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Chapter 66 Grain Ration

Chapter 66 Grain collection and rationing


"Dong Guo, don't change the subject!"

Zhu Cixi was also happy to see their dog-eat-dog attitude, but not now, so he waved his hand.

Then he looked at the civil servants and said: "It's rare for all the ministers to be so enlightened and willing to personally take their servants to defend the city and contribute to the country. I have no reason to refuse. That's right, Zhou Yuji!"

"I'm here!"

"At that time, you will be responsible for arranging and dispatching all the beloved ladies to go to the city to defend!"

"I obey the decree."

All the civil servants were dumbfounded.

It seems that they only said to send people, not to take them personally!

Although they were extremely reluctant, no one dared to stand up and refute. If they dared to say one more thing at this time, their lives would definitely be at risk.

The nobles on the side were gloating about the misfortune. It was obvious that His Majesty looked over and lowered their heads.

Zhu Cixiang could only snort coldly when he saw their dirty looks: "I don't want you to donate food and salt in vain. When the time comes, I will order someone to make a clear count and return everything in full in the future."

"I am also willing to give you the food and salt at home."

The nobles had no choice but to raise their heads and say.

I also know that it won’t work if I don’t take it.

As for returning it in the future, everyone should just listen and forget it.

"Okay! I will give you three days to transport all the food and salt at home to Chengtianmen.

Three days later, I will send people to each government to check every inch. If anyone is found hiding a bag of grain or a pound of salt, he will be punished for the crime of deceiving the emperor. Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Zhu Cixing stood up abruptly and stared at everyone with stern eyes.

This time, both civil servants and nobles were dumbfounded.

Obviously they all planned to donate part of it. Who would have thought that His Majesty could be so ruthless and serious.

After leaving the court.

When all the noble civil servants returned home, they first cursed Zhu Cihong fiercely in their hearts, then weighed it up, and finally packed up all the salt and grain and sent it to Chengtianmen.

Obviously, no one thinks that His Majesty is just talking. If he is found out at that time, his house will be confiscated and his head will be executed.

Anyway, the food and salt at home are not much, and they are not worth much money. Your Majesty will not let them, the princes, nobles, and high-ranking officials eat chaff and starve, right?

With their leadership, as notices were issued in the city and Jin Yiwei came to notify, other large households in the inner city also took out grain and salt to transport to Chengtian Gate.

Jinyiwei was also divided into two, one part went south from the city to purchase grain, and the other part collected grain from the outer city.

Ordinary people in the outer city didn't have much food. After learning the details, they happily handed over the little food and salt they had in their hands, and then waited for the daily distribution, getting free food and salt.

And those merchants, especially grain merchants, began to cheat and cheat, but how could they escape the raids of Jin Yiwei?

In the end, not only did they lose their food and go to jail, many of them even lost their heads.

Under such thunderous action, Zhu Cixiang gathered all the grain and salt in the city into the palace in just three days.

"I would like to report to your Majesty that both the inner and outer cities have been re-examined, and there is no evidence of any illegal storage of grain or salt," Fan Xian reported.

"Oh? Have you searched carefully? Is there anything missing?"

Zhu Cixiang was a little surprised.

Is everyone so honest now?

"Going back to your Majesty, my servants have been searched three times. There is indeed nothing missing!"

"This is strange. Has there been a search in the imperial city?" Zhu Cixi still didn't believe that no one was up to something.

"Back to your lord...that's not the case." Fan Xian was stunned.

"Go and search carefully."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After Fan Xian left, Zhang Yan and Queen Zhou came over with tired faces. It was obvious that the two women had been very tired in the past few days.

"Mother, can you tell me how much food and salt there are in total now?" Zhu Cihong couldn't wait.

"Hong'er, the total amount of coarse and fine grains is 1.05 million shi, and the total amount of coarse and fine salt is more than 10,000 shi." Queen Zhou replied.

"Why so few?" Zhu Ciliang frowned.

Although the daily consumption of grain and salt is very huge, there are still nearly 400,000 dan left, which means that the entire city's grain reserves are only about 600,000 dan.

It was almost half lower than he expected.

"Hong'er, my mother-in-law has already inquired about it. Ever since the thieves besieged the city, there have been very few caravans and merchant ships coming to the capital, and each family's food and salt can only go out. It's quite a lot to have so much left.


Zhang Yan explained from the side.

"This is really troublesome!"

Zhu Cihong rubbed his forehead. One million stones seemed like a lot, but don't forget that he now had to supply nearly one million people in the city.

Moreover, nearly a million refugees came to the capital.

"Hong'er, if you save a little, you should be able to feed everyone for half a year." Queen Zhou calculated silently and said.


Zhu Cixiang had no choice but to tell them about the refugees. Hearing that millions more refugees were coming, the two women were shocked from ear to ear, with worried faces on their faces.

"Let's do this. The population of the outer city, as well as the previous refugees, will all follow the porridge system and have a meal of gruel in the morning and evening.

The generals who are responsible for guarding the city are young and strong, Jin Yiwei, and Dongchang, according to the centralized supply system, and the others are supplied on a per-household basis, divided into three and six and so on!"

"You guys should come up with a specific supply schedule as soon as possible. It should be reasonable and don't matter who you are. For example, for ladies and maids from wealthy families, two bowls of polished rice porridge a day is enough. Eating too much is a waste. It's just right to lose weight.


"Okay! Leave these matters to the queen mother and your aunt. We will clear the census as soon as possible and come up with the regulations. Don't worry about these trivial matters."

The two women were shocked when they saw that only two bowls of porridge were given to the female relatives of those wealthy families, but they nodded in the end.

"Well! With the queen mother and aunt taking care of the logistics, the child can rest assured." Zhu Cixi also breathed a sigh of relief.

If there were not two women and a group of literate palace maids and eunuchs responsible for the logistics, he would have gone crazy.

Sure enough, it only took the two women three days to count every household in the inner city and make a detailed supply list.

Zhu Cixiang made a slight modification and immediately implemented it.

There is no way, every day of delay will waste a lot of food, which means that many people may starve to death in the future.

Because he has decided to release those millions of refugees into the city.

Even if he couldn't feed them and starved them all to death in the city, he would not let them go and be exploited by the Tatars.

Fan Xian also found a batch of grain and salt in the imperial city, totaling nearly 50,000 shi, all of which were hidden by the eunuchs in the palace in collusion with merchants in the outer city.

Zhu Cixi sneered, now one less person means one less ration, how could he be soft-hearted.

The massacre was immediate, and nearly a thousand people were ransacked and beheaded, including three hundred palace maids and eunuchs.

This made the civil servants and nobles sweat secretly. They were glad that there was no mischief at that time. They knew that with His Majesty's virtue, he would never joke.

Those guys didn't listen and deserved to die.

As soon as this supply system was implemented, the inner city and outer city immediately exploded, and everyone was excited.

Of course, the main objections are from the large and small households in the inner city and the ordinary merchants in the outer city.

Because the owner of the wealthy family is okay and can barely eat well, but all the servants can only eat rice bran and wheat bran, and the outer city can't even eat rice bran and wheat bran, so they only have one bowl each morning and evening.

The maids and eunuchs who had nothing to do in the palace also drank porridge.

All the refined rice, flour, and salt were used to feed the army and law enforcement officials such as the Jinyi Weidong Factory. These people were the only ones who had enough to eat.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, something serious has happened."

"There were riots at many soup kitchens in the outer city, and the people smashed some of the pots..."


"Damn it, I raised them for nothing, and they dare to smash my pot. Come on, I want to see who doesn't want to eat!"

When Zhu Cixi heard that the pots had been smashed, he was so angry that he immediately got up and went out to kill.

Queen Zhou and Zhang Yan looked at each other and were startled by Zhu Cixiang who suddenly ran away.

They found that they were becoming more and more unfamiliar with the son and nephew they had watched since childhood.

But now, the two women will no longer ask, how can that kind of rice bran and wheat bran be eaten by people? Isn’t it meant to be fed to pigs?

(End of chapter)

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