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Chapter 211 Cao Cao: Although there are many allied forces, the only ones who really plan for the world are you and me!

Sili, Luoyang.

The night is deep and the bonfire is blazing.

Bi Guiyuan.

Dong Zhuo returned at night, dismounted, threw the reins to the soldiers, and headed straight for the central army.

At this moment, Li Ru had just arranged the retreat, when he saw the curtain raised and Dong Zhuo walking in quickly. He hurriedly greeted him: "Prime Minister, you are back."

Dong Zhuo's face was slightly stiff, and his brows were quite angry: "How is the team that raided the capital warehouse doing now?"

Li Ru hurriedly explained: "I sent General Dong Min to intercept and kill in the direction of Anlin, and almost succeeded."

Dong Zhuo frowned: "Almost succeeded?"

Li Ru nodded: "Well, the enemy broke through the siege and escaped back to Dagu Pass."


Dong Zhuo angrily slapped the commander in chief, his eyes widening in anger: "How many cavalry do the thieves have? Can they actually break through our army's encirclement?"

Li Ru was ashamed and his throat rolled: "It should be less than a thousand riders."


Dong Zhuo became even more angry and stared like bells: "What does Dong Min do for a living? He is several times more powerful than the enemy and can actually let the thieves escape?"

Li Ru bowed his head and said softly: "Prime Minister, although the number of these cavalry is small, they are all elite and powerful. I heard from General Dong that they can all ride and shoot, and they fight with spears in both hands. They are invincible."


Dong Zhuo, who was angry a second ago, was shocked at this moment.

He stared at Li Ru and said incredulously: "Everyone can ride and shoot? And he still fights with spears in both hands?"

Dong Zhuo, who was proficient in cavalry warfare, naturally understood the significance of riding and shooting, and fighting with spears in both hands.

After all, even among the Xiliang Xiaoqi team, there are not many elites who can ride and shoot and fight with spears in both hands. Even if they hold spears in both hands, they can only do one or two moves occasionally, and it will never be like this all the time.

"That's right."

Li Ru nodded affirmatively and also frowned: "I thought General Dong was lying, but after sending someone to investigate secretly, I learned that this cavalry team is indeed fighting with spears in both hands."

"If our army didn't have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, the opponent might not have broken through, but would have fought decisively. Even so, the number of our army's cavalry casualties was over a thousand."


Dong Zhuo was astonished.

Although he always felt incredible, Li Ru had no reason to deceive him for Dong Min.

In other words, this matter must be real.


Dong Zhuo stared, lost in thought: "King Hongnong's team has been established for only half a year at best. How could he train such a capable cavalry?"

Li Ru shook his head: "I don't know."

Dong Zhuo asked anxiously: "Have you captured the prisoners?"

Li Ru continued to shake his head: "No."


"Well, no."

"Damn it!"

Dong Zhuo cursed angrily and immediately ordered: "This matter must be investigated by Xiangjia. Even if King Hongnong is good at riding and fighting, he cannot be stronger than my Xiliang Xiaoqi. There must be something different about this army."

Li Ru bowed his head and said: "Don't worry, Prime Minister, I will investigate in detail. But now, you should hurry up and retreat to Chang'an. Tomorrow morning, the thieves will definitely use all their strength to kill Chang'an."

How could Dong Zhuo not know that Luoyang was in danger, but he still had some concerns: "Where is Fengxian? Has he come back?"

Li Ru shook his head: "Not yet."

"Would he accept such an arrangement?"

"Probably not."

Li Ru had naturally expected it and said softly: "I heard that the losses of the wolf cavalry were also heavy. More than half of the cavalry were lost. I'm afraid there will be complaints if they are left behind in Luoyang."

Dong Zhuo nodded: "In this way, we will give him some additional troops to reassure him."

Li Ru frowned: "But, how can we get troops?"

Dong Zhuo waved his hand and said: "Tend half of my personal guards to him. When we are in Luoyang, Fengxian will be my bodyguard. If everyone in the personal guards obeys him, there will be no problem."


Li Ru naturally knew that Dong Zhuo was considering the overall situation, so he could only nod his head and promise: "Since I am Prime Minister Chrysostom, then this will be the arrangement."

"Li Ru!"

"You idiot!"

At this moment, there were angry curses outside the tent.

It's Lu Bu.

Li Ru and Dong Zhuo judged it immediately.

The two of them looked at the military tent together.

But when the curtain was raised, Lu Bu came with a sword and angrily.

But when Lu Bu saw Dong Zhuo sitting upright, the ferocious aura on his face immediately dropped by seven points.

He quickly sheathed his sword and stepped forward: "Prime Minister."

Dong Zhuo stared at Lu Bu: "Fengxian, you are so majestic!"

"Prime Minister, I..."

"Are you dissatisfied with this arrangement?"

"Don't dare!"

Lu Bu timidly raised his hands and said, "General, I just feel that our army suffered heavy losses at Dagu Pass. With such strength, I'm afraid it won't be of any use to usurp the throne for you, Prime Minister."

Before Dong Zhuo could speak, Li Ru said softly: "General Lu, how could the Prime Minister not know your difficulties? He has already transferred half of his personal guards to you to strengthen your troops."


Lu Bu was stunned for a moment. He raised his eyes and stared at Dong Zhuo: "Prime Minister, I...I...I don't know."

Dong Zhuo stared at Lu Bu angrily: "You just returned to the camp and started to curse outside the Chinese army's tent. How could you know?"

Lu Bu knew that he was too reckless, so he quickly apologized: "I am the last to be reckless, and I hope the Prime Minister will punish me."


Dong Zhuo sighed: "Get up. I have done meritorious service. I must stop King Hongnong and not let him advance. Li Jue, Guo Si and others will help you, so don't worry."

Lu Bu cupped his hands and clasped his fists: "The last general takes orders."


Dong Zhuo stood up slowly and walked around the handsome man: "Wen You, let's go first. Just leave this place to Feng Xian."

Li Ru bowed his head and said, "No."

Lu Bu cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations, Prime Minister."

Before leaving the tent, Dong Zhuo stopped and said: "Remember, it is good to use troops. The cavalry under King Hongnong's tent has something strange. If you can capture his general alive, you must find out the secret from his mouth."

Of course, Lu Bu also doubted this.

He nodded and said: "Prime Minister, don't worry, I will remember it."


Dong Zhuo stepped out of his tent and led his team westward.

Not long after, General Song Xian went straight to the central army, with surprise in his eyes: "My lord, the prime minister actually transferred the personal guards to our army, do you know about this?"

Lu Bu looked indifferent and nodded slowly: "Yes, I know."

Song Xian looked in disbelief: "Lord, let's..."

Lu Bu waved his hand to interrupt: "Lead the troops to stay in Luoyang to cut off the rear of the army."

Song Xian sighed: "So that's it."

Lu Bu knew that Song Xian and others were dissatisfied, but he also had no choice: "No matter what, the Prime Minister still cares about us, otherwise how could he leave half of the personal guards to me to command."


Lu Bu immediately ordered: "Send out scouts quickly, especially in the direction of Dagu Pass. Be sure to do a good job of reconnaissance. Once there is news, report it immediately without making any mistakes."

Song Xian cupped his hands and clasped his fists: "No."


at the same time.

Sishui Pass, five miles outside the pass.

Allied camp.

Central army, big tent.

In the past two days, Cao Cao clearly felt that the difficulty of storming Sishui Pass had doubled.

Xiliang Xiao general Hu Zhen seemed to be a different person. He fought fiercely to the death and was not afraid of death. He was far from what he was at the beginning.

Although it makes sense logically, Cao Cao always felt that something was not right about it.

Therefore, he needs to make corresponding adjustments to the recent siege matters.

Fortunately, all the princes cooperated, and Cao Cao had certain confidence in conquering Sishui Pass.

Just as he was making arrangements for tomorrow's siege.



A long announcement sounded outside the tent.

Look up.

The curtain was raised, and a soldier hurriedly broke into the tent, with a slightly nervous look on his face. He cupped his hands and said, "General, something bad has happened. Information has been sent back from Hanoi. The leader of the alliance has been defeated and fled. He is currently resting in Huai County."


Like a thunderbolt in the clear sky.

The entire military tent of the princes exploded one after another.

Yuan Yi, the governor of Shanyang County, could not sit still for the first time. He stood up and was shocked: "What did you say? The alliance leader has been defeated? How long has it been? How is this possible?"


Zhang Miao, the governor of Chenliu County, looked horrified: "How did the alliance leader lose? Heyangjin and Mengjinguan are across the river. With such terrain conditions, how can it be easily defeated?"

All the princes immediately became excited and began to discuss:

"As the leader of the alliance, Yuan Shao held a heavy army, but he was defeated so quickly?"

"What happened in the direction of Heyangjin? Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this."

"If the leader of the alliance is defeated, it will definitely affect the three armies, and we will definitely be implicated."

"I really can't believe that Yuan Shao lost so quickly."

"Damn it!"


At the same time, Cao Cao finally understood why the difficulty of attacking the city had doubled in the past two days.

It must be because Dong Zhuo is personally in charge of Sishui Pass, so Hu Zhen will naturally fight with all his strength.

Damn Yuan Shao!

Even Cao Cao himself couldn't help but feel secretly embarrassed in his heart.

If Yuan Shao could persist for two more days, the situation of challenging Dong would inevitably be fully opened.

It's a pity...

Yuan Shao was defeated so quickly.

This allowed Dong Zhuo to concentrate his forces to deal with the attack from the direction of Sishui Pass.

Cao Cao frowned and stared at the soldiers below: "Do you know the specific process?"

The soldier handed over his hand and said, "I don't know everything."

Cao Cao waved his hand: "Tell me in detail."


The soldier responded, paused for a moment, and then said: "The villain heard that Dong Zhuo threatened to hold Jinwu and his mother's class. While delaying time, the army bypassed Xiaopingjin Pass and attacked Wang Kuang's troops stationed in Heyangjin. .”


Cao Cao heard something strange: "Wang Kuang's troops? What about the alliance leader? What is the alliance leader's loss?"

The soldier handed over his hand and said: "The alliance leader has not arrived at Heyangjin yet, so there is no loss."


Cao Cao was surprised, with a look of disbelief on his face: "You mean, when Dong Zhuo made a surprise attack on Heyangjin, the alliance leader's troops had not arrived yet?"

The soldier nodded affirmatively: "That's right! That's exactly it."


Cao Cao was shocked: "How is this possible?"

The full-scale attack on Dong was in full swing, and Yuan Shao had already hurried back.

According to common sense, when the army sets off, even if Wang Kuang is the vanguard, Yuan Shao's troops and horses should not be too far away.

But why, Dong Zhuo had already moved around to attack Heyangjin, but Yuan Shao's troops didn't arrive?


So unreasonable!

However, the clever Cao Cao had already taken this into consideration, but the princes below him were secretly rejoicing.

Especially Yuan Yi, the governor of Shanyang County, was secretly relieved: "It will be fine if nothing happens, leader. It will be fine if nothing happens."

This person has always only cared about Yuan Shao, and never cared about the situation of the battle, let alone what impact Yuan Shao's failure in the battle would have on the overall situation.

Jibei Prime Minister Bao Xin frowned, with a sullen look on his face: "No wonder it has been difficult to attack the city recently. I think Dong Zhuo has already transferred his troops to Sishui Pass, and Heyangjin was defeated, which affects our army!"

Qiaomao, the prefect of Dongjun, couldn't help but nod: "If we can hold on to the Heyangjin direction for two more days, a mere Hu Zhen will definitely not be able to stop our army. Perhaps at this moment, we have already broken through the Sishui Pass and rushed to Luoyang.



Qiaomao sighed: "What a pity."

Jibei Prime Minister Bao Xin nodded: "It is indeed a pity."

Yuan Yi's expression changed suddenly, and he said sternly: "What do you mean by this? Is it possible that you want the leader of Yuan Alliance to suffer Dong Zhuo's surprise attack? Now that the foundation has not been harmed, isn't it a good thing for the Allies?"


Yuan Yi forcefully argued and said angrily: "Heyangjin was defeated because Wang Kuang was at a disadvantage in the battle. What does he have to do with the alliance leader?"

Jibei Prime Minister Bao Xin responded sternly: "Wang Kuang is indeed at a disadvantage in the battle, but after his defeat, why did the alliance leader not rush to help? Doesn't he know our strategy?"

"We have been defeated and our fighter plane is gone. How to fight?"

"Since the foundation has not been damaged, why bother to rest and recuperate? Wouldn't it be better to continue sending troops to Mengjinguan?"

"If there is another ambush, what can be done?"


The two sides immediately started arguing, and the quarrel was intense.

The first one, Cao Cao, shouted sternly: "That's enough!"

The two of them just gave up and said no more words.

It's obvious.

Yuan Shao's influence among the Allied Forces cannot be ignored.

Even if he loses, there will still be people who will excuse him or even absolve him of his guilt.

As for Wang Kuang who was defeated in Heyangjin, no one in this group of princes cared about him at all.

Cao Cao vaguely sensed that something was not going well and said in a long voice: "Let's give it up for today. Everyone will go back to camp. Tomorrow morning, we will continue to attack according to today's arrangements. Cao will send a letter to the leader of the alliance, inviting him to respond at Mengjin Pass."

All the princes got up one after another and left the tent.

Only Bao Xin, the Prime Minister of Jibei Province, still refused to leave.

After all the princes left, Bao Xin said: "Mengde, what are we going to do next?"

Cao Cao sighed, his eyes extremely determined: "Of course I will continue to attack."


Bao Xin raised his hand and pointed to the outside of the tent: "You have seen these guys. Now that Yuan Shao has been defeated, I am afraid that he will no longer listen to your command as before. With our military strength, how can we fight Dong Zhuo decisively?"

How could Cao Cao not know this?

But his eyes remained firm, without wavering at all: "Yuan Shao is unreliable, but there is still King Hongnong on the southern front, and His Highness can escape from the death place of Luoyang, which proves that my strength as a man is not exhausted, and Thief Dong will be defeated sooner or later."

"King Hongnong?"

Bao Xin took a deep breath, and a thin figure appeared in his mind.

In my impression, King Hongnong was just a little boy, his behavior was frivolous and he lacked the majesty of an emperor.

But such a person could actually escape from Dong Zhuo's clutches, raise a team in Nanyang, and repeatedly inflict heavy losses on Dong Zhuo on the southern front.


Simply incredible!

Especially compared to the alliance leader Yuan Shao, it is even more different.

Bao Xin nodded and said firmly: "No matter what, I, Bao Xin, will always believe in you."

Cao Cao took a deep breath: "Yuncheng, thank you."

Early next morning.

Cao Cao gathered his troops and prepared to attack Sishui Pass.

Sure enough, Zhang Miao, Yuan Yi, Liu Dai and Qiao Mao did not move at all.

Only Bao Xin decided to follow Cao Cao.

Cao Cao sighed and glanced back at the camp: "We have united the masses to raise righteous soldiers, and everyone from far and near will respond. However, although the allies are numerous, the only ones who can truly plan the world are you and me."


Cao Cao turned to look at Bao Xin: "I don't know whether I will live or die here. Do you regret it?"

Bao Xin's eyes were bright: "Xin only regrets that he mistrusted Yuan Shao, how can he regret that Kang went to Yiyi!"

This chapter has been completed!
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