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Chapter 340 Liu Bian's first teaching show! These young geniuses from the Three Kingdoms are amazing!

"Yes, that's right, that's it!"

"Just follow this method to fertilize."

"Make sure the crops grow well!"


Looking at Zao Zhi who was busy in the rice fields, Liu Bian felt deeply distressed.

He is obviously a distinguished Qianshi official of the imperial court, but he spends all day in mud and dirt. There is no clean spot on his body, especially the two pairs of shoes on his feet, which need to be replaced every three days.

Before the spring plowing, Zao Zhi was busy formulating the farming plan for the whole year. When the spring plowing started, he had to arrange the training and use of new farm tools and new materials for spring plowing. When the crops were planted, he was busy looking for wild crops.

At the end of the year, Zao Zhi could only rest well after winter began, but even then, he already needed to make summaries, plan, and lay the foundation for the next year's agricultural affairs.

Have to admit it.

Zao Zhi is indeed a good official who loves his job and is dedicated to his work.

Liu Bian put down the car curtain and sighed: "This is the busiest time for Zijing every year. If we didn't have Zijing in Nanyang, I'm afraid it wouldn't be able to stabilize so quickly."


Xun You pinched a strand of short beard under his chin and expressed the same emotion: "Although I have an overview of the government affairs of the court, in the aspect of agricultural affairs, Zijing is still the main one. Even if I completely let go, nothing big will happen."

"This is my good fortune."

This is Xun Ou's emotion from the bottom of his heart.

"It's also my luck."

Liu Bian nodded, took a deep breath, and then asked: "Now Wancheng has started fertilizing, and soon Nanyang, Yuzhou, and Xuzhou will also start fertilizing. Remember to keep track during this period."

Xun You bowed and handed over his hand: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will do my best."


Liu Bian naturally believed in Xun Yu's sense of responsibility: "If the text is here, I will naturally feel at ease. Are the officials in various states and counties still stable?"

Xun You nodded: "Well, it has stabilized. A large number of officials have adapted to our Nanyang management style and have begun to display their abilities."

"For example, Zhao Yu, the governor of Guangling, was always uncomfortable with the imperial inspection team at the beginning. He had to step on the deadline twice to complete the task. But now, he has mastered the method. The last deadline was two days ahead of schedule."


Xun You emphasized: "This is a production responsibility document at the county level. It is not easy to complete it two days in advance. Its performance in Xuzhou is outstanding."

"There is also Zhang Zhao, who was promoted one after another due to his outstanding performance. He is currently the Prime Minister of Xiapi State, but he has just become the Prime Minister and is still a little uncomfortable."

"According to my judgment, this person only needs to be familiar with him for a period of time, and he will definitely be able to do better. In the future, it is possible that he will be promoted to the central government based on his political performance."

That must be of course!

Zhang Zhao was the great steward of Jiangdong in history.

Not to mention a small Xiapi Kingdom, even the entire Xuzhou can still be played in Zhang Zhao's hands.

However, Liu Bian naturally heard the connotations of Xun Yu's words and laughed lightly: "If Zhang Zhao's performance is really outstanding, I can consider transferring him to the minister's desk."

Xun You bowed and held his hands in his hands: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern for me."

Liu Bian said softly: "Of course! The rules of the imperial court cannot be broken, and political performance must be the guide. Otherwise, it will be difficult to convince the ministers. The experience of training at the grassroots level is absolutely indispensable."

"Your Majesty, don't worry."

Xun or said with absolute certainty: "I know what to do."

Liu Bian nodded: "Very good! Let's go back to Wancheng. In the afternoon, we still need to teach the young genius class. This is my first time teaching them, so I have to prepare in advance."


Xun You couldn't help but be curious, and said half-jokingly: "After all, I have to teach a class for geniuses today? If I weren't busy with government affairs, I would really like to take a listen."


Liu Bian could only laugh. Even Wang Zuozhicai came to listen?

He quickly waved his hand and said softly: "Wen Ruo is a talented person from Wang Zuo, and his own knowledge has already established its own system. My lectures are not of much benefit to you, so you don't have to come."

Xun Yu was serious: "I am really interested. Some of your Majesty's thoughts have a great influence on me. Sometimes I always wonder, where do these thoughts of your Majesty come from?"

"Unfortunately, when Dong Zhuo moved the capital to Chang'an, more than half of the palace's collection of books was lost. Although some books were transported back to Nanyang by us, few of them seemed to have His Majesty's thoughts on them."


It would be weird if you could find it.

If the palace's collection of books was not lost, why would I find such an excuse?

Liu Bian didn't bother to explain more, so he just responded casually: "In fact, sometimes, when you read a certain amount, your thoughts will naturally be sublimated, and you may even draw parallels and combine them to create something completely new."

"This may be the meaning of learning from the strengths of others, taking their essence and discarding their dross. Only when you can truly integrate them, can you form your own theory and no longer distinguish between each other."

in short.

Although I have read a lot of books, these books may not contain my own thoughts. They may be a product of the integration of thoughts after reading thousands of volumes.

If you ask yourself where it comes from, even I can't give a ready answer, because this kind of thought is a fusion of hundreds of schools of thought and is indistinguishable from each other. It is my own thought.

It was difficult to fool Xun He with ordinary words. Liu Bian could only think of some awkward sentences with philosophical thoughts to fool Xun He for the time being. What happened next is another matter.

Sure enough!

Xun You was indeed a little confused, because he could not find any loopholes in His Majesty's words.

It's that kind of feeling that makes a lot of sense but is hard to find a basis for. It's as if the building floating above the clouds does indeed exist, but its roots are hard to find.

After pondering for a long time, even Xun or himself finally had to declare the end of this dialogue with the sentence, "Your Majesty is indeed a divine man."

This scene immediately made netizens in the live broadcast room excited:

"Wucao! Mr. Bian can do it now, but he actually dares to fool Xun or you."

"The way you pretend to be is really impeccable."

"Xun You, a man of great talent and great talent, capsized with Mr. Bian."

"Haha, I'm going to die laughing. Do you think even Nima Xun believes this?"

"Please upstairs, please don't take God's perspective. If you were Xun He, you would have been deceived and lame."

"Agree +1"




Liu Bian closed his eyes and rested his mind, listening to the conversations among netizens in the live broadcast room.

Even though he had already mastered the ability to smile without laughing, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

In about half an hour, the carriage returned to Wancheng.

Emperor's palace.

Hall of Wende.

Liu Bian went straight into the palace. He Yun had already prepared the experimental materials and handed them over: "Your Majesty, the things you ordered have been prepared. Please take a look."


Liu Bian nodded and waved his hand to place it on the dragon's eucalyptus: "Yes, they are all there. Okay, you can go down. I will go to Yutang Hall later to teach the gifted class."

In winter, Yutang Hall will become a venue for Confucian debates, but in normal times, it is the place where the young genius class is taught. Zheng Xuan, Lu Zhi, Sima Hui and others will all go there to teach, so there is no delay.

He Yun, Zhu Tong leaned forward and raised his hands: "Here."


Bowed and exited the hall.



Jade Hall.

The young geniuses entered their seats early, waiting for His Majesty the Emperor to come in person and give them their first lesson.

Of course, the vast majority of students still fall into the category of high expectations, but there are still many students who come with doubts and even doubts.

no way!

The exam in the juvenile gifted class really gave them a hard time.

Even though they have been successfully admitted, everyone is talking privately that no one can complete all the test papers, and the vast majority of candidates only complete three questions.

After they made inquiries, they truly found out that, in order to ensure absolute fairness, all the questions were given by His Majesty the Emperor alone, with no other person intervening. Even on the day of the assessment, Sima Hui had just received the test papers.

Those questions that almost tortured all the talented candidates to death were actually written by one person, and he was not much older than them. It made people wonder whether these questions were randomly asked.


In the private communication among the candidates, everyone can be convinced by each other, proving that those crazy questions really exist and have correct answers.

Depend on!

The more this happens, the more they collapse.

The gap between the two sides is so huge that they are not in the same order of magnitude at all.

About a quarter of an hour later, His Majesty the Emperor finally arrived.

"stand up!"

"I will see you, Your Majesty."

"Sit down."

Liu Bian waved his hand for all the candidates to take their seats. He swept his gentle eyes over everyone and said with a smile: "I know you must have many questions that you want to ask me."


When the conversation changed, Liu Bian directly denied it: "I am not going to tell you for the time being. I hope that through future exchanges and studies, you can find the answer for yourself."

"Because, even if I tell you the answer today, if you don't understand the reason, it won't be long before you forget it completely."

"But if you can come to my class with questions, find the answers yourself, and take the initiative to explore, then the content of this test paper may really affect you for the rest of your life."

In an instant!

The sorrowful expressions on the brows of the students in the hall suddenly disappeared, and the venom on each face disappeared, replaced by softness, as if Liu Bian's few words had turned it into softness around his fingers.


Liu Bian breathed out and said, "Let's start today's course. I will conduct small experiments one after another to spread your thinking and guide you to feel the existence of force."

"This is an iron ball. This is a scale made of elastic beef tendon. When we place the iron ball on the scale, we can find that the tendon is stretched. This is force."

"When an iron ball is placed on a table, even if it is stationary, it is dragged by an upward force. If it is placed in the air and falls freely, it is also pulled by an upward force.

Come down."


Liu Bian turned around and drew the circle of an iron ball on the blackboard, supplemented by arrow-like mechanics symbols.

In the classroom, the students finally began to feel what force analysis is.

And according to His Majesty the Emperor's explanation, they also truly felt the existence of force. Even though it couldn't be touched or seen at all, it did exist.

"Let's continue watching this experiment."

Then, Liu Bian took a special glass, then peeled the hard-boiled egg, lit a piece of paper, and threw it into the glass. When the fire went out, Liu Bian immediately put the egg on the mouth of the bottle and took his hand away. .

Next is the moment to witness the miracle.

Under the watchful eyes of all the talented students, the peeled egg entered the quilt with a fluttering sound, as if it was forcefully pushed in by a force.


"How is this possible?"

"How did the egg get in?"

"Oh my God! What the hell is going on?"


The students in the hall immediately became excited, and many people were stunned and stunned, as if they couldn't believe that there was a force that pushed the egg in.

"Is there any classmate who can give a speech?"

Liu Bian raised his hand, glanced at the students in the hall, and tried to ask.


Seven or eight little hands were raised.

Liu Bian pointed to Zhuge Liang without hesitation: "Then, classmate Zhuge Liang, stand up and answer."

Zhuge Liang stood up, frowned slightly, and gave his own explanation: "Obviously! The reason why the egg can enter the glass bottle must have something to do with the fire in the bottle."

"The explanation of fire in "Shuowen Jiezi" is a word for destruction. I think this fire must have destroyed something, which led to an external force pushing it into the bottle, or maybe it was inside. The force pulls it into the bottle."

"With our naked eyes, it is really difficult to find anything in the bottle. If the students think about it carefully, I am afraid that the still wind in the bottle was burned away by the fire, and the wind outside the bottle was replenished, and then the egg was pushed into the bottle. middle."

In ancient times, there was no concept of air. In their eyes, there was only the concept of Qi and wind. Zhuge Liang obviously called the air in the bottle static wind.

Have to admit it.

This does make some sense, but it is a misinterpretation rather than a correct answer.

However, Zhuge Liang is now only ten years old, and he can observe so carefully that he can even think of burning air, and the outside air wants to fill it, and push the egg into the bottle, which is simply incredible.

"Is there anything to add?"

Liu Bian glanced at the student and tried to ask.

a long time.

No one raised their hand to answer.

Obviously, they all agreed with Zhuge Liang's answer.

But Liu Bian also did not give an answer, but continued to ask questions: "If you want to verify whether Zhuge Liang's answer is correct, the first thing to solve is whether Jingfeng's burning really burned some kind of substance. "

"Let's look at the next experiment."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Bian began to prepare for the third experiment.

Fix a candle on a plate, add an appropriate amount of water to the plate, light the candle, and cover the candle with a glass cup. After the candle flame goes out, the water level in the cup slowly rises.

"And...something was really burned?"

"Little Zhuge is not very young, but he is quite capable and quite interesting."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed my eyes."

"It's amazing! It's really amazing!"


Liu Bian still did not give an answer, but raised his hand and glanced at everyone: "Can anyone tell me, did you have any new discoveries in this experiment?"


This time I raised half of my hands.

The enthusiasm of the students can be said to be very high.

Liu Bian's eyes fell on Lu Xun and he said softly: "This time, Lu Xun will answer. Tell the students here what you saw and how you felt?"

Lu Xun stood up and said without fear: "It turns out that the fire did burn out part of Jingfeng, but judging from the height of the water level, it failed to burn out all of Jingfeng."

"But this is unreasonable. There is still still wind in the glass cup, but the fire is extinguished. You must know that if there is no glass cup, the fire will definitely not be extinguished."

"So, the student guessed that this flame should only be part of the burning wind, but it cannot burn all of it. After burning that part, if it is not replenished, the flame will go out on its own."

Liu Bian's eyes suddenly brightened, and he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion.

He really didn't expect it.

This group of genius scholars in the late Han Dynasty were so capable of divergent thinking.

You know, for them, wind is wind and water is water. These are substances that exist in nature, but it is impossible to refine them to the extent of what is in the wind and what is in the water.


Lu Xun, who was only nine years old, thought of it.

This level can be achieved just through such a simple experiment.

Liu Bian asked himself, when he was in school, he estimated that he was not even 1% as smart as Lu Xun. At the age of nine, he was only in the third grade of elementary school and had just left the immature stage of "1+1=2".

This is really...

Comparing people with others will lead to death, but comparing goods with goods will lead to death!

Compared with geniuses like Lu Xun and Zhuge Liang, he couldn't bear to look back when he was a child. Now he is teaching here with a shy face. If he didn't have this sixteen-year-old body, he probably wouldn't be able to stay here.

At this moment, not to mention Liu Bian himself, even the netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't help but be extremely surprised:

"Damn it! It's that Sha Tuo who said the ancients were stupid. Come forward and I promise not to beat him to death."

"The average age of these guys is no more than 14 years old. They can observe so carefully and make so many connections."

"Although some interpretations are incorrect, they have proved the wisdom of the ancients."

"Civilizing them now is indeed the right choice. With these guys here, technological advancement will be just around the corner."

"I didn't believe in talent before, but now, I am certain and certain that talent really exists and cannot be ignored!"

"Geniuses of the Three Kingdoms, please accept my knee!"


Feeling the comprehension ability of these talented scholars, Liu Bian bit the bullet and followed the prepared courses in advance, leading them to experience the charm of physics one after another through small experiments.

At first, Liu Bian just wanted to prepare more experiments and let them feel the existence of power through this vivid interpretation. The result was good, not only did they understand power, but they also came into contact with other issues.

Have to admit it.

The courses taught by experts are really good.

But even the experts in the alliance feel that they are looking down on these guys: "Master Ben, today's course is too basic. It seems that the experts need to increase the difficulty appropriately."

"I feel the same way."

After class, Liu Bian came out of Yutang Hall, he was already in a state of confusion: "Their ability to comprehend and spread their thinking is really too strong."

"Teacher, we have to make it a little more difficult. Let's teach them about Newton's three laws first, and then use the complicated force analysis diagram to sway them."

"If this continues, I may go crazy myself without waiting to teach them. They are the smartest people in the entire late Han Dynasty, right?"

The Military Advisor Alliance said with absolute certainty: "Yes, it is already the best. Experts are revising the strategy. Don't worry, Mr. Bian."

Liu Bien said: "Okay! Thank you for your hard work, expert."


Let us say that Liu Bian finished class and returned to the rear of Wende Palace.

The students in the Youth Genius Class also left Yutangdian.

When Deng Zhi left the palace, his father Deng Tong walked towards him: "Father, why are you here?"

With a smile on his face, Deng Tong whispered softly: "I came to Wancheng to do some things, so I stopped by to see you. How are you? Did you gain anything from the class of the Youth Genius Class?"

"Of course."

Deng Zhi nodded with great certainty: "His Majesty is truly a divine being today. He is like an omniscient and omnipotent person. He led us to do experiments together, and we experienced some things that were previously unimaginable."


Deng Tong became interested: "Can you tell your father?"

Deng Zhi nodded: "Of course!"

"Let's go, get in the car, let's talk in detail."



At that moment, Deng Zhi and his son got on the carriage and went straight to Hongbin Tower in the city.

After a simple dinner, Deng Tong got to know his son's study situation and immediately went straight to the topic: "Zhi'er, actually, my father is here for an extremely important matter."

Deng Zhidan smiled, as if he had expected it: "I guess father is here for the decisive battle between Deng Peng and Zhou Yu, right?"

Deng Tong nodded: "I really can't hide anything from you, Zhi'er. No wonder you can enter the juvenile genius class."

Deng Zhi took out a letter from his arms and handed it over: "Father, this is a mandarin duck army strategy that I simulated. Please pass it on to Deng Peng. I also want to know who can replace him."

Zhou Lang, what is your strength?"

"Very good."

Deng Tong hurriedly put the letter away and put it in his arms: "You are the commander-in-chief of the Yuanyang Army. There have been hundreds of battles, big and small. The formation you designed must be the most suitable."

"Father believes that the guy named Zhou Yu will not be able to break your formation. After all, he only has five days to prepare. It is good to be familiar with the Yuanyang Formation, so there is no need to talk about breaking the formation!"

Deng Zhi, however, was serious: "Father, don't underestimate Zhou Lang. This man is talented. He is not only proficient in the art of war, but also has good plans. He is also highly praised by His Majesty. He is by no means a person who has wasted his reputation."

"Since this person dares to speak nonsense, he must be extraordinary. Remember, tell Deng Peng that he cannot let down his guard at any time. This person is by no means as simple as imagined."

Deng Tong nodded affirmatively: "Don't worry, my father has never underestimated anyone. As for Deng Peng, he has always listened to you. As long as you have your personal letter, he will not dare to be presumptuous."

"It's getting late, and it's time for father to go back. Please take care."

"Okay! Don't worry, father. The child will learn well and will not embarrass the family."

"Zhi'er, you are already very good, there is no need to force yourself too much."


This chapter has been completed!
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