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Chapter 144: The Night Attack Failed, I Boiled Niu Fu!


Zhuanguan City Gate Exhibition.

Xun Yu led his troops into Zenguan Pass and bowed to Zhang Liao with a smile: "General Wen Yuan is so brave and invincible that I am very eye-opening. I have made great achievements this time and your Highness will be rewarded heavily in the future."

Zhang Liao hurriedly returned the gift. He didn't care about the reward at all. He smiled and said, "Military advisor, what should we do now? Should we march towards Nanyang to find His Highness?"

Xun Yu shook his head: "We don't know what's going on inside Nanyang for the time being. Besides, it's already getting late and the soldiers are exhausted after fighting hard for a long time. It's not too late to discuss everything tomorrow."


Zhang Liao still frowned, feeling unwilling.

However, Xun Yu waved his hand and interrupted: "Wen Yuan, I know that you are concerned about the safety of His Highness, but remember not to act too hastily. As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, you must remain calm at all times."

"I don't understand the truth."


Zhang Liao took a deep breath and tried to calm down and stay rational: "The military adviser should know that this army exists because of His Highness. No matter how well we fight at Zhuangguan, if His Highness loses, it will still be in vain.


How could Xun Yu not know such a simple truth?

But this is not a reason to act recklessly. Instead, you should be more cautious.

"Wen Yuan thought of His Highness deeply, which moved Xun so much."


Xun Yu changed the subject and said seriously: "You should believe in His Highness's ability. He was able to break Luoyang's deadlock, and now he can break Nanyang's deadlock. We have tried our best, and we can only rely on His Highness next.

Get through it yourself.”


When Xun Yu learned that King Hongnong was planning to sneak into Nanyang alone, he realized that today's fate would be inevitable.

Throw yourself into death and survive; fall into death and survive.

That's the process.

If King Hongnong wants to complete the magnificent transformation from the deposed emperor to the leader of the Zhongxing Dynasty, he must take this step, otherwise it will be difficult for him to stand up again in his life and shoulder the important task of revitalizing the Han Dynasty.

This was Dong Zhuo's ultimate move, and it was also his own test against King Hongnong.

If King Hongnong can really escape safely, what's the harm in committing his life to it?

Xun Yu took a long breath, put his hands on the back of his chair, looked at the billowing smoke in the distance, and said in his heart: "Your Highness, you must hold on, don't let down our expectations."


Funiu Mountain.


The setting sun melts gold and night falls.

The beating bonfire at the top of the city reflected Zhang Zhen's calm and confident face.

He stood with his sword in his hand and looked out over the dark city.

Although Zhang Zhen did not believe that the other party would launch a night attack, he still obeyed Liu Bian's military orders.

"I know that you are exhausted physically and mentally after a day of fierce fighting, but the Xiliang thieves are cunning by nature, and we have to guard against them. You must guard Fort Hollywood. If there is an emergency, beat the drum to warn and there will be support."


On the night of the first lunar month, there was a cool breeze.

Zhang Zhen wore two coarse clothes, covered with leather armor, and carried a waist knife across his body. He walked through the city from time to time.

At first, he only patrolled the city wall for a quarter of an hour, giving instructions from time to time to be wary of night attacks.

Just after midnight, it turned into two-quarters of an hour to patrol the city wall, just a few words occasionally, remember not to relax.

I have to admit that Zhang Zhen, a military commander, is very responsible, but he is also a human being after all. After a day of fierce fighting, he is exhausted physically and mentally.

Not long after I was a child, I felt sleepy and unknowingly, I became a little slack.

But now, Zhang Zhen had lost his patience. He patrolled the city wall for half an hour, but only in a hurry. After confirming that there was no night attack, he went back to his house to rest.

Compare your heart to your heart.

If you are so tired yourself, let alone others?

There is no reason why we need to rest, but Xiliang Xiaoqi can continue to fight fiercely.

Night attack?

He also needs to have that physical strength.

Under Zhang Zhen's constant self-hypnosis.


He slacked off.

Just after the ugly moment, he couldn't bear it anymore and fell down to sleep.

In his sleep, he beheaded generals and made meritorious deeds, was granted titles and worshiped generals, honored his ancestors, had many wives and concubines, and was so beautiful that his hair almost dripped from his eyes.

Just as he was preparing to take up the gun and go into battle.


A sharp and harsh voice sounded:


Sweet dreams are broken like glass.

Zhang Zhen sat up suddenly, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, and the anger in his chest couldn't help boiling.


He cursed subconsciously, picked up the Huanshou sword, and walked out of the camp.

Looking around, there is a man standing proudly on top of the city.

The other party was wearing a big cloak, with Deng Zhan and He Yun standing beside him.

If not King Hongnong, who is he?

"Damn it!"

Zhang Zhen secretly thought that something was wrong and hurried up to the city: "This general has neglected his duty, so please forgive him."

However, Liu Bian looked as usual and waved his hand to signal him to step aside: "This time should be a lesson for you. You need to keep it in mind. In the future, your arrangements for patrolling the city must be reasonable."

Zhang Zhencheng was frightened: "Thank you for your grace in not killing me, Your Highness."


Liu Bian was also frightened for a while.

If the sword net had not been held flat outside the city wall, the sharp blades stung the Xiliang thieves, causing them to scream sharply and wake up the defenders on the city. This night attack would probably have been successful.

The experts are indeed right.

The time that is really conducive to night raids is the second half of the night, the period from Yin Shi to Mao Shi.

Liu Bian was worried that something would go wrong in the middle of the night, so he came with He Yun and Deng Zhan to inspect.

As a result, we happened to see Niu Fu's unsuccessful night attack.


At this moment, a burst of heart-rending roars erupted from the city: "I am so angry that I am so defensive."

That's right.

It was the voice of Niu Fu, the fierce general of Xiliang.

The corners of Liu Bian's lips raised slightly. Although he couldn't see Niu Fu outside, he shouted: "Niu Fu, do you think you, a fool, want to break this fort?"


The roar of laughter echoed in the valley.

Liu Bian's voice was like a steel needle, piercing people's hearts: "As long as Gu is here, you will never be able to capture Wubao. Go back to Luoyang and replace the Dong thief. Li Ru comes over. You are no match for Gu."

Under the city, Niu Fu's voice sounded again: "Shuzi, how dare you insult me!"

Liu Bian let out a scornful laugh: "Insult you? Hum! Are you worthy of it?"

"Wow yeah~~"

Niu Fu's voice was about to explode, and his anger was beyond words: "Shu Zi, do you dare to go out of the city and fight? I, Niu Fu, will teach you how it feels to have blood splattered everywhere."


"You are so disappointing."

Liu Bian really didn't expect that Niu Fu would say such childish words: "You are also Dong Zhuo's son-in-law, the famous commander of the Xiliang Knights, and you have fought fiercely on the battlefield for many years. Is this how you have been here?"

"If you can't fight, then you have to duel?"


Liu Bian snorted softly and said mockingly: "If Dong Zhuo's subordinates were all idiots like you, Gu would have to laugh to death. If you have strength and nowhere to use it, I can give you a move."

"There is not much in Funiu Mountain, but there is no shortage of towering trees. You can take a knife and chop down the trees. If one tree is not enough, chop down another one. The mountains full of trees will be enough for you to vent your anger."


Sarcastic laughter filled the valley again.

Niu Fu was so angry that his eyes were about to burst, and he roared at the top of his lungs: "Sister Zhu, I, Niu Fu, swear that after we break Wubao, I will eat your flesh, drink your blood, cut your body into thousands of pieces, and throw you into the wilderness to feed the wolves.



Liu Bianhun didn't care: "I'm here, waiting for you to fight! However, I'm afraid you won't have this chance. After a divination in Gu Ye, I found that you are destined to commit Ziwei. Your sin is serious. There will be a bloody disaster in the near future. You should be careful.

Just yourself."

"Ha ha ha ha!"



Laughter echoed in the valley.

Niu Fu suppressed the rage in his chest and retreated.

This chapter has been completed!
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