personnel. He was obviously treated as a soft persimmon by Agula.

It is a pity that although heavy tanks are not suitable for charging into battle, they are perfect for defense. At this time, three hundred heavy tanks are intertwined with each other, like a huge maze. Three thousand fully armed infantry cooperate with each other and rely on the maze.

The cavalry that rushed in killed them without any backhand.

As for the five thousand Tumut cavalry, they were watching the battle from the rear, and Huang Degong did not let them join the battle.

"Fire the arrow!"

Huang Degong had chariot support here and was not afraid of cavalry charges at all. The infantry battalion really had no support and could only rely on itself to deal with cavalry charges.

However, an infantry battalion of the Ming Army was capable of resisting cavalry charges.

In the phalanx of six thousand people, all the soldiers' consciousnesses have become instinctive after repeated training, and they cooperate very well. Not only are they versatile, but they also move very quickly. They no longer move at a snail's pace like before.

At this moment, facing the impact of the cavalry, the six thousand people transformed from a square to a circular defensive formation in an instant. The spearmen were straight and the spearmen were diagonal and vertical. The lengths were complementary, and the high and low were matched in front to resist the cavalry with a forest of gleaming spears.

During the attack, the swordsmen and shieldmen were on the sides to cover against the incoming arrows, while the archers were in the middle frantically bending their bows to nock arrows and throw the arrows.

The cavalry who rushed into the formation fell in pieces under the dense rain of arrows. The 10,000 cavalry led by Battle had no way to hold on to this hedgehog-like circular formation.

You can't break through the dense forest of guns by charging straight up, and you can't gain the slightest advantage by shooting from the outside facing the opponent's rain of arrows.

In the distance, Ten Thousand Husbands saw that the two sides had reached a stalemate, but the Han people clearly had the absolute upper hand. After some hesitation, they finally gritted their teeth and launched a charge towards the unmoving Tumut cavalry.

There was no way, the Mongols were already at a disadvantage. No matter they attacked the cavalry of the Han infantry or the cavalry attacking the Han command post, they did not achieve any results. Instead, they suffered heavy losses. On the frontal battlefield, the Han chariots and the cavalry were even more rampant.

, the Mongolian cavalry that fought with them would be defeated sooner or later.

Once the frontal battlefield collapses and the Han cavalry chariots come to support, the Mongolian cavalry on both wings will definitely collapse instantly. However, the Han people still have 5,000 cavalry left. They can only defeat these 5,000 cavalry before they can support Tuxie.

Picture department.

Ten thousand versus five thousand, Hui Hui is still very confident.

Huang Degong had been on guard against these Huihui for a long time. When he saw that they finally moved and were heading towards the Tumut cavalry, he immediately ordered the Tumut cavalry to fight and contain these ten thousand Huihui until they defeated Tuxie Tubu.

, clean these up again.

These five thousand Tumut cavalry were like a pile of loose sand, but Huang Degong still temporarily appointed a commander. Although the overall combat strength was greatly reduced, the ability to ride, shoot and fight was innate.

After receiving the order, they immediately prepared to launch a guerrilla attack, intending to lure away the 10,000 returning cavalry first.

Hui Hui saw that these cavalrymen did not dare to fight, so they turned around and ran away. They did not pursue pursuit, but planned to support Tuxie Tubu. But as soon as they turned their horses, they found that the enemy had circled around and charged towards them, so they had to kill them again.

But just as he was about to kill him, the opponent actually ran away again, screaming in anger.

After going back and forth twice, he finally couldn't help but chase him. When he saw the opponent chasing him, all the Tumut cavalry had sinister smiles on their faces. They bent their bows and set arrows, waiting for the opponent to approach and then turn around and shoot arrows.

Soon, the Tumut cavalry and the 10,000 Huihui cavalry disappeared on the battlefield after chasing and escaping.

Huang Degong no longer paid attention to them, but focused on the frontal battlefield. He knew that these responses should rarely fight against the Mongolian cavalry. Although the number was twice as many as the Tumut cavalry, they would definitely suffer a big loss this time.


The left and right wings have fallen into a stalemate. The cavalry of Tuxie Tubu has given up the attack and obviously intends to wait for the victory to be decided on the frontal battlefield.

Although the Tuxie Tubu invested more than 15,000 people on the frontal battlefield, 10,000 of whom were truly young and strong warriors, they could only defeat 300 chariots and 6,000 armored Ming cavalry.

After persisting for a quarter of an hour, they suffered heavy losses and fled in all directions, not daring to fight again after breaking away from the entanglement.

The cavalry on the left and right wings had to leave the battlefield and fled towards Guihua City. The total battle between the two sides did not exceed half an hour, and ended with the defeat of the Tushetu cavalry.

The battlefield was almost filled with Mongolian corpses and fallen horses. Occasionally, one or two broken carriages would appear lying in a pool of blood.

As for the total number of Ming soldiers who died in the battle, they did not exceed 2,000. Counting hundreds of people injured by arrows, the casualties did not exceed 3,000. However, tens of thousands of Tu Xie Tu's horses fell and died in the battle.

There are almost six to seven thousand people, half of whom are women and minors.

There is no way. First of all, the equipment of the two sides is quite different. Secondly, the Tuxie Tubu has no decent command system at all. It fights purely by instinct without any tactical coordination at all. In addition, the tanks in head-on combat are...

The nemesis of the cavalry, if it weren't for the superb riding skills and quickness and flexibility, it would definitely be a one-sided massacre.

The other party escaped, but Huang Degong did not order an immediate pursuit. He knew that there was no rush to fight the Mongols, so he planned to clean up the battlefield and kill them tomorrow.

No matter whether the opponent chooses to hide in Guihua City and resist desperately, or escape, it cannot change the fate of destruction.

As for the cavalry of Tumut's tribe, there are only one man and three horses. If they don't come back for ten and a half months, there is no need to worry.

(End of chapter)

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