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Chapter 82: Sneak Attack on the South Gate

Chapter 82 Sneak Attack on the South Gate

As soon as it got dark, the fleet split into two and slowly moved towards Shanhaiguan. All the lights on the ship were extinguished.

Even so, the seven warships carrying two thousand people still stopped two miles away from the shore. It was still a windy night and there were no stars in the night sky.

More than a dozen small boats were put down, and Huang Gonggong took two thousand people and rowed back and forth nearly ten times. It took more than two hours to get them all ashore.

After landing, sure enough, there was a brightly lit camp seven or eight miles away to the north, and the faint light of the fire on the city wall could be seen five or six miles away to the east.

This made two thousand people afraid to take a breath.

After staying in place for a full hour and a half, until late at night, Huang Degong ordered to go to the south gate of the main city.

This was also agreed upon by both parties and was carefully calculated by Wu Sangui. Because there were many people on the east side, the movement would definitely be much slower and one would have to wait.

Two thousand people walked eastward along the coastline for three or four miles and then stopped. At this time, the figures of patrolling soldiers on the small castle called Lao Longtou on the southernmost seaside were clearly visible.

"General Huang, you can follow this ditch directly to the moat outside the South City Gate." A servant pointed to a ravine in front of him and said.


Looking at the ravine two feet wide and half feet deep in front of him, Huang Degong's eyes suddenly lit up. If this were true, the risk of being discovered by the enemy on the east tower would be greatly reduced.

"This ditch was originally used to prevent the water in the moat from rising suddenly and to quickly discharge the water into the sea. It is usually not used," Jia Ding said.

Sure enough, the bottom of the ditch was very dry. Huang Degong was overjoyed. With a wave of his hand, two thousand people quietly followed the ditch to the north.

After only four or five miles, we were almost at the end, and a moat appeared in front of us.

Behind the moat is a city wall. A little further to the left, there is a city gate tower, which is the south gate of the main city of Shanhaiguan. One mile to the east is the first small castle on the south side.

Thirty servants in black clothes and trousers, carrying ropes, long knives, and grappling hooks for crossbows, crawled out of the ditch, touched the moat, then quietly entered the water, crossed over, and came to the base of the city wall.

Obviously, among Wu Sangui's three thousand servants, it would not be a problem to select thirty people who knew how to drink water.

When the patrolling soldiers on the wall passed by, ten of the servants quickly used their bows and crossbows to shoot ten ropes with grappling hooks on the wall. The ten servants who were waiting immediately grabbed the ropes and climbed up quickly.

The sound the grappling hook made when it landed also attracted the attention of two soldiers standing guard not far away, who came over to check.

But before the two of them got close, two sharp arrows were shot from under the wall and went straight into their heads, causing them to fall down instantly.

As soon as the ten people reached the top of the city and drew their long knives from their backs, another group of patrolling soldiers came towards them.


The ten people pounced on him without hesitation.

"Enemy attack!"

There were only five patrol soldiers who came over, and when they saw the men in black rushing towards them, they immediately started to scream.

However, it only took a moment for five people to be chopped down to the ground, while the other ten people climbed up along the rope.

"The troops are divided into two groups. You open the door, and we will lower the suspension bridge..."

Seeing that he had been exposed, one of the servant captains immediately gave orders, knowing that he could no longer wait for the last ten people to come up.

The twenty people immediately divided into two groups.

Ten people went to kill along the city head towards the tower, and ten people went to kill along the stairs towards the city gate.

Fortunately, this section of the city wall was only a few dozen steps away from the city tower. When ten people fought their way along the city wall to the city tower, only some of the soldiers near the city tower reacted.


Although the enemy was outnumbered, the ten servants still killed the opponent and kept him retreating, not daring to parry.

Because what they were fighting was a North Korean servant army, nearly a hundred of them, but they were killed by ten servants.

"Quick, put down the suspension bridge, don't be too eager to fight!"

When Captain Ding saw that some of his brothers were so angry that he wanted to chase them, he immediately roared.

The servants immediately worked together to lower the suspension bridge.

With a bang, the suspension bridge was erected on the moat.


Although the city gate had not yet opened, Huang Degong, who was already sweating profusely with anxiety, did not delay at all. He immediately waved and led his men and horses to climb out of the ditch and rush to the suspension bridge.

At this time, all the soldiers patrolling and standing guard near the city gate, which was already making a lot of noise, rushed towards this direction.

The piercing sound of the gong simply made people's scalp numb.

There were also constant shouts in the small castle near the main city in the south, and the patrolling soldiers in the old Longtou Castle near the sea also noticed something was wrong.

Obviously, as long as the soldiers from the two castles rush out, Huang Degong's two thousand people can be blocked on the suspension bridge.

What's more, there is a Tatar camp to the west.

So seeing that the city gate was not opening for a long time, everyone was as anxious as ants on a hot pot, but there was nothing they could do.

At this time, a bloody battle was taking place behind the gate. The dozens of Korean servants guarding the city gate were blocked in the hole of the city gate by ten servants. They had nowhere to escape and could only fight to the death.

"Quickly, chop these bastards to death..."

Seeing people coming from all directions to kill, the ten servants almost urinated, their eyes were red, and they were killing with all their might without regard to their own safety.

However, even dozens of pigs would have to be chopped for a while, not to mention dozens of people holding knives.

After only seven or eight Korean servants were left to be killed, only five of the ten servants were left, and all of them were covered in blood and injuries. What was even worse was that a large number of people had already rushed into the city gate.


Three of them showed determination and turned around to attack them. The other two threw themselves at the horizontal bars of the gate, and the other killed the seven Korean servants.


I saw the servant using all his strength to lift the horizontal bar weighing several dozen kilograms, but a North Korean servant on the side took the opportunity to slash his back with a knife. The servant let out a roar, took the horizontal bar down, and put his head on it.

He was stabbed again and fell down.

After another servant slashed three people to death, he was also knocked to the ground by the other three people with their swords.

The three servants who turned around and charged forward were also overwhelmed by countless North Korean servants after killing two of them each.

The main reason is that none of the ten men are wearing armor, otherwise these North Korean servants may not be able to do it.

Although the door bolt was only moved down one end, the people outside the door worked together to push the door open enough for two people to pass through.

Several servants immediately squeezed in, and just in time to see five brothers being killed, a large number of enemy troops rushed over.

"Chop these bastards!"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were bloodshot and they pounced like tigers.

The four North Korean servants on the side were the first to suffer the disaster. Before they could react, they were killed in an instant.

The few people who squeezed in from behind quickly removed the door bolt completely and threw it aside.


As the city gate was completely pushed open, two thousand people rushed in with shouts and shouts like a flood that broke the embankment.

The servants were so frightened that they turned around and ran away.

These two thousand people were all Wu Sangui's servants. They were familiar with the family and the roads. They entered the city without any hesitation. Some of them rushed up the city wall along the stairs, and then killed along the city head towards the East Tower.

The remaining people followed the base of the city wall and fought towards the east gate of the town, ignoring the city gate behind them and the approaching Han soldiers and Korean servants.


At the same time, Wu Sangui also led a small number of elites to the outside of Wengcheng in the east. He also successfully opened the gate and then sent out a signal. The army hidden in the distance swarmed towards this side!

(End of chapter)

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