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Chapter 173 Yuan Shu is stunned: Why did you come at me?

After all the princes came out of the tent, Liu Bian breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Xun Yu: "Wen Ruo, are everything ready?"

Xun Yu bowed his head and said with absolute certainty: "Don't worry, Your Highness, I have already taken stock of everything, everything is ready, and the generals have collected it and distributed it to the soldiers. There will be no delay when setting up the formation tomorrow."


Liu Bian nodded with satisfaction: "That's very good."


The alliance of military advisors had already predicted that Yuan Shu would not give up.

Therefore, from the day of the first battle, when the Liang County cavalry did not attack the Allied rear, they began to prepare strategies to replace the defenders.

What's more important is.

This is not only a strategy, but also the bait to catch Xu Rong, which is the key to conquering Guangcheng Pass.

How could Liu Bian not know that Yuan Shu sent people to learn formations?

He just opened one eye and closed one.

After all, Xu Rong acted too cautiously, and if it continued like this, it would be of no benefit to Liu Bian.

Yuan Shu learned the formation as early as possible, which was an extremely important step for Liu Bian's overall situation.

Everything is ready, all it takes is a change of defense.

Liu Bian finally let go of his anxious heart: "Since there is nothing else to do, Wen Ruo, you should go and rest."

Xun Yu bowed his head and said softly: "Your Highness, I have a small matter that I want to report to you."

"It doesn't matter if the words are plain and simple."

"In the evening, I received information from Shenyuan Pass. Wentai has won a great victory and the gate of Luoyang has been opened."


This matter was expected by Liu Bian: "According to the time, it should be taken down. What are the casualties? Is it serious? Do we need to send additional reinforcements?"

Xun Yu reported truthfully: "More than 400 people were killed in the battle, and more than 300 were lightly or seriously wounded. Almost half of the battle losses were as high as more than 700 people. Moreover, the grain and grass were submerged in the river. There is an urgent need for Kong Yuzhou to provide grain and grass."

"As for the reinforcements, I have communicated with Li Min, the governor of Yingchuan County. He will send people to follow up as soon as possible to assist Wentai in garrisoning Shenyuan Pass to prevent any unexpected events."

Liu Bian nodded slowly: "Very good."

"Oh right."

Xun Yu hurriedly took out a brochure bag from his arms, which contained Sun Jian's battle report: "This is the battle report submitted by Sun Jian. It contains his detailed description of the battle process. Your Highness is invited to read it."


Liu Bian took the brochure, took out the silk book, and started browsing.

At the same time, the voice of the Military Advisor Alliance followed: "Master Bian, although Sun Jian is a fool, he still has certain leadership capabilities. This can be clearly seen from the handling of the capsized merchant ship."

"And it only took the other side two hours to capture a city gate with thousands of troops. This level is not something that any strong general can achieve."


Liu Bian naturally knew Sun Jian's strength.


Sun Jian finally mentioned the disposal of the trophies, which made Liu Bian frown slightly: "Teacher, Sun Jian's unauthorized handling of the trophies, although he took the overall situation into consideration, also violated military discipline."

"This matter..."

Liu Bian was a little unsure of what to do.

The Military Advisor Alliance replied: "Master Bian, what the experts mean is that we should turn a blind eye to this matter and give the frontline generals a certain degree of freedom of power. Otherwise, it will become more and more difficult to lead the team in the future."

Liu Bian was curious and said tentatively: "But if other generals follow suit and handle the loot privately whenever something happens, won't it be more difficult to carry the troops in the future?"


The Military Advisor Alliance emphasized: "This matter is not a test of Sun Jian, but how you deal with it, Mr. Bian, how to avoid damaging the authority of military discipline and ensure that Sun Jian's enthusiasm for command is not dampened."

"This is really difficult~~"

Liu Bian frowned and pondered for a moment.

Although he has been studying with experts for more than half a year, most of it is historical knowledge and rarely involves the art of imperial power, let alone the art of controlling people.

Regarding this situation, Liu Bian really had no good solution: "I would also like to ask experts to give me some advice."

The voice of the Military Advisor Alliance immediately sounded: "It's very simple! Master Bian only needs to turn Sun Jian's personal decision into your decision, and at the same time write a separate letter to Sun Jian, telling him that he has done a good job, and emphasize military discipline between the lines.

The importance is sufficient.”

"Although Sun Jian is a tough guy, he is still a veteran in the army after all. He will not fail to understand Master Bian's protection for him and his warning against his unauthorized violation of discipline. This is enough."


Liu Bian's eyes suddenly brightened.

Experts are indeed experts.

This is indeed the best of both worlds.

Seeing that Liu Bian paused for too long, Xun Yu asked tentatively: "Your Highness, what are you..."

Only then did Liu Bian come to his senses and said softly: "Wentai is indeed a tiger from the east of the Yangtze River. This battle shows how it can be."


Xun Yu nodded affirmatively, and then changed the topic: "However, it is against military discipline for Wentai to handle the spoils privately. I wonder how your highness is going to deal with it?"

Naturally, Liu Bian already had the answer: "Let's do this, Wen Ruo, you quickly draft a military order and add some additional rewards. You can treat this order as a solo one."


Xun Yu's voice was slightly drawn out.

He did not question Liu Bian directly, but reminded him indirectly: "It is great that Your Highness loves Wentai, but military discipline is also very important."


Liu Bian nodded and said softly: "Gu understands what Wen Ruo means! Don't worry, Gu will personally write a letter to Wentai, emphasizing the importance of military discipline. Wen Ruo was born in the army, so he must understand the deep meaning of Gu."

Xun Yu raised the corners of his lips slightly and bowed his head: "Your Highness is wise."

Liu Bian waved his hand: "Okay, let's go and rest."

Xun Yu agreed.


He bowed and left the tent.

The next day, early morning.

The rooster crows the dawn and the morning glow fills the sky.

Guangcheng Pass.

The flags are flying, and the soldiers are densely armored.

Soldiers gathered at the top of the city, and there was an endless stream of people carrying equipment.

Xu Rong stared at the new lineup outside the city, and looked at the formation behind it. He felt very happy: "Haha! I knew that such a thing as an alliance was unreliable at all. Otherwise, how could the Six Nations be defeated by the powerful Qin?"


Despite the excitement, Xu Rong still remained calm enough: "The opponent moved their rear formation more than ten feet back. I really don't know what their intentions are. Is there any deception involved?"


The infantry captain next to him whispered: "Are you worrying too much? The opponent is forced to attack the city. Setting up this formation ten feet back can increase the strategic depth and at the same time protect the siege team.

This is human nature."

"How could I not know this?"


Xu Rong frowned and said angrily: "The distance is too far and we can't see clearly the formation situation. If there are any slight changes, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble."

The infantry captain nodded and confirmed Xu Rong's idea: "The general is thinking too far, and the general will be ashamed of himself. But if we don't defeat this thief, we may not be able to protect the Dagu Pass in the rear."

"General, never forget."

The infantry captain reminded Xu Rong: "Yesterday, the Prime Minister sent a message that Sheyuan Pass had been breached by thieves. From a strategic perspective, it is speculated that this army must cooperate with the Guangcheng Pass battlefield to attack us from both front and rear."


Xu Rong snorted: "Although Sun Jian is brave, General Li Jue has already led the Feixiong Army to Shenyuan Pass. We have no worries and don't need to be distracted by this at all."



Before the other party could speak, Xu Rong interrupted directly: "I know what you mean? Aren't you just afraid of killing all the soldiers under your command? Don't worry, even if you change the team, you may not be able to win Guangcheng Pass."

The infantry colonel was extremely embarrassed: "But... I really can't hide anything from the general."

Xu Rong said disdainfully: "You have been with me for seven years. How can you hide what you are thinking from me?"

"Okay, that's what the general meant. Our infantry battalion has suffered heavy losses these days. If we continue to be wasted like this, I'm afraid there won't be many soldiers left."


The infantry colonel cupped his hands and clasped his fists: "Opportunities come only once in a lifetime, so don't let the small ones cost you the big ones."

Xu Rong was angry: "It's not your turn to interfere with how I, the general, act! You just have to do your job well. Even if there is only one person left in the whole battalion, you still have to be nailed to the city."

The infantry colonel had no choice but to nod: "No."


Although Xu Rong is so tough.

But it is by no means a person who is unable to gain access to oil and salt and cannot listen to advice.

In fact, he was already aware of the infantry colonel's proposal and fully considered it.

It's just that as a commander-in-chief, it is really annoying to be admonished by subordinates in this way.

I can’t tell the difference between the big and the small kings, is it still possible?


This is Xu Rong’s greatest experience as a general for many years.

No matter what the opponent is or what the situation is, he will always consider the three points.

It is true that at this moment, King Hongnong moved his formation ten feet back. The strategic depth has indeed increased, but again, the distance is too far, and there is bound to be the possibility of hidden motives.

Xu Rong did not dare to make up his mind easily, so he could only look around for clues.

I don't know how long it took.

The formation of troops and horses outside the city ended.

From the appearance alone, there really isn’t much difference.

Moreover, the opponent's troops and horses at key positions seemed to have remained unchanged, except that some less important areas were handed over to the troops and horses of Yuan Shu and others for garrison.


Xu Rong breathed a sigh of relief.

The more cautious the other party behaves, the less likely they are to play tricks.

Xu Rong waved his hand: "Where is Yang Li?"

Yang Li hurriedly handed over his hand: "The end will be here."

"Quickly select 200 elite men from the battalion to form a raiding party. Once the cavalry outside the city launches an attack, you will immediately rush out of the city gates, cooperate inside and outside, and completely disrupt the opponent!"

"General, don't worry, I promise to complete the mission."

"Go quickly."



Outside the customs.

Liu Bi reined up his horse and stood, staring at Xu Rong at the top of the city, waiting for the news.

Not long after, Xun Yu came from behind and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, Your Highness, the trip wires, kicking rings, cut-offs, mace plates, iron caltrops, etc. we have prepared are all in place."


Liu Bian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because they were afraid that Xu Rong would find out the clues, the military advisor alliance decided to push back the formation ten feet.

You must know that the protective infantry-car coordination formation is originally quite a long distance away from the rear army.

Now it has grown ten feet longer. Although the reason is sufficient on the surface, if it is investigated in detail, it may also arouse suspicion, especially if the opponent's commander is Xu Rong.


Liu Bian has been observing the other party.

Xu Rong stared at the formation outside the city without any strange behavior, which proved that the possibility of him seeing through the expert's plan was almost zero.

Liu Bian felt relieved and asked again: "Is there anything unusual about Yuan Shu, Xu Qiu and others?"

Xun Yu shook his head: "Your Highness, don't worry, there is nothing abnormal for the time being!"

"How about the Liang County cavalry?"

"We have already set off. We are about three miles away from our army's formation."

"very good."

Liu Bian nodded: "The fish is finally biting the hook."

Xun Yu hummed: "That's right! All that's left is His Highness's order."

Liu Bian smiled lightly and waved his hand: "Attack!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The golden drum shook the sky, like rolling spring thunder, shocking people's hearts.


In an instant, shouts of killing broke out, like thunder on the ground.

But he saw that the vast army of soldiers and horses were rushing towards Guangchengguan City like a tidal wave.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The arrows from both sides intertwined into a net on the top of the city.

But it could not hinder Liu Bian's determination to attack Guangcheng by force.

The soldiers carried their weapons and rushed forward howling like wild wolves, as if they didn't care about the arrows above their heads.

Zhang Liao personally directed the battle and used all his strength from the beginning to fill in all the details, so as to create the illusion for Xu Rong that King Hongnong would break through the city gates in a short time, thus prompting him to make the final decision.

Ace takes action!

The effect is naturally extraordinary.

Xu Rong really felt the determination of the troops outside the city to attack the city.

At the same time, he was even more worried about how long the infantry responsible for guarding the city could last.

The opponent is by no means an ordinary soldier, and their military quality is several times stronger than any previous attack.

Xu Rong could conclude that the soldiers and horses attacking the city must be elites with actual combat experience, otherwise how could he feel a slight threat.

If it were placed in the first battle, Xu Rong would never be like this.

But at this moment...

The fierce fighting for several days not only consumed the opponent, but also the infantry battalion.

Given the ebb and flow of things, it is normal for Xu Rong to be worried like this.

The attack lasted for about half an hour.

The infantry captain couldn't bear it any longer and shouted at the top of his lungs: "General, don't you give the order yet? If it's a little later, the city will be breached by the enemy!"

Xu Rong took a deep breath, stared at the military formation, and said sonorously: "That's all, success or failure depends on this one move. Quickly send an order to Feng Yan to raid the rear of the traitors without making any mistakes."

The messenger: "No."


A dull and rhythmic horn sounded.

Then, there was a strong sound of horse hoofbeats outside the pass, rumbling like thunder.

Yuan Shu, who was guarding the rear military formation, was completely stunned.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

At the far end of the field of vision, a torrent of smoke and dust rolled towards the rear army.


Yuan Shu couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his face was swollen with fear, his heart was shaken, and he kept praying in a low voice:

"Don't come at me!"

"Don't come at me!"


But see...

The cavalry that was originally heading straight towards Xu Qiu suddenly changed its direction and rushed towards the position where he was guarding.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A wave of arrows suddenly rose into the sky.

Yuan Shu's eyes widened, staring at the arrow coming from his face, and he roared:


"Block me~~~"

This chapter has been completed!
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