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Chapter 024: Imperial City Floor Plan

After giving the recipe to Wang Yi, Liu Bian did not go out for a walk in Age as usual.

Firstly, it was because Liu Bian was already familiar with the terrain of Nangong.

Secondly, I also considered that after poisoning the Chief Food Supervisor yesterday, I should be more restrained today.

As for the third one, Tang Ji tried to use Liu Bian to invite her out to relax and erase yesterday's bad blood.


Liu Bian was determined to protect Tang Ji, so he refused to give her this chance at all.

For the whole morning, Liu Bian stayed in the courtyard, neither saying anything nor moving. Even when Tang Ji walked past him in a flowery way, Liu Bian was like a wooden man, without any reaction.

The 24k pure dicks in the live broadcast room are having a lot of fun:

"Haha, Master Bian is so ruthless, he is such a man."

"If this matter were placed on me, I would definitely not be as determined as Mr. Bian."

"My poor Tang Ji, my heart is going to be broken."

"I'm sorry, honey. It's not that I don't love you, and I don't want to make you sad again."

"Tang Ji: If you don't come to comfort me again, I'll be really angry!╰_╯I'm really angry.jpg"



This does not mean that Liu Bian has no business to do.

In fact, he has been communicating with the Military Advisor Alliance about the next plan.

Military Advisor Alliance: "Master Bian has a good memory. The directions of the palaces in Nangong are correct. This is considered to have completed 1/3 of the map exploration task. Next, we must get the inner city plan."

Liu Bianzheng was worried about this: "The inner city plan is easy to talk about, but it is too difficult to implement. We can't let Zhu Tong draw it street by street, right? This must be done until the year of the monkey and the horse."

Military Advisor Alliance: "Don't worry, the history experts in the alliance have already discussed it. Since the Luoyang Palace of the Eastern Han Dynasty was built, there will definitely be drawings and materials. We just need to find the floor plan."


Liu Bian ignited the fire of hope: "Where is the floor plan? Although I am not a history major, I also know that there are many institutions for collecting books in the Eastern Han Dynasty palace, including Dongguan, Lantai, Renshou Pavilion, Shishi, Xuanming Hall, etc. We should start from

Where to start?"

Military Advisor Alliance: "According to the analysis of historians, although Lantai is an official office, it is also a place for document collection. Ban Gu of the Eastern Han Dynasty once pointed out that Lantai collected pictures and books for secretaries."

"Illustration secretary?"

Liu Bian looked confused and confused.

The Military Advisor Alliance explained: "The so-called illustrated secretary refers to the types of ancient documents including books, books, classics, policies, pictures, etc. Books are works that express thoughts and are compiled into volumes; books refer to tributes, personnel and household registration files.

What Lantai collects may include the national population, household registration information, court decrees, emperor's orders, etc. Lantai Lingshi is in charge of printing documents, so it is most likely to be hidden in Lantai."

Liu Bian was so impressed that he said: "I understand, just ask Zhu Tong to find Lantai Lingshi. No matter whether he steals or deceives, as long as he can find the floor plan of Luoyang Imperial City."

"It's not Lantai Lingshi."

The Alliance of Military Advisors immediately denied it: "We should have looked for it in the early Eastern Han Dynasty, but now at the end of the Han Dynasty, since the second year of Yanxi (AD 159) of Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty, the imperial court has set up a special librarian, secretary, and supervisor."

"This secretary supervisor is only responsible for book collection and has no other functions. He is an official smaller than Sesame. Even if Zhu Tong takes action, it will not arouse suspicion. The security is relatively high."

Liu Bian was ecstatic: "Okay, I understand."


Without hesitation, he got up and returned to the room, found the bamboo slips, and wrote "Lantai Secretary Supervisor, Imperial City Plan". After Liu Bian dried the ink, he returned to the courtyard again.

"My beloved concubine~~"

Liu Bian said hello.

"Your Highness."

Not far away, Tang Ji rushed to greet her.

"Let's go."

Liu Bian placed the bamboo slips in the usual place: "Let's go to the front hall."

Tang Ji understood and nodded slowly: "Okay."

The two wandered around for a while and then returned to the courtyard.

As expected.

The bamboo slips have disappeared.

This proves that Shi A has always been there and never left.

Liu Bian was really curious, how did Shi A avoid all the guards and enter the pavilion without anyone noticing? Could it be that he really could fly over eaves and walls, and could go up to the sky and into the earth?

"Damn! Shi A is really awesome, I admire him."

"Master Bian, let him be your swordsman from now on."

"I really want to know if Qing Gong existed in ancient times."

"Yeah, me too."




Liu Bian exclaimed: "Shi Aguo is really amazing."

Tang Ji nodded: "Yes."

"My beloved concubine."

Liu Bian looked at Tang Ji expectantly, "Do you know that there is a kind of skill in this world that can fly over eaves and walk over walls, jump several feet high in one jump, and cover more than ten feet in one somersault?"


Tang Ji Emei frowned slightly and shook her head: "I have never heard of it."

Suddenly, Liu Bian wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost: "Uh, okay."

He sighed, his expression slightly disappointed.

"Your Highness."


"I am..."

"What’s wrong with you?"

"I know I was wrong."

Tang Ji quickly nodded and apologized.

"You're right."

Liu Bian felt a little distressed, but still helped Tang Ji up: "It's Gu Tai who is ruthless."

Tang Ji shook her head with firm eyes: "No, I understand that Your Highness did this deliberately to protect me. Your Highness can rest assured that I will never have random thoughts again."

Liu Bian smiled bitterly.

This child Tang Ji is really so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.


The sun sets in the west.

Zhu Tong walked out of the palace gate and returned to his home.


Push the door open.

Zhu Tong had just stepped in, but had not had time to take off his sword.

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded from behind: "You are finally back."

Zhu Tong turned his head and looked around, suddenly surprised: "Brother Shi A, why are you here? Could it be..."

Shi A nodded and raised the drink he just drank: "Let's talk while drinking."

Zhu Tong smiled lightly: "Okay."

The two sat facing each other.

Gululu, I finished three big bowls first.

Zhu Tong waved his sleeves to wipe away the wine stains under his chin, and said straight to the point: "Brother Shi A, but your highness has a message for me?"

Shi A did not hide anything, he took out the bamboo slip from his arms and handed it over: "To be honest, brother, I really didn't look down on King Hongnong before, but after recent contact, I have to admit that His Highness is a master who refuses to admit defeat.



Zhu Tong took the bamboo slip and asked, "Why do you see it?"

Shi A winked and said, "You'll know when you see for yourself."

Zhu Tong straightened the bamboo slips, his eyes rolling up and down: "Lantai Secretary Supervisor, the floor plan of the imperial city? Your Highness must..."

Shi A nodded and filled Zhu Tong's glass of wine: "Even though he was behind bars and surrounded by enemies on all sides, he still responded calmly and struggled desperately, and it was quite effective."

"Tsk tsk~~~"

Shi A couldn't help but marvel: "He is really a strange person."

Zhu Tong took a deep breath, as if a fire was lit in his heart: "Brother Shi'a, you have to help me."

Shi A waved his hand to drink: "I came to your house just to discuss this matter."

This chapter has been completed!
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