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Chapter 165 Yuan Shu, You Think Too Much!

"Master Bian, judging from the current situation, our siege plan is relatively perfect. According to expert deductions, the probability of successfully capturing Guangcheng Pass is as high as 90%."


Before Liu Bian could be happy, a basin of cold water was poured on him: "Because it involves two aspects, siege and defense, such a plan cannot be completed by Bian Ye's side. It must be completed with the power of the Allied Forces."

"The truth is, no matter how wise a decision is, if it is executed by a bunch of idiots, the result may not be satisfactory. Experts can deduce the success rate of the plan, but it is difficult to predict the people's hearts."

Liu Bian naturally knew what the military-strategist alliance meant: "What do the experts mean? Yuan Shu may be causing trouble secretly, or deliberately dragging us back to make this battle fail?"


The Military Advisor Alliance made no nonsense: "Definitely!"

Liu Bian frowned: "It's not possible, but certain?"

Military Advisor Alliance: "That's right!"


Liu Bian was suspicious of Dou Dunsheng and tried to ask: "Didn't we point out Yuan Wei and Yuan Ji? Is it possible that Yuan's disciples and former officials want him to die? Can they afford the crime of forcing the leader to death?"

"Master Ben, don't worry."

The voice of the Military Advisor Alliance was relatively calm: "Although the disciples and former officials of the Yuan family do not know the Yuan family's conspiracy, Yuan Shu must know it, and although Yuan Wei and Yuan Ji cannot leave Luoyang, it does not mean that they cannot send news."

"Experts speculate that Yuan Wei is even ready to die. After all, as long as he dies at the hands of Dong Zhuo, it will definitely arouse the anger of his disciples and former officials against Dong Zhuo, thereby intensifying the war and making the Yuan family's reputation even greater.


"Master Ben, just imagine:"

The Alliance of Military Advisors described it as clearly as possible: "When Yuan Wei died, the Yuan family's disciples and old officials were angry, and their reputation soared, even surpassing all the princes who came to challenge Dong."

"Once the action against Dong is successful, when the emperor discusses merit and rewards, the Yuan family not only has the leader, but also the grand master who is determined to die, will he be the leader of the merit and be sung by the world?"

"At that time, although Yuan Wei is dead, Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, even Yuan Yi, and Yuan Zhong can all be promoted, and the Yuan family's power will inevitably become stronger."

"And wait until this time..."

The military advisor alliance paused for a moment and said softly: "A weak king and a strong minister are signs of a change of dynasty. Yuan Wei's goal of truly turning over the Yuan family has been achieved."

"Experts have said before that only when one's status reaches a certain level for a long time, the idea of ​​​​rebellion may arise. The fourth generation and the third prince are already extremely powerful ministers, and the Yuan family has a long history of wanting to go further."

"This is similar to how quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes! I have been a minister for a long time, and I know very well that accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. If you want your family to prosper, you can only become a tiger and a dragon yourself!"

Hearing this, Liu Bian thought of some knowledge that experts had taught him before.

In fact, by carefully sorting out the power pedigree of ancient dynasties, we can roughly draw five types of power:

Imperial power, queen power, patriarchal power, prime minister power, general power.

If these five powers can balance each other and coexist harmoniously, the dynasty will be able to maintain long-term stability.

On the contrary, once these five powers are out of balance and one of them is allowed to become larger, it will lead to chaos and eventually decline.

for example:

Excessive imperial power can easily breed dictatorial tyrants;

Excessive power of the descendants will lead to the exclusive power of relatives;

Excessive clan power will lead to kings seizing the throne;

If the power of generals and ministers is too strong, the king will be weak and his ministers will be strong, which is often a sign of a change of dynasty.

Throughout the Qin and Han dynasties, from eunuchs and relatives taking turns in power to Cao Pi usurping the Han Dynasty, this point is perfectly explained.

In a sense, Dong Zhuo, Yuan Wei, and even later Cao Cao were all from the same group.

It's just that the methods are different.

"Then what?"

Although Liu Bian's historical level is improving.

But I was still a little confused to accept such a thing all at once.

The Alliance of Military Advisors simply stated their conclusion: "It's very simple! Yuan Wei is already prepared to die. If we use this to threaten Yuan Shu, it is actually of no use at all."

"If Yuan Shu hadn't been afraid of losing the support of Yuan's disciples and former officials and making them think that he was an unfilial son, he wouldn't even know how to argue, and would still go his own way."

"The real logical relationship should be like this. On the grounds of Yuan Wei's life, Bianye threatened Yuan's disciples and former officials, and then forced Yuan Shu to admit Bianye's position as commander. But in fact, Yuan Shu was unwilling to do so.


"That makes sense!"

Liu Bian pondered for a moment: "So what the experts mean is that Yuan Shu is now a mute eating Coptis chinensis and unable to express his sufferings. Since he can only passively acknowledge my commander-in-chief, he might as well make some small moves behind his back to make the war fail, thus lowering my morale."


"That's right!"

The Military Advisor Alliance affirmed: "Comprehension is 100%!"

Liu Bian's heart suddenly galloped: "Damn! Isn't this too insidious?"

Military Advisor Alliance: "The main thing is that Yuan Shu is willing to take risks. If it were anyone else, he might not be able to do such a thing."

Liu Bian nodded with interest: "It makes sense! Yuan Shu is so shameless. This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with. Do experts have corresponding strategies? This is my first battle with the Allied Forces. So many people are watching.

Absolutely can’t lose.”

"Yes, yes."


The Alliance of Military Advisors said in a long voice: "How much effect it will have is unknown."

Liu Bian hurriedly said: "I can't control that much anymore. Let's talk and listen first."

Military Advisor Alliance: "Actually, the key to victory in this battle does not lie with the attacking side, but with the defending side. As long as Han Dang and Cheng Pu can hold the rear, Guangcheng Pass will be broken sooner or later."


Liu Bianshen agreed: "It makes sense."

The Military Advisor Alliance continued: "Therefore, the arrangement for Yuan Shu and Yuan Zhong must not be in key positions, otherwise it will lead to premature collapse. If our troops are not enough, priority will be given to Liu Chong, Li Min, and Zhao Yan."

"As for the credibility of other princes, based on the feedback from Xun Yu these days and the analysis of experts, Runan Governor Xu Qiu has priority, followed by Lu State Prime Minister Chen Yi, and finally Yuan Zhong and Yuan Shu."

"If our strategy of foot-mounted cavalry and foot-trapped cavalry goes well, we can eliminate most of the enemy cavalry, and then we can bring back the main force to help break the city."


Experts are experts!

Liu Bian had to admit that their control of the overall situation had reached an outrageous level.

It even gave Liu Bian a feeling that he would never learn in his lifetime.

After listening to the experts' methods, Liu Bian exclaimed: "Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely not let Yuan Shu succeed!"

Military Advisor Alliance: "Well, I believe you, come on!"

A few days later.

Yuan Shu, Xu Qiu, and Li Min sent back the news.

Merchant ships have been mobilized, a total of seventy-eight ships.

Among them, there are 12 large cargo ships;

forty-six small cargo ships;

The rest are all escort warships for the caravan.

Liu Bian immediately arranged for Sun Jian to choose more than 2,000 elite troops, large cargo ships to escort grain and other supplies, guard the battlefield, and small cargo ships to transport soldiers. The army set off, went up the Yingshui River, and headed straight for Shenyuan Pass.

Luyang Camp.

Central army, big tent.

Liu Bian sat at the top, and the princes below him sat on both sides.

His eyes swept over everyone, and his voice was sonorous and powerful: "Today, we have gathered here to obey King Gu's instructions and jointly challenge Dong. Gu Zai promises you all!"

"Those who have merit must be rewarded, and those who have committed crimes must be punished; the state has permanent punishment, and the military has discipline. No matter who or what their status is, if they violate military discipline, they must be punished according to military law. I hope everyone will abide by it and do not violate it."

All the princes raised their hands and agreed.


Although the later general Yuan Shu agreed on the surface, he was disdainful in his heart: "Hey, the army is in my hands, and it should obey my orders. I want to see if you really dare to touch me!"

Just when Yuan Shu secretly despised him.


A stern gaze struck him, falling right on his guilty-guilty face: "Where is the late General Yuan Shu?"

Yuan Shu's heart skipped a beat. Although he was unhappy, he still took a step forward, cupped his hands and clasped his fists: "The general is here."

Liu Bian loudly ordered: "The victory or defeat of this battle is directly related to the safety of Luoyang and the safety of Yuan Gong. The general must be extremely anxious at this moment."

"That being the case..."

The corners of Liu Bian's lips raised slightly, revealing a hint of sinisterness: "This main attack task will be handed over to General Hou. If you go all out to attack the city, you will not only get the first success, but also save Yuan Yuan."

Gong, you can actually kill two birds with one stone."

"Ah, this..."

Yuan Shu looked a little embarrassed.

He had no intention of killing Ben Luoyang to save his uncle.

after all......

My uncle has already made it clear.

Now that I have died in Luoyang, in order to strengthen my momentum, you brothers should unite and live up to our high expectations.


Liu Bian asked back: "General, is he unwilling?"

Yuan Shu quickly shook his head: "No! It's just that I don't have enough troops, so I'm afraid I won't be able to do the job."

Liu Bian smiled faintly, as if he had expected it: "In that case, Yuan Zhong, the Prime Minister of Pei State, should join forces with you to attack Guangcheng Pass. Aren't you going to echo the alliance leader Yuan Shao? I will help you."

It was Yuan Zhong who threatened to echo Yuan Shao!

This time, it will be fulfilled for you.

Yuan Shu and Yuan Zhong had no choice but to accept the order: "Promise."

Although the two concealed it well, Liu Bian noticed a trace of embarrassment on the other's face from subtle details: "Where is Prince Chen?"

Liu Chong flashed out: "Here."

Liu Bian smiled lightly: "You defeated the Yellow Turbans in Chen State and ensured peace for one side. You have rich combat experience, so you will be responsible for supervising the war."

"Those who shrink from battle will be beheaded;"

"If one retreats, another will be beheaded;"

"If the entire team retreats, the captain will be beheaded;"

"If the captain dies on duty and the whole team retreats, then the whole team will be beheaded;"

"Do you understand?"

King Chen Liu Chong cupped his hands and clasped his fists: "Don't worry, King Gu understands."

Yuan Shu's heart skipped a beat.

It's obvious.

Liu Bian sent Liu Chong to supervise the formation to prevent himself from slacking off.

Could it be that King Hongnong had already expected that he would be like this, so he arranged for a military governor?


How did he expect it?

Or is this just his habit of leading troops?

Although Yuan Shu felt something was wrong, he had already accepted the order, so how could he go back on his word at will, otherwise it would surely arouse suspicion from others, so King Hongnong just returned the favor, and the gain outweighed the loss by letting the disciples and former officials of the Yuan family become suspicious.



"Put out the array diagram."



Zhang Liao unfolded a footwork and cavalry formation diagram in the tent, marking the various princes on it.

Liu Bian stood up, bypassed the commander's case, and transferred to the account: "Guangcheng Pass and Liang County are at odds. Once General Yuan attacks the city, there will be support from the direction of Liang County, so our army's rear will be harassed."

"You all should set up your formation in this way and distribute it throughout the formation. As for the important roads, they will be personally guarded by the soldiers and horses of the lonely king. Although they are the first to bear the brunt, they are willing to do this in order to defeat Dong Dayi."

"Where is Xu Qiu?"

Liu Bian glanced at all the princes.

But I saw a person standing out from the left side, cupping his hands and saying: "The end will be here."

Liu Bian gave a sonorous order: "Your Majesty, General Du Liao, Commander Xu has also conquered the Yellow Turbans, and he also has actual combat experience. I will let you supervise the troops and horses in the rear. How about it?"

Liu Bian will naturally go all out, so he is not afraid of Xu Qiu supervising the formation.

Xu Xuan raised his hand and said, "No."

Yuan Shu felt a little relieved.

Both sides have people to supervise the formation, so it is fair.

Judging from this, this should be King Hongnong's military habit.


Liu Bian explained the strategy and tactics in detail. After everyone understood it, he said: "In that case, all generals, please go back to the camp to prepare. Tomorrow, make food at Yin time and set off at Mao time. There must be no mistakes."

All the princes raised their hands in unison: "No!"


Guangcheng Pass.

It is named after the ancient immortal Guangchengzi.

Secondly, Guangchengguan is a typical valley sandwiched between two mountains. On the left and right are Fangwai Mountain and Ji Mountain, with Ru River flowing through it.

This morning.

Xu Rong was discussing military affairs at the Guangcheng Pass camp.


A hurried announcement sounded outside the tent:


Xu Rong looked up.

However, a soldier came in a hurry. He looked panicked and didn't even bother to salute. He raised his hand and pointed outside: "General, something serious has happened."

Xu Rong frowned: "Why are you so panicked?"

The soldier swallowed his saliva and said, "The rebels from Luyang have come and are setting up formation outside the city at the moment."

"Set up the formation?"

Xu Rong looked slightly surprised and smiled: "It's interesting. They actually want to set up a formation. Come on, let's go out and have a look. What does the other party mean by this move?"

All the soldiers raised their hands in unison: "No."


Follow Xu Rong and go straight to the head of Guangcheng Pass.

Even Xu Rong himself did not expect that the soldiers and horses outside the city had actually prepared a large number of anti-horse rifles and a defensive line of various chariots.

It's obvious!

The other party is on guard against reinforcements coming from the direction of Liang County.

Xu Rong thought that he had experienced hundreds of battles and was proficient in military formations.

But even so, when I saw the opponent's defense line for the first time, I felt suddenly enlightened and shocked. It turns out that infantry can restrain cavalry in this way.

What's more important is that when the opponent is setting up their formation, they still have soldiers and horses ready to fight, wary of their strategy of breaking out of the city and forcing a fight while their foothold is not stable.

"It's interesting."

Xu Rong pinched a strand of beard under his chin, his eyes flashed with excitement, and couldn't help but praise: "There must be experts who are proficient in formations among the bandit army, and this battle will definitely be a fierce battle."


Xu Rong took a deep breath and became unusually solemn.

All the generals raised their hands in unison: "Here."

Xu Rong said loudly: "Beat the drum as a warning, and the entire army is in a state of combat readiness. There must be no mistakes."

All the soldiers: "No!"

This chapter has been completed!
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