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Chapter 151 First the ceremony, then the soldiers, let the Nanyang clan bleed

I have been studying with the Military Advisor Alliance for half a year, especially giving a comprehensive introduction to the noble clans of Nanyang and the Military Advisor Alliance.


The deeper he understood, the more confused and curious Liu Bian became.

As the hometown of the emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the land of Longxing, Nanyang had a high status during the Eastern Han Dynasty. Both the powerful nobles and ordinary people received rewards and favors from the court.

In the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Nanyang people had an absolute advantage in the court.

Among the twenty-eight generals of Yuntai, Deng Yu, Wu Han, Jia Fu, Cen Peng, Zhu You, Ma Wu, Liu Long, Ma Cheng, Chen Jun and Ren Guang were all born in Nanyang area and were not even included in the twenty-eight generals. General Li Tong was also from Nanyang.

The three founders of Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu, were Grand Situ Deng Yu, Sikong Li Tong, and Grand Sima Wu Han. They were still from Nanyang.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Guangwu decided to retire his meritorious officials and join civil servants. All the military meritorious groups returned home at the invitation of the court and no longer participated in government affairs. However, there were three exceptions: Deng Yu, Li Tong, and Jia Fu, who were all from Nanyang.

To put it bluntly, the Nanyang gentry had an explosive start in the Eastern Han Dynasty. No one could compete with them. Even the earliest wealthy group that became official and economical was still the Nanyang gentry group.

However, by the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty...

The Nanyang gentry group does not have many families that can take advantage of it.

Not to mention compared with the super-first-class aristocratic families such as the Hongnong Yang family and the Ruyang Yuan family, it is even difficult to compare with the well-known first-class aristocratic families in the country such as the Yingchuan family, the Chen family, the Xun family, and the Zhong family.

Even the second-level Jiangxia Huang family, Longkanghuan family, Bolingcui family, Taiyang family and other families can withstand and fight better than the Nanyang gentry group.

Obviously open high and go low!

What happened to the Nanyang Gentlemen Group?

When it comes to the officialization of the world, Nanyang's wealthy families were the first to start.

The Deng Yu family in Xinye, Nanyang, the Laish family, the Yinshi family, and the Feng Li family in Huyang, Nanyang, all have been crowned one after another and have been officials for many generations.

When it comes to the study of Confucian classics, Nanyang's wealthy families are also among the earliest ones.

The Fan Hong family in Huyang, Nanyang, and the Zhu Hui family in Wancheng, Nanyang are the most outstanding representatives.

But even with such a huge advantage, none of the Nanyang wealthy families could successfully transform and become a wealthy family in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. This fact has to be lamented.

"Master Bian, experts say that your thinking on the Nanyang gentry has reached a very high level. Only by understanding the rise and fall of the Nanyang gentry and the reasons can we make better and more reasonable use of this power."

In response to Liu Bian's question, the Military Advisor Alliance gave a simple answer: "In fact, although each family has different reasons for the decline of the Nanyang gentry, in the final analysis, there are probably three situations."

"First, the Deng family and the Yin family in Nanyang have been high-ranking officials for many generations, and at the same time, they have become relatives! But becoming relatives is a double-edged sword. Playing it well can certainly make the family more powerful and powerful, but once there is a fierce conflict with the imperial power Conflict will inevitably lead to decline.”

"This is the case for the Yin family and the Deng family in Nanyang. The Deng family in particular was wiped out twice due to becoming relatives, and finally completely withdrew from the power center of the Eastern Han Dynasty."

"Secondly, Zhu Mu, a descendant of the Zhu Hui family in Wancheng, Nanyang, was famous for his classics. At that time, he was as famous as Li Ying of Yingchuan and Chen Fan of Runan."

"There are historical records: Mr. Li Fu of Yingchuan, his jūn is like a jade mountain; Chen Zhongju of Runan, his horse is like a thousand-mile horse; Uncle Zhu Gong of Nanyang, his car is like running under the pines and cypresses."

"This shows how high Nanyang Zhu Mu's status was among the scholars, but unfortunately, this guy's life was not very good. He was framed by the eunuch forces, which caused the imperial students to write to him."

"And Emperor Huan finally came to power by annihilating the Liang family. He was extremely sensitive to the factional behavior of scholars and powerful families. Coupled with the influence of the eunuchs, the excessive behavior of Li Ying and others finally led to the first disaster of party imprisonment."

"But the world will always remember the heroes during the chaos, and ignore the reasons for the chaos. This is the case with Zhu Mu. The first disaster of the party's imprisonment made Ruying scholars successful, but the Nanyang nobles lost their leader Zhu Mu.

Her reputation lags far behind that of Ru Ying."

"As for the third reason, it is a family that is just waiting to die. Li Tong, Wu Han, Jia Fu, and Cen Peng have been inherited by marquises. They have been soy sauce throughout the whole process. They have not participated in the struggle for central power, and they have no knowledge of classics and no prominent officials.

No political influence;”

Liu Bian suddenly understood and nodded: "So that's it."

Military Advisor Alliance: "Don't be sad, Mr. Bian. Although Nanyang is a typical temple with strong winds, shallow water and many toads, ordinary people can't get along here, but Mr. Bian can definitely do it."

Liu Bian frowned and asked curiously: "Why? Is it because I am King Hongnong?"

The Alliance of Military Advisors affirmed: "That's right! The Nanyang gentry prospered because of Guangwu Liu Xiu, and they have a natural affinity for the Han clan clan. Although the decline of the Nanyang gentry has its own reasons, looking at the Nanyang gentry, there are still people who are struggling hard."

"Historically, Liu Bei established the Jihan regime, and the Fan family, Lai family, Zong family, and even Deng Zhi of the Deng family in Nanyang all served in Jihan, which is enough to prove this."

Liu Bian pondered for a long time and said with deep understanding: "Yes, even a Han clan clan member like Liu Bei can recruit a large number of Nanyang nobles. It is naturally no problem for a Hongnong King like me, who has a strong roots and a healthy youth."

"What's more, the Nanyang Deng family has now followed. Although only a small number of tribes have joined for the time being, it has made a good start. More and more noble families will definitely join in the future."


Beautiful illusions will always be ruthlessly destroyed.

The Military Advisor Alliance poured cold water on you again: "Master Bian, we can't wait for that time. Since the Nanyang nobles have stated their support for you, they should be allowed to take actual actions instead of just talking about it.


"What the experts mean is..."

"It's very simple! Let the Nanyang nobles send troops and food, and the deadline must be set. Active participants will be on the red list. Those who cheat and cheat will be on the blacklist. Sooner or later, they will be killed."


Liu Bian was surprised: "Is this possible? Will it cause shock in Nanyang? When we first come to Nanyang, we should not focus on winning people's hearts. Peaceful coexistence is the way to go?"

The Military Advisor Alliance explained: "First, the situation does not allow you to be slow. If you do not form a force quickly, Dong Zhuo will take advantage of the fact that the Guandong gentry has not formed a large scale and get rid of you first, just like how he killed you in history."

"Secondly, the Deng family in Nanyang has set an example, and the conditions are ripe for them to send troops and provide food. Is there any noble family in Nanyang that can compare with the Deng family? The eldest brother is bleeding, how can the younger brother not bleed?"

"Thirdly, you are too young. Although you have the blessing of King Hongnong, if you don't use thunderous means, you will not be able to deter the Nanyang nobles. Combining kindness and power is the method that a king should have."

"Not only will this not shock Nanyang, but it will calm them down in a short period of time. Anyone who disobeys will find a reason to kill them directly, kill the chicken as a warning to the monkey, and consolidate resources without any delay."

"What's more, the famous thug of the Three Kingdoms, Tiehanhan Sun Jian, was about to start an uprising. This guy took action and killed Wang Rui, the governor of Jingzhou, and then led thousands of troops north to Nanyang. Regardless of his purpose, if he wants to conquer this force, it is not just about his identity. Simple."

Makes sense!

Liu Bian's eyes suddenly brightened, as if he had opened the door to a new world: "And now there is a perfect reason to make trouble with Dong Zhuo and rectify the Nanyang gentry."

"That's right!"

The Alliance of Military Advisors said with certainty: "This is what the experts mean. Making good use of Dong Zhuo, the villain, is much better than finding reasons to rectify Nanyang yourself."

"Then what are you waiting for?"


Liu Bian has always been strict and never delays.

Now that we have a good strategy, we should implement it immediately and strike while the iron is hot: "Zhu Tong~~~"

Zhu Tong took a step forward: "What are your orders, Your Highness?"

"Call Wen Ruo quickly. We have something important to discuss."


Zhu Tong agreed.


Bowed and left the room.

Not long after, Zhu Tong came with Xun Yu.

Liu Bian had already prepared tea and waved his hand for Xun Yu to sit facing him.

Xun Yu bowed his head and said, "Your Highness."

Liu Bian personally poured tea for Xun Yu: "Wen Ruo, how are you familiar with Nanyang's government affairs?"

Xun Yu took the tea with both hands: "It is all thanks to His Highness's thunderous tactics and the active cooperation of the officials of the Prefecture that all government affairs are under control. I am preparing to take the time to report to His Highness."

"No need!"

Liu Bian waved his hand and refused immediately: "If Wen Ruo is a talented person, he can't be ignored by a small Nanyang County. Unless there are urgent matters, there is no need to report everything to Gu."


Xun Yu was slightly startled and slightly frightened.

I am a newbie here, and despite my virtues and abilities, His Highness trusts me so much that he not only entrusts me with the exclusive power of Nanyang, but I don't even bother to ask about the specific process.

Xun Yu's throat rolled: "I'm afraid it's not good, right?"

Liu Bian was surprisingly calm: "There's nothing wrong with it. I know your ability and loyalty very well. I can rest easy by leaving Nanyang under your management."


Liu Bian changed the topic and went directly to the topic: "There is an urgent matter at the moment, which needs to be discussed with you before it can be implemented."

Xun Yu asked tentatively: "I wonder what your highness is doing?"

Liu Bian said no nonsense: "Although the Nanyang gentry have expressed support for the lonely king now under the influence of Deng, but it is just verbal support, what's the use? They must shed some blood to prove their loyalty."


Xun Yu was surprised and his expression changed leisurely: "Could it be that His Highness also wants to attack the Nanyang nobles?"

Liu Bian raised his eyes and looked at Xun Yu, what a good word "ye". Could it be that Xun Yu had the same idea?

"Wen Ruo."

Liu Bian looked at the other party with great interest: "If you have any ideas, you might as well speak up."

Xun Yu nodded and said: "Your Highness, the three official letters have been widely circulated in Guandong recently. Zhang Miao, Liu Dai, Yuan Yi, Qiao Mao of Yanzhou, and even Yuan Shao of Bohai, and Han Fu of Jizhou all responded, and the momentum became more and more intense."

"If my guess is correct, Niu Fu's sudden departure from Nanyang should be related to this matter. However, he failed to kill His Highness after all. Dong Zhuo must be heartbroken and may send troops to attack Nanyang again."

"We have just arrived, and we only have a few thousand soldiers and horses in our hands. How can we stop Dong Zhuo's elite soldiers? If we want to gain enough strength to compete with Dong Zhuo in a short period of time, we must start with the Nanyang nobles."

Having said this, Xun Yu bowed solemnly and said: "I believe that Your Highness should use this as an excuse to ask for troops, horses, money and food from the Nanyang nobles. While strengthening our army's strength, he will also screen the Nanyang nobles."

"When the princes of Guandong become powerful and the heroes of the world respond, Dong Zhuo will not be able to attack His Highness with all his strength. At that time, His Highness will be able to completely secure Nanyang. While sending elite troops to attack Dong, he will turn around and attack those who violate Yang and Yin, thereby solidifying the foundation."

"I don't know..."

Xun Yu asked tentatively: "What do you think, Your Highness?"

Liu Bian's lips slightly raised: "Heroes see the same thing, Gu Zheng has this intention! However, since Wen Ruo has thought of this, he should have a more specific strategy, right?"

Seeing that King Hongnong had no objection, Xun Yu breathed a sigh of relief and nodded affirmatively: "Yes."

Liu Bian was overjoyed, waved his hand and said: "Just speak frankly."

Xun Yu took a deep breath: "Your Highness, when Tian Yu was sorting out Nanyang's government affairs these days, he learned that Zhang Zi actually spent a lot of effort to secure Nanyang. Although he temporarily compromised, he was secretly searching for evidence of crimes from all ethnic groups in order to

Please contain the other party."

"When Niu Fu arrested the He family, it was Zhang Zi who provided some evidence. Although it would not lead to the annihilation of the three clans, forcibly getting involved with His Highness was enough to carry out the arrest."


Liu Bian frowned slightly: "Is this happening?"

Xun Yu nodded: "Well, for Zhang Zi, these evidences can only enable him to fight against the wealthy family, but for His Highness, they are a sharp murderous sword!"

Although the aristocratic families controlled the absolute means of production and had great local authority, they were still in the territory of the Han Dynasty and needed to abide by the laws of the Han Dynasty.

Although the officials who came from the imperial court needed the absolute support of the gentry in order to survive and achieve political achievements, they did not really have to look up to others and treat them as their grandsons. Han law was their greatest weapon.


Zhang Zi is good at this and is practicing it.

Unfortunately, before he could unsheath his sword, he was beheaded by Liu Bian in public display.

All the preparations Zhang Zi has made in the past six months have been made for Liu Bian to fully control Nanyang and make a wedding dress.

Liu Bian leaned forward slightly and said in a low voice: "Is there any serious crime that could harm the Yi tribe?"

Xun Yu nodded affirmatively: "Yes!"


Liu Bian couldn't help but be stunned: "What crime?"

Xun Yu said softly: "Privately forged weapons."


Liu Bian was startled and took a deep breath.

He originally thought that the Nanyang gentry were just hiding out, tax evasion, and tax evasion at best, but he didn't expect that some people would secretly forge weapons. This was undoubtedly tantamount to rebellion!

Liu Bian frowned and asked tentatively: "Is there any conclusive evidence?"

Xun Yu nodded: "Yes! Many noble families in Nanyang have private smelting and foundry workshops. The government is only responsible for collecting taxes. All major noble families have private soldiers equipped with weapons, but they are kept secret and not released."

Liu Bian was surprised: "Is this happening?"

"I heard that when the Yellow Turbans were raging in Nanyang, the noble families left it behind in order to protect themselves."

"I see."


Liu Bian felt relieved after hearing this and breathed a sigh of relief: "Wen Ruo, since you have thought it through clearly, then act accordingly. We must give them a chance to show their loyalty by being polite first and then fighting."

Xun Yu bowed his head and said in salute: "Don't worry, Your Highness, I can just leave this matter to you."

Liu Bian nodded: "Well, don't worry Gu Gu when you do things! Just act boldly, Gu will always be your strong backing."

Xun Yu nodded: "Thank you, Your Highness."

This chapter has been completed!
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