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Chapter 030 Book Classification in the Han Dynasty

Li Fang's intention to question the letter was so obvious that even Liu Bian could see it. Could the military advisor alliance also see it?


The Military Advisor Alliance is composed of top experts from all walks of life.

They have already anticipated all possible situations. No matter how Li Fang responds, they have corresponding solutions. This is called true control of the overall situation.

"Master Bian, don't panic."

The Alliance of Military Advisors hurriedly reminded: "The novel actually came into being very early. Huan Tan's "New Theory" of the Eastern Han Dynasty said that the novelist combined Can Cong's Xiaoyu and recent metaphors to write short books to manage the body and family.


Ban Gu also listed novelists among the ten families in "Book of Han·Yi Wen Zhi". The flow of novelists was due to the work of officials, street talk, and hearsay.

Classical Chinese novels originated from the street talk of the Pre-Qin Dynasty. Although it is a rudimentary genre, it did exist in the Eastern Han Dynasty. You can rest assured that the more truthful the fabrication is, the more truthful they believe it."

"The Military Advisor Alliance is really powerful."

“Awesome plus”




Hearing this, Liu Bian was completely relieved.

However, he did not agree immediately. Instead, he glared and said coldly: "Why, is it possible that General Li suspected that Gu was fabricating it out of thin air and deliberately making things difficult for Lantai?"

"How dare you!"

Li Fang hurriedly cupped his hands and clasped his fists. Although he was respectful on the surface, he was actually quibbling: "But Taishi Secretary has been working in Lantai for twenty years and knows all the books in Lantai. It would be really disappointing if he can't be found."

I doubt the authenticity of this book.”


Li Fang felt that his intention was too obvious and hurriedly concealed it: "The general has no doubts about His Highness's intentions. He just wants His Highness to describe it clearly so that Taishi's secretary can better find this book."


Tai Shitong hurriedly nodded and bowed: "I have the same intention."

Sure enough, Li Fang was much easier to deal with than his counterpart Li Ru.

There are flaws in his words, and his inner thoughts are revealed too easily.

I really don’t know why Dong Zhuo chose him as his doctor, he is as stupid as a pig.

Liu Bian sat down gracefully: "Okay, I will give you a brief introduction."

Li Fang was slightly startled: "Is it really true?"

Liu Bian smiled lightly: "Of course! This book mainly tells the story of a young man named Xiao Yan, who continued to cultivate himself in a different world called Dou Qi Continent, and finally grew into Dou Emperor."

"The book opens in..."


Liu Bian was eloquent and spoke in great detail.

Not only was there no pause in the middle, but he could even answer Li Fang's questions very fluently.

Li Fang thought he had Liu Bian under control, but he never thought that this book actually existed.

Doesn’t this mean that Liu Bian didn’t mess around, but that Tai Shitong really didn’t find this book?

"How about it?"

Liu Bian let out a long sigh and sipped tea: "Do you still need me to continue talking?"

Li Fang shook his head: "No need, His Highness described it clearly enough."

"What about Secretary Taishi?"

Liu Bian turned to look at Tai Shitong.

"No need."

Tai Shitong also shook his head.


Liu Bian frowned and asked tentatively: "Then you can find this book?"

Tai Shitong took a deep breath and pondered for a moment: "I already have an idea. You can go back and give it a try."

Liu Bian was stunned for a moment: "Do you really have an idea?"

Tai Shitong nodded: "According to His Highness's description, this volume should be included in Zhuzi Lue. I originally thought that Dou Po Cang Qiong was a military book, or was written by sages, so I only found it in Liu Yi Lue and Military Art Lue.

, I haven’t found it in Zhuzilue yet.”

"Six Arts Strategy? Zhuzi Strategy?"

Liu Bian's head was a little confused.

He had no idea what Six Arts Strategy and Zhuzi Strategy were, and the Military Advisor Alliance had never mentioned them before.

However, the next second, the voice of the Military Advisor Alliance sounded: "Master Bian, don't worry, just like the comprehensive classification method of modern libraries, these six art strategies and military strategies are just classification methods of ancient libraries, which are easy to find and archive.


In fact, "Qilue" is the first official catalog and the first bibliographic work compiled by Liu Xin of the Western Han Dynasty. However, it has long been lost. It is currently recognized as Ban Gu's "Hanshu Yiwenzhi".

Ban Gu's "Hanshu·Yiwenzhi" was compiled by the author based on additions and deletions from Liu Xin's "Qilue", and the works are also divided into six arts, Zhuzi, poetry, military books, numerology, Fangjilue, etc."

"I see."

Liu Bian suddenly realized.

Since it doesn't affect the overall situation, Liu Bian didn't bother to worry about it. He waved his hand and said: "Since Taishi's secretary has a clue, he should find it quickly. If he can't find it again..."

Having said this, Liu Bian deliberately turned to look at Li Fang: "I wonder, General Li, how are you going to deal with it?"

Li Fanglue pondered for a moment, thinking that Liu Bianding wanted to find trouble again, and said angrily: "If you can't find it, look carefully. Is it possible that His Highness still wants to use this as an excuse to kill Taishi's secretary?"

Tai Shitong on the side was so frightened that his whole body trembled and his face turned green.

Liu Bian sneered: "Gu He once said that he was going to kill people? However, if Taishi's secretary can't be found again, Gu will be angry. By that time, Gu may do something."

"Threaten me?"

Li Fang was born in the military, and what he hated most was threats.

He frowned and said back aggressively: "Your Highness, don't think that the general doesn't know what you want to do. If Taishi's secretary really can't be found, then go find it yourself. If you want to make any noise, don't blame my subordinates.



Liu Bian's acting skills exploded, and he said coldly: "General Li is really powerful. He is worthy of being a strong general under Dong Zhuo. He is decisive in killing. Come on, let's stab the solitary man in the neck and kill him all at once. Wouldn't it be great?"


Li Fang snorted coldly: "Your Highness, the same moves are useless against the generals. Your provocation method is used on the wrong person."

Liu Bian sighed slightly disappointedly: "I'm just a cowardly person."

Li Fang clenched the sword at his waist and suppressed the anger in his heart: "Your Highness, you'd better stay well and don't cause trouble, otherwise the general will not be merciful when that day comes."

Liu Bianyi cupped his hands and said, "I can't get what I asked for."


Li Fang suddenly turned around: "Let's go back home."

The guards: "No."

Looking at Li Fang's leaving figure, Liu Bian let out a long breath.

He glanced at Tai Shitong who had not yet left the palace, and directly vented his anger on him: "Gu warns you, if you still can't find the book, but Gu finds it, be careful with your head."

Tai Shitong hurriedly nodded and bowed: "I don't dare, I don't dare."

Liu Bian pretended to be angry, stared like bells, and shouted sternly: "Why don't you get out of here quickly?"

Tai Shi Tong: "No!"


Tai Shitong hurriedly saluted and then left sadly.

Seeing this scene, netizens in the live broadcast room suddenly became excited:

"Master Bian's acting skills are amazing. Is Fa Ge possessed?"

"Li Fang's head must be buzzing, haha, it's so exciting."

"The expression on that old doormat, Tai Shitong, is so funny."

"To be honest, I burst out laughing just now, haha."

"On behalf of the Oscar organizing committee, I present the award to Mr. Ben, and everyone applauds!"

"Applause +1"

"Applause +2"


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