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Chapter 220 This is a fierce battle with arrows attacking and killing!

Sili, Luoyang.

Allied camp.

Central army, big tent.

Various accidents always happen during wartime.

Therefore, during this period of time, Liu Bian has developed the habit of getting up early.

It’s not for anything else, I just want to start the live broadcast as soon as possible and keep in touch with the Military Advisor Alliance.

At this moment, Liu Bian was washing up and trying to communicate with the Military Advisor Alliance: "Is the teacher here?"

The voice of the Military Advisor Alliance then sounded: "Don't worry, we are here all the time. In view of the fact that we are currently in wartime, three people will take turns taking charge of my account."

"I am responsible for it during the day, and after seven o'clock in the evening, that is, after Xu Shi in the Eastern Han Dynasty, two other people are responsible, one is responsible for the first half of the night, and the other is responsible for the second half of the night."

"So Mr. Ben..."

The Military Advisor Alliance emphasized: "At any time, as long as you need help, you can open the live broadcast room to seek help. As for looking for experts late at night, the Military Advisor Alliance will contact you as much as possible, no more or less, don't worry."

Liu Bian felt more and more at ease and exhaled: "I don't know why, even though the discussion is about to end, I always have an uneasy feeling, as if something unexpected will happen."

"You are nervous."

The Military Advisor Alliance explained: "Psychologists have said that the more you care about something, the more you will have this kind of emotion. There is only a very small chance that an accident will actually happen."

"Of course, even if an accident does occur, the experts of the current military alliance group are basically online, so you can rest assured and there is no need to be too nervous."

Liu Bian wiped his face and tried to keep himself awake: "Well, thank you experts. Actually, I just think that Xiliang Xiaoqi was defeated at the East and West Gate yesterday. Logically speaking, there should be some movement between Wolf Cavalry and Xiaoqi."


After Liu Bian finished washing, he turned back to his seat and sat down gracefully: "But the other party was extremely quiet, as if nothing had happened."

"This is indeed a bit strange."

The voice of the Military Advisor Alliance followed and analyzed: "Actually, experts were already discussing Li Jue and Lu Bu's abnormal reactions yesterday. According to common sense, Xiaoqi and Wolfqi have been at odds for a long time. When encountering this kind of situation, there should be some reaction.

That’s right.”


The Alliance of Military Advisors made a twist: "But the other side was able to remain calm, as if nothing had happened. Even the patrols were patrolling normally, and they were on cross patrol."

"Experts speculate that Langqi and Xiaoqi should have reached some kind of consensus. After all, Li Jue is not Hu Zhen. Historically, Hu Zhen and Lu Bu did not get along, which was why Sun Jian finally took advantage of him. However, Li Jue has a stronger view of the overall situation and may be able to

Make certain sacrifices for the overall situation."

Experts have already analyzed the character and behavior of each general of the Xiliang Knights based on historical data. Li Jue is known as Dong Zhuo's number one general, which is definitely not groundless.

It has been recorded in historical materials that Liu Ai, the servant, believed that Li Jue and Guo Si were far superior to Sun Jian in their military capabilities.

Although this sentence has some flattering meaning, it can also be reflected from the side that Li Jue is indeed a talented general who is good at using troops.

In this case, there are various possibilities for his cooperation with Lu Bu. In this case, experts really need to dig out the deep-seated actions behind the other party based on different appearances.

"That makes sense."

Liu Bian nodded with interest: "Actually, that's what I'm worried about. When something goes wrong, something will happen. I'm not sure what kind of consensus the other party will reach. I can only consider the worst outcome, and


The Military Advisor Alliance was quite interested in Liu Bian's answer: "Then I wonder what Master Bian is planning to do?"

Liu Bian looked a little shy, but still bravely answered: "I don't know if this is right, but after tossing and turning all night, I decided to go to the camp in person to increase the vigilance of the soldiers."


The Alliance of Military Advisors agreed: "Although the method is stupid, it is effective! Experts have also come to the worst conclusion, that is, the Wolf Cavalry and Xiaoqi will abandon their past grudges and unite sincerely, and they may find a way to break through."


The Military Advisor Alliance emphasized: "Judging from the battle reports sent in from the east and west gates yesterday, Deng Zhi's defense situation at the east gate is better. Sun Jian left with his troops at the west gate, and Cheng Pu is still taking over, so he may be a little slow to react."

"If the worst outcome really happens, Lu Bu has an 86.2% chance of attacking from the west gate, but the success rate is not very high, only a pitiful 34.2%."

"After all, Cheng Pu is also a talented general. His flaws were exposed before because he was not familiar with the battlefield. But after a day of rectification and familiarity, he should have no problem dealing with possible situations that may occur next."

Liu Bian breathed a sigh of relief.


Experts have already thought of what they have thought of, and have made careful analysis and deductions for this situation.

Liu Bian finally let go of his worries: "The experts are so awesome. In this case, do I still have to go to patrol the camp?"

The Military Advisor Alliance paused for a moment: "It's okay to go there now that you're all up. It's still good for building the image of Mr. Bian, so don't waste the opportunity."


Liu Bian nodded slowly, then turned around and said hello: "Where is Zhu Tong?"

Guard Zhu Tong came in outside the account: "The general will be here at the end."

"Hurry and prepare your horses, I am going to the west gate to patrol the camp."


Liu Bian Teng got up, put on his big cloak, and went straight out of the camp.

Zhu Tong brought Chi Ji over and handed him the reins.

Liu Bian got on his horse, led the personal guards, and went straight to the Ximen camp.

At this time, the rising sun is rising and the morning light is dim.

Liu Bian quickly arrived at Ximen Camp.

The soldiers on duty rushed to the Chinese army with Liu Bian and informed General Cheng Pu that he was also patrolling the camp.

I have to admit that Cheng Pu's marching style is relatively stable and he is both wise and brave. He is a rare general.

Liu Bian did not go back to the camp to rest, but led his team straight to the front line and took the initiative to look for Cheng Pu.

Not long after walking, the voice of the military advisor alliance sounded: "Master Bian, look, Cheng Pu has perfected the horse trap formation again, widening it by about ten feet, especially thickening the two ends. It is obvious that he is on guard.

The opposing cavalry."

"Cheng Pu is indeed a famous general in history. Presumably, he also realized that his performance yesterday was poor and might become a breakthrough point for the opponent, so he conducted tactical deductions and took targeted preventive measures."

"I just don't know if Cheng Pu's actions were noticed by Guo Si on the other side of the river. If they were, they might give up on the west gate, settle for the next best thing, and choose to raid from the east gate."

Liu Bian sat on his horse, looking ahead, and nodded slowly: "This formation is indeed much more perfect than at the beginning. If Wolf Cavalry and Xiao Cavalry choose to attack, Ximen will not be easy to fight."

"That's right!"

The Military Advisors Alliance deeply agrees.

"Your Highness."

At this moment, a voice sounded from ahead.

Liu Bian raised his eyes and looked.

The person who came was none other than Cheng Pu, the chief general of Ximen.

Cheng Pu seemed to be surprised by Liu Bian's words. He stepped forward quickly, cupped his hands and clasped his fists: "General, I didn't know that His Highness was coming. I missed you from a distance. I hope you will forgive me for my sin."

Liu Bian waved his hand: "Ignorance is not guilty, not to mention that you are patrolling the camp, and you have strengthened the trap formation and made targeted improvements. I should thank you. This method should be promoted throughout the army."

"How dare you."

Cheng Pucheng was frightened, but he was very pleasantly surprised: "At the end of yesterday, the general was not familiar with the battlefield, which caused some damage to the whole battalion. Naturally, we need to improve the formation to prevent unexpected events."

Liu Bian nodded and tried to ask: "When will the two ends be strengthened and perfected?"

Cheng Pu naturally understood the deeper meaning of King Hongnong: "It was the excavation at night, so it should not have alerted the opponent."

"General Demou acts very carefully."

"Forced to do this, I, Simon, need to avenge my shame."


Liu Bian nodded: "I understand, but if you want to avenge your shame, you should be fully prepared."

Cheng Pu handed over his hand: "Your Highness, don't worry, the general has already arranged everything."

Liu Bidan smiled: "Very good."


While Liu Bian and Cheng Pu were communicating.

Not far away, a long announcement sounded.

He raised his eyes and looked up.

However, I saw soldiers coming in a hurry. They leaned over and said, "Your Highness, General, a large number of Xiliang soldiers were found on the other side of the river. They seem to have the intention to attack Ximen by force."

Cheng Pu turned to look at Liu Bian: "Your Highness..."

Before Cheng Pu could finish speaking, Liu Bian waved his hand to interrupt: "You are the commander-in-chief of the Ximen. I will not interfere. You can just let me command."

Cheng Pun nodded: "Don't worry, Your Highness, we will go all out in the end."

Liu Bian warned: "Remember, this is Ximen's battle of revenge."

Cheng Pu cupped his hands and clasped his fists: "I will finally understand."


Cheng Pu suddenly turned around and went straight to the command line.

"Send the order! Beat the drums to warn, all troops return to their positions."


Winter! Winter! Winter!


The dull and rhythmic sound of drums sounded.

The soldiers in the Ximen Camp acted quickly, and within a short time, they formed a line of defense in the direction of the bridge.

The shield soldiers were in front, the spearmen were in the middle, and the crossbowmen followed. They used the bridge head as the assault point and were distributed in an arc to ensure that more crossbows could cover the bridge head.

Although this formation is simple and not very new, it is currently the most effective formation. It has both offense and defense, can advance and retreat freely, and can effectively restrain the opponent's surprise attack.

Especially the narrow terrain like the bridge deck is at an absolute disadvantage. Cheng Pu made subtle adjustments and concentrated the coverage of the bow and arrow, and the strike effect will be better.

Liu Bian looked around.


The scene in front of him immediately made him startled: "Xiliang Xiaoqi actually dared to dismount and fight on foot, slowly advancing forward? Look at their front row of soldiers and horses. Is that black thing a shield?"

The voice of the Military Advisor Alliance followed: "This is a mark of burning. Judging from its size, it should be the door panel of the people's house in Luoyang City, divided into two parts and used as a shield."

"It's true!"

Liu Bian's eyes were as wide as bells, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Xiliang Xiaoqi and Bingzhou Langqi are all cavalry troops and lack infantry equipment.

But Li Jue and Guo Si had obviously made preparations, and actually found a substitute from Luoyang City in Nuo Da.

Although this door panel is relatively bulky, in terms of defensive power, it is definitely much stronger than the lightweight shield.

This is enough to prove that Xiliang Xiaoqi is very determined for this raid.

"Damn it!"

Even Liu Bian himself couldn't help but curse secretly: "Li Jue, Guo Si are so determined to pick out so many door panels from the ruins?"

As the distance got closer, Liu Bian was finally able to see clearly. The Xiliang Xiaoqi's front door-shaped shield soldiers had drilled two holes in the shield and passed hemp rope through it to fix it, so that it could be better protected.

Operate the shield.

Judging from the appearance alone, the door panels are placed next to each other and fit perfectly, completely covering the soldiers and horses behind them. Its defensive effect is not even inferior to that of real shield soldiers.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Spurred by deep roars, the Xiliang soldiers advanced slowly.

The soldiers and horses behind him were slowly following up. Spearmen and crossbowmen were arranged in sequence. Those at the very back were the real cavalry.

Liu Bian took a deep breath and thought to himself: "It seems that the Xiaoqi and the Wolf Cavalry have not given up using cavalry in combat. The infantry should be attacking the sheep to create opportunities for the cavalry's surprise attack."

"That's right!"

The Alliance of Military Advisors followed up and said: "If the experts' guess is correct, behind the front row of shield soldiers, whether they are spearmen or crossbowmen, there should be someone carrying sand and soil, ready to fill the hole."

"As long as a path can be filled for the cavalry, it doesn't need to be too wide. Seven, eight, or ten feet is enough for the cavalry to charge, so their attack distance will never be too far."

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, a wave of arrows suddenly hit the city. The Xiliang infantry formation raised about three rows of door shields, blocking half of the wave of arrows.

At the same time, the Xiliang infantry formation also used bows and arrows to fight back. Although affected by the terrain conditions, the number of crossbowmen was not large, resulting in insufficient density of arrows to attack and kill.


It still has a certain suppressive effect on the attack of Cheng Pu's soldiers in front.

Moreover, as the opponent steadily advances, more and more soldiers will enter the range of the bow and arrow, and the density of arrow loss will also increase accordingly.


Once again it was unexpected.

The deployment made by Cheng Pu was greatly reduced in effectiveness.

However, Cheng Pu is also not easy to deal with. The first round of test shooting made him clearly realize that it is not that easy to avenge shame. This will be a head-on head-on battle.


Cheng Pu did not hesitate and gave a sonorous order: "Gather all the crossbowmen from the entire battalion, especially the brothers from Shesheng Battalion. Shesheng Battalion will be the main attack in this battle."

The messenger: "No."

In an instant, the red and green flags flashed.

The soldiers and horses in the rear moved upon hearing the news and entered the combat position with lightning speed.

After being trained by ancient military experts, Liu Bian also had a clear understanding of Cheng Pu's ideas for forming formations.

He increased the density of crossbowmen on both wings, obviously imitating the Flying Geese Formation, hoping to concentrate firepower and strangle the Xiliang infantry on the bridge. After all, they occupied an open area and had an absolute advantage in strength.


Even Liu Bian couldn't help but praise him, and thought to himself: "Cheng Pu's ability to command on the spot and adapt to changing circumstances is indeed much better than imagined. No wonder he is a famous general in history."

The Alliance of Military Advisors also praised: "The Shesheng Battalion's level of arrow failure is probably unmatched by the current level of the Han Dynasty. This will be a fierce battle dominated by arrow failure."

This chapter has been completed!
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