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Chapter 134 Night Attack?

"Why did you retreat? It should have been less than half an hour, right?"

"I thought the Xiliang warriors were so powerful, but I didn't expect them to be at this level?"

"You didn't even reach the top of the city, so you retreated in despair?"

"Hot chicken! Ushifu is such a hot chicken!"

"I guess Niu Fu was stunned."

"Haha, it's possible!"


At that time, not only did hundreds of millions of netizens not expect Niu Fu to retreat so quickly, but Liu Bian himself also did not expect that the majestic Zhonglang General of Xiliang Xiaoqi, the real Dong Zhuo's direct troops, would retreat in such disgrace?

"Master Ben~~"

"Don't get too proud too early."

Just when Liu Bian was getting carried away, the voice of the military advisor alliance sounded: "Retreating the troops in time when knowing that they are invincible is not cowardice, but a wise performance and a correct choice."

"If you attack the city by force, you will definitely lose your troops. As a veteran general on the battlefield, Niu Fu naturally knows this. It is the wisest choice for him to withdraw his troops at this time and find a way to defeat the enemy."

"Those generals who do not care about the lives of soldiers either have missions that must be completed, are airborne leaders with little combat experience, or are plots that can only be found in novels."

"A warrior like Niu Fu who has experienced hundreds of battles, even if there is a reason to kill Ben Ye, he will never make such a low-level mistake in the early stage."

Liu Bianshen nodded in agreement and immediately calmed down: "The experts are right, I unconsciously made the mistake of underestimating the enemy. Niu Fu is also a strong player in Xiliang after all. It is wise to stop the loss in time."

"That's right."

The Military Advisor Alliance added: "It is wise for Niu Fu to do this, but don't worry, Mr. Bian. If Niu Fu can really think of a way to defend Yaksha, then experts will definitely think of ways to defeat the enemy."

Liu Bian breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself: "You have Zhang Liang's plan, and I have a wall ladder. I believe in the ability of the alliance experts, so let Niu Fu think about the countermeasures first. The longer he delays, the more beneficial it will be to us."


The Alliance of Military Advisors said softly: "Niu Fu doesn't know the Yuan family's conspiracy, and he doesn't even know that the princes will break out to challenge Dong. The longer he hesitates, the better it is for us."

"Once the princes' rebellion against Dong breaks out and the news reaches Luoyang, Dong Zhuo will inevitably recall his direct relatives to his side. Whether he can take care of you by then is another matter."

Liu Bian naturally knew this.

According to the analysis of experts from the Alliance of Military Advisors, Liu Bian could only be truly out of danger until the princes challenged Dong.

As for now, although there is a certain space for movement, there are still many dangers.

Looking at the enemy troops retreating sadly, Liu Bian ordered: "Zhang Sima."

Zhang Zhen cupped his hands and clasped his fists: "The end will be here."

"I'll leave this place to you. If the thieves attack again, you can beat the drum to warn me, and Guzi will come."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, just leave it to the general."


Liu Bian nodded: "In that case, I left."

Zhang Zhen cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations to Your Highness."


Outside Wubao.

Xiliang Camp.

Central army, big tent.

Niu Fu frowned and paced back and forth in the tent, his mind filled with ideas on how to defeat the enemy.

Although every move was rejected by him, at least he had been thinking hard.

"Damn it!"

Niu Fu punched the wooden stake, and he was so angry that he gritted his steel teeth and wanted to bite the air into pieces: "Isn't there a way to break this kind of weapon?"

"General Niu~~"

Zhang Zi held up his hands and said tentatively: "Why don't you consider shields? If every soldier can be equipped with a shield, although it will not break the weird weapon, it will definitely reduce casualties."

"You put it lightly."

Niu Fu turned to look at Zhang Zi and said coldly: "Our army is Xiliang's brave cavalry. Have you ever seen cavalry equipped with shields? Furthermore, how many shields can there be in Wancheng's arsenal, enough to equip thousands of my soldiers?



Zhang Zi suddenly wilts: "Zhang needs to ask Captain Jiang."

Niu Fu glared at Zhang Zi fiercely: "A shield can protect against bows and arrows, but if such a weapon falls from a high altitude, even if a soldier can block the weapon, he will most likely be killed by it."

"As for the weapons with blades inserted into rolling logs, they are thrown in the air, fall to kill the enemy, and then recovered to stab the enemy. Even with a shield, they may not be able to defend against it."

Even Zhang Zi can think of a solution, but Niu Fu can't think of it?

It's just that it was already denied by Niu Fu, so he didn't say it out loud.

Ushifu continued to think about countermeasures.


A full two hours passed.

During this period, he led his troops to carefully survey the terrain around Wubao. It was surrounded by mountains on three sides and by water on one side. It was impossible to attack from other directions.

In addition, he went straight to the outside of Wubao several times, trying to find weak points in the city's defense, but he never thought that even the stones on the other side had been buried in the soil no matter how deep they were.

The city gate has obviously been reinforced. Not to mention simple wood-ramming, even regular rams may not be able to break through. Moreover, the terrain outside the fort is narrow, and rams cannot get in at all.


Niu Fu has considered too many ways, but he has rejected them all. Until now, he still has not found a way to defeat the enemy and can only sigh sadly.

Although he had made a huge mistake and had reasons to kill Liu Bian, he could not risk the lives of these soldiers and attack Wubao regardless of sacrifice.

"Damn it!"

Niu Fu punched Shuai Ben.

A whole half a day was wasted by him like this.

At this time, Zhang Zi came back from outside the tent: "General Niu, I have a plan. I don't know whether to tell it or not?"

In a sense, Zhang Zi and Liu Bian have already broken up. Even if Liu Bian survives, it is impossible for the two of them to just say a word about their misunderstanding and settle their differences, as if everything is fine.

In this case, for Zhang Zi, the best way is to destroy Liu Bian in this deep mountain and forest. Anyway, everyone will only think that Niu Fu did it and it has nothing to do with him.


Niu Fu was slightly startled: "Do you have any idea?"

Zhang Zi bowed his head and said softly: "General, I think you can mobilize a large army to attack Wubao again, fight fiercely until evening, and then retreat."


Niu Fu's eyes widened and he shouted back angrily: "Is this your plan? Let our soldiers die in vain?"

Zhang Zi quickly waved his hand: "General, don't be impatient. Please wait until I finish what I have to say."

Niu Fu's expression softened slightly: "You continue."


Zhang Zi responded and continued: "I asked you to mobilize a large army to attack Wubao again. In fact, it is just a feint attack. The purpose is to keep the remnants of the He family in the city in a state of war readiness."

"In this case, they must be tired after a day of fierce fighting. How can they not rest at night? But once night falls, the general needs to select some elite soldiers and horses, climb to the top of the city, enter the fort, and open the city gate."

Niu Fu's eyes suddenly brightened: "You mean...night attack?"

Zhang Zi raised his hand and said, "I'm afraid this is the only solution for now."

Niu Fu pondered for a moment and nodded slowly: "We can give it a try, but it's already past noon today and the feint is not effective enough. It would be better to feint again tomorrow."

"Just right!"

Niu Fu raised his eyes to look at Zhang Zi and smiled sinisterly: "You rush back to Nanyang immediately. Early tomorrow morning, you must mobilize all the Nanyang defenders to support you and bring all the shields in the arsenal. This will make it more realistic."



"Okay, I'll do it next time."

"Don't worry, if this happens, I will guarantee that you will become the shepherd of Jingzhou."

"Thank you, General Niu."

This chapter has been completed!
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