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Chapter 010 Super Bodyguard Shi Ah

When they heard Shi Ah's name, netizens immediately went crazy:

"Master Bian, you have made a lot of money. You lost Zhu Tong and got Shi Ah in exchange!"

"Whether it is official history or unofficial history, there are records about Shi A. This guy will be Cao Pi's future swordsman, known as the Emperor's Master. I didn't expect that he would take advantage of you."

"Haha! Shi A'ke is a ranger and can fly over walls. Why does it feel like you are watching a live broadcast of martial arts? Isn't it a bit nonsense?"

"Who knows? But since Zhu Tong said so, it shouldn't be too bad. After all, no one can tell whether there is qinggong in history. What if there really is?"

"There must be! Otherwise, how could there be records of kung fu in history?"

"I think so too."

"I want to see the claws flying over the walls!"

"Want to see +1"

“Want to see +2”



Come on!

This wave of netizens who are scuba divers must have appeared.

Coupled with the influence of Mr. Jin Yong's more than ten martial arts masterpieces, every Chinese has more or less martial arts dreams. When they hear the name of Ranger Shi'a, how can they not make fun of him?

Not to mention them, even Liu Bian himself was very excited.

In fact.

The knight-errant culture was a social phenomenon during the Han Dynasty.

Although starting from "Book of the Later Han Dynasty", there is no longer "The Legend of Rangers" in the official history, indicating that the golden age of knights has ended, but knights and their activities still exist.

For example, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu from the Fourth Generation and the Three Dukes were both good knights and had a chivalrous style;

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Wang Kuang, the prefect of Hanoi, was fond of philanthropy and was known as a knight.

Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu, was famous for his chivalrous spirit. He rescued the poor and rescued people in emergencies. He lost his family and had no love, and many scholars returned home;

In addition, there are also many commoner knights. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, many celebrities from lower class backgrounds liked to socialize and interact with knights, such as Lu Bu, Liu Bei, Gan Ning, Jiang Wei, etc.;

As for some wealthy young men in their families, there are countless people who are obsessed with knight-errants and try their best to imitate them.

Liu Bian exhaled a breath and thought in his heart: "It would be great if I could become a ranger myself. The sword energy spans 30,000 miles, and one sword shines cold light on nineteen states. It is so cool!"


Netizens poured cold water on you again: "Master Bian, look at your small body, as thin as a corn stalk, with no body fat, and you still want to become a ranger? Stop joking!"

"Yes, Mr. Bian, your body is the capital of the revolution. Even if you can escape by pretending to die, if your body is too weak, you may not be able to withstand the bumps on the march!"

"Well, that's right! Fighting is a hard job, and sleeping in the open is common. If you don't have a strong body, you won't be able to survive!"

"I suggest! Master Ben should strengthen his fitness from now on. Start by gaining weight first!"

"Agreed! Are there any fitness experts in the live broadcast room? Can you tailor a fitness plan based on Mr. Bian's physique? We only have five months left."

The versatile live broadcast room is always full of surprises.

A netizen just raised a question, and immediately a fitness coach popped up: "I am a fitness coach, but in view of Ben Ye's physical condition, it is best to eat more and keep up with nutrition. Wheat cakes every day is simply not enough.


Come on!

The problem is back.

It seems that the matter of Liu Bian's food standards being deducted must be resolved.

If you think about it carefully, even if Dong Zhuo was a wolf, he would not deduct the food standard of a prince. It is obvious that this must be a decision made by a lower-level official without authorization, or it may simply be a malicious deduction to deceive others.

He is just a has-been prince, and he will not be able to escape sooner or later. Why waste so much food? It is better to turn it into money and keep it in his pocket. There must be many people who think this way!


What to do?

Liu Bian has been discussing with the bosses of the live broadcast room for a long time, but for the time being he has not found any effective method. He can only take it one step at a time, wait for the right opportunity to appear, and then act accordingly.

In fact, he still wanted to do something more, but because of Zhu Tong's transfer, netizens suggested that he should keep a low profile in the recent period, so he was patient and not ready to make any trouble.

However, although netizens did not discuss specific strategies, fitness coaches gave simple exercise methods to help Liu Bian gradually regain his physical fitness.

In order to be able to exercise, the big boss of the history department also drafted a confession for Liu Bian and published it in the A'ge. The content was very simple. The main reason was that he could not pay homage to his mother in person, so he wanted to turn the inner courtyard into a temporary one.

In the mourning hall, as long as it is at night, no one is allowed to enter the inner hall. This is the time that belongs to him and Queen Mother He.

"Master Ben, hold on, you can do it!"

"Persistence is victory, come on!"

"Come on, Mr. Ben, it's already the twelfth lap. If you hold on for one more lap, it will be the thirteenth lap!"




Liu Bian was panting, and large beads of sweat rolled down his forehead and along the bridge of his nose. His eyes were covered with tears and were a little blurry. His feet were completely out of control and moved forward mechanically.



Liu Bian was running alone in the courtyard of his house. Although Age's courtyard was large, it was only about two hundred meters at best. After only running more than ten laps, Liu Bian was out of breath from exhaustion and even a little depressed.


I have to admit that this body is really weak.

"It's already been thirteen laps, come on Mr. Ben, you can do it!"

"Come on for the golden cicada's escape plan!"


Even Liu Bian himself couldn't believe that he could persist for so long under such conditions. Without the support of the vast number of netizens in the live broadcast room, it would have been impossible.



Two more laps passed, and the running fitness plan formulated by the fitness coach was completed.

"Master Bian, don't sit down in a hurry, walk slowly, and let yourself gradually relax, otherwise your body will cramp. If you alert the imperial doctor, you may arouse Dong's suspicion."

"Yes, Mr. Bian! Stop slowly and don't be in a hurry. Fitness is a constant thing. You have to master the correct method and don't let yourself do anything wrong. You might end up losing more than you gain."


Liu Bian followed the netizen's method and gradually calmed down his heartbeat. After a long time, he finally stopped breathing so much. He took a short rest and walked out of the inner house. Tang Ji had ordered someone to prepare a supper. Although it was wheat cakes and porridge again, it was...

Liu Bian swept it all away.

This scene made Tang Ji a little confused. In the past, Liu Bian said that he had eaten all his food and could eat more than a bowl of rice, which was considered good. What happened today? His style changed drastically?

After eating the supper, Liu Bian took the time to take a hot bath to soothe his body that was tired from exercise. He then returned to the bedroom, covered his head and fell asleep. Soon he began to snore.

This chapter has been completed!
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