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Chapter 320 The staff of the school office is expanded to ensure the winter festival!

Liu Bian really didn't expect it.

Xun Yu's answer was so crisp and clear, without any hesitation.

After all, this means that the helper he finally found for himself will immediately fly away without taking care of himself.

Even Liu Bian, who had already mastered the ability to hide his emotions and anger, couldn't help but be surprised at this moment.

A trace of surprise flashed across his face, and he asked tentatively: "Wen Ruo, do you really have no complaints at all? You personally hired Zijing as your assistant, but now I want to use him for other purposes."

"His Majesty."

Xun You, however, looked indifferent, and there was indeed no hint of displeasure on his face.

He just bowed his head and replied sincerely: "Other than you, I'm afraid no one knows the financial situation of the imperial court better than you. If we don't find another way out, we still don't know how far we can go next year."

"This matter is an urgent matter and a top priority. How could I not know this? Zijing and I are both court ministers, and we should share your Majesty's worries. Your Majesty has made this arrangement out of consideration for the overall situation of the imperial court."


Speaking of this, Xun You bowed deeply and said resolutely: "How can you only care about yourself and ignore your Majesty's concerns? Your Majesty, rest assured that I am speaking from the bottom of my heart and have no complaints."

In the past, Liu Bian only thought that Xun He was talented, extremely capable, and conscientious and worked very hard. But now, Xun He took the overall situation into consideration, regardless of his own body, and devoted himself to the imperial plan, which moved Liu Bian even more.


Thousands of words finally turn into one word.

Liu Bian was too lazy to say those disgusting words. He slowly sat down and said immediately: "Don't worry, Wen Ruo. Among the candidate officials of the Public Transport Department, there are some extremely capable people who will stand out next year. I will definitely recruit them by then."

Transferred to the Chancellor's Desk."

Since the establishment of Nanyang Hanting, its influence has grown more and more. Nowadays, the people of Han Dynasty are omniscient and know everything. More and more students come to take exams.

Liu Bian did find many celebrities on the list, but they lacked political performance and could not be promoted. Therefore, they could only make candidates in the Public Transport Department and make arrangements when there are vacancies.

Next year's Yuzhou will be a melting pot, and the elimination rate of officials will inevitably explode. At that time, the officials selected by the court will definitely be useful.

In this way, it only takes one year to promote some officials to the DPRK to make the operation of the entire national institution more harmonious and stable.

Rapid development has the benefits of rapid development, but it also has hidden dangers. Being able to discover hidden dangers in a timely and effective manner, prepare in advance, prescribe targeted medicines, and lay a solid foundation will surely eliminate hidden dangers.

Xun You deeply felt that His Majesty the Emperor valued him, and bowed his head: "I thank Your Majesty for your concern. If Your Majesty is fine, I will take my leave and return home to prepare an imperial edict."


Liu Bian waved his hand to signal him to leave: "Wen Ruo can just leave."

Xun Yi bowed and said, "Here."

Looking at Xun You's leaving figure, Liu Bian felt a little relieved and very happy. He secretly said in his heart: "Teacher, I finally understand why Cao Cao put Xun You in the chief position."

"Xun Yu is not only outstanding in ability, but most importantly, he always puts the overall situation and the emperor first, and always gets the job done in advance. Such subordinates are more likeable than rare treasures."

"That's right!"

The Military Advisor Alliance also agreed with this: "There are many talented people in the world, but there are indeed very few who can do what Xun or others do and always consider the boss."

"Throughout the history of the Three Kingdoms, Xun You can be regarded as the king of workers. If it hadn't been for that last thing, the combination of Xun You and Cao Cao would have become a good story."

"However, in this life, the combination of Bian Ye and Xun Yu can be said to complement each other. It can completely avoid the tragedy in history. It is also possible to build him into a model official and form a CP of emperors and ministers who will be handed down from generation to generation."

Legendary level monarch cp?


Based on age alone, I can definitely let Xun You work until he retires.

Moreover, if the goal is to conquer the world, there is no such thing as cruel imperial power.

When the monarch and his ministers live in harmony, create great achievements together, and create a prosperous dynasty, they can naturally become the CP of the emperor and his ministers to be handed down from generation to generation!

"I hope so."

Liu Bian also yearned for this very much.


Now, he had no time to daydream here, so he asked instead: "Teacher, is there any enlightenment book on economics? Although Lu Su has some economic acumen, it is still a bud, and he is not professional enough."

"I want to take advantage of the fact that it is just starting now and give him some knowledge. Maybe he will be more professional and have a more strategic vision in the future. This will be beneficial to our development without any harm."

The Military Advisor Alliance said without hesitation: "Of course!"

Liu Bian was surprised: "Oh? Are you ready so soon?"

The Military Advisor Alliance said softly: "Well, these things have been prepared a long time ago, and experts have also added a lot of modernization and improved many theories based on the original text, with examples and explanations, making it easy to understand."

"Very good!"

Liu Bian marveled at the detailed preparations of the military advisor alliance and immediately took out a pen and paper: "Then let's get started."

The Alliance of Military Advisors affirmed: "Okay! "The Wealth of Nations."

Liu Bian frowned: "The Wealth of Nations?"

Military Advisor Alliance: "Don't worry, it's different from what you think. It was compiled by experts."

"OK, got it."

Liu Bian wrote furiously and at a very fast speed.


Not long after.


Zhu Tong pushed the door open and walked in. He bowed and raised his hands: "Your Majesty, Guo Jia needs to see you for something."

Liu Bian frowned: "Filial piety?"


"Let him in."


Liu Bian put his pen aside and put away "The Wealth of Nations".

After a while, Guo Jia walked up to the palace, bowed and raised his hands: "Your Majesty, Guo Jia, see you."

Liu Bian waved his hand and motioned for him to take a seat: "Get up."

Only then did Guo Jia stand up and sit down at the head table.

Liu Bian was very direct and said without any nonsense: "I'm here as a tribute, but do you have anything to do?"


Guo Jia warmed up his body a little and said immediately: "Your Majesty, in two months, it will be the first Winter Festival of the first year of Zhongxing. According to the etiquette and regulations, a ceremony to worship the heaven will be held."

"I don't know if we..."

Before Guo Jia finished speaking, Liu Bian said with certainty: "Pass it! We must pass it! And we must hold a ceremony to sacrifice to heaven to show the world what achievements our dynasty has achieved this year!"


Guo Jia seemed to have something unspeakable. After thinking for a moment, he finally said: "Your Majesty, Wen Ruo has discussed this matter with me. Many refugees have moved in from the outside world this year. The school affairs office has just been established and its capabilities are limited. I'm afraid it will

More dangerous."

"Is Fengxiao worried about Dong Zhuo?"

Liu Bian frowned slightly and spoke softly.


Guo Jia nodded: "Since last time, I was ordered to assassinate most of our troops, Chang'an has been sending people to infiltrate Nanyang. In order to ensure that the people of Nanyang can survive the winter safely, Zijing has recruited a large number of merchants.


"I have recently arrested five or six assassins in a row and uncovered at least 17 or 8 contact points, which proves that the direction of Chang'an has never slackened, and is even accelerating the dispatch of people."


Guo Jia bowed his head and said solemnly: "According to my analysis, the target in the direction of Chang'an is very likely to be the Winter Festival Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony. If His Majesty is assassinated, it will cause irreparable consequences."

Liu Bian naturally knew this.

But the purpose of the Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony is not only to pray for blessings, but more importantly, to stabilize the people's hearts and enhance their confidence in themselves and their sense of belonging.

If he gave up holding a ceremony to worship the heaven because he was afraid of being assassinated, wouldn't it be inferior to Chang'an in terms of momentum? It would make Dong Zhuo, Li Ru, and even the princes of the world laugh at him?

In particular, this year is the first year that Liu Bian has returned to the palace and the first Winter Festival to offer sacrifices to the sky. If you are timid about this kind of thing, it will definitely be a blow to the morale of Nanyang Hanting.

Liu Bian raised his eyes to look at Guo Jia, and when he was about to speak, he saw that Guo Jia looked indifferent, not at all worried that he insisted on holding a ceremony to worship the heaven.

It is clear!

Guo Jia should also understand the importance of the Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony to Nanyang. He must have known that it was unavoidable, but he still came to advise him.

"Filial piety."

Liu Bian probably guessed what Guo Jia was thinking and went straight to the point: "If you have any requests, just ask them. Don't beat around the bush like this, it's meaningless."


Guo Jia looked slightly startled, but it only lasted for a moment and then disappeared.

He nodded, sighed, and immediately went straight to the topic: "Okay! I am worrying too much. In this case, I will speak out."

As expected, this kid is a very thoughtful person. Liu Bidan smiled and said, "Just say it bluntly."

Without thinking, Guo Jia said immediately: "Your Majesty, although I have put up the framework of the school affairs office, there is a serious shortage of internal personnel, which leads to incompetence and lack of defense."

"An assassin codenamed Night Owl was sent from the direction of Chang'an. This person is very thoughtful and extremely careful in his work. Both of my plans were destroyed by him and ultimately failed."


Liu Bian was surprised, with a look of disbelief on his face: "How could someone ruin your Guo Fengxiao affairs?"

Guo Jia bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, I have indeed been defeated. Therefore, I have learned from the pain and determined to strengthen the power of the school affairs office to ensure that Nanyang is safe and ensure that the ceremony of worshiping the sky can proceed smoothly."

Liu Bian felt the unyielding energy in Guo Jia's eyes.

Immediately, he nodded and affirmed: "If you have any requirements, just ask, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Guo Jia was well prepared and took out a letter from his arms: "Your Majesty, this is a list drawn up by me. It is a list of people who have been carefully tested during the assassination operations in Suli. They can be completely trusted."

"I hope that these people can be included in the school affairs office, improve the assassination system, assist me, better complete the work of the school affairs office, and strive for a beautiful turnaround."

Liu Bian took the letter and started browsing. There were at least hundreds of names in front of him: "So many? There are actually some officials in office?"


Guo Jia nodded affirmatively: "I have had some contact with some people before. Through detailed conversations with them, I discovered that they have talents, so I recorded them in the book in advance, secretly observed and tested them."

It is a major event to ensure that the Winter Festival Sacrifice Ceremony is a major event, and most of the names on these lists are officials such as thieves and Cao Cao, which will not affect the normal operation of the counties.


This list was carefully screened by Guo Jia.

Liu Bian pondered for a moment, turned to glance at Guo Jia, and said softly: "Have you ever discussed this list with Wen Ruo?"

Guo Jia shook his head and said bluntly: "Not yet. If you get His Majesty's approval, it won't be too late to discuss it with Wen Ruo."


"I agree."

Improving the school affairs office's rape system is also a major matter.

After all, with the improvement of Liu Bian's strength, the scope of the school affairs office will become wider and deeper, and the scope will be expanded sooner or later. There is no doubt about this.

Since expansion will be needed sooner or later, Liu Bian thought it would be better to expand it earlier and prepare in advance: "You can discuss it with Wen Ruo yourself. As long as it does not affect the basic operation of each county, personnel can be deployed as you wish."

"Moreover, starting from next year, your focus will not be limited to Nanyang, but will expand to Yuzhou and even surrounding areas. You must pay more attention to attracting talents and improve the rape system at the same time."


Guo Jia was ecstatic in his heart and hurriedly bowed his head: "Thank you for your great support, Your Majesty. I will live up to your high expectations."

Liu Bian nodded and said: "Go ahead, prepare early, try to catch these gangs of assassins, and ensure the Winter Festival Ceremony!"

However, Guo Jia did not stand up, but continued: "Your Majesty, I have one more thing that requires your Majesty's assistance."


Liu Bian frowned: "What's the matter?"

Guo Jia bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, since the beginning of winter, people in Nanyang have not gone out much, and the assassins have also hidden their whereabouts. This is not conducive to arresting them and bringing them back to prison."

"I believe that Your Majesty will order you to enter the preparation period for the Winter Festival Sacrifice Ceremony from now on, so that Nanyang can enter the preparation stage and create a happy and prosperous time."


Speaking of this, Guo Jia's eyes flashed with a dark bird of prey, as if he had entered a duel with the night owl: "Nanyang must move. The bigger the movement, the better. Only if we move, they will follow."

Liu Bian could feel the fierce fighting spirit in Guo Jia's heart and nodded immediately: "Okay, no problem. I will summon Shi Zixuan into the palace later. I will definitely make this winter in Nanyang completely lively."

Guo Jia was overjoyed: "Thank you very much, Your Majesty. In that case, I will take my leave."

Liu Bian nodded and watched Guo Jia leave the hall.

At the same time, netizens in the live broadcast room became excited again:

"Ho ho! I still remember the scene of last year's Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony, when Master Bian escaped from Luoyang City."

"I remember it clearly, and I still have the video from that time."

"The scene was really grand, with all the civil and military officials participating. It was much more impressive than what was staged in the TV series."

"Nonsense! Isn't it money to perform extras? Can it be compared with the real thing?"

"And this time the protagonist is our master! Hehe.jpg"

"Is there a nympho girl upstairs?"


At the same time, the voice of the Military Advisor Alliance sounded: "Master Bian, the experts suddenly have an idea that can make the current team more cohesive and have a sense of belonging."


Liu Bian frowned and couldn't help but wonder: "What's the idea?"

The Military Advisor Alliance said softly: "According to the etiquette and customs of the Han Dynasty, the whole country will have a holiday on the Winter Festival. After the ceremony to worship the heaven, Master Bian can hold a year-end summary meeting."

"Confer some honors to the soldiers and civil servants under your command, such as the Golden Cavalry Award, Silver Cavalry Award, and Bronze Cavalry Award during the equestrian competition. This time, they will be replaced by Gold Medal County Magistrate, Silver Medal County Magistrate, etc."

"This will not only give officials a sense of honor, but also motivate them to work harder next year. The most important thing is that when these county magistrates and magistrates return to Nanyang, they will definitely cause a sensation. Isn't this what Guo Jia wants?"


Liu Bian was surprised and took a breath of cold air.

That's right! As long as these county magistrates and generals return to Nanyang, they will definitely cause a sensation.

How can the assassination hidden in the dark disappear?

They must be making moves, and Guo Jia will definitely seize the opportunity and catch them all in one fell swoop.

This is simply a clever plan that kills two birds with one stone!

Liu Bian did not hesitate: "Yes! It should be so. Zhang Liao, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Jian and others should be commended by His Majesty the Emperor. They have come all the way with him."

"Especially this year, Cao Cao performed quite well. He defeated Yuan Shu twice in two battles. Zhang Miao's ambition to attack Yingchuan should be rewarded and encouraged."

"Someone is coming!"

At that moment, Liu Bian greeted him loudly.


Zhu Tong pushed the door open and walked in, bowing and raising his hands: "What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

Liu Bian ordered: "Summon Shi Zixuan into the palace quickly."

Zhu Tong cupped his hands: "Here."


Bowed and left the hall.

Not long after, Shi Zixuan stepped forward, bowed his head and saluted: "Your Majesty."

Liu Bian waved his hand and motioned for him to take a seat: "Shi Taichang, do you know why I called you here today?"

Shi Zixuan tried to answer: "It must be a ceremony to worship the heaven for the Winter Festival, right?"

"That's right!"

Liu Bian affirmed: "This is the ceremony to worship heaven."

Shi Zixuan bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I am already making relevant preparations, and this important event will not be delayed."

Liu Bian shook his head and said softly: "No, that's not what I meant."

"Oh? Then Your Majesty is..."

"I want to add something to this year's Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony, so I'm here to discuss it with you."


Shi Zixuan asked anxiously: "I wonder what your Majesty wants to add?"

Liu Bian paused for a moment and said softly: "After the normal ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, I will hold a celebration feast to commend the officials who have made contributions to the court this year, including county magistrates, generals, civil servants, etc. The time will be relatively long.


How could Shi Zixuan not know what His Majesty the Emperor meant: "In this case, we can only adjust the time of the heaven-sacrifice ceremony or the time of the celebration banquet."

"How about this?"

A plan immediately emerged in Shi Zixuan's mind, and he said softly: "After I return, I will report the process of the Winter Festival Sacrifice Ceremony to His Majesty as soon as possible, and strive to finalize it as soon as possible before making preparations."

Liu Bian nodded: "Okay, no problem."


Sili, Chang'an.

Prime Minister's Mansion.

Two pots of charcoal fire were burning, and the side hall was as warm as spring.

Dong Zhuo held the warm hand stove in his hand and said softly: "I have to admit that Nanyang can really make some good things. This hand stove is just a self-made stove. This is the first time I have seen coal that does not produce smoke."


Even Li Ru himself couldn't help but be surprised: "It is called smokeless charcoal in Nanyang. It is specially used by King Hongnong and other wealthy families. Ordinary people cannot afford it."

"But they can rent the stove."

While introducing it, Li Ru looked around the side hall and said softly: "A side hall of this size only needs two stoves. In ordinary people's homes, one stove is enough to survive the winter."

Dong Zhuo held the hand stove and enjoyed the winter artifact brought by Liu Bian, but he still sneered sternly: "I didn't expect that King Hongnong was quite thoughtful. Is Nanyang truly convinced of the people's support now?"


Li Ru did not hide it, and nodded affirmatively: "It is indeed true. In fact, the people's hearts have been attached to it since the harvest in Nanyang. But after this winter, I am afraid it will be even more so."

"whispering sound!"

A hint of sinisterness flashed across Dong Zhuo's face, and he turned to the topic: "This is the first year that King Hongnong ascends the throne. It seems that the Winter Festival Sacrifice Ceremony must be held. Is there any news?"

"Prime Minister, don't worry."

Li Ru was full of confidence this time and bowed solemnly: "Ye Xiao has successfully sneaked into Nanyang, and so far, our assassination losses have been greatly reduced. This is all due to his credit."

Dong Zhuo asked urgently: "How many people are there in Nanyang now?"

Li Ru: "More than three hundred people."

"Too little!"

Dong Zhuo's anger suddenly surged up: "How could three hundred people touch King Hongnong? Their bodyguards are all elites. This guy cherishes his life so ruthlessly!"


Dong Zhuo immediately ordered: "Give Ye Xiao an order to recruit more manpower. All the manpower that the king could not use before should be mobilized by him. Even if he cannot kill King Hongnong, he must destroy his heaven-sacrifice ceremony."



Li Ru was still worried and said softly: "Prime Minister, are you afraid that this is not going to be good? After all, Ye Xiao has just arrived. If we hand over all our forces in Nanyang to him, once we are defeated, we may not be able to build it again within three to five years.


"Moreover, it has already entered the depths of winter, and ordinary people are unwilling to travel far. If there is a movement of troops and horses, even if it is just a team of three or five people gathering in Nanyang, it will also arouse the other party's suspicion."

"In this case, it is possible that Ye Xiao's identity will be exposed, which will affect our recent deployment. This will be a bit more gain than loss."

"Confucianism thinks..."

Li Ru bowed his head and said loudly: "It's better for us to believe in Ye Xiao. After all, he and King Hongnong have an sworn hatred. He will definitely do his best within his capabilities."


Dong Zhuo pondered for a moment.

Just when he was about to agree, a long announcement sounded outside the hall:


Dong Zhuo looked up.

However, a guard hurriedly came to the palace, leaned over and said, "Prime Minister, news has been sent from the direction of Nanyang. King Hongnong is preparing to hold a grand Winter Festival ceremony to worship the sky, and is currently purchasing corresponding items."


Dong Zhuo couldn't help but be surprised: "Purchasing items?"

The guard nodded: "That's right! It includes all kinds of silks and fabrics, fruits and vegetables, as well as wood, stone, etc. Now the merchants near Nanyang have heard the news and have begun to prepare."


Dong Zhuo was surprised.

Isn't this a coincidence? It's not!

As long as there are commercial activities, it is easy to hide three or five people into the city.

Dong Zhuo looked happy and turned to glance at Li Ru: "Wen You, do you know what to do?"

Li Ru knew that Dong Zhuo was suddenly murderous, so he hurriedly bowed his head and saluted: "Prime Minister, my subordinates suggest that we can gather 500 people for Ye Xiao. We must leave some power, just in case."

Dong Zhuo nodded slowly: "Yes! Tell Ye Xiao that if you want to avenge your brother, this is your only chance. Let him cherish it. If this happens, it is possible to become a general and a marquis."

Li Ru cupped his hands and said, "Here."


Thanks to [Feng Yu Wu Fei] Sister Fei Hong for the reward of 10,500 coins!

Thanks to [Kanhongchen.com] leader for the 1,500-coin reward!

Thanks to [Disciples of Xianyue] for the 100-coin reward!

Thanks to [Hard Bear Stomping Field] for the 100-coin reward!

This chapter has been completed!
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