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Chapter 279 The price of arable land has plummeted! The infighting of the Nanyang clan is intensifying!

Looking at the rice fields, Liu Bian nodded with interest and praised: "Well, it's not bad. The completion of the rice fields and fish farming you are responsible for has exceeded my expectations."


Liu Bian turned to look at Zao Zhi beside him, and couldn't help but praise: "You are very talented in farming. I believe that it won't be long before the imperial court can achieve independence in grain and grass."


Zao Zhi bowed his head with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty is so complimentary, I can't bear it. This is all your Majesty's credit. I am just doing things according to the rules."

"Some people, even if you give them rules, they may not be able to follow them."

"If His Majesty says so, then this official must be a little smarter."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The two looked at each other, looked up to the sky and laughed.

Liu Bian then waved his hand and exhaled: "Now that farming is on the right track, it's time for me to talk about something new with you."


Liu Bian turned around and waved his hand to signal him to leave the field: "If you can do this well, you will be the greatest contributor to the imperial court. I will grant you a title and even build a shrine. It's not a bad idea."

A shrine is built to worship the living people to express inner gratitude and admiration.

Those who can be enshrined in shrines are all those who have made outstanding contributions to society and are respected by people all over the world.


Zao Zhi was stunned when he heard the words, and was surprised at the same time: "A shrine? I'm afraid the official can't afford it!"

Liu Bian walked out of the rice fields and said solemnly: "Don't be afraid. This is very difficult and may take up your whole life. But once you succeed, people all over the world will not be short of food from now on, and it will never happen again in the future."

People are starving to death.”


Zao Zhi looked in disbelief: "Is this really possible?"

Liu Bian was extremely sure: "Yes! Zijing, are you willing to dedicate your life to the imperial court and the people of the world?"

Seeing that His Majesty the Emperor was not joking and looked extremely solemn, Zao Zhi took a deep breath, then cupped his hands and clasped his fists and responded solemnly: "If this is really the case, I am willing to do my best to serve the people of the world."


Liu Bian nodded slowly: "I really saw you right. Get up. Let's go back to the carriage and talk."

Zao Zhi bowed his head and said: "Here."


The two returned to the carriage, and the guest and host took their seats.

Zao Zhi sat down, cupping his hands and cupping his fists: "I wonder, Your Majesty, what do you want me to do?"

Liu Bian took a deep breath, organized his words slightly, and said softly: "Zijing, you should have seen this phenomenon in life. If the parents are tall and burly, the same will be true of their descendants. If the parents are handsome, so will their descendants."

"Besides, there is..."


Genetics was so advanced that Liu Bian was afraid that Zao Zhi would not understand it, so he gradually instilled knowledge of genetics from some phenomena in life.

Fortunately, Zao Zhi's receptive ability is relatively strong, and he just explained it in a simple way and got his approval.

Zao Zhi nodded slowly: "That's true."


Liu Bian continued to deepen his impression and said: "It does not mean that parents are excellent, and all children and grandchildren are excellent. There may be one or two people who are very different from their parents in appearance, figure, etc."

"For this case..."


From common phenomena to individual phenomena, Liu Bian began to deepen the indoctrination of genetics and pave the way for the two-season hybrid rice. Only by understanding the knowledge of genetics can we better carry out process operations.

When it comes to more in-depth genetic knowledge, Zao Zhi's acceptance was obviously a little slow. However, after the painstaking training of Liu Bian and the Military Advisor Alliance, as well as the in-depth case analysis, Zao Zhi was finally able to accept it.

This is enough.

About an hour passed.

It was only after returning from the countryside to the emperor's palace that Zaozhi fully accepted the knowledge of genetics.

However, Liu Bian was very patient and explained over and over again: "In fact, flowers, plants and trees have the same genetic characteristics as people."

"What I want you to do is to select a variety with good genetic characteristics and high yield from the rice field, and specially cultivate it, so as to double the yield per mu of the rice field, or even increase it tenfold!"

If it had been before, Zao Zhi would have been so shocked that his jaw would have dropped when he heard that the yield per mu had doubled.

But after Liu Bian popularized the knowledge of genetics, he had a vague feeling that it was indeed possible to double the yield per mu, or even ten times, and he was not bragging.

Therefore, Zao Zhi only seemed relatively excited and did not show excessive surprise: "Your Majesty, rest assured that I will do my best, even if I spend my whole life, to cultivate high-yielding rice."

"I am very pleased that you are so determined."

Liu Bian nodded with satisfaction and took a deep breath: "Then let's get down to business now. We want to breed rice with excellent traits such as high yield, cold tolerance, and disease resistance."


"In this way, the first problem arises, how to make the offspring of rice with excellent genetic characteristics continue to maintain this stable genetic trait."


"Following this, the second problem arises. How to separate male and female rice to ensure that rice pollen with excellent genetic characteristics can fall on the female core of ordinary rice?"


"So, our first step is to find rice in nature that has male and female separation in its natural state without the need for artificial castration."


The key to the two-line hybrid rice is to find "pseudo-mothers" that have no reproductive ability in the natural state. Therefore, they cannot complete self-fertilization and can only reproduce through cross-pollination.


Liu Bian let out a long breath, then stood up and went to the bookshelf beside him, and took out a volume from it: "Zijing, this is my experience and understanding about cultivating high-yielding rice."

"Take it back."

Liu Bian handed the scroll to Zao Zhi and said softly: "Have a good time studying it. If you don't understand anything, just come to the palace to find me. I will definitely answer it for you."

Zao Zhi took the scroll with both hands and felt that the burden on his shoulders was getting heavier and heavier, but he was full of energy: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will study it with concentration and strive to find rice that meets the requirements as soon as possible."

Liu Bian couldn't bear to attack Zao Zhi. In modern society, through the efforts of the whole country, he found "wild bad" that met the requirements from the South China Sea. Although the environment and climate in ancient and modern times are different, it does not mean that there are no other places, but such a search, It's also like looking for a needle in a haystack.


Liu Bian just nodded affirmatively and said softly: "Zijing, don't worry, this is an extremely long process. You must not rush for success. You should get familiar with it first, and then fully implement it after mastering it."

"I have confidence in you!"


Liu Bian stared at the other person with bright eyes: "You must also be patient with yourself and never give up halfway. No one in this world can succeed in one step without failure."

Zao Zhi once again handed over his hand and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will definitely calm down and find him, even if it takes all my life, to live up to your Majesty's high expectations."


Liu Bian nodded: "I believe you! Go ahead, take it and study it."

Zao Zhi bowed his head and said: "Here."


Bowed and left Wende Hall.

Looking at Zao Zhi's leaving figure, there was a burst of emotion in the live broadcast room:

"With the current capabilities of Nanyang Hanting, it is extremely difficult for Zao Zhi to do this."

"Not only is it difficult, it is simply impossible to achieve."

"Master Bian is so good at deceiving you. If you use the establishment of a shrine as an example, give it to me and I'll take it too."

"That's nonsense! I feel that Zao Zhi is not doing it to create a temple, he is really doing things for the people."

"Poor Zao Zhi has embarked on a road with no end in sight."

"Ben Ye has created a good sense of mission. I feel like it can be done, it just takes a little slower."


Liu Bian then returned to his seat and sat down with peace of mind.

Not long.


A long announcement sounded outside the hall.

Liu Bian raised his eyes and looked.

But then, Zhu Tong pushed the door open and walked in. He bowed and raised his hands: "Your Majesty, Xun Lingjun and Han Ye have come together to request an audience."

Liu Bian was surprised: "Did the two of them arrive together?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "Exactly."

Liu Bian was overjoyed: "It seems that the ball bearings have been made! Quick, let them in."

After the hydraulic stamping machine and pedal sand mill were manufactured, the work efficiency has naturally been greatly improved. Although the manufactured balls still need to be polished manually, the reliability has also been improved.

Nowadays, farming is on the right track, and Xun or has even concentrated his retired labor force on water conservancy machinery and equipment, opening canals to divert water, installing overturned trucks, and supplementing irrigation. Everything is proceeding in a stable and orderly manner.

If ball bearings can really be manufactured, then the water conservancy and irrigation facilities will be improved to a higher level, and the overall farming and irrigation efficiency can be guaranteed.

Liu Bian stared at the palace door expectantly.


It didn't take long.

Xun You and Han Ji all rushed to Wende Hall.

Before they could salute, Liu Bian waved his hand and interrupted: "But have ball bearings been made?"

Han Ji nodded and hurriedly presented a wooden box: "Your Majesty, this is a bearing made by Jikai. Please take a look at it."


Liu Bian quickly took the wooden box, took out the bearing, looked at it carefully, and tried to turn it.

At this moment, the voice of the Military Advisor Alliance sounded: "That's right! It's this thing. Although it is still a little dry in rotation, as long as you add some oil, the situation will be much better."

"Master Ben."

The Alliance of Military Advisors said with absolute certainty: "The high-tube transfer car can be built according to the original plan. With the water collection and overturning of the car, as well as the trenches dug in advance, the irrigation level will inevitably be greatly improved."

"In this way, the first step strategy we set to increase grain production is basically completed. Even if we add new things in the future, it will just be an upgrade."

Agriculture is the foundation.

Experts know this very well.

Therefore, in order to ensure sufficient food production, the military division alliance formulated a three-step strategy in advance.

Two-line hybrid rice is an extremely critical second step strategy.

Before that, it is necessary to popularize, improve and perfect the hardware facilities for farming.

The transformation of farm tools is only one aspect, the upgrading of water conservancy equipment is the most important first step strategy!


Liu Bian's eyes brightened and he nodded slowly: "That's right! This is what I want. My lord, you have made a great contribution. The craftsmen of the smelting workshop have also made great achievements."


Having said this, Liu Bian raised his eyes and looked at Han Ji: "You draw up a list and submit it to Wen Ruo. Anyone who has outstanding performance will have their status as a commoner restored and certain rewards will be given."

Han Ji was very excited: "Here."

"Wen Ruo."

Immediately, Liu Bian turned to look at Xun Or: "Depending on the situation, the craftsmen will be appropriately rewarded, including bonuses, restoration of status, etc. It is best to provide a contract to become an official blacksmith in the smelting workshop."

Xun You bowed and handed over his hand: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will leave this matter to my subordinates."


Liu Bian let out a long sigh, and his anxious heart finally relaxed.

He put the bearing back into the wooden box and solemnly announced: "My Lord, please make the bearing according to these standards. You must complete it in the shortest possible time according to the water conservancy facility layout planned in advance."

The two of them raised their hands together: "Here."


Bowed and exited the Wende Hall.


With farming in full swing.

After Xun or Han Ji began to lay out water conservancy facilities.

The price war among Nanyang's wealthy families has also entered a fierce stage.

Wancheng, Shahui.

The small exhibition hall was crowded with people upstairs and downstairs.

A man dressed as a servant hurried over, holding several wooden signs in his hand, and replaced the wooden signs on the display.


A large group of people immediately gathered around, and they started talking heatedly:

"Hey you, the price has been reduced again, the price has actually been reduced again."

"It's only been a few days, and the price of farmland has dropped by another half."

"My farmland has been hanging for three days, but no one came to take a look."

"You've only been here for three days, mine has been here for less than half a month, and only three people went to see it, but the deal didn't happen."

"Hey, you, you are really mad at me. If this continues, I will have no choice but to commit suicide by jumping into the river."

"This is only the first year. If the imperial decree continues for three to five years, what's the point?"

"No! I have to put it up for sale quickly, otherwise I will lose it."



Private room on the second floor of Zahui.

A well-dressed man was sitting in front of the window, holding tea and taking a sip.

In front of him, there was a pile of land deeds, all of which were his own farmland.

Next to the title deed, there are bamboo slips written in calligraphy and ink.

The man is writing something down with a pen.

Ta! Ta! Ta!

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the house.


Someone pushed open the door and came forward hurriedly. He handed over a stack of land deeds and said: "Steward, all our farmland has been hung out. This is taken back."


The man took the letter and took it back: "Have any been sold?"

The servant shook his head: "No."

The man was not annoyed at all. He put it away and waved his hand: "You go down first. Once there is news, be sure to report it in time."

The servant raised his hand and said, "Here."


He bowed and exited the room.

The man let out a long sigh and raised his eyes to look at the person opposite: "Zimu, except for the hundreds of acres of land we sold initially, we haven't sold a single acre in recent times."

"I was thinking..."

The man frowned, twirled his beard and said softly: "If the current situation continues, we may not be able to sell an acre of land, but the price will continue to plummet. This is not good for us!"

This person is none other than Deng Xun's housekeeper Deng Yun.

Deng Xun entrusted the whole matter of selling farmland to Deng Yun.

The person sitting opposite him was his assistant Deng Tong.

(PS: "Book of Rites·Liyun": It means that people plot against each other but do not prosper, they do not commit thefts and chaos, so they do not close their doors to outsiders, this is called Datong! Tong means harmony, harmony, so the word is taken as Zi.


Deng Tong nodded with interest: "What you said makes sense. Now everyone has realized that farmland will depreciate significantly, so no one will take action. If this continues, our farmland will inevitably be implicated."

Although the Deng family had foresight, the price of farmland continued to drop, and the Yin family continued to sell it at low prices, causing wealthy families from all over the country to realize that something was wrong and began to deal with the farmland in their hands.

Now, even if the Deng family and the Yin family no longer lower the price, there will still be other wealthy families who will continue to lower the price. If this continues, land will really become a bargain price.

This is a lose-lose situation!

Even the Deng family is not willing to see something like this happen so soon.

After all, they still hold a lot of land in their hands. If they don't dispose of it before the price drops, the Deng family will suffer a huge loss.

"I wonder if the old housekeeper can do anything?"

Since the other party dares to say this, he will naturally have his own ideas.

After all, he has helped the Deng family and managed the accounts for decades. No one knows the price better than him.

Deng Tong would naturally seek advice from him.


The old housekeeper Deng Yun breathed a sigh of relief, pinched his three-inch long white beard under his chin, frowned and said: "There is no good solution at the moment, but we must find a way to reverse the situation, otherwise these land deeds will be ruined in our hands."

"The head of the family predicts that the imperial decree will last at least two or three years, but this is only the first year. If it really continues to be depressed, we will suffer too much."

Deng Tong took a deep breath and nodded slowly: "Of course I know this. The key is how to do it."

Deng Yundun paused, beckoned Deng Tong to approach, and said in a low voice: "Zi Mu, if you can find a way to spread the news that the imperial court may abolish the edict, then the price of farmland will inevitably rise. At that time, we will take the opportunity to sell the land.

Wouldn’t it be much worse?”


Deng Tong was surprised and took a breath: "Old housekeeper, are you kidding me? Isn't this just spreading rumors about the court? If someone notices it, what's the point?"


Without any hesitation, Deng Tong immediately denied it: "Absolutely not! This is a matter of principle."

Deng Yun stared at the other party: "What bullshit principles! Is your principle more important, or is it more important to get rid of these land deeds? Do you know how much money our Deng clan will lose this time?"


Deng Yun took a deep breath and looked at the other person with burning eyes: "You can't be too selfish and just get rid of the farmland in your hands and ignore other clan members? The head of the family has high hopes for you!"


Deng Tong was speechless.


Those who are closer to the water get the moon first, and I did dispose of part of the clan's land first.

However, this does not mean that you have to take risks.

Deng Tong was unwilling to give in and frowned: "But old steward, you should be aware of the risks involved. Although His Majesty is young, his methods are ruthless and bold. Even I may not forgive you."

After all, Deng Tong is Deng Zhi's biological father, and Deng Zhi is now the commander of the imperial court's Yuanyang Army, with thousands of elites at his command, which can be said to be a high-power and extremely important position.

But even so...

Deng Tong still did not dare to take advantage of the situation to cause chaos and spread rumors about the imperial decree.

Deng Yun took a deep breath and exhaled slowly: "Zimu, are you afraid of affecting your son?"

Deng Tong did not hide it: "I am indeed afraid, and even if the matter comes to the head of the family, he will definitely not agree. Zhi'er is the hope of our entire Deng family."

In this regard, Deng Tong was very confident.

Why didn't Deng Yun understand Deng Xun's position?


If this matter were brought up to the head of the family, he would still be denied.

Deng Yun frowned and was immediately discouraged.

As the old housekeeper of the Deng family, how could he bear to see the whole clan suffer such a huge loss: "If things continue like this, how do you want the old clan leader to explain to each family?"

"Not only did our Deng family in Xinye have no losses, but our farmland was sold at a good price. People in other counties not only suffered huge losses, but even their farmland was sold at a low price."


Deng Yun took a deep breath and exhaled slowly: "The head of the family is training you as his successor. If you were the head of the family, what would happen if you encountered this situation?"


Deng Tong frowned and was speechless.

He knows.

This is indeed unfair to the rest of the Deng family.

Without comparison, there is no harm. The Deng clan in Xinye was completely unscathed, while the Deng clan in other counties had to suffer huge losses. No one would accept this result.

It’s hard to be the head of a family!

This is even more true for a behemoth like the Deng family!

Deng Tong pondered for a long time and tried hard to find countermeasures.


A flash of inspiration flashed through Deng Tong's mind, and Deng Tong's eyes suddenly brightened: "Old housekeeper, we don't have to spread rumors. We can completely manipulate it secretly and make the wealthy people everywhere believe that the imperial court will abolish this decree."


Deng Yun couldn't help but be curious: "What do you mean?"

Deng Tong said in a low voice: "Old housekeeper, now the wealthy people everywhere are in panic. They hope that the imperial court can abolish the decree. If you can write a letter of ten thousand words to the imperial court, what do you think the result will be?"

Deng Yun was stunned for a moment: "Book of Ten Thousand Characters?"

Deng Tong nodded: "That's right! No matter how the court responds, we only need to control it a little, and the price of this farmland will inevitably rise. We take the opportunity to sell the farmland in our hands, isn't it?"


Deng Yun hesitated for a long time: "Is this possible?"

Deng Tong said softly: "If the price continues to fall and we send people to secretly build momentum, even if it is impossible to form a ten thousand words book, it is still possible to spread the news to the county yamen, and then the yamen will report it to the imperial court."

"If the imperial court really repeals the decree, everyone will be happy. If we ignore it, we can also spread rumors and stabilize the price of farmland in a short period of time, or even raise it. It is not impossible."


Deng Tong grinned, full of confidence: "Once this plan comes out, our Deng family can be invincible. What do you think?"

Deng Yun frowned and thought for a long time: "This is a serious matter, so I'd better go back and ask the head of the family for instructions."

Deng Tong nodded: "Okay!"


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