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Chapter 69 The Eight Commanders

Chapter 69 Eight General Soldiers

Tongzhou City.

In the state government hall.

The red lady is sitting upright. On the left are Wu Sangui, Liu Zeqing, Liu Liangzuo and Wu Sanfu.

On the right are Huang Degong, Gao Jie, Liu Fangliang and Li Dakai.

Just yesterday, Liu Fangliang, deputy commander-in-chief Wu Sanfu and Li Dakai were all promoted to commander-in-chief.

This makes it possible that at this moment, Tongzhou has once again gathered its eight major troops just like the battle of Songjin.

Among them, the Wu brothers led 20,000 Guan Ning cavalry.

Liu Zeqing had 50,000 troops.

Huang Degong, Liu Liangzuo and Gao Jie each have more than 30,000.

The Red Lady also divided the 110,000 troops into three, allowing Liu Fangliang and Li Dakai to command 30,000 troops each, while she herself commanded the remaining 50,000 troops.

However, the two of them were only commanders and could not claim the troops as their own like other generals.

Because these 110,000 people have already given up their hearts to the Red Lady, and all the generals and generals are also obedient to the Red Lady.

This is the charm of a noble concubine and the advantage of an emperor's woman.

That is to say, the Red Lady took the overall situation into consideration and did not want to make people panic, so she did not secretly win over other generals under the command of the general army, otherwise there would probably be many people who would be willing to serve.

Although there are not many real elites in the 300,000-strong army, they are definitely stronger than the eight general soldiers during the Songjin Battle, and their morale is much higher.

The eight commander-in-chiefs present here.

Except for Wu Sanfu and Li Dakai, the other six people are all veterans who have been fighting for more than ten years. They have fought countless battles, defeated and won, and have extremely rich experience in battle.

Not to mention his loyalty and character, in terms of military command level, he is enough to be called a good general.

After all, after more than ten years of fighting, he is no better than a pig.

It's a pity that if they fight alone, all of them are good players, but together they will all be destroyed. This is the reason for the demise of the Ming Dynasty.

Civil servants are fighting among themselves, and military generals are fighting among themselves more fiercely. It has become normal to refuse to save others and betray their teammates before the battle.

It can be said that the five general soldiers here have basically tricked their teammates to death, and even tricked the supervisor.

Wu Sangui sold Hong Chengchou, and Sun Chuanting died in Tongguan, which was inseparable from Gao Jie's escape.


"Everyone, Jiannu only has 50,000 cavalry and infantry, but he dares to take the initiative to attack my camp. He simply doesn't take my 300,000 troops and the generals in their eyes. Scholars can tolerate it, but who can't tolerate it? Who wants to lead the army to fight and defeat a group of people?

Demoralize the enemy?"

The red lady slapped her hand on the table, her pretty face turned red with anger.

The generals were also angered to death by the arrogance and arrogance of the Tatars.

Huang Degong and Li Dakai were the first to go out and pay homage: "The last general is willing to fight!"

Immediately afterwards, Liu Fangliang and Gao Jie also came out to pay their respects: "The last general is also willing to fight!"

"The general is also willing to fight!"

Liu Zeqing and Liu Liangzuo looked at each other and had no choice but to get up and go to the hall to worship.


The red lady praised loudly.

Then he looked at Wu Sangui beside him and said in a cold voice: "General Wu, you are your Majesty's personal title of Zhongyonghou. You are the most brave in the three armies. Do you plan to stay in the camp this time?"

"Empress, this Wu Sangui is clearly greedy for life and afraid of death, and is as afraid of enemies as a tiger. I suggest that he cut off his sacrificial flag first to strengthen the army's power!"

"Your Majesty, what General Gao Bing said makes sense, and I agree with you!"

Gao Jie said immediately, Liu Zeqing was also nearby and hurriedly cheered, while the others watched indifferently, already used to the dog-eat-dog fight between the three of them.

Wu Sangui was furious. Although he knew that the empress would not kill him, he was still disgusted by being frightened by these two villains every day. He suppressed his anger, ignored the two of them, and hugged the red empress with a fist.

"My Majesty, it is clear that I am not unwilling or afraid to fight, but the troops sent by the Tatars this time are mostly just to test the strength of our army, or they are the vanguard of the army."

"The general believes that there is no need to worry about temporary anger, and our army only needs to wait for work!

What's more, although Jiannu only came with 20,000 cavalry, the main camp was only sixty or seventy miles away. The Tatars usually have one person and two cavalry, or three.

, I’m afraid it’s coming soon!”

"The governor naturally knows this, so we only need three general soldiers for this battle. Otherwise, my 300,000-strong army will be huddled in the camp, allowing the opponent's 30,000 infantry to attack and the artillery to blast. Where will the morale be? A man's blood.

Where is it?"

Seeing what he said, the red lady's expression softened, and at the end of her speech she glanced at the generals in the hall.

Wu Sangui saw that she knew these military common sense and knew that his worries were unnecessary. He felt relieved and went out to pay homage: "Since the empress intends to weaken the enemy's spirit, I am willing to lead my cavalry to hold down the battle for the army!"

"Okay! Gao Jie and Li Dakai, order you two to lead your troops out of the camp five miles away to meet the enemy. Wu Sangui, order you to lead Guan Ning's cavalry to flank the formation!"


All three people answered in unison.

With Wu Sangui leading 20,000 cavalry to suppress the formation, 60,000 fighting against 30,000, and with the main camp at his back, even Gao Jie was confident, and Li Dakai was even more eager to fight.

The other generals were envious, after all, there were not many opportunities like this.

"This is the first battle. We can only win but not lose! Also, beheading a general before the battle is a taboo for military strategists. It is not a trivial matter. We must not talk about it lightly in the future!"

After speaking, he stared at Liu Zeqing and Gao Jie.


The two had no choice but to agree honestly.

"Empress Shengming!"

Wu Sangui breathed a sigh of relief. From now on, he no longer had to be disgusted by these two villains.

The red lady quickly stood up and said sternly:

"This is the order of the military governor. Anyone who is afraid of the enemy, flees from the battle, or disrespects orders will be killed, from the commander-in-chief to the soldiers!

Anyone who kills one enemy will be rewarded with five taels of silver. If he kills five, he will be rewarded with ten acres of land. If he kills one of his enemies, he will be rewarded with twenty taels of silver. If he kills three enemy riders, he will be rewarded with one grade of silver."


All the generals gasped, now they had already figured out the temperament of this noble concubine.

That means she is generous, loyal, committed, and very easy to get along with. If she says she will reward you, she will definitely reward you, and she will not give you any discounts.

No, when the red lady's military order spread throughout the camps, everyone's hearts became hot.

Li Dakai and Gao Jie had also gathered their troops and left the camp, then crossed the canal along the pontoon bridge and arrived five miles in front of the two camps on the north bank to start forming formation.

Wu Sangui, on the other hand, was slower. It took a full hour before he crossed the river and occupied a gentle slope on the high ground. From there, he looked down at the entire battlefield.

The Red Lady also led a group of generals to the high platform in the camp on the north bank, preparing to watch the battle.

at the same time.

Azig's 50,000-horse infantry was less than 20 miles away.

Azig also frowned slightly when he learned that the opponent's 60,000-strong army had already marched out of camp and formed a formation, and that the nearby high ground was also occupied by Wu Sangui's cavalry.

He just came to test the other party's reality, but the other party put on such a posture, how could he test it?

This is obviously an attempt to have a big fight.

If he didn't win the battle, and Wu Sangui's cavalry was suppressing the formation, he wouldn't be able to lead his cavalry to rescue them rashly. The entire army of 30,000 infantrymen would probably be defeated, with most of them dead and wounded, and all fifty red-coated cannons would probably fall.

But if they don't fight, they can only ask Dorgun for help and send more cavalry to completely suppress Wu Sangui, so that even if he loses, he will still be under control.

Azig looked at the sky and finally decided to fight. Anyway, he didn't feel bad about how many Han soldiers died.

Otherwise, once more cavalry is dispatched, the opponent will definitely choose to retreat into the camp.

Rather than attacking and defending, he wanted to test the field capabilities of Tongzhou's army. After all, there were 300,000 troops.

Moreover, he also wanted to see if he could find an opportunity to kill or severely damage Wu Sangui's cavalry.

After all, this kind of opportunity is rare.

Exchanging 30,000 infantrymen for Wu Sangui's 20,000 Guan Ning cavalry is simply not a good deal, even if he loses half of his 20,000 cavalry.

Therefore, all the baggage and cannon were left where they were to avoid being captured by the opponent.

"Geng Jingzhong, you stay here to guard the artillery supplies. Once the fighting gets serious ahead, you will return to the camp immediately."


Geng Jingzhong quickly replied that this kind of job was his favorite.

"Kong Youde, you lead the army to fight, and I will hold the battle for you!"

"Your Majesty, the opponent's troops and horses are twice as many as those of the last general? It's better to ask the regent for help!" Kong Youde looked bitter.

"What are you afraid of?"

"They are just a bunch of rabble without armor. How can they be our opponents against the elite of the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty?"

"But your lord, Wu Sangui's turtle grandson is occupying a high place. Once he leads Guan Ning's cavalry to charge down, will these 30,000 horses be turned into a pile of rotten flesh in an instant?"

Kong Youde said carefully.

"Fart, if I lend him ten pieces of courage, are my 20,000 cavalry here to watch a show?"

"It's getting late, stop nagging and go quickly!"

Azig was a little impatient.

He really wished that Wu Sangui would come and massacre the infantry.


Kong Youde was helpless, knowing that this bastard was trying to fish with him, but he had no choice but to lead his army to kill him.

He really didn't pay attention to the 60,000 infantrymen. He knew very well the virtues of the Ming army.

(Suddenly many people voted for monthly votes today. We don’t know what happened. Anyway, there is no hope of advancement, so it would be better to add one. Thank you to the book friends who voted for monthly votes and rewarded today. I hope that they can be the first to order when it is released.

This book goes even further!)

(End of chapter)

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