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Chapter 327 Winter Festival Ceremony! Zhongxing Sword, give meritorious servants, Tiangang famous officials record!


The cold wind howled.

Imperial Palace, Jiaofang Hall.

Liu Bian closed his book, and with a thought in mind, he habitually closed the live broadcast room.

I still need to attend the Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony tomorrow, so I must rest early today, otherwise I will definitely not be able to get up the next day.

Liu Bian got up and walked into the inner hall, came to the warm couch, and just got under the quilt, a small hand came over, hugged Liu Bian's waist, and took advantage of the situation to stick to him.

"Queen, you...what are you doing?"

Liu Bian's body trembled slightly as if he had been electrocuted. He could clearly feel Tang Ji's evil intentions: "Didn't we already make an agreement? We will not talk about heirs until the government is completely stabilized."


Tang Ji got up and blinked her big black pearl-like eyes: "My concubine is carrying the child. After the child is born, he will also be taken care of by me. It will not delay His Majesty's handling of government affairs at all."

Liu Bian was surprised by Tang Ji's sudden change and smiled: "Has the abbot been here today?"

Tang Ji didn't hide anything and nodded: "Well, I've been here."

Liu Bian held Tang Ji's catkins and said, "Tell me, apart from this, what else did the abbot say to you?"

"Just say it!"

In fact, Tang Ji also wants a child.

After all, in this era, some people at her age are already mothers of children.

As a queen, she lives in this Jiaofang Palace and shoulders the arduous task of giving birth to children for the royal family. However, she has not even been able to conceive a child yet. There will definitely be rumors in the future.

Therefore, Tang Ji had been looking forward to this heart-to-heart conversation for a long time. Her father's words in the daytime were just a trigger at best, not decisive.


Liu Bian felt deeply that the lake could not be controlled, so he could only accept the conversation calmly: "We have to have a good talk, otherwise if this continues, something will happen to my queen."

"Say it."

Liu Bian sat down and stared at the serious Tang Ji.

However, Tang Ji Emei frowned slightly, with a hint of sullenness on her face: "Your Majesty, do you know what the significance of Jiaofang Palace is?"

Liu Bian suppressed his laughter. It was obvious that Tang Ji must have thought carefully about tonight's conversation, otherwise she would not have used "Jiaofang Palace" as the starting point.


Liu Bian nodded affirmatively: "I am very clear about the significance of Jiaofang Palace, and I am also very sure that we will have many children in the future, but not now."

"Why not now?"

Tang Ji's eyebrows furrowed even higher, and the doubts in her heart became more intense: "Which of the women from ordinary families didn't get pregnant and give birth to a child before the age of twenty-eight? Why can they do it, but not my concubine?"

"Moreover, if we wait another two years and the government is completely stabilized, the civil and military ministers of the dynasty will definitely advise your majesty to choose a concubine. By then, my concubines will be old and young, how can I compete with them for favor?"

"My father once said that the Nanyang Yin family has begun to prepare for the selection of concubines. No matter their life experience, appearance, or conduct, they are not inferior to my concubines. I am really..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Bian already understood the real reason for Tang Ji's move. He interrupted without hesitation: "You are my queen. You are the queen who followed me from Luoyang Palace and supported me all the way."

"at this point!"

Liu Bian said extremely solemnly: "No woman in the world can compare with you. Even if you don't believe in yourself, you must believe in me. I will never let you down in this life."

In an instant.

Tang Ji calmed down, and her restless heart completely calmed down.

Liu Bian gazed at Tang Ji lovingly, stretched out his hand to push back her scattered hair, and whispered softly: "Actually, I understand the thoughts of the father-in-law, and I understand the queen's worries even more, but I have my own considerations."

Tang Ji asked tentatively: "What are your Majesty's considerations?"

Liu Bian hugged the queen into his arms and covered him with quilt: "My father officially ascended the throne in the first year of Jianning. He was only twelve years old at that time, and they did not have me until the fifth year of Xiping, which lasted eight years!"


"In eight years, my father didn't have any children, but most of them died young. He was even so scared that he sent me outside the palace and raised me under the responsibility of Master Shi before finally returning to the palace."


Liu Bian nodded affirmatively: "It is true that many people of your age and my age have given birth to children, but compared to those who died young, there are only a few who can survive."

"Does the queen want to watch the prince she gave birth to in ten months of pregnancy die like that in front of her eyes, but there is nothing she can do about it?"

Tang Ji Emei frowned slightly and shook her head: "It's too cruel, I don't want it."

Liu Bian smiled happily: "That's right! I don't want to either."


Tang Ji blinked: "Your Majesty, you have to give me some time. When can we have an heir? If it's too late, even if I agree, it's impossible for the ministers in the court to agree."


Liu Bian thought for a moment. It was not good to be too early, and it was not good to be too late. He simply gave a compromise age: "At least after eighteen years old, preferably twenty years old."

In the Han Dynasty, there was no concept of one year old. One was one year old as soon as he was born. The eighteen years old mentioned by Liu Bian, but after careful calculation, it was only seventeen at best.


Tang Ji was astonished: "Ah! Eighteen? How is this possible? My father will not agree, and the ministers of the DPRK will not agree."

Liu Bian comforted him: "Don't worry, this is my family matter. I will never give in to them. I have to consider the queen's health. Their opinions are only for reference at best."

"Think about my concubine's body?"


Tang Ji was puzzled and asked tentatively: "Physician Wang said that I am in good health."

Liu Bian chuckled, not taking Wang Xuan seriously at all: "He knows nothing! Wang Xuan has been in the palace for more than twenty years. If he was really good at this, how could so many princes die early?"

"That's true."

For such reasons, Tang Ji was naturally convinced.

Liu Bian continued: "In fact, everything has its own growth pattern. This is true for vegetation, animals, and humans. Only when you reach the optimal reproductive age can you give birth to the healthiest children."

"Too early or too late will lead to premature death. This is contrary to human nature. Looking at the practice of childbirth in the world, the survival rate of children born to women after the age of twenty is the highest."

"I am so..."

Liu Bian said with great sincerity: "This is for the health of the queen and the prince, and even more for my health. My father passed away when he was only thirty-four years old. It was because of this disaster that the queen did not want me to come."

, making the same mistake again?”

Tang Ji nodded: "Well, I shouldn't be like this. I hope your majesty will forgive me."

Liu Bidan smiled: "I also made a mistake. I was busy with government affairs and failed to open my heart to the queen earlier. Don't worry, no woman in this world can compare with you. You are my only queen."

Tang Ji snuggled closer: "Your Majesty~~~"


Early next morning.

The rooster crows the dawn and the morning glow fills the sky.

Nanyang Wancheng is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and it is full of joy.

Liu Bian followed the procedures of the heaven-sacrifice ceremony, wore imperial robes and crowns, and led hundreds of civil and military officials in a procession from Wancheng to the Funiu Mountain altar, where he officially began to worship heaven.

It took about two hours for the entire heaven-sacrifice ceremony to be completed. By the time Liu Bian led all the civil and military officials back to the palace, it was already past noon.

Emperor's palace.

Hall of Wende.

Liu Bian sat at the head, and under him were the civil and military officers, who sat on both sides.

"Dear dear ministers, today is probably the most gathering of civil and military officials in the entire dynasty since I returned to the palace. Meng De, Wen Yuan, Zhong De and Gong Tai are all back."

Liu Bian's eyes swept over Cao Cao, Zhang Liao and others in the palace. The joy on his face could not be concealed. The civil and military officials in the court were also smiling. This was a rare opportunity for them to meet His Majesty the Emperor.

"Nanyang's development this year has been witnessed by you and me. Not only has it been a bumper harvest, but it has also been a series of victories. Especially Meng De, who has achieved two victories in two battles and has nearly quadrupled his military strength. It is really gratifying and congratulatory."

"Besides, there is..."


Liu Bian reviewed the achievements of this year from various aspects such as military affairs, internal affairs, and court officials. He found that all the civil and military officials in the palace were meritorious, and every one of them was honored.

Liu Bian was too lazy to talk nonsense and said loudly: "Considering the fruitful results this year, I discussed with Wen Ruo, Zijing and others and decided to give certain rewards to the officials who have made outstanding contributions this year as an encouragement.



All the civil and military officials in the palace applauded and cheered.

Liu Bian waved his hand to signal for silence and gave Xun You a wink: "Wen Ruo, you will read it out."

Xun You agreed and immediately stood up and went to the stage to face the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

He picked up a silk book from the side, started to browse it, and said loudly: "With great force, well-planned strategies, integrity, integrity, and integrity, every time when there is a battle, he always leads the way, and strives to strengthen and consolidate.

No matter how hard it is, it won’t sink.”

"Zhang Liao, at a young age, was ordered to command the division and brigade, guard Heluo, and garrison the fields to pacify the people to prevent Dong Zhuo. With his bravery and strategy, I can rest easy."

"Today, I give him a sword of rejuvenation and hope that he will continue to work hard and live up to the emperor's grace."


The eyes of all the civil and military officials in the palace were all focused on Zhang Liao.

But when he saw Zhang Liao, his eyes widened, full of surprise.

It seemed that even he himself had not thought that the first person to receive the reward was not Cao Cao, who had performed most outstandingly this year, but him, a young border guard who was just twenty-one years old.


Liu Bian waved his hand for him to come forward, his eyes full of affirmation of Zhang Liao.

You must know that Zhang Liao was the first historical general to join him, and during the battle against Dong, he repeatedly performed extraordinary feats, especially the Battle of Jingshicang, which directly made Dong Zhuo determined to withdraw from Chang'an.

"Go quickly, Wenyuan!"

The counselor Chen Gong on the side tugged on his clothes and reminded him: "Why are you still standing there? Your Majesty has given you the Zhongxing Sword, why don't you hurry up?"


Only then did Zhang Liao realize what he had done. He stood up in a hurry, walked around Chang'an, and stepped forward: "The last general, Zhang Liao, will serve the imperial court and your majesty to the death!"

Liu Bian picked up the Zhongxing Sword from the side, showed it to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and said loudly: "This sword is called the Zhongxing Sword, which is the same as the imperial court's reign name. It means the Zhongxing of the Han Dynasty. I hope that all of you can take this as your mission and contribute to the Zhongxing of the Han Dynasty."

And struggle for life.”

All the courtiers shouted in unison: "Long live my emperor, may the great Han Dynasty be rejuvenated!"


Liu Bian handed the Zhongxing Sword to Zhang Liao: "Wen Yuan, take the sword!"

Zhang Liao knelt down on one knee and took the sword with both hands: "Thank you for your gift of the sword. General Zhang Liao will fight on the battlefield for the imperial court and return his body wrapped in horse leather to repay your Majesty for your great kindness."

Liu Bian helped Zhang Liao up with his own hands: "Wen Yuan, please get up quickly."

After Zhang Liao stood up, he pulled out the sword with a cry. The cold light was like a ray of light, sweeping across the civil and military personnel of the dynasty. The pine lines on the sword were clearly visible, and one could tell at a glance that it was the best sword.

Some of the mighty generals from the army below were attracted by the Zhongxing Sword. They looked greedy and blurted out subconsciously. They couldn't help but praise: "What a sword!"

Zhang Liao, who was closer, could clearly see that the word "Zhongxing" was engraved on the lower part of the sword body, and when he turned the sword body, there was even the word "Tianwei" on the back.

This is the "Tianwei Star" in the Thirty-six Tiangang, which represents his impressive record of leading eight hundred elite cavalry to raid the capital warehouse and force Dong Zhuo to withdraw from Heluo.

Sheath the sword and return it to its sheath.

Zhang Liao once again handed over his hand to thank him, and then returned to his original position.

Then, Xun or once again took out a silk book and started reading: "Courageous and resolute, a lonely person, a leader of Wen and Zhuozhuo, a loyal and strong hero, fighting against rebellion, ambition to stay in the middle of the summer, and fighting against the tyrants again, there are

The courage of the tiger."

"Sun Jian has been on the battlefield for more than 20 years, and has repeatedly accomplished extraordinary feats. He is actually a loyal and brave general of the Han Dynasty. At the beginning of his campaign against Dong, he spanned most of China, which moved me deeply."

"Today, I give him a sword of rejuvenation and hope that he will continue to work hard and live up to the emperor's grace."

Without the emperor's signal, Sun Jian stood up, walked around the eucalyptus, turned into the palace, cupped his hands and clasped his fists: "General Sun Jian, thank you for the sword."

Liu Bian took the sword and handed it to Sun Jian: "Wentai, don't be impatient and train my troops with peace of mind. Sooner or later you will be useful. Don't let me down."

Sun Jian was ecstatic, knelt on one knee, and said sonorously: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the general will live up to his high expectations."

After receiving the Zhongxing Sword, Sun Jian followed Zhang Liao's example and drew his sword to signal to the ministers.

Shocking discovery.

Behind the word "Zhongxing" on the sword's body is the word "Tianmeng", which complements its title of Jiangdong Menghu, and is the expectation of His Majesty the Emperor for him.

Immediately afterwards, Xun You took out the silk book again and began to read: "He has the talent of life, worries about the danger and defeat of the country, feels the bitterness of the people, leads the righteous soldiers to kill the thieves for the world, and leads the lonely army to become the princes.

He sets an example and has great merit and virtue, which can be said to be unparalleled."

"Cao Cao was a hero in troubled times. He was so powerful that he defeated the rebels with his righteous words. Although Zhang Miao and Yuan Shu were numerous, his tactics were superior to temple calculations. His military calculations were clever and difficult to defeat the enemy!"

"Today, I give him a sword of rejuvenation and hope that he will continue to work hard and live up to the emperor's grace."

Finally it was Cao Cao's turn. Cao Cao took a deep breath, seemed to feel relieved, stood up and left the table, knelt down on one knee to thank him, drew his sword and looked at it, and suddenly discovered the word "Tiankui".

The leader is the leader.

This moment.

Cao Cao felt extremely honored that he had gained such trust from His Majesty the Emperor. He immediately swore that even if he exhausted all his abilities in this life, he would help His Majesty revitalize the Han Dynasty and rebuild the world!


Tiangui star Liu Bei;

"Elegance and faith, outstanding majesty, royal stomach, unparalleled talents..."

"Since Liu Bei took over Xinye County..."

Tianji Xun or;

"Loyal and honest conspiracy, Funing inside and outside, Wang Zuo's weapon, lives up to its reputation..."

"Xun may have been appointed minister..."


This year-end summary meeting was successfully concluded. It not only commended Zhang Liao, Sun Jian, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Xun or Wai, but also inspired the fighting spirit of the civil and military officials of the court, making them full of hope for the future of the court!


Yuzhou, Yingchuan.

Wuyang County.


Yuan Yin frowned, stood with his hands behind his back, and stood at the window, staring at the sky in the distance. The roaring wind blew away the haze above his head, revealing the brilliant rays of the sun.

"Today is the Winter Festival Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony. I wonder what is going on in Nanyang, whether the dead men of the Yuan family have been put to use, and whether the head of King Hongnong is still there?"

Taking a step forward from behind, Yuan Sui also stood in front of the window, staring at the sky in the distance, but he had a sad look on his face. He always felt that something was not right about the atmosphere today:

"Brother, I don't know why, but I always feel like something is wrong. It's time like this. If there is really any movement in Nanyang, I think it should be spread here."


Yuan Sui turned his head and glanced at Yuan Yin, frowning: "So far, we have not received any news. Even if the caravan has been unable to enter, there should be news from Nanyang."


Have to admit it.

Yuan Sui's concerns were very reasonable, and they immediately touched Yuan Yin's heart.

He frowned, thought for a long time, and asked tentatively: "What do you mean?"

Yuan Sui paused for a moment: "The head of the family has already given an order that our Yuan family must not be exposed. Sui thinks that it is better for us to leave Wuyang temporarily. If things go well, news will come. If things don't go well, we will not expose the Yuan family.


"That makes sense!"

Yuan Yin nodded affirmatively and asked urgently: "Where is the Tianbao caravan?"

Yuan Sui said softly: "It has been disbanded."


Only then did Yuan Yin feel at ease and make a decisive decision: "Let's go back to Runan. Safety must come first in everything."

Yuan Sui bowed and raised his hands: "Here."

The two of them turned around in a hurry, walked out of the room, and headed downstairs.


They were only halfway down the stairs when officers and soldiers rushed in at the door: "Hurry up, surround this post house and let me go in and search. We must not leave the court to arrest anyone."

All the officers and soldiers shouted in unison: "Here."


There were at least dozens of officers and soldiers filing in.

Yuan Yin, who had just walked halfway, immediately realized something was wrong: "No, we must have been exposed. Hurry up and jump out of the window."

Yuan Sui nodded: "Okay."

Ta! Ta! Ta!

Rapid footsteps sounded.

The voices of officers and soldiers came from below:

"They are there, go quickly!"

"Hurry up and catch them!"


Yuan Yin hurriedly returned to the room: "Brother Sui, go quickly."

Yuan Sui blocked the door and shouted sternly: "Brother, let's go, let's go quickly, nothing will happen to you."

Yuan Yin knew that Yuan Sui was going to sacrifice himself, so he did not hesitate. He immediately walked to the window and looked out. His horse was tied to a pillar outside. He could escape if he jumped down.

Don't dare to hesitate at all.

Yuan Yin gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and immediately crossed the window edge and jumped down from the second floor. But before he could get up, he saw a person showing a hint of sinister intent towards him.


The other party waved his hand: "Get it for me!"

The soldiers beside him shouted: "Here."

At that moment, seven or eight strong men rushed towards Yuan Yin.

When Yuan Yin was controlled, Man Chong stepped forward, glanced at the war horse, looked up at the window, and said coldly: "These things are all left over from my play with Man Chong. You still want to fight with me?"

Yuan Yin gritted his teeth and roared, staring with anger: "You bastard, I am the Yuan family in Runan, do you know what you are doing?"

"That's right!"

Man Chong raised his head and looked at the other party. Although his voice was gentle, it was sonorous and powerful: "The one I am arresting is you, Yuan Yin of the Yuan family in Runan!"

This moment!

Yuan Yin, who was still fluttering just now, was like a deflated rubber ball and completely stopped moving.

He knew that the Nanyang matter must have failed.

Moreover, for the other party to capture him at such a fast speed, someone must have leaked the secret.

But the only people who knew about the Tianbao caravan's route were Zhang Chao and Yuan Mi, a dead soldier of the Yuan family.

Naturally, the dead members of the Yuan family will not leak secrets.


The only person who leaked the secret was Zhang Chao!


Just at this moment, there was an explosion from upstairs.

Not long after, a bunch of heads popped out of the second floor window.

Man Chong raised his eyes and asked: "Did you catch it?"

The county soldier upstairs said: "Don't worry, Shangguan, it's just a skin injury, not life."

Man Chong was overjoyed: "Very good, let's go back home."

County soldier: "Here."

When the team put Yuan Yin and Yuan Sui into the prison car, Yingchuan County Governor Li Min came to them: "Bo Ning, have you been caught?"

Man Chong nodded and said favorably: "Don't worry, we've caught him. Is there any news from Nanyang?"

Li Min said with great certainty: "Bo Ning is at ease. We have just received information that the Winter Festival Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony has been successfully completed. Your Majesty is supposed to be holding a year-end summary meeting."

"What a pity!"

Li Min sighed and longed for it: "If nothing had delayed me, I would have had to join in the fun."

Man Chong turned his head and glanced at the other party, with the same regret on his face: "Who says it's not the case? I heard that this year His Majesty specially forged a batch of peerless swords, each of which can cut iron as well as clay. It is called the Zhongxing Sword."

"Those who can obtain this sword are all those who have made great contributions. Although I am humble and humble, I always want to witness such scenes with my own eyes."

"rest assured."

Li Min patted Man Chong on the shoulder and said with absolute certainty: "With your talent Man Boning, you will be able to get the Zhongxing Sword sooner or later. Anyway, after this day, I, Li Min, admire you from the bottom of my heart."

Man Chong hurriedly handed over his hand: "What did the governor say? I just have a lot of information. If you hadn't found the Tianbao caravan as quickly as possible, these two people might have escaped."

"This time..."

Man Chongdan smiled and said loudly: "You have made great achievements. Your Majesty attaches great importance to this matter. I believe it will not be too late to promote you to the imperial court."

Li Min just smiled and returned the favor to Man Chong: "I hope I can give you good luck. If you really go to Nanyang Wancheng, I, Li Min, will definitely treat you to a drink and let's have a good chat."

Man Chong nodded: "Okay! Let's make it a deal. I'll be waiting for your wine in Wancheng."

Li Min twirled his beard, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Okay, it's a deal."


Thanks to [Reading Books Just Spend Money] Da Lao’s 100-coin reward!

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