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Chapter 319 Lu Su's Mind of Modern Platform Economics!

"Dare to ask Mr. Zheng."

Kong Rong was a bold man. He stood up in court, cupped his hands and asked, "In addition to the jury, is there anyone else who can respond to this controversial point?"

Huan Rui, who was on the opposite side, also stood up and bowed his head: "Yes, we have the same doubts. It seems that some of the annotations above do not appear to have been written by the jury."

The scholarly world is such a big one, and everyone strives to learn from leading figures. Therefore, everyone has a certain understanding of the thoughts and preferences of Zheng Xuan, Sima Hui, Lu Zhi, Yang Biao and others.

That's why.

Kong Rong, Huan Rui and others had just raised objections to this reply.

At the same time, all the Confucian scholars in the hall agreed and started talking about it:

"Yes, there must be someone else to deal with this controversial point."

"Who is this person? He can actually join the jury?"

"We have the right to know who it is!"

"This is everyone's fault. I hope the jury will take it into consideration."


Lu Zhi and others had already anticipated the reaction of the Confucian scholars in the hall.

As expected, it aroused heated discussion.

Lu Zhi, as Situ, waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet: "For now, let's not care about whose hand it is, and just discuss it based on its content. I wonder if you can accept it?"

"Kong Wenju?"

Lu Zhi's eyes first fell on Kong Rong, and he asked tentatively: "You are the second debater selected by Jinwen Jing scholars. You are famous for your eloquence. I wonder if you think this explanation is satisfactory?"

Kong Rong picked up the paper, his eyes rolled up and down again, and he nodded affirmatively: "This person has a unique point of view, and his arguments are well-founded. I admire you."


Immediately, Lu Zhi turned his head and glanced at Huan Rui opposite him, and said softly: "What do you think Ziming thinks?"

Huan Rui nodded without hesitation: "This man is very knowledgeable and has profound attainments in modern and ancient literature and Taoism. Judging from this comment alone, it shows that his knowledge is broad and comprehensive, and I admire him!"


Lu Zhi nodded with satisfaction.


He glanced at the Confucian scholars in Yutang Hall and asked, "What do you think?"

All the Confucian scholars did not hesitate and responded in unison: "Excellent."

Since Lu Zhi had gained the approval of all the Confucian scholars, there was no need to hide it. He immediately raised his hands to the sky and said loudly:

"This annotation is based on His Majesty's personal annotation and argumentation based on his training in Confucian classics after seeing our debates and controversies."


Suddenly, the entire hall of Confucian scholars was in an uproar.

They seemed unable to believe that such annotations were actually written by His Majesty the Emperor!

"This...how is this possible? How old is your Majesty this year?"

"I can't believe that at such an age, I can learn about ancient and modern times!"

"I have spent half my life and still have only a little understanding of it. Your Majesty is only fifteen, but you have a complete understanding!"

"I heard that Your Majesty has the ability to learn a lot and remember it well. It seems that this statement is true."

"Your Majesty is worthy of being the chosen one. I admire you."

"His Majesty's learning pays equal attention to ancient and modern times and complements each other, even as much as that of Mr. Zheng."


The marchers compare their fists.

Scholars of Confucian classics talk about talent.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhi clearly understood that His Majesty the Emperor's talent and learning had already conquered the Confucian scholars in the palace, and his annotations on controversial points were unanimously recognized by ancient and modern scholars of scriptures.

Although not all the controversial points in the first day's debate had been dealt with, even so, Lu Zhi still saw the possibility of integrating ancient and modern times. With the promotion of His Majesty the Emperor, it was indeed possible to blend the learning of hundreds of schools of thought into one family.

After thinking about this, Lu Zhi became very motivated and waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet: "In that case, this dispute has been unanimously approved, and we will immediately move to today's issue."

"Zijia." Lu Zhi turned to glance at his son.

"Here." Lu Yu bowed.

"Put the things away, send someone to compile them into a book, and present them to Your Majesty."



The following days.

There is a debate every three days in Yutang Hall.

Liu Bian also returned to Lu Zhi the annotation of the general-division alliance on the third day.

Xunhe is formulating a farming progress plan for next year as usual, but because there are five more counties in Yuzhou, the workload has increased and the difficulty level has increased slightly;

Taishi Tong is still practicing the smelting of aluminum alloys, and has now been able to successfully produce metallic aluminum, but other rare metals are still being explored;

Han Ji followed the requirements and trained blacksmiths who could master the steel filling method, hoping to be able to skillfully control the amount of carburization and thus be able to obtain high-carbon steel, medium-carbon steel, and low-carbon steel in large quantities.

At the same time, Han Ji began to collect hydrological data from Nanyang, and made some advance preparations to promote water drainage and reservoir construction technology in Changliu.

Time flies, the sun and the moon fly by.

In the blink of an eye.

The cold winter season has arrived.

The north wind is strong and the snow is falling heavily.

Liu Bian was wearing a thick winter coat and a mink velvet cloak, holding a charcoal stove in his hand, staring at the silver-covered world outside the window. The wisps of smoke seemed to dispel the severe cold of winter and bring people a little warmth.



Liu Bian put down the car curtain and looked back at Lu Su: "Among those people who did not buy a house, did any of them die of the cold?"

Lu Su bowed his head and said very solemnly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, they have taken measures to keep warm, and due to sufficient supply, the price of charcoal has been maintained at a low level, so that ordinary people can afford it."

"The furnaces produced by the foundry can be purchased or rented, and the winter coats only cost over 100 yuan, so ordinary people can afford them."

"very good."

Liu Bian was very satisfied with Lu Su's answer.

Going through this circle allowed Liu Bian to see Lu Su's talents beyond domestic affairs.

After all, the price of coal, stoves, winter clothes and other items are all in short supply at the moment. The prices outside Nanyang have risen sharply, but in Nanyang they can be maintained at a reasonable level.

How can ordinary people have such ability?

Liu Bian ordered to return to Wancheng. When he closed his eyes and rested his mind on the way, he communicated with the military advisor alliance: "Teacher, I feel that Lu Su has a certain economic mind. At least he understands the relationship between supply and demand and price."

"Currently, our ceramics and glass are all under experimentation and may be launched next year to alleviate the pressure on our finances. We really need someone dedicated to business."


After listening to Lu Su's report, Liu Bian became more and more certain that Lu Su had certain business talents: "Lu Su is a good choice. After all, we have to focus on agriculture and commerce."


After a pause, the voice of the Military Advisor Alliance sounded: "In fact, experts also have such considerations, and according to historical records, Lu Su's grain raising contains certain economic principles."


Liu Bian had never heard of this story and couldn't help but wonder: "What is Lu Su doing in raising grain?"

The Military Advisor Alliance briefly introduced: "It's actually very simple. Lu Su and Zhou Yu are good friends. After Lu Su lent food to Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu's food turnover started. When he was about to return the food, Lu Su refused."


Liu Bian became more and more curious: "Is Lu Su stupid? He sent back food and grass, but he didn't want it?"

Military Advisor Alliance: "Of course he is not stupid. Instead, he asked Zhou Yu to borrow 200 troops and horses, and went to borrow food from the nearby wealthy families. Naturally, the wealthy families wanted to give him some face, so they donated their money generously."

"Of course, they didn't agree to lend grain to Lu Su because of Sun Ce's support, not because of Lu Su's reputation. Lu Su didn't have much respect for him at all."

"After borrowing the grain, Lu Su piled up five large stacks of grain in his warehouse. Those who wanted to pay could take them away at will to accumulate his credibility."

"At the same time, he continued to borrow grain from everywhere, and even sent troops to pretend to be bandits and rob those who transported the grain, thereby forcing big households to store grain here in Lusu."

"In addition to leaving a few piles at home, Lu Su was ready to give small amounts directly to creditors at any time. All the remaining grain was used to support Zhou Yu in the war."


Liu Bian looked a little embarrassed and thought to himself: "Lu Su sent people to pretend to be bandits and rob those who were transporting food from him. Isn't this too shameful?"

"The methods are indeed a bit shady."


When the conversation changed, the Military Advisor Alliance said with absolute certainty: "Master Bian, imagine carefully that Lu Su's routine is similar to the platform economy such as shared bicycles, banks, and Alipay."

"What Lu Su actually does is the work of the platform. He relies on being able to take away food and grass at any time to continuously accumulate his own credibility. At the same time, he uses Zhou Yu and Sun Ce as guarantees to absorb food and grass from large households, and then feeds Zhou Yu and Sun Ce back."


Liu Bian suddenly realized it and couldn't help but be surprised: "It seems to be true. Lu Su is really smart. The idea of ​​​​the platform economy is at least 1,800 years ahead of the present!"

The Military Advisor Alliance said with a smile: "Yes, so you are right. Lu Su has certain business talents, and he is definitely not comparable to merchants like the Mi family, Zhen family, and Kong family. The two are not on the same level at all.


"Master Bian's idea is very good. Xun or is in charge of internal affairs, farming, etc., while Lu Su can assist Xun or at the same time focus on the development of the commercial field."

"In the future, when Mr. Bian's strength grows and business prospers, he can leave it to Lu Su to open a bank, do stocks, and issue banknotes. And his ability to accept it will definitely not be bad, and it will even be easier than ordinary merchants.



The Military Advisor Alliance emphasized: "Ordinary merchants are real merchants who are too concerned with profits and losses and lack strategic vision. However, Lu Su is not a merchant, so he is more able to consider issues from a strategic perspective."

"That makes sense!"

Liu Bianshen agreed and sighed in relief: "It does make sense!"

Military Advisor Alliance: "It's your own idea, Mr. Bian. The experts just follow your ideas and help you plan it, but it can indeed be put on the agenda."


Liu Bian thought to himself: "It must be put on the agenda. Everything you do in this world requires money, and you can't do it without money. The business prosperity plan can be left to Lu Su. I will talk to him right now."

Military Advisor Alliance: "Okay."


Liu Bian opened his eyes, paused for a moment, and said, "Zijing!"

Lu Su bowed his head and saluted: "Your Majesty."

"After this incident, you should know a lot about the merchants near Nanyang, right?"

"Well, I have a relatively good understanding of it. I know almost all of them, including the Nanyang mainland and foreign caravans. Otherwise, it would be impossible to suppress the price of items."

"Tell me, how do you keep the price of winter clothes down? Please note that the prices of winter clothes from abroad are relatively expensive."

“It’s easy!”

Lu Su bowed his head and explained casually: "As early as three months ago, I sent people to spread the news. The imperial court wanted to help tens of thousands of soldiers purchase winter clothes, and there was a huge gap."

"Those merchants who smell the opportunity will naturally inquire in many places. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I will send people to spread the news to strengthen their confidence and make them feel that they are profitable."

"For three full months, merchants from all over the world have brought in winter clothes from the outside world. They alone have at least hundreds of thousands or even millions of winter clothes. Coupled with Nanyang's internal merchants, it is conservatively estimated that there will be at least five pieces of winter clothes."

More than a million pieces.”

Liu Bedun was surprised: "Five million pieces?"

Lu Su nodded: "Well, because everyone knows that the people of Nanyang are rich, so they all want to make a lot of money. As a result, when winter comes, when I go to buy winter clothes, I suppress the price."

"At the same time, I privately announced the prices of things purchased by the imperial court. Since there were so many merchants, the selling prices never went up. Until now, the inventories of major merchants are still very large."


It’s really awesome!

Although this method is a bit despicable, I have to admit that the effect is excellent.

At least for now, the people in Nanyang can afford to buy winter clothes and burn coal. No matter how heavy the wind and snow are, no one will freeze to death this year.

Liu Bian became more and more convinced that Lu Su not only had some business talent, but also had excellent business talent and a very strategic vision. Those small businessmen would always only be manipulated by Lu Su.


Liu Bian nodded with great interest and said with emotion: "Zijing, you really opened my eyes."

Lu Su bowed his head and saluted: "Where! Your Majesty does not think that my methods are despicable, so I am satisfied."

Liu Biandan smiled: "The shopping mall is like a battlefield. Although there is no smoke, it is more cruel than the battlefield. You have benefited the people of Nanyang and solved the winter clothing problem of tens of thousands of soldiers at the minimum cost. I praise you before it is too late. How can you blame me?


"Your Majesty, you..."

Lu Su was a little surprised, with a look of disbelief on his face.

He couldn't believe it.

His Majesty the Emperor, who has always practiced benevolent government, can actually say such words.

"Zijing, there is no need to say anything more."

But Liu Bian interrupted directly, not bothering to talk nonsense, and went straight to the topic: "I believe that Zijing came up with this method because he knew that the imperial court's finances were relatively difficult, right?"


Lu Su nodded and said softly: "Wen Ruo spent a lot of thought on this. I wanted to share his pressure, so I had no choice but to do this. Fortunately, Your Majesty did not blame him."

In the past year, although Liu Bian made great achievements in Nanyang, he also spent a lot of money, almost completely overdrawing his finances, and every copper was spent wisely.


Under such circumstances, Lu Su would find a way to do the greatest thing with the least amount of money.

Liu Bian was moved and said loudly: "Zijing, in fact, I am also aware of the financial constraints of the imperial court, so I have been thinking of ways to alleviate the financial pressure next year."


Lu Su heard some connotations from His Majesty the Emperor's tone, and asked tentatively: "Has Your Majesty already found a way to make money?"


Liu Bian didn't talk nonsense and nodded affirmatively: "Found it."

Lu Su secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Great!"


Liu Bian sat up straight and leaned forward slightly: "There is still a lack of a suitable person to take charge of this matter."

Lu Su was surprised and his throat rolled: "Your Majesty, don't you want me to be responsible for this matter?"

Liu Bian nodded: "Yes! That's exactly what I meant."

Lu Su hurriedly handed over his hands: "Your Majesty, I really..."

Before Lu Su could finish speaking, Liu Bian immediately waved his hand and interrupted: "Zijing, farming is the foundation of the country, but at best it can only feed the people. If you want to make the people rich, you must focus on business and politics."


Liu Bian stressed: "I will not let you end up personally responsible for setting up a caravan or something. This is meaningless. With your ability as Lu Su, you don't have to do such things."

"What I want you to do is to find a way to let merchants sell the things produced by the imperial court, so that the goods can circulate as quickly as possible to relieve the financial pressure on the imperial court."

Lu Su naturally knew what His Majesty the Emperor meant, and tried to ask: "I wonder what your Majesty has prepared?"

Liu Bian said very solemnly: "Have Zijing heard of Liuli?"

Lu Su frowned: "Liu Li?"


"I heard it!"

Lu Su nodded affirmatively: "And the price seems to be quite high."

Liu Biandan smiled: "The imperial court has been able to produce colored glaze, and the quality is excellent. However, it has just passed the experimental stage and has not yet been put into production. It will be mass-produced in the spring of next year."


Liu Bian emphasized again: "My improved papermaking technology can also be put on the market in small quantities to alleviate the financial pressure on the imperial court."


Lu Su thought for a long time and nodded affirmatively: "Okay! I can agree."

Liu Bidan smiled: "I know that Zijing, you will never let me down. Starting next year, you will shift your focus to business and politics."

"As for Wen Ruo..."

Liu Bian always felt that he was a little sorry for Xun or.

Lu Su had only been promoted for half a year, but he wanted to cut off his right and left arm.

Although there is Tang Xiang who can help, the gap in ability between the two parties is quite large: "I can only wrong him temporarily and make up for it later."

Poor Xun or!

Within two days of the good days, it was 996 again.


Suddenly, the carriage stopped.

Zhu Tong's voice sounded outside: "Your Majesty, the palace has arrived."

Liu Bien said: "Let's go, get off the car."

Lu Su got off the bus first, followed by Liu Bian.

After bidding farewell to the emperor, Lu Su went straight back to the Chancellor's Desk.

Liu Bian, on the other hand, went straight to the palace and met He Yun: "Your Majesty, Xun Lingjun has been waiting for a long time."

Liu Bian sighed. He would have to say it sooner or later, so it would be better to say it earlier: "Let him go to the Nuan Pavilion and put on the charcoal fire in advance."

Zhu Tong cupped his hands: "Here."

Wende Hall is relatively large, so even if a charcoal fire is lit, it will be difficult to warm up in a short period of time.

The Nuange is relatively small, and only two charcoal braziers can keep it warm.

Therefore, after winter came, Liu Bian temporarily moved his office to Nuange.

After changing into dry clothes, Liu Bian went straight to Nuange.

As expected.

Xun may already be waiting.

Seeing the emperor coming, Xun You made a gesture and was about to get up, but Liu Bian waved his hand to stop him: "If you don't have to be polite, Wen, if you have anything to do, you might as well speak up. I will also have something to say after I resolve your matter."

Xun You immediately understood that the emperor must have something to do, and hurriedly held up his hands and said: "The matter of the minister is not very important. It is better to talk about the matter of your majesty first, and then deal with the matter of the minister."

"No need."

It happened that Liu Bian also needed to think about how to speak, so he refused directly: "You say what you want."

Xun You knew the emperor's character well, so he stopped talking and went straight to the point: "It's like this. The farming plan for next year has been revised. The Prime Minister of Pei State, Yuan Zhong, the Prime Minister of Liang State, Zhao Yan, and the Prime Minister of Lu State, Chen Yi, have been demoted due to repeated mistakes.


"Now, Your Majesty needs to re-appoint the state ministers for these three counties to preside over next year's government affairs, and submit the farming plans of each county to the Chancellor before the end of the year."

"So fast?"

Liu Bian originally thought that Yuan Zhong, Chen Yi and others could persist a little longer, at least until the end of the year.

But Zeng Xiang, before the end of the year, already couldn't bear the work pressure of Liu Bian: "Do you want to attract the attention of Chang'an?"

Xun You shook his head: "Not yet, but I think I won't be able to hide it for long."

"How did Tao Qian, Liu Dai, and Liu Yao react?"

"I don't care that much anymore."

"That's good."

Liu Bian breathed a sigh of relief and said: "In that case, let Sima Lang be appointed as the Prime Minister of Liang, Wang Jing as the Prime Minister of Pei, and Yuan Huan as the Prime Minister of Lu, and let them take charge of the work."

"His Majesty."

Xun Yi bowed his head and said softly: "You sent Yuan Huan to the State of Lu as Prime Minister, but do you have any intention of testing him?"

Liu Bian nodded, without covering up, and said bluntly: "That's right! Yuan Huan's political ability is indeed good, but he is a member of the Yuan family after all. He is different from ordinary children of aristocratic families, so he should be tested a lot."

"If Yuan Huan surrenders to Yuan Yi, the governor of Shanyang County, he will lose the Lu State at best, so I won't feel sorry for him. But if he is raised to rebel, the gain will outweigh the loss."

Xunhe nodded and said, "Your Majesty has thought deeply, and I admire you greatly."

Liu Bian asked: "Is there anything else?"


Xun You shook his head and asked tentatively: "I don't know, Your Majesty, what can I do for you?"

Liu Bian breathed a sigh of relief and his expression softened: "Wen Ruo, I think you should also know how much financial pressure our Nanyang will have this year? As of now, we are just trying to balance our expenditures."

"And now, we have more Yuzhou to manage, and there will definitely be more places to spend money on. If we continue to do what we did this year, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on for too long, and the treasury will be empty."


Xun may have a frown on his face.


He had the same confusion: "The pressure we will face next year is indeed great. I just don't know what His Majesty said, but there is already a solution?"


Liu Bian did not hesitate and nodded affirmatively: "It just needs a person with outstanding ability to take charge."

Xun You frowned and asked tentatively: "Your Majesty, do you want Zijing to be responsible?"


Liu Bian nodded: "That's right, so I'm here to ask for your opinion."

Xun You handed over his hand and said, "I will give you my full support and I will never complain!"


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