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Chapter 248 The Holy Monarch not only kills and kills hearts, but also establishes his authority with domineering, and rules the country with a kingly way!


Allied camp.

Central army, big tent.

Liu Bianfu was staring at the Kong family genealogy, but he was communicating with the military advisor alliance in his heart: "Teacher, are we really going to involve so many families this time? Is it going to be a big fight?"

After listening to the Military Advisor Alliance's analysis of this human network, as well as the plans for wooing, suppressing, and contingency plans for emergencies, Liu Bian couldn't help but feel a little frightened, because the implications were so great.


Even the Yin family and Deng family were not spared.

Although the Military Advisor Alliance vaccinated Liu Bian in advance, after listening to the entire process, Liu Bian truly felt that the details that needed to be considered to suppress the nobles were even more tiring than fighting Dong Zhuo.

After all, Dong Zhuo is an enemy on the surface, and it is right to beat him. There is no need to think too much about the causes and consequences, but suppressing the nobles is different. They are enemies in the dark and friends on the surface. The things that need to be considered are complicated.

I don't know how much.

"Master Ben."

The Alliance of Military Advisors explained: "You must understand that this opportunity is the easiest for you to suppress the nobles, and it is also the time with the most sufficient reasons. You can uncover as many pests as you can while ensuring safety in advance."

"This not only means that all the resources in their hands will be concentrated in your own hands, but also an excellent opportunity to establish prestige, allowing you to get rid of your dependence on the aristocratic family as quickly as possible."

"If you miss this opportunity and want to attack the nobles in the future, there will be more factors to consider and more trouble. The more dependent Ben is on the noble family, the less able he will be to touch the nobles in the future."


The Alliance of Military Advisors seemed to have anticipated this and followed suit: "A wise king is often a moral gentleman, capable of both civil and military skills, but the Holy Lord is not necessarily a moral gentleman. He must also learn to kill people and kill people."

"The Mingjun usually focuses on Confucianism and promotes rest and recuperation, which is suitable for maintaining success, but the Holy Lord focuses more on Legalism, promoting the expansion of territory, focusing on Yang Wei overseas, and creating a prosperous age."

"The Mingjun focuses on promoting the royal way, making good use of Confucian scholars, and focusing on moral education, while the Holy Lord focuses on promoting hegemony, making good use of good ministers, and pays more attention to talents."

"Ming emperors and faint emperors may not be without merit, they may be talented. For example, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, and Emperor Qinzong of the Song Dynasty were all foolish emperors but talented."

"And the Holy Lord may not be talented, or even a rogue, such as Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, and Zhu Yuanzhang, the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, but the Holy Lord's way of being a king is to appoint people based on their merits, to promote meritocracy, and to rule from the top down."


"Master Ben."

The Alliance of Military Advisors constantly inculcates the idea of ​​an emperor: "Our goal, from the beginning, is to expand the territory and gain prestige overseas. The Holy Lord must naturally learn to kill people, establish authority with domineering power, and govern the country in a royal way."


The voice of the Alliance of Military Advisors was sonorous and powerful: "Isn't this the time when we need to show our authority with domineering power? Especially, you are young, how can you suppress this group of nobles without thunderous means?"

"Think about Emperor Kangxi, who got rid of Aobai at the age of sixteen. If he had any kindness as a woman at that time, how could he have killed many of Aobai's younger brothers and nephews and their associates, and thus succeeded in taking charge?"

Although more than half a year has passed since Liu Bian traveled through time, in the early days, he was mostly dealing with problems and learning military tactics, and had no contact with the way of the emperor.

Now that the war against Dong has come to an end, the next step is to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, fight bravely against the clan, and lay the foundation for sweeping the world in the future. It will take a process for Liu Bian to transform from his current state into a true emperor.

This was a great psychological test for him.

After all, the shortcomings of human nature are born with it. As an individual with a normal ideological consciousness, it is not easy to overcome the shortcomings of human nature. The Military Advisor Alliance still has to spend a lot of energy to continuously transform Liu Bian.


Liu Bianshen nodded in agreement, obviously having been persuaded by the Alliance of Military Advisors: "I understand, don't worry, teacher, we are going to be holy masters, and we must not be benevolent as women."


Liu Bian frowned, pondered for a moment and said: "Teacher, judging from the evidence we have so far, it is difficult to implicate so many people. After all, many of them are not irrefutable evidence. Otherwise, Zhang Zi should have taken action against the nobles in the first place."


The Military Advisor Alliance agreed with this: "There is really no way to implicate such a wide range of things, so the experts let the news ferment in Nanyang, giving the Kong family enough time to prepare and win over allies."

"Even Dong Zhuo of Chang'an will definitely not be idle. He will definitely win over whoever we want to deal with. This will further stimulate the Kong family and make them do something outrageous."

"Isn't this irrefutable proof?"

The voice of the military advisor alliance was dull, but it stirred up huge waves in Liu Bian's heart: "What do the experts mean by forcing the Kong family to rebel?"

The Military Advisor Alliance replied: "It is best to rebel. In this way, we can use the Kong family as the core, search for more evidence, and then implicate more noble families. This is extrajudicial mercy for the Deng family and the Yin family. Debate

I can be more proactive."

Liu Bian accepted it with difficulty and nodded slowly: "Okay, let's wait for the news for now."

The Military Advisor Alliance said softly: "Don't worry, the reliability of the experts' intelligent program is still very high. As long as the news comes, the success rate of our plan can be increased by at least 10%."

Liu Bien said: "I believe in the experts."


At this moment, a long announcement sounded outside the tent.

Liu Bian raised his eyes and looked.

However, Xun You opened the curtain and stepped forward with a smile on his face: "Your Highness, good news, Cao Cao personally sent Yuan Shu out of Yingchuan. At present, he has arranged for Yuan Shu to be sent to Linxian, Yexian, Linying and other counties.

Defense with troops and horses.”

Liu Bian had expected this and simply nodded: "Well, just finish it. This is just the beginning. Don't worry, Wen Ruo. As long as Cao Cao is here, Yuan Shu can't take Yingchuan."


Xun You no longer had any doubts, and said with a twist of his tongue: "Cao Cao is truly a brave man who dares to personally escort Yuan Shu out of Yingchuan. He is indeed a brave and loyal man."

Liu Bidan smiled: "That's natural. Gu's vision will never be bad."

Xun You nodded and agreed: "Your Highness, now that the affairs in Luoyang are over, are we going to return to Nanyang?"


Liu Bian waved his hand and said loudly: "Wait a little longer and give the Kong family more time to prepare. This person can take the initiative to return his son-in-law, wife, and daughter-in-law to each family. It is clear that he is using retreat to advance. In this case,

Let’s give him some time to prepare.”

In the eyes of experts, the Nanyang gentry are typical temple demons with strong winds and shallow ponds with many toads. Now that the opportunity has come, hitting it with a pole will play its due role.

Xun You has been with King Hongnong for so long, so he naturally understands King Hongnong’s intention: “Your Highness, do you want to send someone back to Nanyang to give some news to the Kong family?”

Liu Bian raised his eyes to look at Xun You, smiled and waved his hand: "No need, of course someone will help us deliver the news."

Xun You suddenly realized: "Your Highness, you mean...Dong Zhuo?"

"That's right."

Liu Bian nodded: "Let's just wait patiently."

Xun or understood it in his heart, and admired King Hongnong's calmness even more: "I understand."


Nanyang, Wancheng.

Wan County Cang.

Carloads of grain are transported into the county warehouse, waiting for the next centralized transfer.

Yu Fan wrote down the number and the source, put the pen aside, stood up and left the room.

"Yu Juncheng?"

He bumped into Kong Ben who was waiting outside.

Yu Fan was not shocked at all, because he had been used to this for a long time, so he didn't even notice Kong Ben's smiling face, so he walked around and went straight to the granary, preparing for the final inspection.

"Yu Juncheng."

Kong Ben chased after Yu Fan, bowed his body, frowned, and said pitifully: "Our Kong family is really wrong, so you can accept my family's food and grass reluctantly."


Kong Ben nodded and bowed with an extremely respectful attitude: "No one is a saint, and no one can do anything wrong. We in the Kong family will definitely fulfill our duties faithfully in the future and will never have second thoughts towards His Highness. I can swear to God."



Kong Ben walked all the way and gave advice.

But Yu Fan was stunned and ignored him, and went straight to the forbidden area of ​​​​the granary.

Kong Ben chased him to the door, but was blocked by two guards with knives, preventing him from entering.

Even the Cangcao clerk in charge of the granary couldn't stand this scene anymore: "Yu Juncheng, why are you doing this? You can correct your mistakes if you know them, and there is no great way to do good. Why are you holding on to the Kong family?"

Yu Fan turned his head and glanced at the man. His sharp eyes were like a murderous sword. With just one glance, the Cangcao officer was so frightened that he shut up and did not dare to speak any more. He could only retreat aside in a low voice:

"How much did you charge the Kong family?"

This sentence was even more heart-wrenching. It scared the Cangcao officials so much that they stared like bells and broke out in cold sweat. They hurriedly waved their hands and shook their heads: "Jun Cheng, how dare I accept money from the Kong family? It's just..."

Before the other party could finish speaking, Yu Fan said, "Humph! I want to intercede for the Kong family, but I don't even think about myself to see if I have the weight." Then he went straight into the warehouse.

The Cangcao officer was frightened, exhaled, and hurriedly followed the opponent's footsteps, and then made the final verification. After the verification, he could load it into a truck and transport it to the Luoyang front line.


Yu Fan himself had some doubts.

According to common sense, Dong Zhuo has been defeated. King Hongnong can either go west to attack Dong or return to Nanyang to proclaim himself emperor. But why should he stand still? Isn't this a waste of money and food?


Although Yu Fan was confused, he didn't dare to guess.

After all, what King Hongnong has to face is not just the Kong family.

Yu Fan knew this very well.

He was even ready to receive food and supplies from the Kong family at any time, and big things were reduced to trivial matters. Everything returned to peace and stability, as if nothing had happened.

According to Yu Fan's own understanding, the Kong family's current posture is very low. This is the time when they can calm down and stabilize the interior of Nanyang. It is definitely not a wise move to cause trouble at this time.

As for the Kong family?

If King Hongnong is really angry, he can punish him vigorously to shock the Nanyang nobles, but he must not beat him to death with a stick, otherwise it will inevitably cause shock in Nanyang.

King Hongnong ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, and the whole world celebrated. What is needed is a peaceful and stable political environment, not Nanyang, which is undercurrent and faces collapse at any time.

Yu Fan really didn't understand why King Hongnong was like this?

Is it possible...

Does he really think that his methods can defeat the entire Nanyang noble clan? Can the Kong family alone really clarify the gentry environment in Nanyang?


Can't think clearly.

Yu Fan really couldn't think clearly.

After passing the inspection, Yu Fan came out of the granary. Kong Ben, who used to guard the door, had left.

This aroused Yu Fan's curiosity and asked the guard beside him: "Is Kong Ben gone?"

The guard cupped his hands and replied: "Well, his son Kong Li came suddenly and said that there was a visitor at home, so he hurried back."

Yu Fan frowned: "Are you visiting?"

The guard nodded: "Yes, I heard everything clearly."

"It's interesting."

Yu Fan smiled.

Anyone who dares to visit the Kong family at this critical moment will risk their lives.

Tang Mao had already put the Kong family under surveillance, and every move was under their surveillance.

This man is not here to save the Kong family, he is clearly here to hand over a knife.


at the same time.

Prefect's Mansion.

Tang Mao also received the news, frowned and said softly: "Do you know who is coming?"

The assassin shook his head: "It must not be the major noble families, but rather merchants from other places. Now that they have caught up with farming, the Kong family's farm tools are not only sold well in Nanyang, but are even sold to surrounding counties."


The assassin frowned and said in confusion: "Ordinary merchants will only buy at the Kong family's iron shop. Very few people will take the initiative to come to the door. The other person is dressed in an extraordinary way. I guess he is a wealthy businessman."

From a purely rational analysis, there is no flaw at all.


Tang Mao always felt that something was not right when someone suddenly appeared at this critical moment.

He was cautious and uneasy, so he quickly ordered: "Go back quickly and send someone to keep an eye on the merchant. Be sure to find out who he is and then report back."

Ji Tie cupped his hands and cupped his fists: "Here."


Bowed and exited the hall.

Tang Mao frowned, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes in deep thought.

The news of King Hongnong has not come back yet.

The answer is already obvious.

He will never let go of the Kong family, and will even use this as an excuse to implicate some Nanyang nobles.

No one knows the connections of the Kong family better than Tang Mao. Once King Hongnong kills the Kong family, nine out of ten Nanyang nobles will be implicated, but the charges will vary.


The Kong family was even more nervous and felt like walking on thin ice.

In this extremely dangerous situation, there is no guarantee that he will not do anything outrageous.

What exactly is King Hongnong doing...


At this thought, Tang Maofeng opened his eyes, and his thoughts suddenly became clear.

That’s right!

King Hongnong was giving Kong Ben enough time to prepare.

Create a tense atmosphere that once they return, they will definitely kill the Kong family.

His real purpose is to force the Confucius family to rebel!

After all, the Kong family had provided food and grass for the Allied Forces. Even if he was punished, the crime would not lead to death. If the major noble families interceded for him again, it would be difficult for King Hongnong to really kill him.

However, the evidence collected by Zhang Zi before was difficult to establish as ironclad evidence due to the long lapse of time. It was difficult to eradicate the forces related to the Confucius family, and it was even more difficult to deter the Nanyang gentry.

"That must be it!"

Tang Mao suddenly realized it, but he was completely shocked.

He really couldn't believe it.

King Hongnong was so tyrannical and decisive at such a young age.

However, if this matter can be accomplished, the Nanyang nobles will be greatly shocked. The resources of all parties will be put into the hands of King Hongnong, and they will have more say in Nanyang in the future.

"Come here, call Xiang'er!"


Since King Hongnong had this intention, Tang Mao naturally wanted to help him.

It didn't take long.

Tang Xiang came to the palace: "Father."

Tang Mao waved his hand and motioned for him to sit aside: "Xiang'er, before you come back, do you have any instructions from His Highness?"

Tang Xiang shook his head and frowned: "No! I just said that I have to wait a little longer and I will go back after I have completely sorted things out."

Although this statement was relatively obscure, Tang Mao understood that King Hongnong must be thinking about attacking the Confucian family, rather than how to resolve the relationship with the Confucian family.

In this case...

Tang Mao took a long breath, twisted his beard and said: "Xiang'er, you take Jue Cao and the officials to secretly collect evidence of the Kong family's crimes, and then send someone to secretly leak the information to the Kong family."


Tang Xiang was stunned when he heard this: "Father, are you trying to..."

Tang Maodan smiled: "Don't ask so many questions, just do as I say."

"But, if this happens, wouldn't the Kong family..."


Tang Mao nodded: "This is what King Hongnong wants."

Tang Xiang was greatly shocked, and it took him a long time to calm down: "Father, don't worry, I understand."

Tang Mao waved his hand: "Go."

Tang Xiang: "Here."


Nanyang, Kong family.

Under the corridor.

Kong Ben clasped his hands behind his back, staring at the distant scenery, frowning in thought.

At some point, his son Kong Li appeared behind him: "Father, have you thought about it carefully? Once we take this step, there is really no way back."

"Do you think there is a way back now?"

Kong Ben frowned, glanced back at his son, and said softly: "King Hongnong has made it clear that he wants to attack our Kong family, otherwise he would have already collected our food and grass."

"That man is right."

Kong Ben took a deep breath and exhaled slowly: "King Hongnong will never let us live. Rather than sit back and wait for death, it is better to take the initiative. Whether we can completely turn over and regain the prosperity of our Kong family, we only have this one chance."

"Da Sinong?"


Kong Ben nodded: "Did you hear everything?"

Kong Li raised his eyes and looked at his father: "Father, this is regicide!"

Kong Ben frowned: "King Hongnong is not the king yet. As long as he dies, the one from Chang'an will be the real king. By then you will be the governor of Nanyang County and I will be the chief minister of the imperial court. Our Kong family will be completely transformed."



Kong Li's throat rolled, and he spoke earnestly: "Even Dong Zhuo is not the opponent of King Hongnong, how can our Kong family be his opponent? This assassination will definitely not be successful."

"I think we should take the initiative to admit our mistakes and ask King Hongnong for forgiveness. All he wants is our family property. If we give it to him, at least we, father and son, can survive."

"Furthermore, Father Deng has promised to intercede for us. The Yin family..."


Before Kong Li could finish speaking, Kong Ben waved his hand and interrupted directly: "If we didn't hold their handle, how could they agree to help? The Kong family has been in Nanyang for hundreds of years, and they must not be ruined in my hands!"

"Master of the house—!"

At this moment, a long shout rang out not far away.

Kong Ben turned his head and looked.

But I saw a man dressed as a servant coming with a panicked expression: "Master, something serious is going to happen."

Kong Ben was calm and said in a cold voice: "What's the matter?"

The servant handed over his hand: "I heard that the prefect's office has been secretly collecting evidence of the Kong family's crimes, and it seems that they have a lot of evidence. They may really want to put our Kong family to death."


Kong Ben frowned, but he was not shocked. Instead, he glanced back at his son: "Did you see it? King Hongnong has never thought about letting us live. No matter how many nobles plead for mercy, it will not change."

"How...how...how is this possible?"

Kong Li's eyes were full of fear, hoping to completely chase him into the abyss.


Kong Ben stared at his son with burning eyes and said coldly: "Rebellion is the only way for our Kong family to survive. If you are still the legitimate son of the Kong family, you will join your father in this."


"Let's go."

Kong Ben let out a long sigh, passed his son, and went straight back to the house: "Let's discuss where to start, and make as many preparations as possible before King Hongnong comes back."

"What our Kong family does not lack is blacksmiths and weapons. If we look at the timing correctly, we may not be able to hit it with one strike. As long as King Hongnong dies, no matter how many people die, it will be worth it to our Kong family."



Allied camp.

Central army, big tent.

Liu Bian handed a thick scroll of bamboo slips to the man and said softly: "I found this by chance among ancient classics. Now it is yours. Study it well and don't let me down."

Zaozhi took the scroll and couldn't help but be curious: "Your Highness, this is..."

Liu Bian explained: "Oh, it should be called "Farming Essentials". There are many things in it, such as rice field ecological breeding, agricultural tools, water conservancy equipment, etc., which were pieced together based on memory."

"You're right."

Then, Liu Bianchang said angrily: "The foundation of a country lies in its people, and food is the first priority for the people. If we want long-term peace and stability, the first thing we need to do is to secure the people, and the foundation of tranquilizing the people is to encourage farmers to farm mulberry trees, and to accumulate grain and grain."

"After Guzheng returns to the palace, I will promote you to the position of Captain of the Farm, and you will be fully responsible for the affairs of the farm. Especially now, it is time to sow the seeds, and the burden on your shoulders is getting heavier and heavier."

Zao Zhi looked in disbelief: "Your Highness, you want to promote me to the rank of Captain of the Army?"

Liu Bian nodded: "Why, are you surprised?"

Zaozhi didn't lie, and said with surprise: "Well, it's a bit unexpected."

"Ha ha!"

Liu Bian smiled, waved his hand and said, "You don't have to be afraid. I believe you will be able to do this job. Whether our new dynasty can gain a firm foothold depends entirely on you."

Zao was so busy that he handed over his hand and said, "I will do my best."

Liu Bien made a sound and deliberately reminded: "If there is anything you don't understand, remember to come find me."

Zao just nodded and said, "Don't worry, Your Highness, I will study it carefully."


Liu Bian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You can go down now."

Zao Zhi held his hands in his hands and said, "Here."


He bowed and left the tent.

As soon as Zao Zao left with his front legs, Xun or Xun followed with his hind legs and stepped forward: "Your Highness, there is something going on in the Nanyang Kong family."

Liu Bian sat up straight: "Oh? Is the news accurate?"

Xun or was very sure: "Yes, accurate!"

"Where to start?"

"Du Yang!"

"Du Yang?"

Liu Bian took a deep breath, frowned and nodded: "It's really a good place. Send me the order. Early tomorrow morning, we will set off back to Nanyang. The Luoyang battlefield will be under full command of Zhang Liao."

Xun or Yi Yi said: "Here."


Please order! Monthly pass!

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