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Chapter 91

Chapter 91 Kill the General and Capture the Flag

"Send the order, march quickly, target the enemy's camp!"

Li Dakai looked at the fierce shouts of killing coming from the side and the vaguely visible banner in the distance. He only hesitated for a moment before gritting his teeth and giving the order.

Although he was very worried about the safety of his empress, he knew that even if he went to rescue her, he might still be unable to defeat Jiannu in the end. Only by seizing the opportunity to capture Jiannu's camp could he possibly repel the Tatars.

"March to drums!"

Immediately, the 30,000-strong army quickly advanced.

At the same time, Liu Fangliang on the left also rushed towards the Tatar camp with an army of 30,000.

Among the whole army, only two people knew the true intention of the Red Lady. The other four generals only thought that the Red Lady wanted to use the Chinese army as bait to lure the Tatar cavalry to attack, so that the left and right armies would attack.

So when Gao Jie and Liu Liangzuo, who were rapidly advancing towards the center, discovered that Liu Fangliang and Li Dakai had not followed the cover, but were heading north instead, they were all shocked.

But it's too late to say anything now, because 20,000 elite elites of the Eight Banners are already heading towards them.

While the two were yelling at each other, they had no choice but to give orders to meet the enemy. If they ran at this time, they would definitely be killed by the cavalry as sheep, and they knew this very well.


"Reporting to the Prince Regent, the remaining troops on the left and right sides of the Ming Army have also moved and are rapidly advancing northward!"

"What good?"

Dorgon shouted, "Okay," but then he was stunned.

"Advance north?"

"Why are they pushing north? Shouldn't they move closer to the center? Do they want to outflank them in a roundabout way?"

"No, Your Majesty, we may have fallen into a trap. I'm afraid the real intention of the red lady is not to attack from a flank, but to seize the food and grass from our army's camp."

Hong Chengchou on the side suddenly shouted.


"Is the red lady crazy? Doesn't she even want these hundreds of thousands of troops and her own life?"

Dorgon's face changed drastically and he looked shocked.

The Ming army alone had a hundred thousand troops in front of the central army, plus the fifty or sixty thousand who had just come over to attack, there would be an army of 160,000 to 70,000, but the red lady actually wanted to abandon them all just to seize his camp.

"Your Majesty, without the food and grass in the camp, even if our army wins, we will have no choice but to retreat. Please send troops to intercept it quickly!"

Hong Chengchou urged.

That red lady is so ruthless, she is simply a lunatic. How can she fight like this?

He was sure that even if the other party could not hold the camp, they would burn the food with fire.

Dorgon was also anxious and was about to send the last 20,000 cavalry to intercept Li Dakai and Liu Fangliang, but the observation post on the side exclaimed.

"Your Majesty, the Ming army's cavalry has moved..."

"Damn it!"

"Send an order to Ao Bai to meet the enemy. After he defeats Guan Ning's cavalry, he should immediately return to support the camp and not be reluctant to fight."

Dorgon cursed loudly, and then quickly ordered.

Guan Ning's cavalry charged down from a high position and could not be left alone, so no matter how impatient they were, they had to fight the cavalry first and then intercept the infantry.

I also understood that the red lady not only abandoned more than 100,000 infantrymen, but also Guan Ning's cavalry.

Originally, Dorgon wanted to kill Obai, but as Obai was the first warrior of the Qing Dynasty, once he was killed, the morale of the Eight Banners soldiers would be affected to some extent. In addition, the war was imminent, so Dorgon gave

He had a chance to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds.

At this time, Obai also saw the Guan Ning cavalry rushing down the hillside. After receiving Dorgun's order, he rushed up to kill them without hesitation.

The 40,000 cavalrymen on both sides were like two torrents, and soon they collided fiercely. The Tatars had the advantage in riding skills and horses, while the Guanning cavalry had the advantage in speed.

After this round, both sides were evenly matched. Both sides suffered heavy losses. The Ming army lost seven to eight thousand cavalry.

Oboi also lost six or seven thousand of his cavalry. He was so angry that he immediately wanted to get back on his horse and fight again.

Fortunately, he remembered Dorgon's order in time, and with a look of unwillingness, he took the remaining 10,000 riders and killed Liu Fangliang not far away.

As for Li Dakai on the other side, he was helpless.

"Four Generals, why don't we chase after him?"

"Your Majesty's order is for us to stop the cavalry attacking the left army."

"Do you two want all the brothers to answer here?"

Wu Sanfu said bitterly to the two generals on the left and right.

Little did he know that these two guys had been bribed by the red lady.

"Does the fourth general want to disobey the queen's order?"

The two generals looked at each other and their voices became cold.

"Damn it, it's not like you don't know the Tatars' cavalry and shooting. If you catch up again, you will die... By the way, there must not be many cavalry around Dorgon. Wouldn't it be better if we go over and kill him?"

Wu Sanfu had no choice but to say in desperation, and without waiting for the two of them to respond, he shouted loudly: "Brothers, follow me to capture the false king Dorgon. Come on!"

"Go ahead..."

Sure enough, the cavalry behind him waved their sabers and shouted loudly.

Originally, Wu Sanfu just wanted to find an excuse to escape, but after running forward for a certain distance, he discovered that there were really only a few hundred infantry and two hundred cavalry guarding the high platform near Dorgon's commander's flag. He was immediately ecstatic, looking up to the sky and laughing loudly.


"Haha, kill!"

"Brothers, capture Dorgon alive!"

For a time, the remaining more than 10,000 cavalrymen were all as if they had been given a shot of blood, and they were howling with excitement.

"not good!"

"Damn it, sir, hurry up, the Ming army cavalry is coming towards us."

Dorgon was condescending and soon spotted the charging cavalry. He was so frightened that he immediately led Hong Chengchou off the high platform, got on his horse, and hurried away with two hundred guards.

He didn't even care about the hundreds of foot soldiers and the handsome flags on the high platform.

At this time, even if the cavalry was ordered to return for reinforcements, it was too late, and there was no other way out except running.

If all the famous generals in China who have commanded hundreds of thousands of armies in past dynasties would have admired Dorgon's courage when they saw this scene.

Because in this kind of field battle involving hundreds of thousands of people, the most feared thing is that the opponent will take advantage of the chaos to kill the generals and seize the flag.

Therefore, in all such field battles, the commander will keep elite guards around him, including not only elite infantry, but also cavalry. They must not move under any circumstances.

Like Dorgon, who only had a few hundred infantry left, he sent out all the cavalry in a hurry.

All in all, I am still inexperienced in this kind of war. I am used to fighting with the wind. I look down on the traitor soldiers from the bottom of my heart. I feel that they are unreliable in a real crisis, so I only left a few hundred foot soldiers to be responsible for beating the gongs in a symbolic way.

Play drums.

I really agree with the saying, if you plant a willow with intention, it will fail; if you plant a willow unintentionally, the willow will be shaded.

Dorgon wanted to capture the thief and the king and kill the Red Lady, so he sent 80,000 Mongolian cavalry to attack the Chinese army. As a result, before the Red Lady could be killed, he was almost captured alive by the opposing cavalry.


"Dorgon, if you run away, you will risk your life!"

Naturally, Wu Sanfu would not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He immediately pursued him and held on to it, not forgetting to send someone to cut down the commander's flag and put it away.

The chop of the handsome flag, which weighed several dozen kilograms, immediately triggered a series of chain reactions.

The first to notice that the commander's flag had fallen was the three Shang Kexi who were fighting in the front. If it weren't for the Tatar cavalry behind them, the 70,000 traitor soldiers would have collapsed long ago.

Similarly, if there were not cavalry everywhere, Liu Zeqing would have fled long ago. How could the two sides have reached such a stalemate?

Now that they found that all the flags of the Jiannu were down, the Ming army suddenly cheered, one cheer to ten, ten to hundreds, hundreds to thousands, thousands to thousands. After a while, the morale of the entire army was greatly improved.

The Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty could no longer hold on and fled backwards due to their mental collapse. Shang Kexi and the other three could only follow them.

If Dorgon was still commanding from the high platform, he could have taken advantage of the separation of the two sides and dispatched some Mongolian cavalry to come back to charge and kill them, which would definitely turn defeat into victory.

But at this time, Dorgon was being chased and was so panicked that he was about to cry without tears.

Fortunately, Duduo, who was encircling Gao Jie's men, saw this scene and was immediately filled with jealousy. He immediately gave up intercepting Gao Jie and turned around with 10,000 cavalry to pursue Wu Sanfu and rescue Dorgon.

Without the entanglement of the Tatar cavalry, and seeing that the Red Lady was in danger, Gao Jie no longer had any scruples, and led his army to charge towards the Mongolian cavalry that was surrounding the Chinese army.

He had no choice but to rush. Once the red lady died, not to mention the loss of his thigh, the little emperor would probably not be able to spare him afterwards.

At this time, only about 20,000 people were left in the Red Lady's central army, which was surrounded by 50,000 to 60,000 Mongolian cavalry. They were holding on hard. If it were not for the support of high platforms and carriages, the entire army might not have been wiped out long ago.

Seeing that their army in front had been defeated, the commander's flag fell again, and the Ming army infantry on the right came to kill them again. In addition, there were shouts that Dorgon was dead. The Mongolian leaders panicked and led their tribesmen to leave the battlefield and scatter.


Dorgon is already dead, and he still gets a fart!

When the Mengba Banner saw this, they had no choice but to retreat.

Seeing that the Mongolian cavalry that besieged the Chinese army had all withdrawn, and all the sound of trumpets and drums on our side had stopped, the 18,000-and-eight-banner cavalry that intercepted Liu Liangzuo had to retreat.

In this way, countless cavalrymen lost their command because Dorgon was being chased and killed, and fled north one after another. Fortunately, the Ming army was all infantry and was unable to pursue him.

The Tatars also wanted to escape back to the camp, but found that the camp was occupied by the Ming army again, so they had to bypass the camp and continue to flee north.

In the entire battlefield, there was not a single cavalry to cover the defeated Han Eight Banners infantry.

This resulted in Shang Kexi, Geng Jingzhong, and Kong Youde being chased, abandoning their helmets and armor, and cursing as they fled.

(End of chapter)

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