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Chapter 224 Hou Cheng's rage: Lv Bu abandoned me, why did he fight?

The situation of the battle suddenly reversed.

Everything happened so suddenly.

Even Liu Bian, who had already had a premonition, couldn't help but be stunned. He couldn't hide the surprise on his face: "What a Cheng Pu. His finishing moves are so crisp and neat, it's simply amazing."

Starting from the missed attack and kill of the Shesheng camp on both wings, which roughly cut off the supply of troops and horses on the front line, and then to the high coordination of Huang Gai and Zu Mao on the left and right wings, one cut off the bridge to block the enemy's reinforcements, and the other outflanked the enemy to complete the encirclement.

The whole process seemed to be completed in an instant, barely giving Xiaoqi and Wolfqi any chance to react, and cut the battlefield into two halves, dealing a heavy blow to the enemy's arrogance.

Liu Bian stared at the battlefield, nodded, and secretly praised in his heart: "A historical general is worthy of being a historical general. These more than ten years of combat experience are indeed not in vain."


The Military Advisor Alliance was also filled with emotion and sincerely praised: "Although the experts understood Cheng Pu's next actions through his layout, the fact that he could complete it so neatly shows his profound skills."

Theory is theory, practice is practice.

Although there are many ancient military experts in the Military Advisor Alliance, they have studied ancient military battles for most of their lives and have a very good grasp of every detail.


In modern society, they do not have the opportunity to verify their theories, let alone present them realistically. They cannot truly integrate theory with practice and fully verify the theory in practice.

Now, Liu Bian's time travel + live broadcast mode gives them the opportunity to verify their theories, truly connect theory with practice, sublimate theory with practice, and finally enable theory to guide practice.


Liu Bian breathed a long sigh of relief, finally letting go of his anxious heart: "It's stable, it's completely stable this time."

The voices of the military advisor alliance were slightly excited: "Yes! The coalition forces of Xiaoqi and Wolf Cavalry have been defeated this time. What awaits them will be a dead end. Perhaps Master Bian's surrender letter will take effect."


Liu Bian then remembered: "I also wrote a surrender letter at that time. I originally wanted to alienate Lu Bu, but it seems that I failed."

The Alliance of Military Advisors grunted: "It failed, but that kind of strategy was inherently accidental. If this letter was discovered by Li Jue and Guo Si, the alienation would definitely be successful. If not, the alienation would not be successful."

"But anyway..."

The Military Advisor Alliance emphasized: "Using more strategies will always have more advantages than disadvantages. It is good to succeed, but even if it fails, there will not be much loss for us."

In reality, there is no such thing as a clever plan or a perfect plan. Even the think tanks in history books only succeed more often and fail less often.

The failed strategy did not create any waves and would naturally be forgotten;

Successful strategies are always accompanied by extraordinary effects, which will naturally be remembered by people and leave a mark in the history books.


A counselor with a high success rate can be called a scheming mastermind, or a perfect plan, right?

Even the experts in the Military Advisor Alliance cannot guarantee that the success rate of each strategy is 100%. If the success rate reaches 70% to 80%, they dare to formulate plans and carry out targeted exercises.

It is precisely based on the analysis of big data that the alliance of military advisors can outwit Li Ru and decisively defeat Lu Bu. With good executors, it can always have the upper hand and remain invincible.

Liu Bian nodded happily and thought: "Yes, that's the truth! It's a pity that the field of vision is limited and I can't see the expressions of Lu Bu, Li Jue and Guo Si on the other side. I guess they must be surprised too. "

There was a hint of pride in the voice of the Military Advisor Alliance: "Maybe...that's it."

That's right.

At this moment.

On the other side of the river, Lu Bu froze on the spot like a thunderbolt. His mouth was slightly open, his eyes were dull, his eyebrows were twisted together, and the hairs all over his body stood up, as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

It was clear that one second ago it was still the advantage, but at this moment, the opponent turned the tables against the wind. However, there was no sign of the whole process.

This is incredible!

Lu Bu's throat rolled, and his eyes were full of horror: "General Guo, does he know...what happened on the other side of the river?"

Guo Si had a look of disbelief on his face, and his expression was even more exaggerated than Lu Bu's: "Guo was about to ask the general why the situation of the battle was reversed in an instant. This is completely contrary to common sense."

Lu Bu stared at Li Jue who was shot by an arrow on the bridge. He took a deep breath and tried to keep calm: "You and I should stop making assumptions. I think General Li already has the answer."

"He...he's hurt?"

Guo Bang turned his head and looked around, unable to help but feel frightened.


He hurriedly rode up to meet him and shouted: "Where is the military doctor? Where is the military doctor?"

Li Jue lay prone on his horse. After getting off the bridge, he was in unbearable pain and fell to the ground.

Guo Si got off his horse and stepped forward quickly.

He was hit by an arrow in his left arm.

He was actually hit by two arrows in the back.

"Damn it!"

Guo Bang helped Li Jue up and kept shaking his body: "Zhiran, Zhiran, are you okay? Wake up, wake up, you kid can't die here!"


Guo Si shouted at the top of his lungs.

Turning around and looking back.

A horseman came from Juechen and flew off his horse.

The man took out a clay pot from the cloth bag at the horse's neck and poured out a pill: "Help General Li, put this pill into his mouth and drink it down with water."

Guo Bang quickly supported Li Jue, pinched his chin with two fingers, and with a little force, Li Jue's mouth opened, he stuffed the pills in, and said with his back to the sky: "Water!"



After receiving the water bag handed over by the soldier, Guo Bin quickly took a sip of Li Jue's mouth and scanned the coating of his tongue to ensure that the pill entered his abdomen smoothly. Only then did Guo Bin feel at ease.

"How about it?"

He turned to look at the military doctor.

"It's okay."

After examining the three arrow wounds, the military doctor said: "No vital points were injured. He should wake up soon. However, he still needs to rest and recuperate, and he cannot withstand violent jolts."

Guo Bang naturally understood what the military doctor meant: "Okay, I understand."

Lü Bu rushed over on horseback. Seeing this scene, he waved his hand and ordered: "Mingjin withdraw the troops."

The messenger cupped his hands and clasped his fists: "No."

Ding! Ding! Ding!

A crisp golden sound suddenly sounded.

The heroic knights and wolf knights on the bridge slowly withdrew.

Across the river.

Hou Cheng, who was struggling with a trapped beast, heard the crisp golden sound and was completely stunned.

They were surrounded, and they were hoping that the follow-up troops could rescue them.

But I never thought...

Hou Cheng did not wait for reinforcements, but instead waited for Ming Jin's signal to retreat.

This means that they are already a lonely army and can only let their opponents consume them and die.

"Damn it!"

Hou Cheng's eyes widened with anger and hatred in his heart.

Lu Bu's decision broke his heart.

At the same time, the crisp golden sound reached Cheng Pu's ears. He grinned and said loudly: "You have no reinforcements and are stubbornly resisting. This is just a dead end. If we don't surrender now, when will we wait?"

Hou Cheng glanced at the soldiers beside him. They were all brothers who had fought fiercely for many years, but now they had become abandoned soldiers.

Hou Cheng's heart was bleeding, and it was difficult for him to accept this reality: "Brothers, we have shed blood for Lu Bu and fought fiercely until now, but he paid gold to withdraw his troops, and abandoning me is tantamount to disregard. In this case, why should we fight again. "

"I surrender."

After saying this, Hou Cheng threw away his weapon and glanced at everyone: "Whatever you do, you can decide for yourself."

Seeing Hou Sima surrender, all the Wolf Cavalry officers lost their will to fight. They immediately threw away their weapons and raised their hands in surrender.

The brave knight soldiers knew that the situation was over, so they did not hold on any longer. They threw away their weapons and raised their hands in surrender.

"Don't kill me, I surrender."

"I surrender too."



In an instant, the mood of surrender and survival spread like a plague.

As if in the blink of an eye, there were no more soldiers with weapons in the encirclement.

Cheng Pu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand: "The public will be prosecuted, the weapons will be confiscated, and the prisoners will be counted."

Huang Gai was overjoyed and returned to camp with a sonorous voice: "Promise."


Clean the battlefield and collect prisoners.

After Cheng Pu was busy with a series of follow-up tasks, he rushed to the south gate to make the final report.

Cheng Pu only briefly described the specific process of the battle, and then went straight to the topic: "Your Highness, in this battle, we captured the Wolf Cavalry, 687 brave Cavalry soldiers, and killed 245 enemy troops."

"Among them, one Sima-level officer, two Dub-level officers, and three Dub-level officers of the Valiant Cavalry were captured, with the team rate and below. The two armies totaled fifty-one people."

Army Sima?

Liu Bian immediately became interested.

After all, Gao Shun was just a military commander in the Wolf Cavalry Army.

Those who were able to capture Army Sima-level officers were most likely to have left their names in history.

"Military Sima?"

Liu Bian stared at Cheng Pu with great interest: "In this battle, the army commander of Wolf Cavalry was actually captured?"

Cheng Pu nodded: "Yes, this person's name is Hou Cheng, and he is from Taiyuan, Bingzhou."

"Hou Cheng?"

Liu Bian smiled, looking slightly disappointed.

At the same time, he secretly asked: "Teacher, this Hou Cheng should be the traitor who cooperated with Song Xian and Wei Xu to kidnap Chen Gong and Gao Shun, right?"

"That's right."

The voice of the military advisor alliance then sounded: "It's him! But Master Bian, experts say that Hou Cheng's rebellion was partly due to himself, but more to Lu Bu's own problems."

"Historical materials and novels all record that Hou Cheng returned in triumph after seizing the horse, and the military generals came to congratulate him. Hou Cheng brought out his own wine to entertain him. Because he was afraid that Lu Bu would be punished, he brought half a pig and five measures of wine. Meet Lu Bu."

"But Lu Bu used the ban on wine as an excuse and scolded Hou Cheng angrily: He banned wine, but you made wine. The generals drank together and became brothers, and conspired to murder Bu Xie? Hou Cheng was really afraid, gave up the wine and meat, and returned the gifts to the generals. He has been worried ever since. .”

"Actually, it comes down to it."

The Alliance of Military Advisors said with a hint of ridicule: "It's still a problem with Lu Bu's own leadership. He came here with good intentions, but you accused him of plotting to kill his lord. How can any of his subordinates feel at ease?"

"Of course, Lu Bu is like this, probably because he has killed his master twice, which has created a psychological shadow. He always feels that one day in the future, he will be killed by his subordinates, so he is like this."

"Master Bian can carefully imagine that when Hou Cheng came from Bingzhou, he followed Lu Bu all the way, stumbling and stumbling for more than 20 years. If this guy was not a loyal minister, how could he follow him for such a long time?"

"You know, when Lu Bu escaped from Chang'an, he only had a few hundred horsemen including generals and soldiers. When he was in such a downturn, Hou Chengdu did not rebel. He only rebelled when he was in Xiapi."

At this point, the Alliance of Military Advisors issued a soul-level rhetorical question: "Is it because of Lu Bu's own problems, or is it because of Hou Cheng's personal character?"


Liu Bian was hesitant.

Subconsciously, my dislike for Hou Cheng weakened by three points.

The Military Advisor Alliance continued to guide: "Master Bian, if you are really undecided, you can ask Gao Shun privately and explore his tone. This will provide you with more assurance."

"After all, there are relatively few records about Hou Cheng in historical materials. Even experts are not very accurate in their control of Hou Cheng's character. It might be better to turn to Gao Shun for help."


Liu Bian nodded: "It makes sense."

Perhaps the pause was too long. Cheng Pu couldn't wait for a response, so he tried to ask: "Your Highness, do you want to bring Hou Cheng up? He is waiting outside the tent."

Liu Bian pondered for a moment: "Since we have already brought him here, let's escort him in."

Cheng Pu raised his hand and said, "No."

Not long after.

Hou Cheng was taken into the military tent.

Liu Bian raised his eyes and looked.

But I saw that Hou Cheng was a tall man, about eight feet tall, with a broomstick moustache under his nose, which made his whole face look slightly fierce. When he walked, his splayed legs made him look even more sturdy.

(PS: People who ride horses for a long time are prone to splaying their legs when walking.)

Although he was a surrendered general, Hou Cheng's upper body was still tied into a rice dumpling. He stepped forward quickly and bowed in salute: "The guilty general Hou Cheng, please see His Royal Highness King Hongnong."

Liu Bian waved his hand: "Get up."

Hou Cheng stood up: "Thank you, Your Highness."

Liu Bian looked Hou Cheng up and down and said softly: "How long have you been following Lu Bu?"

Hou Cheng frowned and exhaled: "Almost six years."

Liu Bian was stunned: "Six years?"


Hou Cheng nodded: "Since the Yellow Turban Rebellion, General Lu has followed Lu Bu. Over the years, in dozens of battles, large and small, General Lu has taken the lead and never lags behind. He has devoted himself to General Lu."


Hou Cheng's throat rolled, and he said with a hint of regret: "At the end of the day, I will ask for battle again, leading the wolf cavalry to attack the bridge. But who would have thought that Lu Bu would abandon me and ignore me, and pay the money to withdraw the troops on his own. It's so sad."

Liu Bian asked softly: "Then have you ever thought that if Lu Bu continues to attack now that the opportunity has passed, not only will he not be able to save you, but it will cost the lives of more wolf riders."

For Liu Bian, he actually understood Lu Bu's actions very well, and he was just trying to stop his losses.

Of course, Liu Bian also understood Hou Cheng's difficulties and continued to resist stubbornly. There was only one way to die. Surrendering could save his life.

Hou Cheng took a deep breath: "If Lu Bu personally led troops to rescue him, but it was difficult to break through, the guilty general would die in battle, and he would have no regrets. However, he had no idea of ​​​​rescuing, and directly paid the gold to withdraw his troops. It would be really unacceptable for the guilty general.


Liu Bian breathed a sigh of relief: "So, you actually think so."

This chapter has been completed!
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