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Chapter 107 Disguise!

"Don't worry, Mr. Bian, you just need to follow the instructions of the special effects makeup expert and guide Wang Yun step by step. When you are sure that there is no problem, you can proceed to the next step."


Liu Bian nodded, took a long breath, and said to the man in front of him: "Zixiao, don't be nervous, just follow Gu's requirements every step of the way."


Liu Bian stared at the man with bright eyes: "You are the son of the imperial physician Wang Xuan. You have studied medical skills for ten years. You can do all the actions I ask for. Believe in yourself."

That’s right!

The man in front of Liu Bian.

It was none other than Wang Yun, the son of the imperial physician Wang Xuan.

After Wang Xuan made the antidote to the poison, he took his son Wang Yun and his apprentice Luo Hua out of Luoyang and came to live in a military camp on the outskirts of Ye County, waiting for Liu Bian's final escape.

Wang Yun took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.


He nodded affirmatively and said with firm eyes: "Well, your highness can give the order, Yun can start at any time."

Liu Bian raised the corners of his lips slightly and said with a smile: "Okay! Believe in yourself, you are the best."

After many experiments, the Military Advisor Alliance finally overcame the difficulty of making masks from pig skin.

Made from suckling pig skin, the skin is delicate and covers an area larger than the face.

This is because the pig skin will shrink during the production process.

Next, soak the pig skin in distilled wine, similar to the principle of making specimens with alcohol.

After soaking the pig skin, start scraping the skin to remove the excess fat on the back. While trying not to scratch it, scrape it thinner to make it look more like human skin.

Wang Yun has practiced many times under Liu Bian's instructions, and finally met the requirements of the Military Advisor Alliance. Wang Yun, who has mastered this skill, can develop into a surgeon in the future.


The swim bladder of the fish is caught and steamed to make glue.

Apply the glue evenly on the mask, slowly cover it on Liu Bian's face, and finally perform local modifications, including eyebrows, beard, eyelashes and other details.

"The beard should be a little shorter and curved outward, yes, that's right, that's it, it's good."

"This eyebrow is a thin eyebrow, not that thick and not that long."

"There is also a shadow that needs to be drawn on the cheekbones, so that it can appear a little slimmer."

"Yes, yes, that's right, Zixiao, you have a good understanding."


It took nearly two hours.


Liu Bian finished his disguise, put on a set of dark turban and a double-breasted robe, and walked out of the inner tent.

He spread his hands and smiled calmly at Wenwu outside the tent: "Everyone, how are you?"

In an instant, all the civil and military eyes in the room were focused on Liu Bian.

Tang Ji froze on the spot, with a hint of fear in her eyes. Her eyes stared blankly at Liu Bian in front of her, her brain buzzed and went blank for an instant.

Opposite him, General Zhang Liao's eyes widened, his throat rolled subconsciously, and he forced to swallow a mouthful of saliva, as if he had hit something weird.

Even Xun Yu, who had always been calm, couldn't help but stare like bells and opened his mouth blankly. He was speechless for a long time and was as stunned as a clay sculpture.

Everyone else was stunned.

The entire tent was silent for more than five seconds before they all said in unison:

"Li Ru?"

That’s right!

Because Liu Bian's figure, height and body shape are very similar to Li Ru's.

Therefore, the Military Advisor Alliance pulled out Li Ru's video and disguised Liu Bian according to his appearance.

Although the conditions are relatively simple, it is after all done by experts from the Military Advisor Alliance. As long as you don't look carefully, you will never see any clues.


Liu Bian asked with a faint smile.

Tang Ji looked in disbelief: "Your Highness, they are so similar. I was almost scared to death just now."

Zhang Liao let out a long sigh and forced himself to calm down: "Don't say she is a princess, even the general was shocked. She really looks like her."


Xun Yu pinched a strand of goatee under his chin and nodded slowly: "The moment His Highness came out, I really thought it was Li Ru. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't have found any clues at all."

"More than that..."

Beside him, Shi A took a deep breath and exhaled slowly: "I'm afraid that even if you look carefully, you may not be able to see the clues. Your Highness may not know that I almost drew my sword just now."

"Fuck you~~"

Liu Bian smiled lightly and glanced at Shi A: "It's not that exaggerated."

Shi A stared: "Really! If Your Highness doesn't believe it, you can ask Brother Deng. Just now it was the last general he held down."

Deng Zhan nodded heavily: "Yes, Brother Shicai was really... drawing the sword. He didn't lie."

Liu Bian smiled with satisfaction: "Since even you can't tell the difference, then those guys in Nanyang must not be able to tell the difference either, so they can finally sneak into Nanyang."

Xun Yu on the side couldn't help but be stunned: "Your Highness, are you trying to sneak into Nanyang as Li Ru? This is too dangerous. If you are recognized, it will not be good."


Liu Bian pondered for a moment and said softly: "It's just an option. If an accident does happen, having Li Ru's identity here may save a lot of trouble."

"I see."

Xun Yu was completely relieved and breathed a sigh of relief: "Your Highness is thoughtful and thoughtful, I admire you."

Liu Bian smiled lightly: "Wen Ruo."


"Are you ready?"

"Yes." Xun Yu nodded, "You can leave at any time."

"Okay." Liu Bian was overjoyed and said, "Early tomorrow morning, we will go straight to Benshan Pass."



Wan County, suburbs.

Chiyun Taoist Temple.

In the side hall.

Shi Zixuan was meditating, closing his eyes and resting his mind.


There was a squeak.

The palace door was pushed open.

Shi Zixuan slowly opened his eyes and saw Tai Shitong coming, and said softly: "Is there any news?"

Tai Shitong picked up the tea cup on the table next to him and took a sip: "Taoist Master, you are really amazing. Then He Jin's son He Xian really appeared in Chiyun Taoist Temple."


Shi Zixuan asked anxiously: "Have you seen it clearly? Are you sure it is He Xian?"

Tai Shitong was sure and affirmative: "I have also stayed in Luoyang after all, how can I not know He Xian? Don't worry, it must be him, it's correct!"

"Can you find out where they are now?"

"Of course! It's in a manor not far from Chiyun Taoist Temple. It seems to be called Xiaoyao Village."

"Xiaoyao Village?"

Shi Zi smiled faintly: "It does seem to be the name given by He Xian. When he was in Luoyang, he wrote "Xiaoyao Fu" at Pindao's residence. Pindao still remembers a few sentences."


Tai Shitong couldn't help but be surprised: "How can you still be familiar with poetry and poetry? The Taoist priest might as well recite a few sentences for someone to appreciate."

Shi Zixuan pinched a wisp of beard under his chin and said: "Sail in a wooden boat across the sea and see the mighty Kunpeng; ride on a bluebird and soar through the nine heavens, admiring the majesty of the sky."


Tai Shitong was the secretary-supervisor of Lantai, so he was naturally talented and had first-class poetry.

But even he was still stunned after hearing the poem recited by Shi Zixuan. He couldn't help nodding and praising: "These two sentences are indeed carefree, magnificent and amazing."


Shi Zixuan nodded: "It was at that time that Pindao noticed this man. Later I found out that his name was He Xian, and he was the son of General He Jin. This man liked the learning of Lao and Zhuang, and he would come to burn incense every month when looking at the sun.

Pray for blessings.”

"And today..."

Shi Zixuan smiled calmly: "It's just looking at the sun."

Tai Shitong suddenly realized it and couldn't help but nodded: "So that's how it is."

This chapter has been completed!
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