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Chapter 75 Night Attack on the Enemy Camp

Chapter 75 Night attack on enemy camp

Midnight watch.

The city gate of Xizhimen slowly opened.

Thirty thousand people filed out, gathered for a while, then lit torches and headed directly towards the enemy camp to kill.

At the same time, the Desheng Gate and Anding Gate in the north also opened wide. Zhou Yuji led 30,000 people with torches and headed directly towards the enemy camp.

Duke Dingguo and Tang Tong also led their troops to attack at the same time.

It was said to be a night attack, but in fact it was an attack on the camp with open fire, but the day was replaced by night.

The reason for fighting at night is naturally because they are afraid of the opponent's cavalry.

What's more, there is no sneak attack among hundreds of thousands of people, and it is impossible to suddenly kill outside the enemy camp without anyone noticing.

No matter how arrogant and arrogant the general is, it is impossible not to send people to monitor the opponent's camp at night under such circumstances.

And indeed it is.

Duduo not only sent people to monitor the camp outside the east city, but also sent people to stay in the north and west of the capital.

So after the city gates on both sides were opened, Duduo soon knew that the Ming army was attacking, and also knew that it was attacking from three sides, and he was shocked.

If the other party dares to come, it means that they are not afraid of close combat with them, but are just afraid of his cavalry.

This was far beyond his expectation.

"Quick! The fire commanders form their formations!"

"The archers are behind, pushing the cannon over."

Looking at the countless torches approaching in the distance, the front camp has already turned into a mess, and Shang Kexi is desperately commanding and arranging it.

However, after seven or eight miles, Zhou Yuji didn't give him much time. In just over a quarter of an hour, the leading forest troops arrived.

"Kill me!"

Zhou Yuji roared angrily and pointed his sword directly at the camp.

"Come on!"

Suddenly, the imperial guards behind him, holding a knife in one hand and a torch in the other, rushed forward, shouting wildly.

Bang bang bang…

Boo hoo hoo…



Seeing the Ming army approaching, the Han Eight Banners in the camp immediately opened fire and fired arrows.

As the Imperial Guards were charging, from time to time someone would be hit by an arrow or a firecracker and fall to the ground.

But at this moment, everyone's eyes were red with excitement. They didn't care about their companions and just kept rushing forward.

The Ming army who arrived behind also rushed forward with shouts and shouts. The 30,000 people had no formation at all.

Everyone on this side has fought their way to the main camp, while those on the other side are still running on the road, and the last one has just crossed the suspension bridge.


As torches were thrown into the camp one after another, the ten thousand Imperial Guards finally rushed in and started a close battle with the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty, while the opponent's red cannons had just been dragged over.

When Duduo arrived with his cavalry, the two sides had completely fallen into a melee in the front camp and did not dare to ride forward to join the battle.

Because not only will they step on their own people, but they will also be unable to move away. Instead, they will become a target for infantry and spearmen.

It was gratifying to see that the more than 20,000 people were actually slightly outmatched. Duduo was also shocked. When did the Ming army become so powerful?

Especially those Ming soldiers wearing three-armor armor, all of them are strong and brave, and they are brave enough to fight. They are no worse than the Eight Banners warriors.

As a last resort, Duduo had to let the Mongolians dismount and join the battle, while the Eight Banners warriors fired cold arrows from their horses.

But as countless torches and shouts came from the east and west sides, Duduo also knew that the situation was over.

In order not to be blocked by the opponent in the camp, he decisively led the cavalry out of the camp from the north.

Naturally, Shang Kexi and the Mongols also discovered the Ming army attacking from the east and west. Knowing that they would be doomed if they didn't leave, they all grabbed their horses and fled north.

I can't control any artillery supplies.

In the end, more than 20,000 Han Eight Banners and Mongols were hunted down and countless corpses were thrown away. Only the 10,000 true Eight Banners led by Duduo suffered no losses.

Zhou Yuji and the two princes did not dare to pursue them too far. After all, it was easy to herd sheep after leaving the camp at night, not to mention that once daybreak, the opponent's cavalry would dominate.

Therefore, after the enemy troops were dispersed and the camp was captured, Duke Dingguo and Duke Ying led their troops back to the city and camp respectively, leaving only Zhou Yuji to lead 30,000 people to clean up the battlefield.

In fact, it was only a battle between 30,000 people led by Zhou Yuji. Among them, the 10,000 imperial guardsmen who led the fight fought the most fiercely. By the time the two princes came to kill them, they had already escaped from the camp and disappeared into the night.

There is no way, it is impossible for the three groups of people to attack at the same time. After all, it is only seven or eight miles from the north gate.

But from the east camp and Xizhimen, it is nearly fifteen miles away.

Once both sides attack first, it will give the other side more time to react, and maybe the cannons will be deployed.

So it is better to kill directly and quickly through the north gate.

However, although the two groups of people did not drink the soup, the effect was huge. It was precisely because the two groups of people on the left and right came to kill him that Duduo had to escape.

Otherwise, with only 30,000 people in front, Duduo could have dismounted all the cavalry and participated in hand-to-hand combat.

As for the outcome, it's hard to say.

Duduo only ran out for more than twenty miles. As daybreak, he immediately led his cavalry and fought back again.

Seeing that the two camps were heavily guarded and there was no opportunity to take advantage of them, he gritted his teeth and retreated to the north with a face full of unwillingness.

After a morning of gathering, Monk Duduo was thankful that he had no tears left. Only 10,000 people were left in the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty, with a total loss of 20,000.

Especially since there were only more than two thousand fire gun soldiers left, it made Shang Kexi feel heartbroken and bleed.

Of the 10,000 Mongolian cavalry, only more than 3,000 were lost, but there were a full 5,000 or 6,000 war horses that could not be driven out. With the fifty red cannons, Duduo wanted to break the small tree next to him with one head.

"Your Majesty, our army is out of food and morale, and its morale is low. We cannot stay for a long time, so we should withdraw quickly!"

Shang Ke was happy to see that Duduo was still there hating everyone and scolding him angrily, so he had no choice but to step forward and remind him.

It's useless to talk nonsense now.

He had already reminded Duduo to set up the camp farther away. After all, they had too few people and the other party had hundreds of thousands, but this guy was going to be self-righteous.

I thought the Eight Banners were invincible.


Although he knew that if he went back like this, he would be beaten to death by his fourteenth brother, Duduo could only go back bravely.

Sure enough, after the two men led the defeated soldiers back to the Sanhe camp, Dorgon almost lost his temper and went crazy.

"Why don't you listen? Why don't you listen?"

"What did I tell you when I went there?"

"I asked you to test it out. You'd better attack the city directly. If the city of Beijing was so easy to attack, the world would already belong to me, the Qing Dynasty. Do I still need to build a big camp here?"

In the camp, Dorgon whipped Dodo with a riding crop and cursed angrily, obviously very angry.

"Didn't Brother Twelve lose the same battle?" Duduo knelt on the ground, lowered his head and whispered.

Azig was about to stand up and just told Dodo to get out. When he heard Dodo's words, he was so angry that he sat down again.


"You still dare to talk back. Although Brother Twelve lost nearly 10,000 troops, at least he found out the truth about Tongzhou and brought back all the cannons and grain."

"But what about you? Fifty thousand dans of grain and grass were completely thrown away, and none of the fifty cannons were brought back. The total number of horses and mules was more than 20,000. Don't you know that the Ming army is short of grain now?


"I'll beat you to death..."

Dorgon became more and more angry as he cursed. In fact, he didn't feel sorry for the dead people and cannons, but those horses and food were too important.

"How can I still pay 50,000 dan? I've already eaten more than half of it..."

"What about the horses? How many people can feed 20,000 horses?"

"Okay, Old Fifteen, just stop saying a few words."

"Old Fourteen, things have come to this. Even if you beat Old Fifteen to death, the food and horses will not come back."

Azig had no choice but to stand up and glare at Dodo, and then said to Dorgon.

Dorgon then threw away his riding crop and returned to his seat.

Azig also dared to help Duduo up.

There were only three brothers in the entire tent, and even the guards were driven far away. It was obvious that Dorgon was very protective and worried about his brothers' face.

(End of chapter)

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