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Chapter 239 The strategic concept of the new cavalry! Dragons, tigers, leopards and wolves have their own characteristics!

On the way to Shaanxi County.

A team is moving slowly.

Dong Zhuo sat on his horse, his thick eyebrows furrowed, deep in thought: "Wen You, why do you think King Hongnong didn't come after me, but instead surrounded and suppressed Fengxian and the others?"


How dare Li Ru draw conclusions so easily?

He thought for a moment and could only give a rough answer: "It is difficult for Ru to understand this decision. However, Prime Minister, Ru thinks that King Hongnong's move is very wise, otherwise he will definitely fall into the dilemma of being attacked from both front and rear."

Dong Zhuo originally sent Lu Bu, Li Jue, and Guo Si to Luoyang because he wanted to harass him from the rear when King Hongnong was chasing him, so as to relieve the pressure on his front.

But I never thought...

King Hongnong did not follow common sense and actually abandoned Dong Zhuo and concentrated all his troops to encircle Lu Bu, Li Jue and Guo Si in the direction of Luoyang without even sending out a small team.

In Dong Zhuo's self-deduction of the battle situation, no matter how conservative King Hongnong was, he should have left most of the infantry in Luoyang to deal with Lu Bu, Li Jue, and Guo Si, and sent Zhang Liao to lead the elite cavalry to chase him thousands of miles away.

In this way, both sides can take care of both. They can not only pursue themselves, but also surround and suppress the Wolf Cavalry and Xiaoqi. This is the most correct strategy to defend against the enemy.

"What you said makes sense."


Dong Zhuo didn't understand anything about court affairs and would always ask Li Ru for his opinion.

However, Dong Zhuo had his own understanding of what happened on the battlefield, and Li Ru's opinion was just a reference at best: "I always feel that King Hongnong's move must have deep meaning."

"Deep meaning?"

Li Ru frowned in thought, shook his head, and expressed that it was difficult to understand King Hongnong's excessive caution: "For King Hongnong, the top priority is to kill the prime minister and return to the palace."

"Confucianism actually thinks that King Hongnong just wants to play it safe. After all, King Hongnong accumulated a lot of advantages at Guangcheng Pass and Dagong Pass. It is human nature to seek stability under advantages."


Although Li Ru had his own judgment, he also had his own doubts about this judgment: "King Hongnong's strategy of seeking stability is a bit too stable, and he didn't send any troops at all."


“It’s really incredible!”

Li Ru thought he was very smart, but he still had difficulty understanding King Hongnong's strategy.

In fact, this does not mean that Li Ru is not smart, but that as a person from the Eastern Han Dynasty, Li Ru's vision is limited by the times and has a certain narrowness, and he will not understand King Hongnong's fear of the aristocratic family.

In the eyes of Li Ru and others, the existence of aristocratic families is very normal, even what they yearn for, and it is also normal for the emperor to rely on them.

As for attacking the aristocratic family?

Under such a background of the times, unless the family commits a major crime against the Yi clan, they will never take action easily.

In this case, how could Li Ru have expected that King Hongnong was afraid of the Yuan family's power.

In Li Ru's instinctive thought, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and the disciples and former officials of the Yuan family should be the ones that King Hongnong should win over and win over. After all, in the eyes of the public, the Yuan family is well-known as a loyal minister.


Dong Zhuo was also puzzled by this: "This is indeed a bit incredible."


At this moment, a long announcement sounded from behind.

Dong Zhuo reined in his horse and turned to look.

However, they saw a horse coming from Juechen. It was their own scout flying forward: "Prime Minister, urgent report from the direction of Mianchi."


Dong Zhuo keenly sensed a hint of danger and asked urgently: "What happened?"

The scout leaned forward and handed over his hand: "General Dong reported urgently that 50,000 soldiers and horses were coming from the direction of Luoyang, asking for support."

"How many?"

Dong Zhuo was stunned and dumbfounded: "Fifty thousand?"

The scout nodded: "That's right."


Dong Zhuo took in a breath of cold air, and his scalp suddenly became numb, and his backbone felt cold: "King Hongnong is really... if he doesn't take action, it will be amazing. The 50,000-strong army may be all the troops in the direction of Luoyang."

Is the horse ready?"


Before the scout could speak, Li Ru suddenly realized: "Prime Minister, King Hongnong should be waiting for the princes in the direction of Yanjin and Hanoi. If Ru's guess is correct, King Hongnong will first kill Lu Bu and Li Jue, and then follow the Yaohan Ancient Road, in sequence.


At the beginning, in order to prevent King Hongnong from pursuing him, Dong Zhuo ordered people to set up defenses along the Yaohan Ancient Road. He had his own troops stationed in Xin'an, Mianchi, Shaanxian and Huayin.

It's obvious!

This is a tough battle.

It would be difficult to defeat King Hongnong with his current strength alone.

Dong Zhuo nodded slowly and said with deep understanding: "Wen You means... King Hongnong has been waiting for Yuan Shao and others to enter Luoyang, and then divided his troops into two groups to take Mianchi?"

"Of course!"

Li Ru nodded very firmly: "Prime Minister, Yuan Shao has been defeated one after another. He urgently needs victory to prove his ability. Only in this way can he stabilize his position."

"If Confucianism guessed correctly, the vast majority of these 50,000 soldiers and horses are composed of disciples and former officials of the Yuan family, and the person stationed in Luoyang to guard against Lu Bu and Li Jue's surprise attack must be King Hongnong himself."

"Prime Minister."

Li Ru bowed his head and said solemnly: "Don't throw Mianchi away, otherwise it will definitely affect the military morale of Shaanxian County, Huayin, and Chang'an. The Prime Minister sent troops to help Mianchi. We will speed up and go straight to Shaanxian County."

Mianchi, Shaanxi County, Hangu Pass, Huayin!

They are on a chain of defense.

If one of them fails, it will inevitably cause a chain reaction. This is common sense.

Dong Zhuo naturally understood this meaning and immediately ordered: "Wen You."

Li Ru bowed his head and said, "Yes."

"Immediately send an order to Fan Chou to lead his troops to aid Dong Yue without any mistakes."




Allied camp.

Central army, big tent.

Liu Bian held up Xun Yu's post-defeat report. After reading it carefully, he couldn't help but be shocked: "More than 7,000 horses were captured in this battle. If we add those we captured before, it will be almost 15,000 horses."

“Making crazy money!”

Liu Bian looked in disbelief and thought to himself: "Teacher, we have so many war horses. In addition to the cost of raising them, do the experts have any other plans?"

The voice of the Military Advisor Alliance followed: "Of course! According to the experts' current plan, the cavalry is planned to be divided according to functions and four types of cavalry will be established."

"Four kinds?"

Liu Bian was surprised: "Cavalry is cavalry, how can there be four kinds?"

The Alliance of Military Advisors explained: "Don't worry, Master Bian. You should have heard of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, right? It is a cavalry unit established by Cao Cao. It is a troop of soldiers and horses led by Cao's generals."

Liu Bian thought: "I have an impression, it seems very powerful."


The Alliance of Military Advisors continued: "It is very powerful. Strictly speaking, these soldiers and horses can be called a special force in the cavalry world, and their combat effectiveness is by no means inferior to Gongsun Zan's white horse followers."

"The Records of the Three Kingdoms: Book of Wei records: The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry under the command of (Cao) Chun are all the best in the world, and they may be replaced by hundreds of generals! Whether it is selection of soldiers or equipment, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is an absolutely elite unit.


"Based on the unearthed Sima Seal of the Leopard Cavalry, experts speculate that the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry should be divided into two cavalry units, Tiger Cavalry and Leopard Cavalry, according to their functions. The Tiger Cavalry is a heavy cavalry, responsible for charging into battle; the Leopard Cavalry is a light cavalry.

Responsible for the pursuit."

Tiger riding?

Leopard Rider?

Heavy cavalry!

Light cavalry!

Liu Bian chewed with great interest: "Hey, don't tell me, it does make sense. It is quite consistent with the characteristics of tigers and leopards. The leopard's advantage is speed, which is suitable for chasing; the tiger's advantage is its bravery.

Suitable for frontal toughness.”


Liu Bian nodded subconsciously.

He became more and more interested in the military-strategist alliance and the planning of the cavalry: "Teacher, how do our cavalry and experts plan to divide it?"

The Military Advisor Alliance said: "It is divided into tiger cavalry, leopard cavalry, wolf cavalry and dragon cavalry."

Liu Bian was surprised: "Dragon Rider?"

The Alliance of Military Advisors affirmed: "Well, the Dragon Cavalry is the cavalry directly under Master Bian. From now on, it will be subordinate to the Weiwei, the emperor's bodyguards. This has the same meaning as the armed guards composed of elite tiger and leopard cavalry."

"In addition, the Tiger Cavalry is a heavy cavalry. Both men and horses are equipped with armor and shields with good protective properties. Their weapons are mainly spears. They are famous for their powerful impact and excellent defense."

"The Leopard Cavalry is a light cavalry, that is, a light cavalry. It has good combat skills and can fight independently or cooperate with other arms. It is famous for its strong mobility, flexible combat, and excellent ability to change equipment."

"As for the wolf rider..."

The head of the Military Alliance said angrily: "Of course we want to simulate a wolf pack battle. Even if this team attacks Xianbei and Wuhuan, it will still have a very strong combat effectiveness."

Liu Bian naturally thought of Lu Bu: "Is it a tactic like Lu Bu's? A tactic that emphasizes personal force?"

The Military Advisor Alliance explained: "This is just one of them! Wolves are divided into strict hierarchies, including alpha wolves, secondary wolves, sub-secondary wolves, etc. There are also various hunting methods."

"For wolf pack operations, tactics like Lu Bu's strong personal force are equivalent to strategies and tactics centered around the alpha wolf, which do not bring out the combat effectiveness of the wolf pack at all."


The Military Advisor Alliance emphasized: "In terms of organization alone, the Leopard Cavalry has the least strength and the highest cost; the Tiger Cavalry has moderate strength and the same medium cost, mainly focusing on equipment; the Wolf Cavalry is the cavalry with the largest strength and the lowest cost.


"Tiger Cavalry and Leopard Cavalry have relatively simple combat methods, but Wolf Cavalry has the most combat methods and the most complete functions. It will be the absolute main force in the future battlefield, especially in a stalemate."


Liu Bian really didn't expect it.

Experts from the Military Advisor Alliance actually have higher expectations for Wolf Cavalry than Tiger Cavalry and Leopard Cavalry.

Although experts' explanations of the four types of cavalry are not very deep yet, Liu Bian can feel the professionalism of these four teams from their descriptions.

Compared with the cavalry combat in the late Han Dynasty, it was indeed more professional and systematic, if supplemented by weapons that transcended the times.


How powerful would such a cavalry team be?

I'm afraid, even if you encounter a white horse Yi Cong, or even a Xiliang Xiaoqi equipped with the three equestrian treasures, you can still beat him!

Liu Bianzheng looked forward to this endlessly.


Xun Yu entered the room outside the tent and stepped forward quickly: "Your Highness, the young general has been found."

Liu Bian suddenly thought of the young general who turned the tide: "But the person who killed Guo Si at the bridge?"

Xun You nodded: "Yes, it is this person."


Liu Bian became interested: "Who does he serve? What is his official position?"

Xun or Yiyi said: "This person's name is Chen Dao. He is under the command of the Runan County governor. He has been promoted to a team leader under special circumstances."

"Team rate?"

Liu Bian couldn't believe that the powerful soldier who could kill Guo Si was just a team leader?

However, at this moment, the originally silent live broadcast room suddenly became excited:

"Damn it! Did I hear correctly? It's actually Chen Dao?"

"Chen Dao is indeed from Runan, but he should be a little baby now, right?"

"What the hell, the commander of the elite Baige soldiers, actually showed up without any precautions?"

"Chen Dao is the prototype of Zhao Yun in the novel!"

"Master Ben has made a lot of money this time."



Liu Bian focused on his military position.

But I never thought that what netizens were paying attention to during the live broadcast was actually the characters!

Liu Bian couldn't help but be curious, and thought: "Teacher, is this person named Chen Dao still a person?"

The voice of the military advisor alliance immediately sounded: "This man is Liu Bei's personal guard, and the troops he leads are called the elite soldiers of the White Guards. He is the absolute elite under Liu Bei's account."

"Historically, when Liu Bei was defeated from Xinye, Cao Cao personally led the tiger and leopard cavalry to pursue him. If it were not for Chen Dao and others to protect him, Liu Bei would have died among the tiger and leopard cavalry."


The Military Advisor Alliance was also a little surprised. It seemed that they did not expect to explode a powerful general: "You should know how powerful he is, right?"


Liu Bian was slightly surprised: "He is so powerful, but there is no record in the novel?"

Military Advisor Alliance: "Yes! It's just in the later stages. Existences of this kind of guard level usually rarely show up. Unlike Zhou Tai, Xu Chu, and Dian Wei, they have many roles and leave a deep impression on people."

"Or it should be said that the Zhao Yun in Mr. Bian's mind is not only Zhao Yun, but also the fusion of Zhao Yun and Chen Dao in history. In a sense, it was Zhao Yun who stole Chen Dao's role."

"Does Mr. Bian understand this explanation?"

Liu Bian let out a long sigh, and was shocked: "I understand."

Xun or Liu Bian marveled at this man's official position, but he did not raise any doubts: "Your Highness, this man is a soldier recruited by Xu Xuan in Runan. He was just a small soldier at the beginning. Now he has been promoted to a unit, and he has been promoted to the third level.


Promoted to the third level?


Even upgrading to level four or level five is not an exaggeration at all.

Xun You noticed the disdain on King Hongnong's face and explained again: "Your Highness, Commander Xu made such arrangements with the overall interests of the army in mind, not to mention that he is only sixteen years old now."

"It is already a great grace to be promoted to a team in one battle alone. If you achieve more military exploits in the future, you can continue to be promoted, and you may even become a captain."


Liu Bian took a deep breath and stopped worrying about his official position: "Has Wen Ruo inquired about this person's background?"

Xun You nodded as expected: "I've already asked about it! This person comes from a branch of the Chen family in Runan, and his brother-in-law Xu Chang (g) is a military commander under Captain Li Quan."

"I heard that this boy was secretly fighting with Xu Chang because Guo Si had wounded his brother-in-law, so he jumped out to take revenge. It turned out to be a good thing. Not only did he kill Guo Si, but Li Jue also died in his hands."

"Fight privately?"

Liu Bian was slightly surprised, with a look of disbelief on his face: "Can it still be like this? You don't even know what kind of soldiers you have under your command?"

Xun You was very calm: "I was recruited temporarily and failed to register. This is normal."

The voice of the Military Advisor Alliance also sounded: "Master Bian, don't be shocked. The conditions in ancient times were no better than in modern times. The soldiers at the bottom were more cannon fodder. After a battle, there is no guarantee of how long they can survive."

"It is recorded in "Three Kingdoms·Wu Shu·Biography of Lü Meng": When Lü Meng made his debut, he also secretly accompanied his brother-in-law Deng Dang to fight. Later, Deng Dang discovered him and had no way to persuade him to leave, so he had to hand it over to his mother."

"But Lü Meng said: 'Poverty is hard to live in, but you can get rid of mistakes by merit, and you can get rich and noble. If you don't explore the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs?' After hearing this, Lü's mother took pity on him and forgave him."

Liu Bian could only laugh.


Guo Si chopped off a soy sauce and actually blew me up into the future.

Liu Bian's mind immediately became active: "Teacher, can we recruit Xu Qiu's team? At present, Yuan Shu is the governor of Yuzhou, and with the support of the Yuan family in Runan, Xu Qiu's path should be almost blocked, right?



The voice of the Military Advisor Alliance then sounded: "Don't worry, Master Bian. We don't know yet whether Xu Xuan has the intention to abandon his official position and submit to the throne, let alone allow him to bring troops and horses to submit."

"However, after Xu Qiu refused to follow Yuan Shu and other princes and marched westward to attack Dong Zhuo, in a sense, he had entered Yuan Shu's blacklist. He could not be unaware of this."


The Military Advisor Alliance finally gave its opinion: "What the experts mean is that Mr. Bian can try to actively recruit and test Xu Zhuo's tone. If he is willing, naturally it is best. If he is still hesitant, then state the interests and let him do it himself."

Consider it."

"The vast majority of experts in the alliance feel that since Xu Qiu has decided to stay, he has actually made his choice. His final choice is Bian Ye, not Yuan Shu."

Liu Bian nodded with interest: "Okay, I understand."

"Your Highness?"

At this moment, Xun You found Liu Bian stunned again.

Sometimes he frowns, sometimes he nods, sometimes he is surprised, sometimes he is stunned.

The various expressions are constantly changing, making it difficult to figure out.

"Oh, it's okay."

Liu Bian was already used to this. He waved his hand and stood up and said: "Let's go with Gu to visit Xu Qiu's camp. The fighting here is over. We will return to Nanyang sooner or later. Now that he has woken up, Gu should give him a chance."

Xun Yi bowed his head and said, "Your Highness is wise, and this is exactly what I mean!"


Liu Bian understood the meaning of Xun Yu's words: "Wen Ruo, did you hear anything?"

Xun You smiled and nodded: "To be honest, I have tested Xu Xuan's tone. He is very worried about his current situation, and he also has special respect for you, Your Highness."


Xun Or said with great certainty: "His Royal Highness will definitely be able to recruit Xu Qiu during this personal visit."

Once again, the expert's words made Liu Bian feel happy: "Wen Ruo thinks that Xu Qiu might take away the soldiers and horses he has?"

Xun Youdan smiled: "Your Highness is worried about Chen Dao, right?"


Liu Bian did not hide anything and nodded: "I can't hide anything from you."

Xun You said softly: "According to my understanding, although Chen Dao was born in a branch of the Chen family in Runan, his family was in a low position and he was dependent on his mother. It would be much easier for Your Highness to recruit Chen Dao from his mother."

"So simple?"

Liu Bian couldn't believe it.


Xun You responded: "If His Highness agrees and promises him land, house, money, silk, etc., he may be sent to Runan to take him to Nanyang County and hand him over to the governor of Tang County for resettlement."

"Of course, if Xu Xuan is willing to submit to His Highness, then it would be best to leave this matter to him. After all, Xu Xuan is the governor of Runan County, and he will be closer to Mother Chen."

Liu Bian waved his hand: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly."

"Zhu Tong!"


"Hurry and prepare your horses, we are going to Xu Camp in Mang Mountain."


Out of the camp.

The guards have prepared their war horses.

Liu Bian climbed onto Chiji, and together with Xun Yu, went straight to Xu Qiu's camp.

After hearing the news, Xu Qiu hurriedly came out of the camp to greet him: "Xu Qiu, the prefect of Runan, comes to see His Highness."

Liu Bian took the initiative to step forward and help him: "Secretary Xu, please get up quickly."

Only then did Xu Xuan get up: "Thank you, Your Highness."

"Let's go."

Liu Bian smiled and was very friendly: "How about we check in and talk about it?"

Xu Qiu cupped his hands and said, "I have my wish, but I dare not invite you."


At the moment, Liu Bian went first, followed by Xun Yu and Xu Qiu.

Enter the account.

Liu Bian sat at the top, while Xu Qiu and Xun sat down below.

A few simple words of greeting were exchanged.


Liu Bian went straight to the point: "Meng Yu, you are very lonely for not following Yuan Shu to go west to challenge Dong this time. I know your talent well, so I came here on my own initiative. In addition to commending you for your contribution to the defense of the North Gate, I also

There is still one thing."

Xu Xuan's eyebrows flashed with hope, and he bowed his head in salute: "What do you want, Your Highness? Just say whatever you say. Xu will be disrespectful."

Hearing this, Liu Bian felt even more at ease: "In that case, Nagu will tell you directly! Gu wants you to resign as the governor of Runan and return to Nanyang with Gu. When Gu returns to the palace, he will recruit you as a court captain.


"I wonder what you think?"

Historically, after Emperor Han returned to Xu, he conscripted Xu Qiu as a court captain, but he was robbed by Yuan Shu halfway and was granted the title of Grand Duke. Although Xu Qiu refused, he was forcibly detained for four years.

It was not until Yuan Shu's death that the army was defeated, and his remaining forces had no ambitions for hegemony. Xu Qiu was able to escape and return to Xuchang with the imperial seal stolen by Yuan Shu, and handed it over to the emperor.

"Ah? This..."

Xu Zhuan was surprised and horrified: "I am satisfied that I can submit to Your Highness, how can I dare to be greedy for power? The position of Jiuqing is too powerful, how can Zhui be qualified for it?"

"Meng Yu!"

Liu Bian, however, was serious and did not mean to joke at all: "You don't think that I want to use the position of Tingwei to win over you, do you?"

Xu Qiu was slightly surprised and asked tentatively: "Isn't it?"

"Of course not!"

Liu Bian denied it without hesitation and said solemnly: "Gu made the decision after careful consideration! How could you hide your great feats when you were the governor of Jingzhou from Gu?"

"The position of Tingwei must be upright, not afraid of the powerful, fair and impartial. Talents like Meng Yu are needed to rectify the unhealthy trends in Nanyang."

Considering the power of the Kong family and their network of connections in Nanyang, Liu Bian must use a bigger move to truly suppress the Nanyang nobles. There is no doubt that Xu Zhuan is this sharp sword and Liu Bian's big move.


As for the madman Yu Fan...

After all, he was still a bit young and it was difficult to control the scene, but if he cooperated with Xu Zhuan, this depth bomb would definitely make Nanyang tremble.

Xu Xuan felt relieved and cupped his hands: "Xu Xuan will obey the king's order."

Liu Bidan smiled: "It would be best if we can bring the team to Nanyang. If not, we must bring Chen Dao. He is a very filial person. You can start with his mother. He will not be stingy with his land, house, money, and silk."

Xu Qiu agreed: "Your Highness, don't worry, Qiu will live up to your high expectations."

This chapter has been completed!
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