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Chapter 183 Lost to Lu Bu? Practical martial arts experts, help you!


Lu Bu, who reined in his horse and turned around to stand, stared at Ji Ling in front of him who also turned around, his eyes flashing with excitement: "You are not bad, you can actually beat me, Lu Bu, with this blow."


When the conversation changed, Lu Bu still didn't take Ji Ling seriously: "That's all you are. It's absolutely impossible to defeat me, Lu Bu. Today I will kill you first, and then I will kill Zhang Liao."

Ji Ling's eyes were fixed on Lu Bu, and the hand holding the spear was slightly numb. Although he reined in his horse and turned around, facing Lu Bu directly, he seemed to be fine on the surface, but in fact, he was already feeling a huge wave inside.

Although the two sides were just testing, and he did not use his full strength, an expert would know if it was there as soon as he made a move. He was indeed slack in the attack just now, but Ji Ling was also sure that he was no match for Lu Bu.


Even so, Ji Ling still had no fear.

Facing difficulties is the only way to increase your strength.

What's more, since I have been greatly favored by the Yuan family, I should do my best to repay him with my death.

Ji Ling reined in his horse, his chest rose and fell slightly, and he adjusted his breathing rhythm so that he could return to his peak condition as quickly as possible.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly changed, showing no concealment of murderous intent, as if he was completely different from the person he was a moment ago.

"You are very strong, but I, Ji Ling, am not weak either."

Ji Ling grasped the reins tightly, pressed his elbows on his shoulders, pointed diagonally to the ground, exhaled and said, "I, Ji Ling, will go all out in this battle, and I hope the general will give me some advice!"

He nodded slightly to show respect.

This is the basic etiquette for rangers to fight against each other and to fight against generals in front of the battle array.

Even the arrogant Lu Bu put away his teasing at this moment and maintained respect for his opponent in his eyes. He nodded and returned the favor:

"I, Lu Bu, have been fighting fiercely on the battlefield for decades. It has been a long time since I met an opponent who knows such courtesy as the general. Today's battle will be as you wish. I, Lu Bu, will go all out."

Ji Ling's temperament changed suddenly, and his eyes flashed fiercely: "I can't get it!"

This scene, even the netizens in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but praise:

"The Han Dynasty is a dynasty that values ​​etiquette. This is what a fighting general should be like."

"That's right! The etiquette of martial arts competitions in modern society is actually inherited from ancient fighting generals."

"I used to think that Ji Ling was just a bitch at best, but looking at it now, even if he is a bitch, he is quite cute."

"Soy sauce? Do you know how powerful Yuan Shu was during his heyday in history?"

"Brother, Yuan Shu in the novel is indeed a hottie, but it does not represent Yuan Shu in reality."

"The strength of these two brothers, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, in their heyday, accounted for almost half of the Han Dynasty. If the two of them could really unite sincerely and not have so many intrigues, there would be nothing wrong with Cao Cao and Liu Bei."

"As Yuan Shu's most powerful general, how can Ji Ling be so weak?"


Listen to the comments from netizens.

Liu Bian's understanding of the Yuan family has once again improved to a new level.

This is the ability of the first-class nobles in the late Han Dynasty. With just a few fingers, they can create a leadership team to support the strength that a prince should have.

It should be noted that at the meeting place, Yuan Shu had eight thousand soldiers and horses, who were as weak as chickens. But when he came back this time, he transformed into a duck, and he actually had the qualifications to challenge him.

You must know that in order to accumulate this capital, I suffered a lot in Nanyang. Back in Wancheng, I even risked losing my head by playing tricks in front of Niu Fu.

Although Liu Bian was far superior to Yuan Shu in terms of the quality of his team, Liu Bian couldn't match him in terms of difficulty. Yuan Shu, an unweaned child, had a really high starting point.

Damn it!

Why are you feeling a little envious and jealous?

While Liu Bian was thinking this, he was forcefully dragged back to the battlefield by a loud neigh of a horse.


Liu Bian raised his eyes and saw Ji Ling clamping down on the horse's belly. The horse sat down to feel the pain, raised its head and neighed, spread its four hooves, and rushed out like a black lightning bolt.


At the same time, Lu Bu cheered up, clapped his horse and danced with his spear, and rushed straight towards Ji Ling without any fancy. He raised the war spear in his palm above his head, like holding a pillar in the south sky, and slashed at Ji Ling's head.

This blow!

It gathered at least 80% of Lu Bu's strength.

It is as fast as lightning, as powerful as a galloping horse, and the timing of its attack is also mysterious.

Ji Ling clearly felt a terrifying coercion. He originally wanted to take the initiative, but he subconsciously changed his moves. The horse in his palm drew a cold light from bottom to top, facing Lu Bu's blow.

Spear, forcefully knock it up.

Although Ji Ling tried his best this time, the moment the spears met, Ji Ling still felt helpless that it was easy to shake mountains and rivers, but it was difficult to shake Lu Bu!


A crisp golden sound exploded.

Ji Ling's face changed suddenly. He could clearly feel a terrifying force, like the roaring water of the Yellow River, rushing into his body along the branches and arms, constantly impacting his body.

The five internal organs.

"What a good Ji Ling. He has a lot of time to spare."

Lu Bu didn't seem to expect Ji Ling to be able to catch his blow, his eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, and all his strength exploded, focusing on the spear.


Ji Ling gritted his teeth and roared.

He only felt that his two arms were lifting up a big mountain, and the endless force was continuously pressing into his body. He tried his best to resist, but the burst of power was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it disappeared in an instant.

Lu Bu's power is too powerful, far beyond Ji Ling's imagination!

He originally wanted to resist this move forcefully, but looking at it now, he could only settle for the next best thing and use clever techniques to release the power with all his strength.


Even so, it's still not that simple.

After all, when changing moves, the gap between power pauses will allow the opponent's power to find an outlet, and then take advantage of the situation to unleash it, causing a wider range of attacks.

If you are not prepared and change your moves at will, facing a strong enemy is almost equal to seeking death.

Ji Ling knew this very well.

He slowly lowered the horse's height. In this way, the strength of his arms could be used better, and he could resist Lu Bu's attack for a longer period of time.

At the same time, Ji Ling relied on his two legs to control the war horse, slowly turning in a certain direction, hoping to avoid the killing range of the opponent's war spear when he changed his moves.

After all this was completed, Ji Ling hurriedly twisted the horse's trunk and held Lu Bu's war spear in a defensive posture to ensure that when the war spear fell with all its force, it would not hurt him as much as possible. At the same time, he clamped the horse's belly fiercely, trying to win

The fastest speed passed by.

Lu Bu naturally knew what Ji Ling was thinking.

But he couldn't stop it.

After all, the war horse is sitting on the opponent's side and the horse is in the opponent's hand. This kind of defensive move is not something that even Lu Bu can break through.

After all, Ji Ling is also a capable general. Although his offense is insufficient, his defense is sufficient. If he tries to break through his moves with force, he will end up selling his flaws, which is not worth the loss.


War horses galloped past.

Another round has come.

Zhang Liao frowned on the wall and couldn't help but gasped: "Ji Ling's strength is indeed good, but it's a pity that he met Lu Bu. Although he tried his best, he might not be able to last for twenty rounds."

"Twenty rounds?"

On the side, King Chen slowly shook his head, his eyes fixed on both sides of the battlefield, and sighed: "General Wen Yuan may have overestimated Ji Ling. Lu Bu's strength is extremely powerful and unmatched."

"If General Ji Ling keeps defending, he may be able to survive twenty rounds, but if he wants to counterattack, Lu Bu will definitely catch the flaw. Whether he can survive ten rounds is not certain."

Liu Bian was surprised: "Is Ji Ling so weak?"

Chen Wang Liu Chong said softly: "It's not that he is weak, but that his opponent is too strong. I underestimated Lu Bu's strength."

Liu Bian had a "you just know" expression on his face and deliberately joked: "I wonder how long King Chen can hold on?"

Liu Chong failed to hear the ridicule in Liu Bian's words. He only said that Liu Bian was really asking him. He pondered for a long time and said softly: "If Lu Bu didn't hide his secrets, I might be able to last for thirty rounds."


Liu Bian looked slightly surprised.

Although the Alliance of Military Advisors had reminded him that King Chen Liu Chong was a tiger general, Liu Bian still couldn't believe that Liu Chong was stronger than Ji Ling?

"Prince Chen, please don't make jokes."

Liu Bian naturally didn't believe King Chen's boast.

"Does King Hongnong not believe it?"

Only then did Liu Chong realize what Liu Bian's words meant: "Gu was not good at studying. Since childhood, he liked horseback riding, archery, and learning about guns, sticks, and swords. He had been tutored by dozens of famous experts. If he had to inherit the throne, Gu would have to

Enter the palace and serve as a tiger guard."

"Hu Ben Imperial Guard?"

Liu Bian was shocked.

It is unimaginable that Liu Chong is so powerful.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were even more excited than the other, as if they had found a treasure:

"Damn it! Liu Chong is actually so strong? Is he really a member of the Han clan?"

"It's hard to imagine that there was such an alien in the clan at the end of the Han Dynasty."

"Not everyone can enter the Huben Imperial Guard. The threshold is very high."

"If Liu Chong joins the Tiger Army, it proves that Liu Chong's martial arts are really strong."

"What a shame! Crouching tiger, hidden dragon!"

“Awesome plus”


Immediately afterwards, the Military Advisor Alliance also explained: "Master Bian, according to the records of the Hundred Officials of the Han Dynasty, the Imperial Guard mainly consists of three ministers, namely Lang Zhongling (Guang Luxun), Wei Wei and Lieutenant (Zhi Jinwu).


"The Lang Zhongling is under the jurisdiction of Lang Zhong, Huben Lang and Yulin Lang. Because Huben Xiaowei is one of the "Eight Colonels", he is directly under the jurisdiction of the emperor or the Taiwei in charge of military affairs."

"Among them, the Huben Army guards the entrance to the palace, serving as internal guards and external chariots and cavalry; the duties of the guards under the Wei Lieutenant are to protect the palace city; and the Lieutenant is responsible for maintaining public order in the capital."

"It can also be seen from their respective scope of authority that because the Huben Army is close to the center of power, it definitely belongs to the first level in the Han Dynasty's guard system. This also creates the particularity of Huben, Zhonglang, and other positions."

"If Liu Chong can really join the Huben Guards, it will definitely not be because he is a member of the Han clan, but because his strength has reached the standards of the Huben Guards."

"Master Ben."

The Military Advisor Alliance seemed very happy: "You seem to have found a treasure."

Liu Bian was very excited: "I didn't expect that our Southern Allied Forces really have many hidden masters!"

Liu Chong nodded: "How can I accept such ridiculous praise? Compared with Lu Bu, it is far behind."

Liu Bian suddenly had a bold idea: "Wen Yuan, if you join forces with King Chen, are you sure of defeating Lu Bu?"


Zhang Liao seemed not to have expected that Liu Bian actually wanted to fight two against one: "Your Highness, I'm afraid this is a bit against the rules."

Liu Bian smiled and said: "Rule? Lu Bu, even the tiger, is obviously not invincible by one person. Do you want to let Lu Bu act recklessly in front of the allies just because of this bullshit rule?"

Liu Chong nodded in agreement: "There really shouldn't be any rules at this moment. If Ji Ling is defeated, the morale of the Allied forces will be affected. If Lu Bu comes again in the future, won't our army have to hang a war-free card?"


Liu Chong's eyes fell on Lu Bu again.

Seeing that he easily suppressed Ji Ling and killed his opponent without the ability to fight back, he couldn't help but become more fearful: "We have to find a way to fight back first, otherwise morale will be dampened and it will be detrimental to the army."

Zhang Liao was naturally aware of Lu Bu's temperament. He was brave and reckless, and always liked to use violence to solve problems. He was especially good at leading troops into battle. He would first destroy your morale, and then use all his strength to completely defeat his opponent.

This way of fighting is like a snowball. Once the first battle is won, the morale will rise and fall, which will inevitably gradually affect the entire army. The final result is that they will be frightened by Lu Bu's name and completely lose the ability to fight back.

"Maybe you can give it a try."


While Zhang Liao agreed, he hurriedly added: "His Royal Highness, King Chen, has a noble status and must not venture into dangerous situations. There is a candidate for the final general. If the two of us join forces, we may be able to fight Lu Bu."

Liu Bian frowned slightly: "You are talking about Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian?"

Zhang Liao nodded: "That's right! It's this person. When we were in Nanyang, the last general had fought with him. He was very strong and his attacks were decisive and ruthless. If he hadn't been afraid of His Highness's identity, the first general might not have been able to suppress him.


Have to admit it.

Sun Jian is indeed a suitable candidate.

Moreover, the governor of Yuzhou has been replaced by Yuan Shu. There are some things that Liu Bian needs to explain clearly to him, so as to avoid unpleasantness and causing greater conflicts, which will outweigh the gains and losses.

In this case, it might be considered to summon him back to Guangcheng Pass to fight against Lu Bu.

Of course, the most important thing is that Shenyuan Pass is currently stable, and even if Sun Jian is not around, no big changes will happen.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

At this moment, there was a burst of cheers from the city.

Lu Bu knocked Ji Ling's weapon away with a spear, completely gaining the upper hand.

Ji Ling was defeated and fled on horseback. When he reached the city wall, a wave of arrows suddenly stopped Lu Bu's pursuit.

Lu Bu pointed his spear at the city wall angrily and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Listen to the rebels in the city. From top to bottom, you are all cowards as timid as mice and as shrunken as turtles!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The roar of laughter echoed below the city.

At the same time, the voice of the Military Advisor Alliance sounded again: "Don't worry, Master Bian. The video of the battle between Lu Bu and Ji Ling has been sent to various martial arts experts. The experts will hold discussions overnight to find Lu Bu's flaws and help you defeat the enemy.


"Delay as much as possible for two days to buy time for the experts. There are not many experts in practical martial arts in the country, especially those who know how to fight on horseback. Experts need time."


Liu Bian nodded, understanding in his heart.

He took a step forward to the city wall and shouted sternly: "Lu Bu, our allied general has not returned yet. Are you willing to wait for three days? If he returns, he will definitely defeat you!"


Lu Bu was indeed fooled and said, "In that case, I, Lu Bu, will wait for three days and come back to take your heads after three days!"

This chapter has been completed!
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