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Chapter 171 Dong Zhuo was scared to pee! That fierce tiger took down the Luyuan Pass?

Sili, Luoyang.

Xiliang Camp.

Central army, big tent.

Taking the battle report sent back from Guangcheng Pass, Dong Zhuo looked up to the sky excitedly and laughed: "I knew that as long as Xu Rong was stationed at Guangcheng Pass, it would be impossible for King Hongnong to come in."


Dong Zhuo snorted lightly and said nonchalantly: "King Hongnong! Don't think that if you can escape Luoyang or Nanyang, you can escape the palm of my hand, Dong Zhuo."

"So what if we have summoned the seven princes from the Ruying area? Aren't we going to fight again and again and lose again and again? We are just a boy. Do you really think that with some soldiers and horses, you can become my enemy, Dong Zhuo?"

At this point, Dong Zhuo's eyebrows suddenly twisted, his expression suddenly changed, and his steel teeth clenched tightly:

“Don’t overestimate your capabilities!”

These four words were almost squeezed out from between the teeth!

It is enough to prove the extent of Dong Zhuo's hatred for King Hongnong!

Li Ru frowned and pinched a wisp of beard under his chin: "Prime Minister, although the current situation in Guangcheng Pass is very good, in General Xu's battle report, he only repulsed and did not attack King Hongnong.

A fatal blow."


As soon as the words changed, Li Ru looked carefree: "Guangcheng Pass and Liang County are in a horn formation to support each other. With the elite of the Northern Army, they only managed to repel King Hongnong. It is really unbelievable."

The horns form a formation to support each other.

Usually the battle is quite brutal, so why do you fight so many rounds and just push back?

You know, Xu Rong led the most elite troops of the Han Dynasty, but they only defeated King Hongnong. What else is there to be proud of with such an effect?


Li Ru didn't take this opportunity to mock Dong Zhuo.

He was keenly aware of the hidden dangers in the battle situation.

The situation at Guangcheng Pass is definitely more bizarre than what is reflected in the battle reports.

Dong Zhuo, who had experienced hundreds of battles, naturally became alert all of a sudden.

The smile on his face stopped suddenly and was replaced by a faint smile: "Wen You, what do you mean..."

Li Ru hurriedly explained: "Prime Minister, Ru is not doubting General Xu's performance, but the current battle situation in Guangcheng Pass is not yet at a stage where the outcome can be decided."

"General Xu Rong only mentioned repulse in his battle report, but did not mention the defeat of King Hongnong, which shows that he still maintains a cautious attitude towards the battle situation at Guangcheng Pass."

Dong Zhuo nodded with interest: "That's true. Xu Rong is cautious. A defeat is a defeat, and a defeat is a defeat. These are two completely different results."

Li Ru nodded: "The Prime Minister is wise."

Dong Zhuo continued to think deeply, but became more and more melancholy: "Wen You, as you said, if King Hongnong did not damage his foundation, why would he be defeated repeatedly and fight fiercely?"


Li Ru took a deep breath and slowly shook his head: "I don't know for now, but Prime Minister, King Hongnong has an expert's guidance behind him. I'm afraid there must be a deep meaning behind this move!"


Dong Zhuoshen thought so: "It makes sense! I will reply to you and ask Xu Rong to be more careful. King Hongnong is far from being as simple as he appears on the surface. You must not underestimate your opponent."

Li Ru bowed his head and said with satisfaction: "The Prime Minister is wise."

But even so, Dong Zhuo was still very happy: "Anyway, this is the first battle against me by the rats from Guandong. Xu Rong has repeatedly defeated King Hongnong and greatly reduced the morale of the thieves. It is worthy of praise."

Historically, Cao Cao's first battle against Dong was the Battle of Bianshui. After Dong Zhuo moved the capital to Chang'an and burned Luoyang, he led his troops westward alone and was ultimately defeated.

But this time...

Liu Bian quickly surrendered to Sun Jian, took up residence in Nanyang, issued a proclamation, and conquered Dong Zhuo. On the timeline, he advanced the attack of the southern Allied forces by a full eight months.

As a result, Dong Zhuo was involved in the war before he moved the capital.

Therefore, for Dong Zhuo, the battle at Guangcheng Pass was the first battle against Dong Zhuo.

"I want it!"

Dong Zhuo pondered for a moment and said solemnly: "How about sending the battle report of Xu Rong's defeat of the rats on the south road to the three armies to boost the morale of the three armies?"

Li Ru naturally understood the significance of winning the first battle: "Simply transmitting the battle report is slightly insufficient. The prime minister should reward him. This can set an example for the entire army and the motivational effect will be more significant."


Dong Zhuo nodded slowly: "Yes, but what is the reward?"

Li Ru frowned: "This..."


At this moment.

A hurried announcement sounded outside the tent.

Li Ru, Dong Zhuo subconsciously stopped thinking and looked up.

But when the curtain was raised, a soldier hurriedly broke into the tent. He looked slightly frightened, leaned forward and raised his hands and said: "Prime Minister, something serious has happened. There is a smoke warning in the direction of Sheyuan Pass. There may be enemy conditions."


Dong Zhuo stood up suddenly, his eyes full of shock.

One second, he was excited about Xu Rong's defeat of King Hongnong. At this moment, he was furious because of the raid on Shenyuan Pass!

"Sheyuan Pass was attacked?"

Dong Zhuo couldn't believe it.

The area near Shenyuan Pass is full of mountains and hills, which is not suitable for large armies. At best, it is just a small force. Are the Kwantung Allied Forces so weird? They don't even let Shenyuan Pass go?


Dong Zhuo understood that Shenyuan Pass only played a synergistic role in the southern battlefield.

Once you encounter an enemy situation, you will inevitably respond to the main battlefield with surprise troops.

It makes sense for the other party to act this way.

"That's right!"

The soldier nodded quickly: "It is indeed the smoke at Shenyuan Pass."

Dong Zhuo waved his hand to repel the soldiers and frowned: "Wen You, do we still have soldiers and horses around us?"

Li Ru hummed: "Yes, yes, but they are responsible for the Prime Minister's safety. Logically speaking, they must not leave the Prime Minister's side. If we want to mobilize troops from nearby, I'm afraid it will take at least a day."

Time for reporting on the road, time for delays in marching.

Even if it takes one day, it is currently the fastest speed.


Can Shenyuan Pass survive for a day?

Dong Zhuo pondered for a long time: "Who is the guard general of Shenyuan Pass?"

Li Ru cupped his hands and said: "Army Commander Zhang Yi, Wang Fang."

Dong Zhuo secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Zhang Yi is fierce and brave, known as the Xiliang Jackal. Wang Fang has always been calm. If the two of them cooperate, they should be able to withstand one or two."

"But Prime Minister..."

Li Ru quickly reminded: "Even so, reinforcements must still be sent! Since the other party has launched an attack on Sheyuan Pass, they must use a surprise force to echo the battle of Guangcheng Pass."

"If Confucianism guessed correctly, the troops and horses attacking Shenyuan Pass must have come from King Hongnong's account. Guangcheng Pass is the right one, and Shenyuan Pass is the strange one. The combination of the strange and the right is consistent with the art of war."


"It must be so."

Dong Zhuo nodded and made a decisive decision: "Wen You, send the personal guards to rescue first. The Shenyuan Pass cannot be lost, otherwise a gap will be opened in the south. Even if it is not easy to march, for our army, it will definitely affect the overall deployment."

Li Ru bowed his head and said, "No."


He bowed down and left the tent, rushing to convey the military order.

Although a lot of troops at Shenyuan Pass have been transferred, there are still more than a thousand soldiers and horses. If you want to break such a city pass, you will probably need five or six thousand troops.

But once a team of this size appears outside Shenyuan Pass, they will definitely be aware of it in advance.

In other words.

Although the smoke is rising at this moment.

But the two sides may not have started a war. For Dong Zhuo, there is still room for relaxation.

It is worth mentioning that although the use of beacon fire and smoke is a warning and a request for support, different situations require different methods of use.

in short.

If the city gates only serve to warn and transmit information, then when the enemy's situation is discovered, they will be on fire in order to report the enemy's situation and request support as quickly as possible.

If the city gate has certain actual combat capabilities, it will light up the smoke as appropriate based on the specific enemy situation. This requires the commander of the city gate who is on duty to make his own decision.

After all, if the smoke comes together, it will affect the whole body.

It is related to the entire war situation and cannot be ignited just by trying to ignite it.

Once an overall change occurs due to improper use, the general will be prosecuted by military law and it is difficult to guarantee his death.

At this time, Zhen Yuan basically only played a role in responding to the overall situation and did not have much actual combat capabilities. Once they discovered the attacker, they would definitely ignite the flames of war in advance.

Therefore, although the smoke is rising at this moment, whether the two sides will start a war is actually still unknown to Dong Zhuo, who is in charge of the central army.

However, Dong Zhuo acted very cautiously, first sending his personal guards to rush for reinforcements, and then making a final decision based on the battle situation.

If the thieves retreat, there is no need to affect the current layout;

And if the thieves still attack by force, it is not too late to send additional troops there.


The soldiers and horses rushing to rescue Shenyuan Pass had just left.

Then some soldiers reported back that the smoke had been extinguished in the direction of Sheyuan Pass.

"The smoke is gone?"

Dong Zhuo looked in disbelief.

"That's right."

The soldier cupped his hands and clasped his fists: "When the smoke goes out, the war at Sheyuan Pass will definitely end. It seems that Zhang and Wang, the two commanders, have already defeated the invading enemy, so the smoke is extinguished."


Is that true?

After waving the soldiers to leave, Dong Zhuo frowned and asked Ji Li Ru: "Wen You, what do you think?"

Li Ru was equally worried: "Until I get accurate battle reports, I dare not make any assumptions. However, I am not very optimistic about the outcome of the battle at Shenyuan Pass."


In fact, Dong Zhuo was still worried: "How can we see it?"

Li Ru handed over his hand: "Previously, I thought that the smoke was just a warning, but it lasted for two full hours, which is enough to prove that the enemy and we have started a war."

"Prime Minister, just imagine, the thieves have come all the way to attack Sheyuan Pass as a surprise force, echoing the battlefield of Guangcheng Pass. How can they give up easily? Even if the opponent is defeated, they will never retreat easily."


Li Ru took a deep breath and exhaled slowly: "The warning was only for two hours. If we subtract the enemy's marching time and formation rest time, the siege of the city will only take one and a half hours."

"An hour and a half?"

Li Ru shook his head in embarrassment: "It's not long, but it's not short either. It's not enough to capture Sheyuan Pass, but it's not enough time to withdraw troops. There must be details that we haven't learned."

Dong Zhuo nodded with interest: "Yes, it is indeed true! But now the smoke has been extinguished. If the invading enemy had not been defeated, it is very likely that Shenyuan Pass would have fallen."


Dong Zhuo found it difficult to accept such a result.

Can you win the Shenyuan Pass in just one and a half hours?

Dong Zhuo knew the strength of Zhang Yi and Wang Fang very well. Together, the two of them could stop thousands of horses and thousands of armies.

Who is the enemy general, and he has such strength?

He pondered for a long time.

Dong Zhuo still had no clue.

He began to worry a little about what the final outcome of the discussion with the Board of Directors would be.

Although this group of Guandong rats are a mob, together they can shake up mountains and rivers.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!


Time passes minute by minute.

I don't know how long it took.


A hurried announcement sounded outside the tent:


Dong Zhuo hurriedly turned his head and looked.

But when the curtain was raised, a strong man with unkempt hair broke into the military tent. When he saw Dong Zhuo, he fell to his knees on the ground with a thud. In an instant, he burst into tears and cried loudly:

"Prime Minister~~"

"The general is incompetent and the Shenyuan Pass has been lost."

Dong Zhuo had already expected it, so he was not too shocked.

He just frowned suddenly and asked: "Tell me! Who is the enemy's general? He actually captured the Shenyuan Pass in less than an hour?"

Wang Fang burst into tears: "It's Sun Jian, the fierce tiger from Jiangdong."

In an instant, Dong Zhuo's eyes were as wide as bells, and his heart was shocked: "Who?"

Wang Fang said with certainty and certainty: "Prime Minister, he is Sun Jian, the tiger from the east of the Yangtze River. The tiger that was on the battlefield in Liangzhou back then. This man went up the Yingshui River, led two thousand troops, and stormed the city gate."

"In less than half an hour, the thief had already arrived first. Zhang Sima was defeated and was killed with a single blow. The general organized his troops to resist desperately, but in the end it was difficult to restore the situation."

"Prime Minister~~"

Wang Fang cried endlessly and begged: "This general has neglected his duties. I hope the Prime Minister will punish him!"

But at this moment...

Dong Zhuo's mind was already completely enveloped by a familiar figure.

When he was in Liangzhou, Sun Jian wanted to persuade Zhang Wen to kill him. He never thought that what he had not accomplished in Liangzhou would happen again in Luoyang.

Depend on!

Is this guy here for revenge?

If that tiger really leads the team, it is indeed very possible to conquer the city in a short time.

After all, Dong Zhuo had witnessed Sun Jian's bravery with his own eyes when he fought in Liangzhou.

When this kid breaks into the army, he is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. He kills as many as he wants. His extremely ferocious eyes make people feel deeply fearful even if I think about it now.


What's even more terrible is.

Once Shenyuan Pass was broken, a hole was torn open in the south of Luoyang.

This will inevitably disrupt Dong Zhuo's overall deployment.


Take a long breath.

Dong Zhuo tried his best to stay calm: "The only solution now is to send Li Jue to attack. The opponent does not have many soldiers and horses, so we can annihilate them first while their foothold is unstable."


Dong Zhuo still had concerns: "Li Jue is in Mengjin and is on guard against Yuan Shao. How will Wang Kuang go to war?"

Li Ru handed over his hand: "Yuan Shao and Wang Kuang have nothing to fear. If the thieves take advantage of the situation, the Prime Minister can attack them personally, but Sun Jian has to be on guard. Once he is allowed to gain a foothold at Shenyuan Pass, there will be hidden dangers for the overall situation."

Very big."

at this point.

How could Dong Zhuo not know: "It takes time to mobilize troops. If Sun Jian ignores Sheyuan Pass and leads troops to attack Dagong Pass, Xu Rong will be attacked from both sides and the situation will be reversed."

Li Ru naturally expected this: "Prime Minister, I can act as an envoy. I will rush to Sheyuan Pass at night to persuade Sun Jian to surrender and at the same time buy time for the Prime Minister."

"Persuade to surrender?"

Dong Zhuo was slightly startled: "Wen You, are you sure?"

Li Ru said loudly: "50% sure!"

"Oh? How to say it?"

"Prime Minister, Sun Jian rose to prominence at a young age and came all the way from Changsha to participate in this battle. His fundamental purpose was just to get a piece of the pie. In this case, the Prime Minister declared that he was the governor of Yuzhou and put him at his disposal.



Dong Zhuo nodded with interest: "We can give it a try. Even if it doesn't work, it can delay time! However, you can't go. It's Li Jue's turn to persuade him to surrender. As for the troop deployment, you will be responsible for it."

Li Ru knew that Dong Zhuo was worried about his comfort, so he nodded and said, "Thank you, Prime Minister."


Dong Zhuo added: "I am afraid that a small governor of Yuzhou will not be able to seduce Sun Jian, so he told Li Jue that any conditions, marriage, official position, etc. are acceptable, and he must accept everything as he is."

Li Ru was shocked, but still bowed: "No."

This chapter has been completed!
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